path: root/benchmarks/dc56.dat
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1 files changed, 148 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmarks/dc56.dat b/benchmarks/dc56.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce6b697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/dc56.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+C BENCHMARK DC-56 (former DC-71 of "M39.")
+C First of a pair of cases providing batch-mode documentation of interactive
+C (SPY) capability. The basic data is from DC-4, to which $SPY cards
+C have been added. Included is all-enclusive SPY "HELP" output. Note
+C that SPY commands are preceded by "$SPY", and are followed by "$SPYEND"
+C (in this case, only one such group of SPY commands exists, although up to
+C 9 are allowed). The reserved disk file name "SPYFILE1.DAT" is created
+C by "MAIN00", and is connected to unit MUNIT6 of SPY by "CIMAGE", as
+C the "$SPY, SPYFILE1.DAT" command is processed. If run as a batch-mode
+C simulation, it will terminate at the nominal end-time TMAX = 8. But if
+C interactive execution (SPY) is used, remember that the case will terminate
+C only at the user's request (e.g., usage of the SPY command "STOP"). For
+C SPY use, other changes may also be desired, such as the conversion from
+C universal character plotting to computer-dependent vector-graphic plotting
+C (usually in a separate, third window). Applicable to Apollo for such a
+C change are the comment cards beginning with "C ---." (see 3 locations).
+PRINTED NUMBER WIDTH, 13, 2, { Request maximum precision (for 8 output columns)
+ .020 8.0
+ 1 1 1 0 1 -1
+ 5 5 20 20 160 10
+ GEN TRAN 5.0 5.E4 3
+ TRAN 1.E4
+93TRAN .005 30. 3
+ -5.0 -100.
+ -.1 -50.
+ -.02 -45.
+ -.01 -40.
+ -.005 -30.
+ .005 30.
+ .01 40.
+ .02 45.
+ .10 50.
+ 5.0 100.
+ 9999
+ TRAN LOADG 255. 5.E4 3
+ LOADG 1.E-6
+BLANK card ending branch cards
+BLANK card ending switch cards
+14GEN 70. .1591549 -1.
+$SPY { Request of "CIMAGE" ($-card) to begin batch-mode SPY connection
+$DEBUG, 0, { 1st SPY command is trivial, ineffective change of DIAGNOSTIC
+ExamINE { Next SPY command is this involved and powerful memory display command
+CUT 0 { Begin with initialization (so far, EXAMINE SPY table has no rows)
+ADD { Desired EXAMINE symbols are added to zero-length table
+ISTEP { 1st of an arbitrarily long list of memory locations to be defined
+TMAX { 2nd of an arbitrarily long list of memory locations to be defined
+MEMSAV { 3rd of an arbitrarily long list of memory locations to be defined
+T { 4th of an arbitrarily long list of memory locations to be defined
+NCHAIN { Last of an arbitrarily long list of memory locations to be defined
+END { Exit the symbol-input loop; all EXAMINE symbols have been defined
+TABLE { Display all EXAMINE symbols and pointers defined so far
+FORM { Enter EXAMINE loop that allows the changing of output spacing
+1 6 { Symbol number 1, ISTEP, is to be allowed six columns of width
+2 8 { Symbol number 2, TMAX, is to be allowed 8 columns of width
+3 7 -5 { Symbols 3 onward (the next 5) are to be allowed 7 columns each
+SHOW { Display EXAMINE symbols and pointers defined so far (confirm changes)
+END { Exit the "FORM" loop, moving back to basic "EXAMINE" prompt
+SPY { Exit "EXAMINE" and return to the "SPY:" prompt
+names { Display the "EXAMINE" headings and output (just one line for this case)
+BRANCH { SPY request for display of the program branch table (a simple example)
+ALL { Display all rows of the branch table
+2,3 { Display a range of rows (just 2 and 3, here) of the branch table
+TOP { Display the first row (number 1) of the branch table
+BOT { Display the last row (number 4) of the branch table
+SPY { Exit the loop of the branch table display; back to "SPY:" prompt
+MENU { Show command menu (after 11 July 96, this no longer is in HELP)
+C 27 September 2010, add service for DICE where something nonblank follows
+C the familiar old request word. This is an extension to verify ATP's random
+C number generator independent of switches (e.g., STATISTICS use). ATP data
+C is not even needed, and in no way affects the result. The dice simply are
+C to be rolled a user-specified number of times and the result will be ploted
+C in the SPY window as a mini printer plot. The random number generator can
+C be either: 1) uniformly distributed over [0, 1] or 2) normally distributed
+C with mean zero and standard deviation of unity. Here we go, 2 trial runs :
+DICE BARS=51 { The width of printer plot will be this many columns (bars)
+DICE Uniform { Switch from Gaussian (normal) distribution to uniform distrib.
+DICE 5000 { Roll the dice 5K times and show the bell-shaped distribution
+C More about the preceding. Numbers can end with letter K, so DICE 5000 is
+C the same as DICE 5K (useful for much larger numbers such as 200K ). The
+C initial request for uniform distribution was necessary because the default
+C is Gaussian. The request for BARS=51 corresponds to a zero bar on the
+C left followed by 50 positive values as the the variable steps to unity on
+C the right. I.e., each bar represents 1/50 which is a nice round number.
+DICE BARS=81 { The width of printer plot will be this many columns (bars)
+DICE Gauss 5K { Switch back to the default normal distribution for 5K more rolls
+C More about the preceding. The 81 is one to many for an 80-column display
+C of the SPY window, so the first (value -4.0) will be omitted.
+HELP { Enter loop that provides information about any SPY command
+GO { First, request information about this single names SPY command
+TOP { Next, request information about the first SPY command (which is "NAMES")
+ { <CR> is key word number 28 --- the request for another "EXAMINE" output
+BOT { Next, request information about the last SPY command ("OVERVIEW")
+C ALL { Remove "C " before "ALL" to see all "HELP" text of the program
+SPY { Exit the "HELP" command; back to basic "SPY:" prompt
+BREAK { Request a pause in the simulation that will soon resume (after "GO")
+16, -101 { Illustration of interactive plotting will begin on time step 101
+GO { Begin EMTP execution; no "@" read until break point is reached
+PLOT { Having just broken at step 101, enter SPY plotting
+C ---. For 3-window SPY usage and vector plotting, comment out the MODE card
+C ---. that follows (assuming LTEK=1 for vector plots is set by STARTUP file)
+MODE { Toggle from vector (Apollo default) to character mode of plotting
+CHOICE { Request a list of the output variables, available for plotting
+NAME { Plot command to begin inputting the variable names
+TRAN { The first and only variable to be plotted will be this node voltage
+LAST { Exit the loop over plot input variables; back to basic plot command
+TIME { Request for actual plotting (in this case, a character plot)
+0, 2.0 { Time span of the character plot that is to begin immediately
+SPY { Exit plotting; back to "SPY:" command
+NAMES { Display the "EXAMINE" headings and output (just one line for this case)
+C Note: the preceding "NAMES" line is added 27 April 2010 to show 48-bit ISTEP
+C The previous display of step 0 is inadequate to verify use because a
+C zero REAL*8 corresponds to a zero INTEGER*4. The DC56.LIS file was
+C perfect even though MODELS DCN28.LIS showed ISTEP = 0 for all steps.
+C With this addition, if the address/type of ISTEP is bad, DC56.LIS will
+C confirm the situation along with DCN28.LIS It should be safer to
+C have such confirmation of 48-bit counting outside of MODELS as well as
+C within MODELS. If memory addresses of extended integer counting are
+C bad, the problem really is not due to MODELS.
+BREAK { Request a pause in the simulation that will soon resume (after "GO")
+16, -162 { Next SPY activity will recommence at time step number 162
+GO { Begin EMTP execution; no "@" read until break point is reached
+PLOT { Having just broken at step 162, enter SPY plotting
+FRONT 1.0 { The time scale will be chosen to provide only the latest 1.0 sec
+C ---. For 3-window SPY usage and vector plotting, change ROLLC to ROLLV:
+ROLLC { Toggle flag for rolling printer plot; rolling is now to begin.
+SPY { Exit plotting; back to "SPY:" command
+BREAK { Request a pause in the simulation that will soon resume (after "GO")
+16, -251 { Next SPY activity will recommence at time step number 251
+GO { Begin EMTP execution; no "@" read until break point is reached
+TIME { Trivial SPY command just to demonstrate that we have "SPY:" prompt
+NOROLL { End the rolling character plot as last SPY command before exit
+$SPYEND { Bound on in-line SPY commands; back to batch-mode program data
+BLANK card ending all electric sources
+C Total network loss P-loss by summing injections = 8.286714400785E+00
+C ---- Initial flux of coil "TRAN " to " " = -1.13295190E+01
+C 60 1.2 18.29171134 7.073352669 7.073352556 25.36506401 7.073352669
+C 80 1.6 -2.34791112 .3039748672 .303974844 -2.04393625 .3039748672
+C 100 2.0 -24.493162 -4.63708207 -4.63708206 -29.1302441 -4.63708207
+C // Service "BREAK". T = 0.20200E+01 16 = NCHAIN
+BLANK card ending requests for program output (here, just node voltages)
+C ---. All following cards will only be read for single-window execution:
+ 193 .5 0.0 5.0 TRAN LOADG GEN TRAN { Axis limits: (-3.493, 3.288)
+BLANK card ending all plot cards