
Usage: +|-|= notify [user]

  When a user is on your notification list, you will be notified each time
that user logs onto or leaves the server.  Here are the variations of the
command possible:

    +notify user     Add "user" to notify list
    -notify user     Remove "user" from notify list
    =notify          Display your notify list

  Also, when you are on another user's notification list, you will be sent a
message that your entering the server was noted by that user.  If you want to
be notified each time *any* user logs on or off, use the "pin" variable.  Use
the "znotify" command to see which users currently logged on are on your
notify list and which have you on their notify lists.

  The size of your notify list is limited (type "limits" to see current size). 
Fortunately, there is a way you can maximize the use of your notify list.  The
solution involves the "notifiedby" variable.  If you are on another user's
notify list and have your "notifiedby" variable set to 1, you will be notified
by the server when that user logs on/off.  It will work the same way as if you
had that user on your list: you will be *notified by* the other user's list! 
Here's an example:

    Hawk's notify list includes DAV *and* DAV has "notifiedby" set to 1

will have the same effect as ...

    Hawk's notify list includes DAV *and* DAV's list includes Hawk

... except that one notify list entry (namely, DAV on Hawk's list) is doing
the work of two entries.  That is how you can save on the length of your
'notify' list.

See Also:  addlist  limits  variables  znotify

[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]