Index to lists and their priorities

-2 set by head admin only (Not yet implemented)
-1 set by admin gods only (V1.2.4 onward)
0 read/write admins only
1 write admins  - read by all
2 read/write by all (Not used at present)

lists are used for:

 abuser  list of game abusers - will lose on disconnnection (V1.2.2)

 admin   list of all admins - NB (V1.2.3 and below use asetadmin to add
           +admin gives level 10 administrator - use asetadmin to increase)
           (V1.2.4 the priveledge of the lists should be -1)
           (Future versions should be -2)

 ban     list of banned people (V1.2.4)

 blind   list of people registered playing blind (style 9)

 cmuzzle list of people not allowed to use cshout (V1.2.3)

 computer list of computer opponents (V1.2.2)

 filter list of filtered ip addresses which unregs can't log in from (V1.2.7)
         1> eg +filter 128  does filter 128.*.*.*     where * is don't care. 
         2> eg +filter 128.127 does filter 128.127.*.*
         3> eg +filter 128.127.126 does filter 128.127.126.*
         4> eg +filter does filter

           NB Never use example 1!
              Example 2 will probably filter a whole university
              Example 3 will filter a network
              Example 4 will filter a machine

 fm     list of FM opponents (V1.2.2)
 gm     list of GM opponents (V1.2.2)
 im     list of IM opponents (V1.2.2)

 muzzle    list of muzzled people (use muzzle command below V1.2.3)
            NB muzzle doesn't revoke cshout priveledges

 quota     list of people who will get severe shout quotas (V1.2.5)
             NB The quota command can change the shout limit.

 removedcom    list of commands that can't be used due to bugs (V1.2.12)
                 NB priveledge should be -1

 td    list of tournament directors (V1.2.4)

 teams   list of all teams and club accounts

Lists are added in the index file the format is: 
    <Name of list> <priveledge>

Only one entry should appear per line.

FICS commands:

 +listname [name]    adds someone to a list
 -listname [name]    removes someone from a list
 =listname [name]    shows list
 =                   list an index to the lists

 note + is short for addlist    - short for sublist   and = short for showlist

[Written by DAV 06/11/95]