Jan. 13-15. Don Lawson Memorial. 6-SS, 30/90, SD/1. Indian Peublo Cultural
Center (Spec. Events Bldg., North Prkg Lot), Albuquerque, NM (one block North
of I-40 on 12th St. NW). 2 sections. Open: to all. EF: $30 in advance.
Reserve: open to U1600/Unr. EF: $20, $15 jrs. (U18) in advance, free to new
first time USCF membs. All, EF $5 more at site. NMCO memb. req'd. $7, $4 jrs.,
OSA. $$ 90% of EF's (excluding late fees and expenses) returned as cash
prizes. Jan. 15 is a national holiday. You may choose to play any combination
of rounds or days and receive one or two half-point byes. Byes must commit in
advance. Reg. Sat. 8:45-9:30 am. Rds. 10-4, 9-3, 8-2. Info: Bill Moffatt 857-
9817. Ent: Checks payable to NMCO, PO Box 9285, Albuquerque, NM 87119. NS. W.