

  There are several types of information that are available about users, games
and the server.  You can have this information displayed to you by using
various commands.


    command      information
    -------      --------------------------------------------
    best         Displays highest ratings achieved for different types of
                 chess matches (includes computers)
    finger       Displays general information about a user
    handle       Lists registered users with names beginning with a given
                 letter or letters 
    hbest        Displays highest ratings achieved for different types of
                 chess matches (excludes computers)
    history      Displays information about a user's recent matches
    hrank        Lists users and ratings within the range of ranks specified
                 (rankings exclude computers)
    inchannel    Lists all users who are listening to a given communication
    rank         Lists users and ratings within the range of ranks specified
                 (rankings include computers)
    stored       Lists a user's stored games
    variables    Displays a user's current preferences and settings
    who          Lists current users


    command      information
    -------      --------------------------------------------
    allobservers Lists all users observing a chess game (or games)
    assess       Displays how you and another user's ratings would change
                 if you were to play a rated chess match
    eco          Displays information about the opening used in the game
    games        Lists current games


    command      information
    -------      --------------------------------------------
    date         Current date 
    help         Describes a command, displays useful information, or
                 lists all commands and their help file topics alphabetically
    info         Lists all "information" help files for non-commands
    llogons      Lists the last 30 or so logons/logoffs
    logons       Lists the last 10 or so logons for a user
    news         Lists recent news items about the server
    statistics   Displays information about server usage
    time         Displays current time at the server site
    uptime       Displays how long the server has been running since its last
                 startup, and various server statistics and parameters

  Also, the "totals" help file gives updated information about registered and
active users on the server.

See Also: [the individual commands]

[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]