
Usage: stored [user]

  Displays all of the stored games of 'user' or of yourself if 'user' is
omitted.  Adjourned games are stored (but not games lost due to a server
crash).  To resume an adjourned game, have both players logged on the server
and use the "match" command.

  Several other commands involve stored games.  "Examine" allows you to review
and analyze a game.  "Mailstored" mails the moves to you.  "Sposition" will
display the last position of the game.  "Smoves" will display the moves of
the game.  You can also have an adjourned game adjudicated by an admin (see
the "adjudication" help file).


(a)  Users who have too many stored games may be placed on the abuser list. 
Having up to 10 stored games is fine, but many more games beyond that will
raise concerns.  Please complete your adjourned games in a reasonable time or
ask for an adjudication.

(b)   It is possible to resign one of your stored games, even when your
opponent is not logged on.

See Also:  abuser  adjourn  adjudication  examine  mailstored  match  resign 
smoves  sposition

[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]