
Usage: moretime seconds

  Adds extra time (in seconds) to your opponent's clock when you are playing a
game.  Maximum time you can add -- 600 seconds (if you try to add more than
600 seconds, only 600 will be added).

  In essence, using the moretime command means that you don't want your 
opponent to worry so much about the time remaining on his/her clock, about 
being flagged, and so on.  It is a useful command to use when your opponent 
mentions a problem with transmission lags and you are using an interface 
with the autoflag feature on.  You are under no obligation to give your 
opponent more time, of course.

  If you need more time, you can always ask your opponent to add time to your
clock -- depending on the circumstances and their mood, they might grant your
request.  But if you find that you frequently need more time when you play,
consider playing with longer time controls.

See Also:  abort  flag  match

[Last modified: June 11, 1995 -- Friar]