path: root/benchmarks/dcn26.dat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmarks/dcn26.dat')
1 files changed, 1334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmarks/dcn26.dat b/benchmarks/dcn26.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdf12e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/dcn26.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1334 @@
+C 1st of 19 subcases that illustrate POCKET CALCULATOR VARIES PARAMETERS (the
+C same as introduced at the end of DCNEW-25) without simulation. The previous
+C illustration involved simulation. Here, TMAX < 0 ===> none. Although
+C one could save the .PL4 file, there is nothing new to illustrate in this
+C usage, so it will not be done. Variable IOPCVP controls output for the
+C 2nd or later pass of loop. The zero illustrated here minimizes output. If
+C it is toggled to value 1, all output of the 1st subcase should be repeated
+C during the 2nd or later pass. This is useful for debugging.
+C Controls of following request card: MAXKNT IOPCVP { Loop 8 times with
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 11, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .0001 -1. 50. 50.
+ 1 1 1 0 1 2
+$PARAMETER { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would b
+MHENRY = 1.2 - ( KNT - 1.0 ) * .05 { L =1.2, 1.15, 1.1, etc.
+FREQUENCY = 25. * KNT { Here we vary the frequency for use on source card
+BLANK card ends $PARAMETER definitions that are processed just b4 branch card
+ TRAN 1.0 1.E+5 3
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 70. FREQUENCY -1.
+BLANK card terminating program source cards.
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+ 19660. 0.0200. TRAN
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 2nd of 19 subcases that illustrate PCVP will superimpose the PCVP loop on
+C top of a normal FREQUENCY SCAN loop. In fact, the latter controls the
+C loop, so MAXKNT is arbitrary and can be ignored. By design, the
+C solution to this 2nd subcase is the same as the first. As for subcase one,
+C the .PL4 file will not be saved, although it could be.
+FREQUENCY SCAN, 25., 25., 200., 0, { 25 < f < 200 Hz in 25-Hz increments
+C Controls of following request card: MAXKNT IOPCVP { Ignore MAXKNT value
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 11, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .0001 -1. 50. 50.
+ 1 1 1 0 1
+$PARAMETER { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would b
+MHENRY = 1.2 - ( KNT - 1.0 ) * .05 { L =1.2, 1.15, 1.1, ....
+BLANK card ends $PARAMETER definitions that are processed just b4 branch card
+ TRAN 1.0 1.E+5 3
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 70. 25. -1.
+BLANK card terminating program source cards.
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+ 19660. 0.0200. TRAN
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 3rd of 19 subcases that illustrate PCVP will superimpose the PCVP loop on
+C top of a normal HARMONIC FREQUENCY SCAN loop. In fact, the latter controls
+C the loop, so MAXKNT is arbitrary and can be ignored. By design,
+C solution to this 3rd subcase is the same as the preceding two. This is an
+C abnormal, special case (normally, HFS data will skip harmonics, and source
+C amplitudes will be varied).
+C 27 December 2000, MODELS data is added. Nothing else is changed. This
+C use of MODELS is imagined as an alternative to $POCKET as illustrated
+C in the following (4th) subcase. Automatically, MODELS is called at the
+C end of the phasor solution so the user need do nothing more than add his
+C MODELS data in the usual place. 28 December 2000, add a switch, too, to
+C prove that phasor switch current also can be viewed using MODELS.
+POWER FREQUENCY, 25., ! Needed so minimum frequency is recognized as fundamental
+HARMONIC FREQUENCY SCAN { Non-negative DELFFS in 25-32 means F in Hz (not log F)
+C Controls of following request card: MAXKNT IOPCVP { Ignore MAXKNT value
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 11, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .0001 -1. 50. 50.
+ 1 1 1 0 1
+INPUT v_Re_tran {v(tran)} -- real part of voltage at node TRAN
+ v_Im_tran {imssv(tran)} -- imag part of voltage at node TRAN
+ i_Re_swit {i(swit)} -- real part of current at switch SWIT
+ i_Im_swit {imssi(swit)} -- imag part of current at switch SWIT
+MODEL m1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VAR pass, ampl, angle, sum -- list of all local variables
+ INPUT v_Re_1 {dflt: 0} -- to verify that real part of node voltage and the
+ v_Im_1 {dflt: 0} -- imaginary part of node voltage are accessed correctly
+ i_Re_1 {dflt: 0} -- to verify the real part of switch current
+ i_Im_1 {dflt: 0} -- to verify the imaginary part of switch current
+ INIT pass:=0
+ sum:=0 ENDINIT
+ pass:=pass+1
+ ampl:= sqrt( v_Re_1 **2 + v_Im_1 ** 2 ) -- Magnitude of the node voltage
+ angle:= atan2( v_Im_1 , v_Re_1 ) -- Angle in radians of the node voltage
+ sum:= sum + ampl -- Sum the voltage amplitudes for different harmonics
+write(' ************** In MODELS, pass = ', pass, ' freq = ', t )
+write(' Re{i1}, Im{i1} = ', i_Re_1, ', ', i_Im_1 )
+write(' Re{v1}, Im{v1} = ', v_Re_1, ', ', v_Im_1 )
+write(' Polar =', ampl, angle )
+write(' Sum of amplitudes =', sum )
+USE m1 as m1
+ INPUT v_Re_1 := v_Re_tran
+ v_Im_1 := v_Im_tran
+ i_Re_1 := i_Re_swit
+ i_Im_1 := i_Im_swit
+$PARAMETER { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would b
+MHENRY = 1.2 - ( KNT - 1.0 ) * .05 { L =1.2, 1.15, 1.1, ....
+BLANK card ends $PARAMETER definitions that are processed just b4 branch card
+ TRAN SWIT 1.0 1.E+5 3
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+ SWIT -1. 1.0 1
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 70. 25. 0.0 { Note comment and no negative T-start
+14GEN 70. 50. 0.0 { This is normal HFS source data. It
+14GEN 70. 75. 0.0 { is unusual, however, because of our
+14GEN 70. 100. 0.0 { match preceding subases. Unusual
+14GEN 70. 125. 0.0 { for HFS usage, the amplitude is not
+14GEN 70. 150. 0.0 { varied and all harmonics are present
+14GEN 70. 175. 0.0
+14GEN 70. 200. 0.0
+BLANK card ending source cards
+BLANK card ending F-dependent series R-L-C branches (none, for this subcase)
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+ CALCOMP PLOT { Use BOTH rather than DISK to see a bar chart of harmonics
+ 19680. 0.0200. TRAN SWIT { Units/inch of 5-7 are ingored since bar chart
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 4th of 19 subcases that illustrate PCVP comes from Gabor Furst. As can be
+C read in the January, 1999, newsletter, this is "a semi-realistic HFS file
+C .... This resistance is varied by the Funk-Hantel formula." Note harmonic
+C source amplitudes vary (unlike 3rd subcase), and some harmonics are missing.
+C 27 December 2000, modify existing case by addition of SAVE and $POCKET
+C to illustrate operation of these new features. Included is WRITE( for
+C output that is part of regular ATP output.
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., ! Needed so minimum frequency is recognized as fundamental
+HARMONIC FREQUENCY SCAN { Non-negative DELFFS in 25-32 means F in Hz (not log F)
+C Controls of following request card: MAXKNT IOPCVP { Ignore MAXKNT value
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 11, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .0001 -1. 50.
+ 1 1 1 0 1
+$PARAMETER { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would be
+C SAVE ALL { Until selective SAVEs work better, make all variables non-volatile
+C The preceding should be necessary. Instead, it results in KILL
+C code because following resistance is not encoded right. So,
+C remove temporarily. Amazingly, variable SUM seems believable.
+RESISTANCE = 2.0 * (1.0 + 0.2 * (KNT - 1.0) ** 1.5)) { Funk-Hantel freq. dependence
+BLANK card ends $PARAMETER definitions that are processed just b4 branch cards
+ GEN TRAN 2.0 6.1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+ POLAR OUTPUT VARIABLES { 2nd of 3 alternatives gives mag, angle (not mag only)
+14GEN 10200. 1. 0.0 { Power freq source has harmonic # 1
+14GEN 500. 3. 0.0 { 3rd harmonic source has harmonic # 3
+14GEN 3000. 5. 0.0
+14GEN 2000. 7. 0.0
+14GEN 600. 11. 0.0
+BLANK card ending source cards
+BLANK card ending F-dependent series R-L-C branches (none, for this subcase)
+$POCKET { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would be
+C This is a comment within $POCKET. It shows they are ignored. Note placement
+C of this block as part of node-voltage outputs, which ensures that it will be
+C processed after each phasor solution. If one wanted to perform mathematics
+C on the solution, this would be the appropriate location. About summation,
+C values should be as follows: Harmonic # KNT: 1 3 5 7 11
+C Summation: 1 4 9 16 27
+STEP = KNT { Output is allowed only for local variables, so copy KNT to local
+SUM = SUM + KNT { Preceding SAVE is for SUM, to accumulate sum of loop numbers
+WRITE( ' -----------------------' ) { Statement can not go beyond column 40
+WRITE( ' >> Step KNT =', STEP ) $$ { The double dollar => continue on next
+WRITE( ' Value of SUM =', SUM ) { No double dollar ===> end of out line
+WRITE( ' =======================' ) { This separator line goes on new line
+C There is a limit on the $$ concatensation. ATP output line length is
+C 132 bytes maximum. It is the user's responsibility not to exceed this.
+BLANK card ends $POCKET definitions to be processed after each phasor solution
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+ CALCOMP PLOT { Use BOTH rather than DISK to see a bar chart of harmonics
+ 19680. 0.0600. TRAN { Units/inch of 5-7 are ingored since bar chart
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 5th of 19 subcases is unrelated to the preceding. Rather, it illustrates the
+C first use of superposition of phasor solutions. Success occurred 8 Nov 98.
+C This is a brand new type of frequency scan. It is fundamentally different
+C because of the superposition and continuation into the time-step loop. In
+C the following, only the minimum of 2 phasor solutions are superimposed. The
+C more general case will involve repeated sets of excitation. Each such set
+C begins with the request word SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: and ends with the
+C blank card ending sources. The final set of excitation is the one actually
+C used in the time-step loop, so must include all sources of the preceding
+C sets, if this is what the user wants. Note T-start is not negative for
+C such additions, however. Initial restriction: series R-L-C branches only.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 13, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .01 2.0
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 5 5 20 20
+ GEN TRAN 1.0 10. 3
+ TRAN 0.20E6 1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 -1.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 1st phasor solution.
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 { Source of 1st solution represented in dT-loop
+14GEN -1.0 2.0 { 2nd harmonic source } -1.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C First 3 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 2 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C 0 0.0 -.278585723 0.0 .2785857231 -.280475835 -.280475835
+C 1 .01 -.258845905 .0059120271 .2647579317 -.272635821 -.272635821
+C 2 .02 -.228080808 .0235315402 .2516123484 -.253187511 -.253187511
+C 3 .03 -.187201315 .0525107648 .2397120803 -.222823212 -.222823212
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+C 100 1.0 -.278768592 0.0 .2787685919 -.280624596 -.280624596
+C 120 1.2 .6447560418 1.118033989 .473277947 .6497741745 .6497741745
+C 140 1.4 -1.4363837 -1.11803399 .3183497136 -1.33496603 -1.33496603
+C 160 1.6 -.123925906 -1.11803399 -.994108083 -.293493889 -.293493889
+C 180 1.8 1.194323606 1.118033989 -.076289617 1.259311865 1.259311865
+C 200 2.0 -.278769536 0.0 .2787695359 -.280625592 -.280625592
+C Variable max: 1.417160223 1.124996567 .6739357604 1.408960752 1.408960752
+C Times of max: .75 .79 1.3 .76 .76
+C Variable min: -1.69650701 -2. -1.00648406 -1.68753921 -1.68753921
+C Times of min: 1.46 0.5 .62 1.47 1.47
+ 143 .2 0.0 2.0 GEN TRAN { Screen plot is perfectly smooth & periodic
+BLANK card ending all plot cards
+C 6th of 19 subcases extends uncoupled R-L-C elements of the 5th to multiphase
+C lumped elements. Take a real 10-mile, 3-phase Pi-circuit from DC-3. But we
+C want a longer line, so increase frequency to 400 Hz. Of course, single phase
+C becomes 3-phase. Line section is terminated by balanced R-L load to ground.
+C This solution was verified by comparing with one that omitted the second
+C harmonic during the phasor solution, and extended T-max to 20 msec. The
+C final 5 msec of voltages at TRANA, TRANB, and TRANC are very close to the
+C solution about to be demonstrated. Also, in output below, compare step 0
+C with step 100. They are very close. But step 200 is even closer to 100 (a
+C little settling has occurred; this is discretization error).
+.0000250 .005 3000.
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 5 5 20 20
+ 1GENA TRANA 34.372457.68.15781
+ 2GENB TRANB 35.735164.43-.031538.002451.79.16587
+ 3GENC TRANC 35.735164.43-.031537.455151.72-.021938.002451.79.16587
+ TRANA 20. 100. 1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GENA 1.0 400. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 400. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 400. +120. -1.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 1st phasor solution.
+C .... or "Q". The first solution frequency = 4.00000000E+02 Hertz.
+C GENA 1.0 1.0 .00651879225127 .01786478870371 .00325939612564 -.3270376674E-4
+C 0.0 0.0 -.0166329799799 -68.5988095 .00831648998997 0.0061218
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 9.742991063317E-03
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GENA 1.0 400. 0.0
+14GENB 1.0 400. -120.
+14GENC 1.0 400. +120.
+14GENA 1.0 800. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 800. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 800. +120. -1.
+C .... or "Q". The first solution frequency = 8.00000000E+02 Hertz.
+C GENA 1.0 1.0 .00179922688615 .00899257899614 .89961344308E-3 -.1832029691E-4
+C 0.0 0.0 -.008810746825 -78.4584168 .00440537341249 0.0031815
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 2.746542759765E-03
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C First 6 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 3 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C 0 0.0 2.0 .6411782 -1. -.655262 -1. .0054071 .0081912 -.026551 .0176749
+C 1 .25E-4 1.990141 .6719155 -.832151 -.619565 -1.15799 -.059291 .0104086 -.02703 .0159628
+C 2 .5E-4 1.960698 .6964416 -.656435 -.578549 -1.30426 -.123014 .0125508 -.027293 .0141158
+C 3 .75E-4 1.912064 .7145235 -.47495 -.532698 -1.43711 -.18506 .014596 -.027337 .0121521
+C 4 .1E-3 1.84489 .7260175 -.289862 -.482595 -1.55503 -.244721 .0165237 -.027161 .0100912
+C 5 .125E-3 1.760074 .7308739 -.103383 -.428865 -1.65669 -.301342 .0183147 -.026767 .0079542
+C 10 .25E-3 1.118034 .6596136 .7736591 -.128596 -1.89169 -.520814 .0246777 -.021779 -.003099
+C 15 .375E-3 .2787683 .4603086 1.384884 .1607557 -1.66365 -.603533 .0259314 -.013004 -.012782
+C 20 .5E-3 -.5 .2026547 1.582676 .3644382 -1.08268 -.546164 .0222562 -.002864 -.018931
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+C 40 1.E-3 -.5 -.185466 -.064602 .1746455 .5646021 .0137459 -.003673 .0129232 -.008711
+C 60 .0015 -.5 -.212516 .5646021 .2936534 -.064602 -.082817 -.005699 .0101002 -.004403
+C 80 .002 -.5 -.445559 -1.08268 -.178062 1.582676 .6101375 -.021055 .0063503 .0143909
+C 100 .0025 2.0 .6410699 -1. -.655039 -1. .0052891 .0081836 -.026535 .0176671
+C 120 .003 -.5 .2025812 1.582676 .3645686 -1.08268 -.546224 .0222515 -.002854 -.018936
+C 140 .0035 -.5 -.185508 -.064602 .1747437 .5646021 .0136866 -.003676 .0129291 -.008714
+C 160 .004 -.5 -.212542 .5646021 .2937035 -.064602 -.082843 -.005701 .0101038 -.004405
+C 180 .0045 -.5 -.445576 -1.08268 -.17803 1.582676 .6101221 -.021056 .0063525 .0143897
+C 200 .005 2.0 .6410606 -1. -.655017 -1. .005275 .008183 -.026534 .0176664
+C Variable maxima : 2.0 .7308739 1.582676 .443335 1.582676 .660407 .0261033 .013903 .0249648
+C Times of maxima : 0.0 .125E-3 .003 .00315 .002 .0021 .35E-3 .0034 .002275
+C Variable minima : -1.125 -.540524 -1.89169 -.742149 -1.89169 -.603595 -.021087 -.027337 -.020627
+C Times of minima : .004275 .00435 .00225 .002375 .25E-3 .002875 .004525 .75E-4 .0031
+ 144 .5 0.0 5.0 GENA GENB GENC
+ 144 .5 0.0 5.0 TRANA TRANB TRANC
+BLANK card ending all plot cards
+C 7th of 19 subcases demonstrates proper working of superposition of phasor
+C solutions for a constant-parameter, distributed line. This first was made
+C to work around sunset on 15 Nov 1998. Two hours later, the switch was made
+C to work. It had a bug of its own. The switch is permanently closed, and
+C does not change the answer. Its addition merely demonstrates that switches
+C now are tolerated. Still no frequency-dependent line, however. That will
+C be left for the expert (BPA's Dr. Tsu-huei Liu), if she thinks it is doable.
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., { Unnecessary. This merely avoids warning about 50 Hz.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .000100 .040 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 2 -1 5 5 20 20
+-1SEND REC 0.3 0.4 12.6 80. { 1-phase distributed line
+ REC 68. 1.2E4 { Series L-C load on line } 1
+ GEN 10. 40. { Series R-L at source has no effect } 1
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GEN SEND -1.0 1.0 { Permanently close switch at sending end } 1
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GEN 1.0 50. { 60-Hz phasor solution } -1.
+BLANK card ending source cards
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 1.702540183859E-02
+C Output for steady-state phasor switch currents.
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND 2.81684507E-02 -1.93583035E-02 3.41790218E-02 -34.4982 1.40842254E-02 9.67915173E-03
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN 1.0 100. { 60-Hz phasor solution } -1.
+14GEN 1.0 50.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 1.174643954145E-03
+C Output for steady-state phasor switch currents.
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND 8.10826370E-04 -4.85126124E-03 4.91855416E-03 -80.5114 4.05413185E-04 2.42563062E-03
+C Add these 2 I-real parts: i(0) = .0810826370E-02 + 2.81684507E-02 = 2.89792770
+ GEN SEND REC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+C First 3 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 3 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 2.8979277E-02 Switch "GEN " to "SEND " closed in the steady-state.
+C 0 0.0 2.0 2.0 .3104733 .0289793 .0288367 .0074208
+C 1 .1E-3 1.997533 1.997533 .3168525 .0298758 .0298478 .0089264
+C 2 .2E-3 1.990141 1.990141 .321957 .03074 .0308254 .0104164
+C 3 .3E-3 1.977849 1.977849 .3249705 .0315697 .0317676 .0118871
+C 4 .4E-3 1.960698 1.960698 .3259235 .0323632 .0326723 .0133347
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+C 200 .02 2.0 2.0 .310624 .0289646 .0288207 .0074193
+C 220 .022 1.118034 1.118034 .1167098 .0390118 .0406289 .0307644
+C 240 .024 -.5 -.5 -.231522 .0292955 .0304699 .0301821
+C 260 .026 -1.11803 -1.11803 .0536218 .0061988 .0055751 .0120831
+C 280 .028 -.5 -.5 .7647646 -.015757 -.016915 -.002155
+C 300 .03 0.0 0.0 .9147476 -.027333 -.027043 -.004344
+C 320 .032 -.5 -.5 .1025405 -.029283 -.027728 -.006411
+C 340 .034 -1.11803 -1.11803 -.858517 -.02491 -.02427 -.018205
+C 360 .036 -.5 -.5 -.946641 -.013213 -.014641 -.029034
+C 380 .038 1.118034 1.118034 -.226641 .0070384 .0051148 -.020297
+C 400 .04 2.0 2.0 .310915 .0289599 .0288158 .007419
+C Variable maxima : 2.0 2.0 .9786535 .0390245 .0406716 .0337317
+C Times of maxima : 0.0 0.0 .0093 .002 .0021 .0029
+C Variable minima : -1.125 -1.125 -1.04338 -.029475 -.028141 -.029278
+C Times of minima : .0342 .0342 .0151 .0115 .0111 .0363
+ 144 4. 0.0 40. SEND REC { Show node voltages
+ 194 4. 0.0 40. GEN SEND REC { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 8th of 19 subcases is like the preceding, only for 3-phase distributed line
+C modeling rather than single phase. For simplicity, the line is taken to be
+C continuously transposed. So, to make the solution interesting, the load
+C is unbalanced slightly. The effect is substantial (must be near resonance).
+C As phasor output is becoming substantial, illustrate lack of phasor output.
+C About receiving end voltages (1st plot), phase b is dominated by fundamental
+C whereas phase c is dominated by the harmonic. On the other hand, phase a
+C is a nice mixture of the two. Done. WSM, 15 November 1998 19:52
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., { Unnecessary. This merely avoids warning about 50 Hz.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .000100 .040 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+ 1 1 1 0 1 -1
+ 2 -1 5 5 20 20
+-1SENDA RECA 0.3 0.4 12.6 80. { 3-phase distributed line
+-2SENDB RECB .03 0.1 6.0 80.
+ RECA 68. 1.2E4 { Series L-C load on line } 1
+ RECB 68. 1.3E4 { Series L-C: note imbalance } 1
+ RECC 68. 1.4E4 { Series L-C: note imbalance } 1
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GENA SENDA -1.0 1.0 { Permanently closed switch at sending end
+ GENB SENDB -1.0 1.0 { Output 1 of 3 switch currents as demo } 1
+ GENC SENDC -1.0 1.0
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GENA 1.0 50. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 50. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 50. +120. -1.
+BLANK card ending source cards
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 2.454594157981E-01
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GENA 1.0 100. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 100. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 100. +120. -1.
+14GENA 1.0 50. 0.0
+14GENB 1.0 50. -120.
+14GENC 1.0 50. +120.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 2.573693449262E-04
+ SENDA SENDB SENDC RECA RECB RECC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+C First 6 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 3 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 2.0781091E-04 Switch "GENA " to "SENDA " closed in the steady-state.
+C *** Phasor I(0) = -6.9613077E-03 Switch "GENB " to "SENDB " closed in the steady-state.
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 6.6629631E-03 Switch "GENC " to "SENDC " closed in the steady-state.
+C 0 0.0 2.0 -1. -1. 2.598233 -3.43615 .2464431 .0129326 -.145918 .1293339
+C 1 .1E-3 1.997533 -.917186 -1.08035 2.60044 -3.42472 .2130051 .0099301 -.135491 .1225758
+C 2 .2E-3 1.990141 -.832151 -1.15799 2.597607 -3.40919 .1810295 .0069154 -.124907 .1156755
+C 3 .3E-3 1.977849 -.745147 -1.2327 2.589741 -3.38914 .1502293 .0038899 -.114174 .1086408
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+C 200 .02 2.0 -1. -1. 2.59818 -3.43448 .2454012 .0129912 -.146066 .1294166
+C 220 .022 1.118034 .7736591 -1.89169 1.768526 -2.57608 -.038877 -.047694 .0801733 -.023028
+C 240 .024 -.5 1.582676 -1.08268 .0182262 -1.32164 .5410584 -.098873 .2822797 -.164686
+C 260 .026 -1.11803 .8736191 .2444149 -1.03326 -.346505 .9871438 -.117453 .3728534 -.234779
+C 280 .028 -.5 -.064602 .5646021 -1.00872 .8642096 .2517987 -.08566 .3122374 -.211838
+C 300 .03 0.0 -.34E-13 .343E-13 -.883622 2.5928 -1.14969 -.01258 .1306647 -.114579
+C 320 .032 -.5 .5646021 -.064602 -1.27837 3.751705 -1.65974 .0650869 -.093075 .0189995
+C 340 .034 -1.11803 .2444149 .8736191 -1.43002 2.889824 -.686481 .1091923 -.274776 .1473061
+C 360 .036 -.5 -1.08268 1.582676 -.329683 .1403614 .6215637 .1064364 -.355258 .2280163
+C 380 .038 1.118034 -1.89169 .7736591 1.57799 -2.55929 .8876828 .0685474 -.308851 .2250084
+C 400 .04 2.0 -1. -1. 2.598318 -3.43353 .2448074 .0130473 -.146197 .1294821
+ 144 4. 0.0 40. RECA RECB RECC { Show node voltages
+ 194 4. 0.0 40. BRANCH
+ RECA RECB RECC { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 9th of 19 subcases is like 7th, but with a frequency-dependent JMarti line
+C replacing the constant-parameter, distributed line. BPA's Dr. Tsu-huei Liu
+C and yours truly (WSM) force this through together on December 2, 1998. The
+C switch has nothing to do with JMarti, but was corrected at this time (before
+C the printed switch current before step 0 was wrong, not being superimposed).
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., { Unnecessary. This merely avoids warning about 50 Hz.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 12, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .000100 .040 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 2 -1 5 5 20 20
+-1SEND REC 1. 0.00 -2 1
+ 25 4.6006674814379022100E+02
+ -3.53674337977459482E+03 4.74463047336912496E+03 4.19877687667209159E+02
+ 1.20883875640704401E+03 1.37235832926770309E+03 1.76629378124055439E+03
+ 2.57098916005431466E+03 3.78828017768501514E+03 1.42803850501766374E+03
+ 2.65038870126655566E+04 5.80549633718908008E+04 2.89862514502709019E+04
+ 6.76266799893490243E+04 1.75748067781355756E+05 1.15921506756057055E+06
+ 5.68321189666407090E+06 9.19433740923774988E+06 1.70951407206966021E+07
+ 1.81624149219296910E+07 1.63578536348816883E+07 2.07902744942919687E+07
+ 1.63600113702911996E+07 3.05274574257793949E+07 2.82210286690547951E+07
+ 3.72990420164290220E+07
+ 2.77486902230361210E-01 2.68023805044265262E-01 4.15219939750085032E-01
+ 1.00965215217368676E+00 2.08586147641298370E+00 4.31742025828644139E+00
+ 9.38105998645288964E+00 2.16289190303449140E+01 4.71679444226597938E+01
+ 5.00972850164923444E+02 2.19667801322956757E+03 2.86760537318643128E+03
+ 1.14040516604910099E+04 2.97247489619667322E+04 9.91819942418309948E+04
+ 4.96352587435292895E+05 1.62826284096999770E+06 3.10812825436382648E+06
+ 6.60681297691485007E+06 1.23076395640831069E+07 1.54718126469801944E+07
+ 1.14181900748053603E+07 2.33626050734163225E+07 2.05401226659539938E+07
+ 2.89354778735701405E+07
+ 14 3.8038812947515656600E-04
+ 1.91758353605922701E-02 2.66649324474153904E-01 2.54923849247581425E+00
+ 9.46636313120961682E+00 2.85381149799323453E+01 7.38766350382716724E+01
+ 2.49452844472431571E+03 7.01441951080157833E+03 6.88095829884308187E+04
+ -3.34847951818855899E+06 3.31843503484260664E+06 3.96467674493048249E+10
+ -7.93497908986478425E+10 3.97029750605793992E+10
+ 3.35859634392794338E+00 4.68146974610416323E+01 4.33602484888353672E+02
+ 1.24257407602821491E+03 1.74575005233975117E+03 1.47765127586259360E+03
+ 1.69531663286821313E+04 2.85574137491229049E+04 7.36636621071784758E+04
+ 5.22749591784824327E+05 5.23272341376608878E+05 1.82407055706939399E+05
+ 1.82589462762646523E+05 1.82772052225409076E+05
+ 0.58951119
+ 0.00000000
+ REC 68. 1.2E4 { Series L-C load on line } 1
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GEN SEND -1.0 1.0 { Permanent closed switch at sending end } 1
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GEN 1.0 50. { 50-Hz phasor solution } -1.
+C --------------+------------------------------
+C From bus name | Names of all adjacent busses.
+C --------------+------------------------------
+C --------------+------------------------------
+C 1st phasor flow: SEND 1.0 1.0 .00104886622776 .00412295654806 .52443311388E-3 .52443311388E-3
+C 0.0 0.0 -.0039873111659 -75.2621647 .00199365558294 0.0021265
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 5.244331138815E-04
+BLANK card ending source cards
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN 1.0 100. { 100-Hz phasor solution } -1.
+14GEN 1.0 50. { 50-Hz but without phasor }
+C 2nd phasor flow: SEND 1.0 1.0 .28023824311E-3 .00167781755608 .14011912156E-3 .14011912156E-3
+C 0.0 0.0 -.001654248554 -80.3850824 .82712427702E-3 0.0006777
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 1.401191215566E-04
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C First 3 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 2 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 1.3291045E-03 Switch "GEN " to "SEND " closed in the steady-state.
+C 0 0.0 2.0 2.0 .103985185 .001329104 .001331291
+C 1 .1E-3 1.99753329 1.99753329 .102188523 .001557337 .001566943
+C 2 .2E-3 1.99014143 1.99014143 .100246634 .001782631 .001799837
+C 3 .3E-3 1.97784922 1.97784922 .097684893 .002004723 .002029515
+C 4 .4E-3 1.96069786 1.96069786 .09455166 .002223115 .002255424
+C 5 .5E-3 1.93874486 1.93874486 .090914028 .002437299 .002477041
+C 10 .1E-2 1.76007351 1.76007351 .064262337 .003427592 .003502327
+C 15 .0015 1.47879178 1.47879178 .027694976 .00424585 .004348298
+C 20 .002 1.11803399 1.11803399 -.01526506 .004848781 .004971008
+C 40 .004 -.5 -.5 -.15428049 .004854478 .004951474
+ GEN SEND REC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+C 360 .036 -.5 -.5 -.15242702 -.00466918 -.00477064
+C 380 .038 1.11803399 1.11803399 .017604346 -.00297868 -.00310013
+C 400 .04 2.0 2.0 .104051169 .001333593 .001335541
+C Variable max: 2.0 2.0 .231329745 .005331241 .005460826
+C Times of max: 0.0 0.0 .0297 .023 .023
+C Variable min: -1.1249966 -1.1249966 -.1823352 -.00466918 -.00477457
+C Times of min: .0342 .0342 .015 .036 .0361
+ 144 4. 0.0 40. SEND REC { Show node voltages
+ 194 4. 0.0 40. REC GEN SEND { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 10th of 19 subcases is like 8th, but with a frequency-dependent JMarti line
+C replacing the constant-parameter, distributed line. Without difficulty,
+C this was demonstrated to be believable early in the morning of 4 Dec 1998.
+C The JMarti branch cards are copied from DCNEW-27 (in turn, from DCNEW-4).
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., { Unnecessary. This merely avoids warning about 50 Hz.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .000100 .040 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+C .000100 .0002 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 2 -1 5 5 20 20
+C 1.3636 .05215 4 1.602 -20.75 50. 50.
+C 1.3636 .05215 4 1.602 -19.25 50. 50.
+C 2.3636 .05215 4 1.602 - 0.75 77.5 77.5
+C 2.3636 .05215 4 1.602 0.75 77.5 77.5
+C 3.3636 .05215 4 1.602 19.25 50. 50.
+C 3.3636 .05215 4 1.602 20.75 50. 50.
+C 0.5 2.61 4 0.386 -12.9 98.5 98.5
+C 0.5 2.61 4 0.386 12.9 98.5 98.5
+C 100. 5000. 1 138. 1 3-2
+C 100. 60.00 1 138. 1 3
+C 100. .01 1 138. 1 9 10 3
+-1SENDA RECA 1. -2 3 1
+ 18 0.47487144790587633736E+03
+ -0.117967342612603676E+01 -0.316671345021416945E+01 0.255662317832426673E+02
+ -0.601654631032706213E+02 -0.118825306534453652E+03 0.128169142098635430E+04
+ 0.589610442538186533E+04 0.292891488173549769E+05 0.115665757459954655E+06
+ 0.456394278488149546E+06 0.153681652821077613E+07 0.681848054466802243E+07
+ 0.155477562610202006E+08 0.231789897204889809E+08 0.143827766961221036E+08
+ 0.241524708800130989E+08 0.245049034784953832E+08 0.476808364145524129E+08
+ 0.321645453133055891E+00 0.897616891499021768E+00 0.165632367032913183E+01
+ 0.166669419493737986E+01 0.253073682990780913E+01 0.200014655383098283E+02
+ 0.124257951002701473E+03 0.657345842950598183E+03 0.278623017775457413E+04
+ 0.117145310573639467E+05 0.427410884649070877E+05 0.202553264108715757E+06
+ 0.968789502295299084E+06 0.296908522006270138E+07 0.737968316276072920E+07
+ 0.121009167337626640E+08 0.132891445947112725E+08 0.252097199908134253E+08
+ 14 0.86849922355034181931E-03
+ 0.580543547692016874E-01 0.269744993210885436E+00 0.358646519088149721E+00
+ 0.775351125410302933E+00 0.512138885239557462E+01 0.838265420474258915E+01
+ 0.700229782114550385E+02 0.393084113996385128E+03 0.138208543918962840E+04
+ 0.706160326497018531E+03 0.527246586822120662E+04 0.528343251309079615E+05
+ 0.178307801042203880E+08 -0.178914532139174500E+08
+ 0.228360173022402533E+02 0.102750699821169636E+03 0.139222638455845377E+03
+ 0.269608322018776320E+03 0.389220463867018722E+03 0.427793721751318500E+03
+ 0.132148883486994549E+04 0.277178340638843952E+04 0.449341296469570784E+04
+ 0.596603161966094024E+04 0.114714152641659587E+05 0.268314807408425590E+05
+ 0.204027813729699328E+05 0.204231841543429041E+05
+-2SENDB RECB 1. -2 3 1
+ 13 0.28580875773089406522E+03
+ 0.381761604345214016E+04 -0.269529222495194318E+04 0.445018224900628539E+03
+ 0.214658130219351907E+03 0.897325461203551775E+02 0.130480129629523390E+03
+ 0.683037485206990933E+02 0.746626715384045969E+02 0.133938729387751110E+04
+ 0.249954495902361043E+04 0.187764116219525090E+05 0.391031620802855759E+06
+ 0.562668431190421223E+07
+ 0.358668999787749571E+01 0.376679186833120605E+01 0.706439034439901437E+01
+ 0.109721634064781350E+02 0.140506334140286961E+02 0.234292596911152251E+02
+ 0.407686998675834982E+02 0.797598814775078289E+02 0.129106739969348078E+04
+ 0.242138030939135859E+04 0.182362646041542116E+05 0.379814243183306855E+06
+ 0.548808385606378759E+07
+ 13 0.74123751236187229426E-03
+ 0.192189595814863363E+02 0.210970481418782463E+01 0.383406546226866283E+02
+ 0.307999912886148377E+02 0.634013410317139090E+03 -0.253243195247046863E+03
+ 0.210540381301789816E+05 0.755533947306502050E+05 0.229576557459444489E+07
+ 0.607777584135737231E+13 -0.156620677810598129E+13 0.153143851607186420E+13
+ -0.604300997216751013E+13
+ 0.325736126030671755E+04 0.366694913707514260E+03 0.675727697588602189E+04
+ 0.516024976370228876E+04 0.249456113770459378E+05 0.115067772934717399E+06
+ 0.105205466546493019E+06 0.240930799961836921E+06 0.633276538663731131E+06
+ 0.975820481990592802E+06 0.976796302472583498E+06 0.974176721795814519E+06
+ 0.975150898517610403E+06
+-3SENDC RECC 1. -2 3 1
+ 13 0.27248404992352924125E+03
+ 0.928429573805075023E+03 0.205756155237142632E+03 0.538106630554037608E+03
+ 0.105199818376817531E+03 0.821382476778671116E+02 0.133356875032521778E+03
+ 0.654774478488469374E+02 0.612546121562179922E+02 0.905544916173387175E+02
+ 0.973244316091135204E+03 0.267481871266201051E+04 0.138566411938941123E+05
+ 0.646075558955914967E+06
+ 0.297277477955690506E+01 0.413177069940672514E+01 0.739410817322770197E+01
+ 0.103072536754267949E+02 0.135874091964585515E+02 0.234792992956042887E+02
+ 0.384075708508238121E+02 0.692539345057236435E+02 0.997101922255402791E+02
+ 0.941460937860312015E+03 0.259295974388396348E+04 0.134538093446956691E+05
+ 0.628668738677182439E+06
+ 20 0.74871165651714274120E-03
+ 0.249456855794677017E-01 0.516637614002139312E+01 0.435227595525510835E+01
+ 0.696293545843379624E+01 0.113102519337405665E+02 0.107077756312168120E+02
+ 0.136526319661978881E+02 0.103057494642840792E+03 0.647491597081196815E+03
+ 0.221213037293261823E+04 0.164010494681972204E+05 0.517776934139508076E+05
+ 0.393233870054795443E+06 -0.101893253559274247E+05 -0.173413454816459129E+06
+ 0.524218185885897590E+06 0.711044562955687729E+12 -0.559640645251973480E+12
+ 0.582892127161358521E+12 -0.734296849907947113E+12
+ 0.887741958857318814E+01 0.183177145564733675E+04 0.151655674045953921E+04
+ 0.245910936284398730E+04 0.383273362703089043E+04 0.399285585783856465E+04
+ 0.496339281485561617E+04 0.253464455063045348E+05 0.272156609769823021E+05
+ 0.475215596432249440E+05 0.149791320991727040E+06 0.333884409922466803E+06
+ 0.541583000670874084E+06 0.670984155731562481E+06 0.569769858667429973E+06
+ 0.132622344670840449E+07 0.440534234233555838E+07 0.440974768467789434E+07
+ 0.436787151891064062E+07 0.437223939042955148E+07
+ 0.57154434 0.70710678 -0.41761362
+ 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
+ 0.58879039 0.00000000 0.80696823
+ 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
+ 0.57154434 -0.70710678 -0.41761362
+ 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
+ RECA 68. 1.2E4 { Series L-C load on line }
+ RECB 68. 1.3E4 { Series L-C: note imbalance }
+ RECC 68. 1.4E4 { Series L-C: note imbalance }
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GENA SENDA -1.0 1.0 { Permanently closed switch at sending end
+ GENB SENDB -1.0 1.0 { Output 1 of 3 switch currents as demo } 1
+ GENC SENDC -1.0 1.0
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GENA 1.0 50. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 50. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 50. +120. -1.
+BLANK card ending source cards
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GENA 1.0 100. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 100. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 100. +120. -1.
+14GENA 1.0 50. 0.0
+14GENB 1.0 50. -120.
+14GENC 1.0 50. +120.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+ SENDA SENDB SENDC RECA RECB RECC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+ 144 4. 0.0 40. RECA RECB RECC { Show node voltages
+ 194 4. 0.0 40. BRANCH
+ SENDA RECA SENDB RECB SENDC RECC { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 11th of 19 subcases is like 9th, only with the single-phase JMarti line
+C replaced by a Semlyen line. BPA's Dr. Tsu-huei Liu and WSM force this
+C through together on December 8, 1998. The same line data was used to
+C produce the Semlyen branch cards as was used to produce the Marti branch
+C cards, according to Dr. Liu.
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., { Unnecessary. This merely avoids warning about 50 Hz.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 12, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .000100 .040 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 5 5 20 20
+C <++++++> Cards punched by support routine on 11-Nov-18 11.00.00 <++++++>
+C TOLERANCES 10 5000. { Illustration only; value of FMED actually unchang
+C 200 150 10 230 1 7 7777 0 { Semlyen miscellaneous da
+C 1.3161 .1151 4 2.355 -6.5 22. 8.0
+C 0.5 4.189 4 0.914 4.5 27.3 15.7
+C BLANK card ending conductor cards within "LINE CONSTANTS" data
+C 1500. 5000. 108.7
+C 1500. 60.00 108.7 { Phasor solution frequen
+C 1500. 6.00 108.7 6 20 { log loopi
+C BLANK card ending frequency cards of "LINE CONSTANTS" data
+C BLANK card ending "LINE CONSTANTS" data
+C L= 67.5 miles, rho= 1500.0, ss freq= 60.00, NSS=0, KFIT=10, KPS=2, KYC=30
+-1SEND REC 2.16583E-03 3.86702E-04 1 1 2 2 1
+ 1.58360657E+01 9.71198911E+01-4.13400101E-05 2.87567721E-04 6.00000000E+01
+ 0.00000E+00 4.76151E+04 8.46981E-01 0.00000E+00 3.44533E+03 1.53019E-01
+ 0.00000E+00 5.15658E+04-3.35305E-04 0.00000E+00 1.93051E+02-6.36116E-04
+ 1.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
+ 1.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
+ REC 68. 1.2E4 { Series L-C load on line } 1
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GEN SEND -1.0 1.0 { Permanent closed switch at sending end } 1
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GEN 1.0 50. { 50-Hz phasor solution } -1.
+BLANK card ending source cards
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 1.734151791008E-03
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND 3.46830358E-03 -1.43381118E-02 1.47516298E-02 -76.4017 1.73415179E-03 7.16905591E-03
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+C 14GEN 1.0 100. { 100-Hz phasor solution } -1.
+14GEN 1.0 100. { 50-Hz but without phasor } -1.
+14GEN 1.0 50.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 1.065011729272E-04
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND 2.13002346E-04 -3.64646410E-03 3.65267990E-03 -86.6570 1.06501173E-04 1.82323205E-03
+ GEN SEND REC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+C First 3 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 2 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 3.6813059E-03 Switch "GEN " to "SEND " closed in the steady-state.
+C 0 0.0 2.0 2.0 .153929313 .003681306 .003725237
+C 1 .1E-3 1.99753329 1.99753329 .1522527 .00435802 .004425728
+C 2 .2E-3 1.99014143 1.99014143 .149645253 .005027418 .005119878
+C 3 .3E-3 1.97784922 1.97784922 .145951055 .00568938 .005806382
+C 4 .4E-3 1.96069786 1.96069786 .141287156 .00634313 .006483935
+C 5 .5E-3 1.93874486 1.93874486 .136275468 .006989792 .007151414
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+C 10 .1E-2 1.76007351 1.76007351 .092891975 .010026854 .010291731
+C 15 .0015 1.47879178 1.47879178 .023317891 .012640295 .012991794
+C 20 .002 1.11803399 1.11803399 -.06174101 .014720636 .015118963
+C 40 .004 -.5 -.5 -.34443045 .016575341 .016838847
+C 60 .006 -1.118034 -1.118034 -.17058748 .010182945 .010031014
+C 80 .008 -.5 -.5 .362487911 .002326162 .002053321
+C 100 .01 0.0 0.0 .612908752 -.00296002 -.00293285
+C 120 .012 -.5 -.5 .248154876 -.00738972 -.00710881
+C 140 .014 -1.118034 -1.118034 -.30076592 -.01262818 -.01254386
+C 160 .016 -.5 -.5 -.40730556 -.01503915 -.01535767
+C 180 .018 1.11803399 1.11803399 -.06530854 -.00934344 -.00970902
+C 200 .02 2.0 2.0 .154986325 .00333684 .003383348
+C 220 .022 1.11803399 1.11803399 -.06853358 .01445717 .014861049
+C 240 .024 -.5 -.5 -.35906038 .016441167 .016706006
+C 260 .026 -1.118034 -1.118034 -.18786425 .010191471 .010041491
+C 280 .028 -.5 -.5 .346320129 .002467142 .002193761
+C 300 .03 0.0 0.0 .601636815 -.002726 -.00269921
+C 320 .032 -.5 -.5 .244116524 -.00711585 -.00683621
+C 340 .034 -1.118034 -1.118034 -.29695787 -.01237389 -.01229047
+C 360 .036 -.5 -.5 -.39659111 -.01485549 -.01517475
+C 380 .038 1.11803399 1.11803399 -.05015223 -.00926464 -.00963034
+C 400 .04 2.0 2.0 .171432693 .003300084 .003347
+C Variable maxima : 2.0 2.0 .616129386 .017112417 .017478995
+C Times of maxima : 0.0 0.0 .0098 .0033 .0033
+C Variable minima : -1.1249966 -1.1249966 -.43847067 -.01510408 -.01538971
+C Times of minima : .0342 .0342 .0153 .0157 .0158
+ 144 4. 0.0 40. SEND REC { Show node voltages
+ 194 4. 0.0 40. REC GEN SEND { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 12th of 19 subcases is like 10th, only with the three-phase JMarti line
+C replaced by a 3-phase Semlyen line. The Semlyen branch cards are copied
+C from DC-31. Note XOPT and COPT have been set to 60 Hz to match the
+C branch cards at the 1st of 2 frequencies. Unlike the high-order JMarti
+C model, 2nd-order Semlyen involves substantial error, & is more biased
+C toward a match at power frequency. So, the switch to 60 favors smoother
+C Semlyen operation at the dominant frequency. Of course, the second freq
+C of 120 Hz is not well fitted, but it does not dominate, so error is of
+C less importance. The resulting plots are reasonably smooth. If really
+C smooth plots are wanted, change the 2nd frequency to the 1st, so that
+C the superposition has the effect of doubling power-frequency excitation.
+C This is an independent, separate way to verify the superposition while
+C avoiding error that is associated with the constant-inductance phasor
+C representation of Semlyen modeling.
+POWER FREQUENCY, 60., { Ensure that 60. two cards below does not produce warning
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+C Steps/cycle Cycles --- Alternate to DELTAT and TMAX ensures full accuracy
+ 200 2 60. 60. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 60 Hz
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 2 -1 5 5 20 20
+C L= 138.0MILES, RHO= 27.0, SS FREQ= 60.00, NSS=0, KFIT= 0, KPS=2, KYC=10
+C 1.3636 .05215 4 1.602 -20.75 50. 50.
+C 1.3636 .05215 4 1.602 -19.25 50. 50.
+C 2.3636 .05215 4 1.602 - 0.75 77.5 77.5
+C 2.3636 .05215 4 1.602 0.75 77.5 77.5
+C 3.3636 .05215 4 1.602 19.25 50. 50.
+C 3.3636 .05215 4 1.602 20.75 50. 50.
+C 0.5 2.61 4 0.386 -12.9 98.5 98.5
+C 0.5 2.61 4 0.386 12.9 98.5 98.5
+C 27. 5000. 1 138.
+C 27. 60.00 1 138.
+C 27. 6.00 1 138. 6 20
+-1SENDA RECA 0.55456E-02 0.77998E-03 1 1 2 2 3 1
+ 0.14938602E+02 0.90516313E+02-0.16261865E-03 0.14500324E-02 0.60000000E+02
+ 0.00000E+00 0.15161E+05 0.75119E+00 0.00000E+00 0.17105E+04 0.24881E+00
+ 0.00000E+00 0.59584E+03-0.11954E-02 0.00000E+00 0.39933E+05-0.74162E-03
+-1SENDB RECB 0.74392E-02 0.74149E-03 2 2 2 2 3 1
+ 0.83801231E+00 0.38634735E+02-0.44536501E-04 0.20637999E-02 0.60000000E+02
+ 0.00000E+00 0.26608E+06 0.83767E+00 0.00000E+00 0.35627E+05 0.16233E+00
+ 0.00000E+00 0.13630E+03-0.49171E-03 0.00000E+00 0.32940E+05-0.75349E-04
+-1SENDC RECC 0.42823E-02 0.74017E-03 3 3 2 2 3 1
+ 0.26535168E+01 0.67894100E+02-0.45225808E-04 0.11682248E-02 0.60000000E+02
+ 0.00000E+00 0.61698E+06 0.90903E+00 0.00000E+00 0.15239E+05 0.90969E-01
+ 0.00000E+00 0.25667E+03-0.34465E-03 0.00000E+00 0.11831E+05-0.28233E-04
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00-0.26698E+00 0.00000E+00
+ 0.71114E+00 0.00000E+00-0.41983E-15 0.00000E+00 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00
+ 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00-0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00-0.26698E+00 0.00000E+00
+ 0.42027E+00 0.00000E+00 0.50000E+00 0.00000E+00-0.29908E+00 0.00000E+00
+ 0.22471E+00 0.00000E+00-0.27373E-15 0.00000E+00 0.84054E+00 0.00000E+00
+ 0.42027E+00 0.00000E+00-0.50000E+00 0.00000E+00-0.29908E+00 0.00000E+00
+ RECA 68. 1.2E4 { Series L-C load on line }
+ RECB 68. 1.3E4 { Series L-C: note imbalance }
+ RECC 68. 1.4E4 { Series L-C: note imbalance }
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GENA SENDA -1.0 1.0 { Permanently closed switch at sending end
+ GENB SENDB -1.0 1.0 { Output 1 of 3 switch currents as demo } 1
+ GENC SENDC -1.0 1.0
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GENA 1.0 60. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 60. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 60. +120. -1.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 7.920824547881E-04
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GENA SENDA 2.13684848E-04 -1.46728245E-02 1.46743804E-02 -89.1656 1.06842424E-04 7.33641223E-03
+C GENB SENDB -1.32003123E-02 7.47886007E-03 1.51717367E-02 150.4655 6.16366730E-05 7.58561792E-03
+C GENC SENDC 1.11079349E-02 7.85331948E-03 1.36037070E-02 35.2603 6.23603358E-04 6.77320678E-03
+BLANK card ending source cards
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GENA 1.0 120. 0.0 -1.
+14GENB 1.0 120. -120. -1.
+14GENC 1.0 120. +120. -1.
+14GENA 1.0 60. 0.0
+14GENB 1.0 60. -120.
+14GENC 1.0 60. +120.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 2.436936258789E-05
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GENA SENDA -9.06090319E-05 -2.82087453E-03 2.82232937E-03 -91.8398 -4.53045160E-05 1.41043726E-03
+C GENB SENDB -2.57770624E-03 1.49235343E-03 2.97853794E-03 149.9315 -1.78143046E-06 1.48926790E-03
+C GENC SENDC 2.32482625E-03 1.50725803E-03 2.77067570E-03 32.9566 7.14553090E-05 1.38349380E-03
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+ RECA RECB RECC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+C First 3 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 4 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 1.2307582E-04 Switch "GENA " to "SENDA " closed in the steady-state.
+C *** Phasor I(0) = -1.5778019E-02 Switch "GENB " to "SENDB " closed in the steady-state.
+C *** Phasor I(0) = 1.3432761E-02 Switch "GENC " to "SENDC " closed in the steady-state.
+C 0 0.0 .1754598 -.149967 -.202628 -.015778 .128E-3 -.015779 .0134377
+C 1 .83333E-4 .19681 -.130782 -.20007 -.016119 .7992E-3 -.016119 .0131218
+C 2 .16667E-3 .1936652 -.115517 -.222603 -.016425 .0014416 -.016425 .0127552
+C 3 .25E-3 .1874392 -.096275 -.245921 -.016699 .0020782 -.016699 .0123656
+C 4 .33333E-3 .1801201 -.074648 -.267768 -.016946 .0027102 -.016946 .0119566
+C 5 .41667E-3 .1719231 -.051722 -.287869 -.017166 .0033372 -.017166 .0115298
+C 10 .83333E-3 .117421 .0693951 -.362436 -.017776 .0063154 -.017776 .0090996
+C 15 .00125 .0387023 .185327 -.393131 -.017831 .0090412 -.017831 .0064327
+C 20 .00166667 -.070868 .3086067 -.396284 -.017281 .0114347 -.017281 .0036444
+C 40 .00333333 -.388621 .3051482 .0228398 -.009941 .0156904 -.009941 -.006866
+C 60 .005 -.253038 -.204985 .4417365 -.778E-4 .0122998 -.778E-4 -.01189
+C 80 .00666667 .3044138 -.552418 .274188 .0068829 .0057587 .0068829 -.011409
+C 100 .00833333 .6360443 -.274231 -.265214 .0106411 -.3E-3 .0106411 -.008773
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+C 120 .01 .3181122 .3033606 -.463545 .0128573 -.006125 .0128573 -.005087
+C 140 .01166667 -.263527 .4887753 -.075016 .0123479 -.012279 .0123479 .0012662
+C 160 .01333333 -.410804 .1013287 .3706173 .0059884 -.015486 .0059884 .0098943
+C 180 .015 -.059755 -.30237 .2804666 -.005615 -.011145 -.005615 .0157608
+C 200 .01666667 .1817737 -.168327 -.19918 -.015787 .1853E-3 -.015787 .0134703
+C 220 .01833333 -.060762 .2780688 -.379241 -.017345 .0114781 -.017345 .0036718
+C 240 .02 -.398657 .32646 .0125865 -.009966 .0157061 -.009966 -.006836
+C 260 .02166667 -.250486 -.182702 .436643 -.129E-5 .0122619 -.129E-5 -.011919
+C 280 .02333333 .3159701 -.576173 .2854261 .0069158 .0057519 .0069158 -.011419
+C 300 .025 .6347384 -.288042 -.260816 .0105952 -.293E-3 .0105952 -.008748
+C 320 .02666667 .31108 .3297626 -.471975 .0128834 -.006175 .0128834 -.005106
+C 340 .02833333 -.257672 .4991878 -.073957 .0124327 -.012327 .0124327 .0012257
+C 360 .03 -.405636 .0768886 .3794062 .0059618 -.015473 .0059618 .0098998
+C 380 .03166667 -.0677 -.305613 .2785391 -.005706 -.011136 -.005706 .0157771
+C 400 .03333333 .1769868 -.142296 -.206482 -.015773 .1537E-3 -.015773 .0134395
+C variable max: .6370846 .5329181 .467254 .0132316 .0157061 .0132316 .016083
+C Times of max: .00825 .0111667 .0054167 .0105833 .02 .0105833 .0320833
+C Variable min: -.431775 -.577185 -.481248 -.017965 -.015486 -.017965 -.012246
+C Times of min: .0295 .0234167 .0264167 .01775 .0133333 .01775 .0056667
+ 142 .2 0.0 2.0 RECA RECB RECC { Show node voltages
+ 192 .2 0.0 2.0 BRANCH
+ SENDA RECA SENDB RECB SENDC RECC { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 13th of 19 subcases is a generalization of the 5th. Superposition of phasor
+C solutions is illustrated for simple series R-L-C elements. But here, we
+C add a 3rd harmonic. Use 1, 2, and 3 Hz. The resulting solution has period
+C 1 Hz, of course, so simulating and plotting to 2 sec shows 2 cycles. The
+C periodicity is seen by comparing step 0 with 100 with 200 (very close).
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 13, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .01 2.0
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 5 5 20 20
+ GEN TRAN 1.0 10. 3
+ TRAN 0.20E6 1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 -1.
+C TRAN .37942714659548 .64183619997635 .65053122009197 .80655515626147 -.752165257E-17 -.752165257E-17
+C -.5176762965662 -53.7607135 .47680221452676 36.2392865 -.2588381482831 -0.2588381
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 3.252656100460E-01
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 1st phasor solution.
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN -1.0 2.0 { 2nd harmonic source } -1.
+C TRAN -.1008414235014 .38391636622821 -.931007055129 .96488706858836 -.545150405E-17 -.545150405E-17
+C .37043593719304 105.2282576 -.2534421401997 -164.7717424 -.1852179685965 -0.1852180
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 4.655035275645E-01
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN -1.0 3.0 { 2nd harmonic source } -1.
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 { Source of 1st solution represented in dT-loop
+14GEN -1.0 2.0 { Source of 2nd solution represented in dT-loop
+C TRAN -.020242653071 .26448015717188 -.9941420093334 .99706670254975 -.575982404E-19 -.575982404E-19
+C .26370435820121 94.3895692 -.0763130042124 -175.6104308 -.1318521791006 -0.1318522
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 4.970710046667E-01
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C First 3 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 2 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C 0 0.0 -1.25834307 -1. .25834307 -1.27461784 -1.27461784
+C 1 .01 -1.17197835 -.976375224 .19560313 -1.23497976 -1.23497976
+C 2 .02 -1.04223034 -.906244946 .135985399 -1.14972948 -1.14972948
+C 3 .03 -.87351371 -.791817161 .081696549 -1.02182451 -1.02182451
+C 4 .04 -.671453154 -.636692146 .0347610081 -.855597126 -.855597126
+C 5 .05 -.442702206 -.44574573 -.003043524 -.656584162 -.656584162
+C 10 0.1 .8252797519 .8090169944 -.016262758 .5778901701 .5778901701
+C 15 .15 1.589742247 1.847858763 .2581165163 1.494230406 1.494230406
+C 20 0.2 1.283365647 1.927050983 .6436853361 1.410360926 1.410360926
+C 40 0.4 -1.48909279 -1.42705098 .0620418032 -1.57083779 -1.57083779
+C 60 0.6 -.676894279 -1.42705098 -.750156704 -.672056125 -.672056125
+C 80 0.8 2.141878198 1.927050983 -.214827215 2.10784098 2.10784098
+C 100 1.0 -1.2589336 -1. .2589336049 -1.27496681 -1.27496681
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+C 120 1.2 1.28315489 1.927050983 .6438960933 1.410138424 1.410138424
+C 140 1.4 -1.4891661 -1.42705098 .0621151159 -1.57091519 -1.57091519
+C 160 1.6 -.676919781 -1.42705098 -.750131202 -.672083048 -.672083048
+C 180 1.8 2.141869327 1.927050983 -.214818344 2.107831615 2.107831615
+C 200 2.0 -1.25893669 -1. .2589366907 -1.27497007 -1.27497007
+C Variable max: 2.141878198 2.031786442 .8934909897 2.120254744 2.120254744
+C Times of max: 0.8 1.82 1.26 .81 .81
+C Variable min: -1.7217357 -1.43964823 -.935581739 -1.70523806 -1.70523806
+C Times of min: 1.36 1.61 .68 1.37 1.37
+ 143 .2 0.0 2.0 GEN TRAN { Screen plot is perfectly smooth & periodic
+BLANK card ending all plot cards
+C 14th of 19 subcases is a combination of the preceding. Use three single-
+C phase lines: 1) Constant-parameter from 7th subcase; 2) JMARTI from 9th
+C subcase; and 3) Semlyen from the 11th. Connect all 3 in series to verify
+C that they all can coexist. Also, use 3 harmonics: 50, 75, and 100 Hz. The
+C result is seen to be perfectly smooth. Terminal nodes SEND and REC are
+C driven by voltage sources, so voltage here indicates nothing. But interior
+C nodes SEM and REC provide a good measure of smoothness. The period is
+C equal to 40 msec, note, because 75 Hz has a period of 13.3333 msec. Two
+C cycles at 50 Hz, 3 cycles at 75 Hz, and 4 cycles at 100 Hz --- all are
+C equal to 40 msec. So, step 400 agrees closely with step 0. Consider the
+C two node voltages and 3 line currents:
+C 0 0.0 2.746223 .7338817 -.004095 -.004261 -.006559
+C 400 .04 2.745004 .7255618 -.004087 -.004257 -.006555
+POWER FREQUENCY, 50., { Unnecessary. This merely avoids warning about 50 Hz.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .000100 .040 50. 50. { Note L in ohms and C in micromhos at 50 Hz
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 2 -1 5 5 20 20
+-1SEND MARTI 0.3 0.4 12.6 80. { 1-phase distributed line
+ MARTI 2.0 7.E2 { Shunt compensation at end of 1st line
+-1MARTI CAP 1. 0.00 -2 1 1
+ 25 4.6006674814379022100E+02
+ -3.53674337977459482E+03 4.74463047336912496E+03 4.19877687667209159E+02
+ 1.20883875640704401E+03 1.37235832926770309E+03 1.76629378124055439E+03
+ 2.57098916005431466E+03 3.78828017768501514E+03 1.42803850501766374E+03
+ 2.65038870126655566E+04 5.80549633718908008E+04 2.89862514502709019E+04
+ 6.76266799893490243E+04 1.75748067781355756E+05 1.15921506756057055E+06
+ 5.68321189666407090E+06 9.19433740923774988E+06 1.70951407206966021E+07
+ 1.81624149219296910E+07 1.63578536348816883E+07 2.07902744942919687E+07
+ 1.63600113702911996E+07 3.05274574257793949E+07 2.82210286690547951E+07
+ 3.72990420164290220E+07
+ 2.77486902230361210E-01 2.68023805044265262E-01 4.15219939750085032E-01
+ 1.00965215217368676E+00 2.08586147641298370E+00 4.31742025828644139E+00
+ 9.38105998645288964E+00 2.16289190303449140E+01 4.71679444226597938E+01
+ 5.00972850164923444E+02 2.19667801322956757E+03 2.86760537318643128E+03
+ 1.14040516604910099E+04 2.97247489619667322E+04 9.91819942418309948E+04
+ 4.96352587435292895E+05 1.62826284096999770E+06 3.10812825436382648E+06
+ 6.60681297691485007E+06 1.23076395640831069E+07 1.54718126469801944E+07
+ 1.14181900748053603E+07 2.33626050734163225E+07 2.05401226659539938E+07
+ 2.89354778735701405E+07
+ 14 3.8038812947515656600E-04
+ 1.91758353605922701E-02 2.66649324474153904E-01 2.54923849247581425E+00
+ 9.46636313120961682E+00 2.85381149799323453E+01 7.38766350382716724E+01
+ 2.49452844472431571E+03 7.01441951080157833E+03 6.88095829884308187E+04
+ -3.34847951818855899E+06 3.31843503484260664E+06 3.96467674493048249E+10
+ -7.93497908986478425E+10 3.97029750605793992E+10
+ 3.35859634392794338E+00 4.68146974610416323E+01 4.33602484888353672E+02
+ 1.24257407602821491E+03 1.74575005233975117E+03 1.47765127586259360E+03
+ 1.69531663286821313E+04 2.85574137491229049E+04 7.36636621071784758E+04
+ 5.22749591784824327E+05 5.23272341376608878E+05 1.82407055706939399E+05
+ 1.82589462762646523E+05 1.82772052225409076E+05
+ 0.58951119
+ 0.00000000
+ CAP 2.0 7.E2 { Shunt compensation at end of 2nd line
+ CAP SEM 3.5 2.4E4 { Series capacitor after Marti } 1
+-1SEM REC 2.16583E-03 3.86702E-04 1 1 2 2 1
+ 1.58360657E+01 9.71198911E+01-4.13400101E-05 2.87567721E-04 6.00000000E+01
+ 0.00000E+00 4.76151E+04 8.46981E-01 0.00000E+00 3.44533E+03 1.53019E-01
+ 0.00000E+00 5.15658E+04-3.35305E-04 0.00000E+00 1.93051E+02-6.36116E-04
+ 1.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
+ 1.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+ GEN SEND -1.0 1.0 { Permanently close switch at sending end } 1
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GEN 1.0 50. 0.0 { 50-Hz phasor } -1.
+14REC 1.0 50. 90. -1.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 9.724220340709E-04
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND -1.63570226E-03 -3.98415669E-03 4.30685807E-03 -112.3207 -8.17851130E-04 1.99207835E-03
+BLANK card ending source cards for 1st phasor solution
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Following are sources for 2nd phasor solution
+14GEN 1.0 75. 0.0 { 75-Hz phasor } -1.
+14REC 1.0 75. 90. -1.
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 4.417836206255E-04
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND -1.32752292E-03 -1.70816724E-03 2.16336599E-03 -127.8530 -6.63761459E-04 8.54083619E-04
+BLANK card ending source cards for 2nd phasor solution
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Following are sources for 3rd phasor solution
+14GEN 1.0 100. 0.0 { 100-Hz phasor } -1.
+14REC 1.0 100. 90. -1.
+$DISABLE { Begin block of data cards to be ignored
+C Note about preceding, third, excitation set. Because there is no source
+C having T-start zero or positive, ATP logic that began 15 December 1998
+C will internally copy all sources of all preceding excitation sets, changing
+C T-start to zero in order that these sources become effective on the first
+C time step. In effect, the following sources are added internally:
+14GEN 1.0 50. 0.0 { 50-Hz phasor } 0.0
+14REC 1.0 50. 90. 0.0
+14GEN 1.0 75. 0.0 { 75-Hz phasor } 0.0
+14REC 1.0 75. 90. 0.0
+C But note carefully that this helpful feature relies upon lack of any source
+C other than phasor excitation. If any source of the final data set has zero
+C or positive T-start, there will be no such internal addition. If the user
+C specifies one, he must specify all sources having T-start non-negative.
+$ENABLE { End block of data cards to be ignored
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 2.720584624880E-04
+C Node-K Node-M I-real I-imag I-magn Degrees Power Reactive
+C GEN SEND -1.13140476E-03 -3.94389795E-04 1.19817363E-03 -160.7823 -5.65702382E-04 1.97194897E-04
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 3rd (and final) phasor solution.
+ SEND MARTI SEM REC { Names of nodes for voltage output
+C First 4 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 3 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C *** Phasor I(0) = -4.0946299E-03 Switch "GEN " to "SEND " closed in the steady-state.
+C 0 0.0 3.0 2.746223 .7338817 .184E-15 -.004095 -.004261 -.006559
+C 1 .1E-3 2.996423 2.7249 .6273332 -.141308 -.003855 -.003925 -.00623
+C 2 .2E-3 2.985703 2.697847 .5194808 -.282232 -.003612 -.003582 -.005889
+C 3 .3E-3 2.967873 2.664322 .410436 -.422391 -.00336 -.003232 -.005536
+C 4 .4E-3 2.942985 2.624337 .3004596 -.561404 -.003101 -.002874 -.005171
+C 5 .5E-3 2.911115 2.57779 .1894443 -.698897 -.002834 -.002509 -.004796
+BLANK card ending node voltage output requests
+C 400 .04 3.0 2.745004 .7255618 -.17E-12 -.004087 -.004257 -.006555
+C Variable max: 3.0 2.766848 2.205032 2.750818 .0072415 .007581 .0081707
+C Times of max: 0.0 .0397 .0375 .0369 .0051 .0044 .0049
+C Variable min:-2.07381 -2.03357 -2.03363 -2.75082 -.006569 -.008275 -.009585
+C Times of min: .0339 .0059 .0037 .0031 .0379 .0378 .0382
+ 144 4. 0.0 40. -3.0 3.0SEND MARTI SEM REC { Show node voltages
+ 194 4. 0.0 40. BRANCH
+ GEN SEND MARTI CAP CAP SEM { Show branch currents
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 15th of 19 subcases has the same solution as the 5th, which has one series
+C R-L-C circuit. Here, the L remains linear, but is represented in the
+C form of a Type-93 nonlinear reactor. Since the solution is identical to
+C that already shown, only 3 time steps will be taken.
+C 18 Nov 98, expand by the addition of Type-98 pseudo-nonlinear element.
+C Add a second, independent circuit in parallel with the first. Node
+C name TRAN93 will be used for the first and TRAN98 for the second.
+C The solutions are identical, of course.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .01 .03
+ 1 1 1 1
+C GEN TRAN 10. 3
+C The preceding 10-mHenry inductor can be replaced by the following equivalent
+C nonlinear element. The phasor solution will be identical. Inductance 10 mH
+C means that when the current is one amp, the flux is .01 volt-sec, so:
+93GEN TRAN93 1.0 .01 3
+ 0.0 0.0 { 1st point being origin is request to reflect
+ 1.0 .01 { i = 1 amp corresponds to flux = .01 volt-sec
+ 2.0 .02 { 2nd segment is, in fact, an extension of 1st
+ 9999
+ TRAN93 1.0 0.20E6 1
+93GEN TRAN98 1.0 .01 3
+ 1.0 .01 { i = 1 amp corresponds to flux = .01 volt-sec
+ 2.0 .02 { 2nd segment is, in fact, an extension of 1st
+ 9999
+ TRAN98 1.0 0.20E6 1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 -1.
+C --------------+------------------------------
+C From bus name | Names of all adjacent busses.
+C --------------+------------------------------
+C --------------+------------------------------
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 1st phasor solution.
+C TRAN93 1.0299583666875 1.0307690952352 .65053122009197 .80655515626147 .32526561004599 .32526561004599
+C -.0408740820394 -2.2726007 .47680221452676 36.2392865 -.2588381482831 -0.2588381
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 6.505312200920E-01
+C ---- Initial flux of coil "GEN " to "TRAN93" = 6.50531220E-03
+C ---- Initial flux of coil "GEN " to "TRAN98" = 6.50531220E-03
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN -1.0 2.0 { 2nd harmonic source } -1.
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 { Source of 1st solution represented in dT-loop
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+C TRAN93 -1.03184847863 1.0384598361934 -.931007055129 .96488706858836 .46550352756452 .46550352756452
+C .11699379699335 173.5312736 -.2534421401997 -164.7717424 -.1852179685965 -0.1852180
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 9.310070551290E-01
+C ---- Initial flux of coil "GEN " to "TRAN93" = -9.31007055E-03
+C ---- Initial flux of coil "GEN " to "TRAN98" = -9.31007055E-03
+ GEN TRAN93TRAN98 { Request for voltage output of these nodes
+C First 5 output variables are electric-network voltage differences (upper voltage minus lower voltage);
+C Next 4 output variables are branch currents (flowing from the upper node to the lower node);
+C 0 0.0 .0018901 .0018901 0.0 -.00189 -.00189 -.280476 -.280476 -.280476 -.280476
+C 1 .01 .0137899 .0137899 .005912 -.007878 -.007878 -.272636 -.272636 -.272636 -.272636
+C 2 .02 .0251067 .0251067 .0235315 -.001575 -.001575 -.253188 -.253188 -.253188 -.253188
+C 3 .03 .0356219 .0356219 .0525108 .0168889 .0168889 -.222823 -.222823 -.222823 -.222823
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+BLANK card ending all plot cards
+C 16th of 19 subcases illustrates KILL = 222 as mentioned in the January,
+C 1999, newsletter. The R-L-C connection of the preceding subcase is
+C modified to connect to a second generator rather than ground. The 2nd
+C generator, GEN2, has a different frequency than the 1st. Prior to
+C correction on November 17th, execution continued in spite of the mixing
+C of frequencies through a nonlinear element. Now, the error is trapped.
+C Note no use of superposition, which is an extraneous complication. A
+C single frequency is all that is required to demonstrate the phenomenon.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 10, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .01 .03
+ 1 1 1 1
+93GEN TRAN 1.0 .01 3
+ 0.0 0.0 { 1st point being origin is request to reflect
+ 1.0 .01 { i = 1 amp corresponds to flux = .01 volt-sec
+ 2.0 .02 { 2nd segment is, in fact, an extension of 1st
+ 9999
+ TRAN GEN2 1.0 0.20E6 1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 1.0 1.0 -1.
+14GEN2 1.0 2.0 -1.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 1st phasor solution.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+BLANK card ending all plot cards
+C 17th of 19 subcases illustrates IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF within HFS data that
+C is the same as 3rd subcase. There are 8 frequency steps, and for the
+C first five, the solution is identical to that of 3rd subcase. But for
+C steps 6 onward, the formula is changed (the ELSE alternative). This
+C data is being added by WSM on 3 December 2000.
+POWER FREQUENCY, 25., ! Needed so minimum frequency is recognized as fundamental
+HARMONIC FREQUENCY SCAN { Non-negative DELFFS in 25-32 means F in Hz (not log F)
+C Controls of following request card: MAXKNT IOPCVP { Ignore MAXKNT value
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 11, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .0001 -1. 50. 50.
+ 1 1 1 0 1 2
+$PARAMETER { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would b
+IF( KNT .LT. 6.0 ) THEN { If frequency (pass number) is low, use one formula:
+C Note: the following formula is identical to that used in the 3rd subcase.
+C The present comment card illustrates that these are tolerated within
+MHENRY = 1.2 - ( KNT - 1.0 ) * .05 { L = 1.2, 1.15, 1.1, 1.05, and 1.0
+ELSE { Alternatively (if frequency is higher, use another formula:
+C Note: the following formula is different from that used in the 3rd subcase.
+C As a result, the solution to steps 6, 7, and 8 differ slightly. We
+C use the ELSE alternative to illustrate saturation of the previously-
+C linear inductance. Slope of L vs. f changes by a factor of 5:
+MHENRY = 1.0 - ( KNT - 5.0 ) * .01 { L =.99, .98, .97
+ENDIF { Terminate 5-line block that provides two alternatives for MHENRY
+C The following variable is not actually used, but it is added to illustrate
+C that other variables can follow an IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF block. As for the
+C formula, it can be found in the 1st subcase. In fact, this addition makes
+C the solution comparable to that of the 1st subcase. They are identical
+C through step 5.
+FREQUENCY = 25. * KNT { This computes the frequency in Hz of the scan
+BLANK card ends $PARAMETER definitions that are processed just b4 branch card
+ TRAN 1.0 1.E+5 3
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 70. 25. 0.0 { Note comment and no negative T-start
+14GEN 70. 50. 0.0 { This is normal HFS source data. It
+14GEN 70. 75. 0.0 { is unusual, however, because of our
+14GEN 70. 100. 0.0 { match preceding subases. Unusual
+14GEN 70. 125. 0.0 { for HFS usage, the amplitude is not
+14GEN 70. 150. 0.0 { varied and all harmonics are present
+14GEN 70. 175. 0.0
+14GEN 70. 200. 0.0
+BLANK card ending source cards
+BLANK card ending F-dependent series R-L-C branches (none, for this subcase)
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+ CALCOMP PLOT { Use BOTH rather than DISK to see a bar chart of harmonics
+ 19680. 0.0200. TRAN { Units/inch of 5-7 are ingored since bar chart
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 18th of 19 subcases illustrates ELSEIF use within an IF-THEN-ELSE-ENDIF
+C block. It is related to the preceding, but for variety has replaced
+C the HFS control of looping by simpler pocket calculator control as was
+C seen in the 1st subcase. The first condition, giving 5 steps, has
+C been left unchanged. But then the remaining 3 steps would need to be
+C split among two formulas. Rather than 8 frequency steps, 9 steps will
+C be taken in order that each formula is used at least twice. From top to
+C bottom: a) below IF b) below ELSEIF c) below ELSE
+C KNT = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 steps 6 and 7 steps 8 and 9.
+C This data is added by WSM on 5 December 2000.
+C Controls of following request card: MAXKNT IOPCVP { Loop 9 times with
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 11, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .0001 -1. 50. 50.
+ 1 1 1 0 1 2
+$PARAMETER { This will be serviced by CIMAGE just as any other $-card would b
+IF( KNT .LT. 6.0 ) THEN { If frequency (pass number) is low, use one formula:
+C Note: the following formula is identical to that used in the 3rd subcase.
+C It is used for KNT < 6, so for values KNT = 1, 2, ... through 5:
+MHENRY = 1.2 - ( KNT - 1.0 ) * .05 { L = 1.2, 1.15, 1.1, 1.05, and 1.0
+C Having evaluated this or any other formula of the block, control
+C passes to the end of the block, of course. Control reaches the
+C following statement if and only if the previous condition ( KNT < 6 )
+C was not satisfied.
+ELSEIF( KNT .LT. 8.0 ) THEN { If frequency (pass number) satisfies KNT < 8 :
+C Control reaches this point only for 5 < KNT < 8, so for KNT = 6 and 7.
+C The slope has been reduced from .05 to .02 and the offset has been
+C reduced to ensure continuity of the piecewise-linear segments:
+MHENRY = 1.0 - ( KNT - 5.0 ) * .02 { Produces values L = .98 and .96
+C Having evaluated this formula, control passes to end of block (ENDIF)
+C Etc. The preceding ELSEIF could be repeated an arbitrary number of
+C times, providing different formulas for an arbitrary number of ranges
+C of KNT. If the condition of the first ELSEIF was not satisfied, the
+C second would be checked, etc. in order from top to bottom. If none is
+C satisfied when ELSE finally was reached, the formula below ELSE
+C would be used.
+ELSE { Alternatively (if none of preceding conditions were satisfied), use this:
+C Control reaches this point only if no preceding condition is satisfied.
+C I.e., for 7 < KNT. The slope and offset will be changed once again,
+C to provide a 3rd segment of the piecewise-linear curve:
+MHENRY = .96 - ( KNT - 7.0 ) * .01 { L =.95, .94
+ENDIF { Terminate 26-line block that provides three alternatives for MHENRY
+C Unlike preceding subcase, the following variable is required because HFS
+C is not being used. Instead, the pocket calculator must itself provide
+C the frequency for any source card (node GEN in this case).
+FREQUENCY = 25. * KNT { This computes the frequency in Hz of the scan
+BLANK card ends $PARAMETER definitions that are processed just b4 branch card
+ TRAN 1.0 1.E+5 3
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN 70. FREQUENCY -1.
+BLANK card ending source cards
+C 1 25. 71.874164 70. 71.874164 3.5892245
+C New parameter values follow: 1) 1.15 2) 50.
+C 2 50. 77.535296 70. 77.535296 7.7150503
+C New parameter values follow: 1) 1.1 2) 75.
+C 3 75. 87.376164 70. 87.376164 12.96142
+C New parameter values follow: 1) 1.05 2) 100.
+C 4 100. 101.32085 70. 101.32085 19.870653
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+C New parameter values follow: 1) 1.0 2) 125.
+C 5 125. 115.44696 70. 115.44696 28.
+C New parameter values follow: 1) .98 2) 150.
+C 6 150. 119.51423 70. 119.51423 34.342161
+C New parameter values follow: 1) .96 2) 175.
+C 7 175. 102.75012 70. 102.75012 33.943547
+C New parameter values follow: 1) .95 2) 200.
+C 8 200. 79.015248 70. 79.015248 29.345527
+C New parameter values follow: 1) .94 2) 225.
+C 9 225. 60.191978 70. 60.191978 24.700662
+ 19650. 0.0250. TRAN Plot limits: ( 0.000, 3.434 )
+BLANK card ending plot cards
+C 19th of 19 subcases is same as the 5th except that the voltage source used
+C previously becomes a current source. Also, as first illustrated by the 14th
+C subcase, the final excitation set will involve no preceding harmonics so it
+C will be the job of ATP to add these automatically. Prior to correction on
+C 13 March 2001, there was an enormous oscillation in dT loop as seen on plot.
+C That is, the automatic addition of all preceding harmonics (here, just one)
+C did not work properly for a current source. Orlando Hevia in Santa Fe,
+C Argentina, first made WSM aware of the problem by E-mail.
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 13, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .01 2.0
+ 1 1 1 1 1 -1
+ 5 5 20 20
+ GEN TRAN 1.0 10. 3
+ TRAN 0.20E6 1
+BLANK card ending program branch cards.
+BLANK card terminating program switch cards (none, for this case)
+14GEN -1 1.0 1.0 -1.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 1st phasor solution.
+ SUPERIMPOSE MORE SOURCES: { Request for superposition produced by more:
+14GEN -1 -1.0 2.0 { 2nd harmonic source } -1.
+BLANK card terminating source cards for 2nd (and final) phasor solution.
+BLANK card ending program output-variable requests.
+ 143 .2 0.0 2.0 GEN TRAN { Screen plot is perfectly smooth & periodic
+BLANK card ending all plot cards