
Usage: shout message 

  Displays your message to all users who are open to hear shouts.  Returns
the number of users who heard your shout.  "Shout" has an alias of "!".

  Here is an example: if your handle is HANDEL and you type "shout This server
is great!", users will see the following message displayed --

	HANDEL shouts: This server is great!

You, as the sender, will see the following --

	(##) HANDEL shouts: This server is great!

where ## is the number of users who received the message.

  All users have a set shout quota, a limit on how many shouts can be made
within a given period of time.  Further details are given in the "shout_quota"
help file.


  (a) Use "cshout" rather than "shout" for chess-related messages.

  (b) To contact just one user, use "tell".

  (c) If you want to contact a specific group of users, "tell" to a channel.

  (d) "It" and "shout" are similar.  Be familiar with their differences.

  (e) Persons who "shout" in less than appropriate ways, may be placed on the
shout_abuse list or given other sanctions (such as "muzzle").

  (f) You can decide whether or not to hear a "shout" from other users;
setting the "shout" variable to 0 (zero) filters these from being sent to you
("set shout off" or "set shout 0").

See Also:  channel  cshout  intro_talking  it  shout_abuse  shout_quota  tell 

[Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]