
Usage: observe [game,user]

  Puts a game on your observation list.  You can give either the game number
or the user whose game you want to observe.  For example, if game #34 is
KARPOV versus RETI, then "observe 34", "observe RETI" or "observe KARPOV" will
add this game to your observation list.  You can observe more than one game at

  When you are observing a game, you will receive an updated board position
and game information each time a move is made.  When a game you are observing
ends, you will be given the result of the game.

  Use the "unobserve" command to remove a game (or even all games) from your
observation list.

  Use "allobservers" to see who is observing a game (or all games) in


(a)  At one point "observe" used alone would remove all games from your
observation list.  This function is now being phased out in favor of the
"unobserve" command.  But be careful while both commands are still valid.

(b)  It is possible to observe all simul games being played by the simul
player by the command "observe simul_player".  All of the simul games in
progress will be added to your observation list.  When the last simul game is
finished, you will be given the result of the simul exhibition.

See Also:  allobservers  games  simuls  unobserve

[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]