
Usage: withdraw [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player, simul,
switch, takeback]

  Withdraws an offer that you have made to another user.  If no parameter is
given and there is only one offer, the withdraw command with rescind your
offer.  If you have more than one offer pending (for example multiple match
offers) then you must specify which offer you want to withdraw.  You can
choose the offer by number, by type, all offers, or by the player's name to
whom you have made the offer.  For example, the command "withdraw match" will
decline all pending match offers you have made.  The command "withdraw Shane"
will withdraw the offer you made to Shane.

NOTE: Several types of requests are withdrawn automatically in certain
situations.  For example, if you have made a match request to user2 but then
accept a match request from user1, FICS starts your match with user1 and
withdraws your offer to user2; user2 is notified that you have started another

See Also:  abort  accept  adjourn  draw  match  pause  pending  simul  switch

[Last modified: June 20, 1995 -- Friar]