
Usage: who [o][r][f][a][R][U][s][b][L][A][l][t][v][n][1-3][B]
  Displays a list of users who are connected to the server according to the
parameters you give.  Typing "who" alone, without any arguments, will list all
users according to their blitz ratings.
  o: Only open players.
  r: Only players for rated matches.
  f: Only free players (not playing a game).
  a: Only available players (open & free).
  R: Only registered players.
  U: Only unregistered players.
  #: Only the top (1), middle (2) or lower (3) third of users.
  B: Only users with bughouse partners set.

  s: Standard rating.
  b: Blitz rating.
  L: Lightning rating.
  A: Lists players alphabetically.
  l: Same as above but without rating/game info.  [lower case "L"]

  t: Terse.
  v: Verbose.
  n: Win-loss record.

  For example, "who aRsA" would display an alphabetical listing (A) of
registered players (R) who are available for matches (a) along with their
ratings from games using standard time controls (s).  NOTE: both the capital
letters and the order of the options are important, but you *may* use spaces
between the various letters.


  The following table is an example of what the "who" request will display. 
(Only a portion of a much larger listing is given here.)

2255^OldManII(C)    1879 Chopin         1625:Flash          1251:Juan         
2163 Heringer       1838^asu            1612 Lesiege        ---- Jerard       
2099^AmacaballoFat  1799^Kael           1587:Boutros        ----:Tomato(TD)   
2084^Torr           1783:GARP           1572^chessnut       ++++:arc          
2074:loon(*)        1774:grimm          1556#jethro         ++++^ASESINO      
2072 death(FM)      1760:Tsang          1555.billard        ++++.beto         

  The format is <rating> <status> <handle>.

Rating:  Only one set of ratings are displayed -- the default is blitz unless
  another rating is requested.    The entry ---- means this user is registered
  but does not have a rating for this type of chess.  The entry ++++ means
  that the user is unregistered and thus has no rating.

Status codes:
  ^   involved in a game
  ~   running a simul match
  :   not open for a match
  #   examining a game
  .   inactive for 5 minutes or longer
      not busy

Special handle codes:
  *         admin
  B         blindfold account
  C         computer account
  T         team account
  TD        Tournament Director program
  FM/IM/GM  titles for international chess masters


  The following table shows sample entries from a "who v" request -- where the
"v" means "verbose" style of the "who" command.  A complete display, of
course, would be rather long ... one line for each user logged on who fits the
parameters of the who request..

 |      User              Standard    Blitz        On for   Idle |
 | 22   OldManII          2172        2256         4:09          |
 | 40 u Torr              ----        2084           14          |
 |   X  loon              2015        2074           11          |
 | 35   Chopin            ----        1879            4          |
 |   Xu Juan              1336        1251           20     19   |
 |  4 U ASESINO           ++++        ++++           18          |
 |                                                               |
 |     95 Players Displayed                                      |
Going from left to right in the display:
                 ## -- the number of the game the user is playing
                  X -- not open for games
                  u -- open for unrated games only
                  U -- unregistered player
             <name> -- the player's "handle"
    Standard rating -- the player's rating from standard games
       Blitz rating -- the player's rating from blitz games
             On for -- (in hours/minutes) how long the player has been on
               Idle -- (in hours/minutes) how the player has been idle
  Players Displayed -- the number of current users fitting the who request


  The format for the win-loss record display is simple.  Here is an example:

Name               Stand     win loss draw   Blitz    win loss draw    idle
----------------   -----     -------------   -----    -------------    ----
<user>             ----        0    0    0   2018      92   56   26      10 

  The order is again by blitz, unless specified otherwise.  This information
is also available on an individual basis by using the "finger" command.

See Also:  blindfold  blitz  bughouse  computers  examine  finger 
intro_information  observe  ratings  team

[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]