teamgames A team game is a game played between two teams, each consisting of more than one player. It is also possible to have a team playing against one person or a computer. The procedures are simple: (a) set up the teams, (b) appoint one person from each team as captain, (c) have the two captains match each other using very long time controls, usually unrated, (d) have two separate channels for the teams to use for their consultations, (e) have team members observe the game and consult about moves, (f) have the captain play the move for his/her team ... and play continues along those lines. To start a team game, it is best to have the players use three channels. At the moment Channels 20, 21 and 22 are primarily for this purpose. To start with, all the participants turn on one channel (Channel 20) to enable communication about team formation. The other two channels are for the two teams. Players of one team turn on the their channel but not the other. Then the players on each team select a captain. Actually, there are many ways to form teams. One way is to let the players join a channel randomly, another is to agree to two captains first and let them pick their teams in turn. There is no set rule that must be followed. A game is started by the two captains playing each other. Then every participant observes that game. Players can suggest moves using the appropriate channels. They can adopt a democracy and vote before making moves, or they can opt for dictatorship where the captain can decide on the move, taking advice from the think tank. Any form of decision making is possible, provided the team has agreed to it beforehand. Typically, it takes much longer to play a team game than a game between individuals, because a lot of discussion is going on. Hence a longer time control and longer increment are recommended. Several minutes per move is not uncommon -- and even that time can go quickly. WHY TEAM GAMES? Playing team games is a good way to learn because you are involved in a position and can hear different views on it. Some people play mainly positionally and some prefer sharp combinations. It is enlightening to see how widely different analyses can come out from the same position. Moreover, you can learn more about openings with which you are unfamiliar. Team games are also fun. During the consultation, it is typical that players talk and make jokes. It helps develop friendly relationships among users. In fact, even the process of forming teams can be fun. REMEMBER: Chess on this server is for fun. So please don't flame. Sometimes even a team can overlook something and play a bad move. In that case, just take it easy. Try to work as a team and fight back from behind. Bitter words do nobody any good. If you have a relatively stable team that wants to have its own handle and rating, please read the "team" help file for details on these special accounts. See also: channel observe team tell [Last modified: October 10, 1995 -- Friar]