
  It is possible to play chess matches on the server by typing your moves and
having board positions displayed in a simple style.  However, it is also
possible to use a graphics interface for making moves and displaying board
positions.  A graphics interface is a software program designed to decode the
information sent to you by FICS and display board information using stylized
graphics.  It also allows you to make moves by moving pieces on its board
using a mouse.

  Which graphics interface will work best for you will depend upon the kind
of computer you are using, and the way you are being connected to the server.
Many graphics interfaces are available at the main chess ftp site
(  Feel free to ask FICS users about what is working best for
them, and feel free to examine the files at

  If you use a graphics interface, you will need to select the board style
that is most appropriate for your software.

See Also: set  style  variables

List of interfaces

  Listed in this helpfile are details of graphical interfaces.  Often it is
difficult to play chess using the 'ASCII' boards the server generates.  They
aren't easy to see, and are affected by other information such as shouts.  The
graphical ones give you a proper chess board on which to view your pieces,
making your chess easier to play.

Here's a summary:

Graphical    Required Computer Operating        Interface  Location
Interface    System and Software                Program    at ICL
Program                                         Author
ZIICS     #  DOS, modem                         Zek        pub/chess/DOS
GIICS        DOS, modem                         LLama      pub/chess/DOS
Monarc       DOS, modem                        *Kevster    pub/chess/DOS
JIICS        DOS, VGA, modem, mouse             Peluri     pub/chess/DOS  
NGIICS       DOS, TCP/IP                        LLama      pub/chess/DOS
Raja      #  MS Win3, modem and SLIP/PPP        Christian  pub/chess/Win3
Gilchess     MS Win3, modem                     Bloodrake  pub/chess/Win3
bludrake     MS Win3, modem                     Bloodrake  pub/chess/Win3
SLICS     #  MS Win3, TCP/IP                    dfong      pub/chess/Win3
Toolkit   ## MS Win3, TCP/IP and/or modem       MaDHaTteR  pub/chess/Win3
WinBoard     WinNT or W95, TCP/IP and/or modem  mann       pub/chess/Win3
PMICS        OS/2, TCP/IP and/or modem          woof       pub/chess/DOS
XBoard    #  Unix, X11R4, TCP/IP and/or modem   mann       pub/chess/X
xics         Unix, X11R3 , TCP/IP              *observer   pub/chess/X
cics         TCP/IP and C, ASCII terminal      *observer   pub/chess/Unix
NeXTICS      NeXT, TCP/IP and/or modem          red        pub/chess/NeXT
MacICS       Mac                               *douglas    pub/chess/Macintosh
E-ICS        Mac, Modem                        *douglas    pub/chess/Macintosh
MacICS-TCP   Mac, TCP/IP                        eew        pub/chess/Macintosh
Aics         Amiga, TCP/IP and/or modem         Christian  pub/chess/Amiga
AmyBoard     Amiga, TCP/IP and/or modem         JochenW    pub/chess/Amiga

#   Recommended and popular.
##  Not yet working well on FICS.
*   No account on FICS yet. 

Note:  The handles of the authors may refer to the handles of people at the
       old Aics.  Certain ones may be different people here or non-existent.
       Most interfaces should work; both the authors and the FICS programmers
       would like feedback if you have problems with one here.

  The listing will explain which interfaces will run on your particular
set-up and in which directory to find it. It may have comments from the
users/authors of the interfaces to help you choose.

  If you have any further questions or trouble please contact an admin.

Instructions for getting an interface

  The above graphical interfaces can be found at the anonymous ftp site  (URL:  Most come with some
instructions.  :-)

  Pick one, use ftp (read the "ftp_hints" help file for assistance), Netscape
or some similar software to access it over the Internet, transfer it to your
local PC system or workstation via your preferred method (zmodem, kermit for
most non tcp/ip dialup connections), unpack it (most use standard archival
software or are self-extracting), and set it up.  :-)

Comments on interfaces

  This listing will explain the interfaces in a little more detail.  Many have
comments from the users/authors of the interfaces.  Also indicated are the
directories at that hold the interfaces.

 If you have any further questions or trouble please contact an admin.

PC and compatibles (Using DOS and modem): pub/chess/DOS 

  ZIICS by Zek:
    A very popular interface for the PC.  ZIICS requires a regular modem
    connection and a graphics adapter (VGA, EGA, CGA or Hercules).  In VGA
    there are several styles of sets from 32 pixels per square to 56 pixels
    per square (almost fills the screen vertically).  You can configure the
    colors and the functions of the buttons by editing a text file.
    [comment by Zek]

  GIICS by LLama:

  JIICS by Peluri:
    You will need VGA and a mouse to use this.

  Monarc by Kevster:

PC and compatibles (Using DOS and TCP/IP): pub/chess/DOS

  NGIICS by LLama:

PC and compatibles (Using Windows and modem): pub/chess/Win3

  Raja (elephant) by Christian:
    Works well with Win95.  Noticable speed increase (and its not even 32 bit
    yet!). Tested with 486-DX4-100.  [note from Christian]

  Gilchess by Azorduldu:

  bludrake by Bloodrake:

PC and compatibles (Using Windows and TCP/IP): pub/chess/Win3

  SLICS by dfong:

  Toolkit by MaDHaTteR:
    Should work here soon.

PC and compatibles (Using Windows NT(or 95) and TCP/IP): pub/chess/Win3

  WinBoard by mann:
    finger mann for the latest details.

PC and compatibles (OS/2 PM ): pub/chess/DOS

  PMICS by woof:

Unix (Xwindows): pub/chess/X

  XBoard by mann:
    Certainly the best of the Unix interfaces and still is being supported to
    work better at FICS.  Owners of Unix machines are well advised to get this
    interface.  It is also suitable for use with GNUchess.   [comment by DAV] 
    Finger mann for the latest details.

  xics by observer:

Unix (vt100 terminal): pub/chess/Unix

  cics by observer:

NeXT: pub/chess/NeXT

  NeXTICS by red:

MAC: pub/chess/Macintosh

  MacICS by douglas:

MAC (Modem): pub/chess/Macintosh

  E-ICS by douglas:

MAC (TCP\IP): pub/chess/Macintosh

  MacTCP by eew:

Amiga: pub/chess/Amiga:

  Aics by Christian:
    Will work with 2.04 Kickstart and should be compatible with newer

  AmyBoard by JochenW:

See also:  ftp_hints

[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]