C       1st of 6 test cases that generate data for Noda F-dependence of DCN-14
C     Like TAKU12,  only here 200 miles long for DC-38  (not 180 as for DC-3). 
C     Use only 1 phase of 3-phase, 500-kV line  ---  Phase 1,  plus closest 
C     ground wire.  This gives Noda approximation for use with DC-37.
C NODA SETUP, 1, { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  1 ==> F-scan printout
NODA SETUP     { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  No printout of F-scan
DCN14A.CCC    { Output file name (blank requests use of default  TAKUNODA.CCC)
C =============================================================================
HOMOGENEOUS LINE  { declares that this case is for a homogeneous line
C * This time, only "HOMOGENEOUS LINE" is available.  This means
C   homogeneous, frequency-dependent transmission line.
C * More options will be add in the future, for example, "CORONA LINE"
C   with nonlinear corona branches inside the line model, and
C   "CREAT LINE" with creat capacitances inside the line model.
C == Fitting Parameters =======================================================
   50.0E-6  { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4   12  { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
    1    6  { min and max orders for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C  3.0  0.5  2.0  { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent
  1.0, 0.1, 3.0, 5 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in %, MAX ITARATION <<<
NO SYMMETRY  { pair(s) of phases having symmetry (here, none)
C -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
C * The fitting parameter part consists of 4 lines.
C * ARMAfit will determin the best order for each phase in the range
C   specified in the above.  The recommended values are :
C     4, 12  for voltage deformation matrix [H]
C     1,  6  for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C   Too big order does not give accurate fitting and stability.
C * The meaning of the error constants above is as follows :
C     EpsA  : permitted error in the stage of Least-Square fitting
C     EpsM1 : error determining modal traveling timings
C     EpsM2 : error detecting dominant modes in each phase response
C   The recommended values are :
C     EpsA = 3.0 %,  EpsM1 = 0.5 %,  EpsM2 = 2.0 %
C   Too small value does not give accurate fitting, because the line
C   CONSTANTS include errors due to many approximations, assumptions,
C   and numerical calculations.  An ARMA model does not reproduce
C   a frequency characteristic which cannot exist physically.
C * If phase #1 and #3 have symmetry regarding to the center line of
C   the line configuration, we can specify as the above, and then
C   ARMAfit will take care of the symmetry to reduce the fitting time.
C   If more than 2 pairs of phases have symmetry, we can specify as
C   follows : 1, 4  2, 5  3, 6  { three pairs.
C * The next part will be the frequency scan from CABLE PARAMETERS,
C =============================================================================
NODA SETUP END    { Bound of fitter data;  begin CABLE PARAMETERS data
BRANCH  GEN-A 18-A  GEN-B 18-B  GEN-C 18-C
  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -20.75   50.     50.
  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -19.25   50.     50.
  0.5    2.61    4         0.386  -12.9    98.5    98.5
C 0.5    2.61    4         0.386   12.9    98.5    98.5
BLANK card ending conductor cards of imbedded  "LINE CONSTANTS"  data
C 100.         5000.                            180.       1           1
C 100.         60.00                            180.       1           1
C 100.           .01                            180.       1   9 10    1
100.           10.                            200.       1   3 10    1
100.          1.E6                            200.       1           1
BLANK card ending frequency cards of inbedded  "LINE CONSTANTS"  data
C   At this point,  disk file  DCN14A.CCC  has been created.  This is input 
C   to Taku Noda's fitter  ---  a separate Salford DBOS program that will
C   produce data (disk file  DCN14A.DAT)  for branch cards of  DCN14.DAT
BLANK card ending  "LINE CONSTANTS"  cases
C      2nd of 6 subcases 
C    1994-1995,  this was at end of DC-27.   This is for a single-phase
C    cable (core and sheath).  Cable data came from CESI (see DCNEW-6).
C NODA SETUP, 1, { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  1 ==> F-scan printout
NODA SETUP     { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  No printout of F-scan
DCN14B.CCC    { Output file name (blank requests use of default  TAKUNODA.CCC)
HOMOGENEOUS LINE  { declares that this case is for a homogeneous line
C  -1.       { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    3.0E-6  { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4   12  { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
    1    6  { min and max orders for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C 3.0  0.5  3.0  { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent ---  out 3 Dec 95
  1.0, 0.1, 3.0, 5 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in %, MAX ITARATION <<<
NO SYMMETRY  { pair(s) of phases having symmetry (here, none)
NODA SETUP END    { Bound of fitter data;  begin CABLE PARAMETERS data
CABLE PARAMETERS           { Transfer to new (August, 1994) cable constants code
    2   -1    1    0    1    0    0         0
     .0206    .02865    .06395     .0689     .0775
  1.775E-8        1.        1.       3.5    9.1E-8        1.        1.      2.25
      1.05        0.
           300.             1.    6   10    600.
           300.           1.E8              600.
BLANK card ending frequency cards within  CABLE PARAMETERS
C   At this point,  disk file  DCN14B.CCC  has been created.  This is input 
C   to Taku Noda's fitter  ---  a separate Salford DBOS program that will
C   produce data (disk file  DCN14B.DAT)  for branch cards of  DCN14.DAT
BLANK card ending  "CABLE CONSTANTS"  data cases
C      3rd of 6 subcases 
C   Generate data to represent 180-miles of BPA 500-kV overhead line as studied
C   in  DC-3.  Output is used within  DCNEW-14  which repeats the
C   simulation using Taku Noda's frequency dependence rather than 18 Pi-circuits
C NODA SETUP, 1, { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  1 ==> F-scan printout
NODA SETUP     { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  No printout of F-scan
DCN14C.CCC    { Output file name (blank requests use of default  TAKUNODA.CCC)
C =============================================================================
HOMOGENEOUS LINE  { declares that this case is for a homogeneous line
   50.0E-6  { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4   12  { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
    1    6  { min and max orders for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C  3.0  0.5  2.0  { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent
  1.0, 0.1, 3.0, 5 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in %, MAX ITARATION <<<
  1, 3  { pair(s) of phases having symmetry <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NODA SETUP END    { Bound of fitter data;  begin CABLE PARAMETERS data
C  ---  1st,  look at the  LINE CONSTANTS  data for John Day to Lower Monumental
C       This is 500-kV,  so use for DC-3  (close enough for government work):
C  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -20.75   50.     50.
C  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -19.25   50.     50.
C  2.3636 .05215  4         1.602   -0.75   77.5    77.5
C  2.3636 .05215  4         1.602    0.75   77.5    77.5
C  3.3636 .05215  4         1.602   19.25   50.     50.
C  3.3636 .05215  4         1.602   20.75   50.     50.
C  0.5    2.61    4         0.386  -12.9    98.5    98.5
C  0.5    2.61    4         0.386   12.9    98.5    98.5
C  27.        60.           1                  138.
C  27.        6.0           1                  138.           7 20
CABLE PARAMETERS  { Use for overhead line because of  LINE CONSTANTS  trouble
    1    2    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  { transposed line
    3    2    2    1
2.03454E-2  .5550E-2 .49022E-2       0.0     .4572      0.0
   3.90E-8       1.0  12.24E-8       1.0    { rho = cross-sec. area * Rdc / l
     15.24     15.24    -6.096    23.622    23.622      0.
     15.24     15.24     6.096   30.0228   30.0228  -3.93192
   30.0228   30.0228   3.93192
C  Next come 2 frequency cards.  The first loops over meaningful frequencies for            
C  the line length  (here 1 Hz through 100 kHz:  10 points/decade for 5 decades)
C  The second is for a single nearly-infinite frequency (here 100 MHz):            
            27.            1.0    5   10 289682.     { 180 miles is about 290 Km
            27.           1.E8           289682.     { 2nd of 2 is for high freq
BLANK card ending frequency cards within  CABLE PARAMETERS
C   At this point,  disk file  DCN14C.CCC  has been created.  This is input 
C   to Taku Noda's fitter  ---  a separate Salford DBOS program that will
C   produce data (disk file  DCN14C.DAT)  for branch cards used by DCN14.DAT
BLANK card ending  CABLE CONSTANTS  data subcases
C      4th of 6 subcases 
C   Generate data to represent 138-miles of BPA 500-kV overhead line as studied
C   in  DC-31  and  DC-41.  Output is used within  DCNEW-14  which repeats the
C   simulation using Taku Noda's frequency dependence rather than Hauer (DC-41)
C   or Semlyen (DC-31).
C NODA SETUP, 1, { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  1 ==> F-scan printout
NODA SETUP     { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  No printout of F-scan
DCN14D.CCC    { Output file name (blank requests use of default  TAKUNODA.CCC)
HOMOGENEOUS LINE  { declares that this case is for a homogeneous line
   20.0E-6  { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4   12  { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
    1    6  { min and max orders for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C  3.0  0.5  2.0  { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent
  1.0, 0.1, 3.0, 5 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in %, MAX ITARATION <<<
  1, 3  { pair(s) of phases having symmetry <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NODA SETUP END    { Bound of fitter data;  begin CABLE PARAMETERS data
C  ---  1st,  look at the  LINE CONSTANTS  data for John Day to Lower Monumental
C  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -20.75   50.     50.
C  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -19.25   50.     50.
C  2.3636 .05215  4         1.602   -0.75   77.5    77.5
C  2.3636 .05215  4         1.602    0.75   77.5    77.5
C  3.3636 .05215  4         1.602   19.25   50.     50.
C  3.3636 .05215  4         1.602   20.75   50.     50.
C  0.5    2.61    4         0.386  -12.9    98.5    98.5
C  0.5    2.61    4         0.386   12.9    98.5    98.5
C  27.        60.           1                  138.
C  27.        6.0           1                  138.           7 20
CABLE PARAMETERS  { Use for overhead line because of  LINE CONSTANTS  trouble
    1    2    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  { transposed line
    3    2    2    1
2.03454E-2  .5550E-2 .49022E-2       0.0     .4572      0.0
   3.90E-8       1.0  12.24E-8       1.0    { rho = cross-sec. area * Rdc / l
     15.24     15.24    -6.096    23.622    23.622      0.00
     15.24     15.24     6.096   30.0228   30.0228  -3.93192
   30.0228   30.0228   3.93192
C  Next come 2 frequency cards.  The first loops over meaningful frequencies for            
C  the line length  (here 1 Hz through 100 kHz:  10 points/decade for 5 decades)
C  The second is for a single nearly-infinite frequency (here 100 MHz):            
            27.            1.0    5   10 222089.     { 138 miles is about 222 Km
            27.           1.E8           222089.     { 2nd of 2 is for high freq
BLANK card ending frequency cards within  CABLE PARAMETERS
C   At this point,  disk file  DCN14D.CCC  has been created.  This is input 
C   to Taku Noda's fitter  ---  a separate Salford DBOS program that will
C   produce data (disk file  DCN14D.DAT)  for branch cards used by DCN14.DAT
BLANK card ending  CABLE CONSTANTS  data subcases
C      5th of 6 subcases 
C NODA SETUP, 1, { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  1 ==> F-scan printout
NODA SETUP      { Request Taku Noda's fitter,  for which data follows
DCN14E.CCC    { Output file name (blank requests use of default  TAKUNODA.CCC)
HOMOGENEOUS LINE  { declares that this case is for a homogeneous line
   10.0E-6  { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4   12  { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
    1    6  { min and max orders for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C  3.0  0.5  2.0  { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent
  1.0, 0.1, 3.0, 5 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in %, MAX ITARATION <<<
  1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4  { pair(s) of phases having symmetry <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NODA SETUP END    { Bound of fitter data;  begin CABLE PARAMETERS data
C    At this point,  we have  LINE CONSTANTS  data,  so would like to use this. 
C    But,  it is not smooth enough for Noda,  so use  CABLE PARAMETERS  
C    approximate equivalent of the following:
C COULEE-RAVER 500-KV                                                         
C   1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -17.1875 49.06                              
C   1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -18.25   48.0                               
C   1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -19.3125 49.06                              
C   2.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -27.1875 85.06                              
C   2.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -28.25   84.0                               
C   2.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -29.3125 85.06                              
C   3.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -17.1875 121.06                             
C   3.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -18.25   120.0                              
C   3.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -19.3125 121.06                             
C   4.3636 .05215  4         1.602   17.1875 121.06                             
C   4.3636 .05215  4         1.602   18.25   120.0                              
C   4.3636 .05215  4         1.602   19.3125 121.06                             
C   5.3636 .05215  4         1.602   27.1875  85.06                             
C   5.3636 .05215  4         1.602   28.25    84.0                              
C   5.3636 .05215  4         1.602   29.3125  85.06                             
C   6.3636 .05215  4         1.602   17.1875  49.06                             
C   6.3636 .05215  4         1.602   18.25    48.0                              
C   6.3636 .05215  4         1.602   19.3125  49.06                             
C   0.5    2.61    4          .386  -9.0     163.96                             
C   0.5    2.61    4          .386   9.0     163.96                             
BRANCH  A1    A2    B1    B2    C1    C2    A'1   A'2   B'1   B'2   C'1   C'2
    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
    6    2    3    1
2.03454E-2  .5550E-2 .49022E-2       0.0   .521         0.0
C The data ".521 m" above is average separation of phase wires in the bundle
C i.e.,  ( 1.501ft + 1.501ft + 2.125ft ) / 3 = 1.709 ft = .521 m
C Data on the following card are resistivities and relative permeabilities
C of phase wires and ground wires
C 3.8995E-8       1.0  12.24E-8       1.0  { modified rho to match rho in double.dat
   2.92E-8      1.0   9.501E-8      1.0
    14.846    14.846    -5.563    25.819    25.819    -8.611
    36.791    36.791    -5.563    36.791    36.791     5.563
    25.818    25.819     8.611    14.846    14.846     5.563
    49.975    49.975    -2.743    49.975    49.975     2.743
           100.            1.0    6   10  80450.     { 50 miles is about 80 Km
           100.           1.E8            80450.     { 2nd of 2 is for high freq
BLANK card ending frequency cards within  CABLE PARAMETERS
C   At this point,  disk file  DCN14E.CCC  has been created.  This is input 
C   to Taku Noda's fitter  ---  a separate Salford DBOS program that will
C   produce data (disk file  DCN14E.DAT)  for branch cards used by DCN14.DAT
BLANK card ending  CABLE CONSTANTS  data subcases
C      6th of 6 subcases 
C   Generate data to represent 180-miles of BPA 500-kV overhead line as studied
C   in  DC-3.  Output is used within  DCNEW-14  which repeats the
C   simulation using Taku Noda's frequency dependence rather than 18 Pi-circuits
C NODA SETUP, 1, { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  1 ==> F-scan printout
NODA SETUP     { Request Taku Noda's ARMA model fitter.  No printout of F-scan
DCN14F.CCC    { Output file name (blank requests use of default  TAKUNODA.CCC)
C =============================================================================
HOMOGENEOUS LINE  { declares that this case is for a homogeneous line
   50.0E-6  { time step (if negative, optimum time step request) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    4   12  { min and max orders for voltage deformation matrix [H]
    1    6  { min and max orders for characteristic admittance matrix [Y0]
C  3.0  0.5  2.0  { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in percent
  1.0, 0.1, 3.0, 5 { error constants: EpsA, EpsM1, EpsM2 in %, MAX ITARATION <<<
  1, 3  { pair(s) of phases having symmetry <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
NODA SETUP END    { Bound of fitter data;  begin  LINE CONSTANTS  data
UNTRANSPOSED  { Request conventional untransposed representation
C  ---  1st comes line geometry for John Day to Lower Monumental
  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -20.75   50.     50.
  1.3636 .05215  4         1.602  -19.25   50.     50.
  2.3636 .05215  4         1.602   -0.75   77.5    77.5
  2.3636 .05215  4         1.602    0.75   77.5    77.5
  3.3636 .05215  4         1.602   19.25   50.     50.
  3.3636 .05215  4         1.602   20.75   50.     50.
  0.5    2.61    4         0.386  -12.9    98.5    98.5
  0.5    2.61    4         0.386   12.9    98.5    98.5
BLANK card ending conductor cards
C  Next come 2 frequency cards.  The first loops over meaningful frequencies for            
C  the line length  (here 1 Hz through 100 kHz:  10 points/decade for 5 decades)
C  The second is for a single nearly-infinite frequency (here 100 MHz):            
  27.        1.0           1                  180.           5 10
  27.       1.E8           1                  180.
BLANK card ending frequency cards
C   At this point,  disk file  DCN14F.CCC  has been created.  This is input 
C   to Taku Noda's fitter  ---  a separate Salford DBOS program that will
C   produce data (disk file  DCN14F.DAT)  for branch cards used by DCN14.DAT
BLANK card ending  LINE CONSTANTS  data subcases