
Usage: hbest [b|s|w]

  Displays the 20 highest-rated human players in the three different ratings
categories: Blitz, Standard and Wild.  Computers are excluded from the
listing.  Use "best" to see the top 20 users, both humans and computers.

  Using "hbest" alone will give all three lists.  Using one or more of the
arguments b, s or w is a request to give only the blitz, standard and/or wild
best lists, respectively.  For example, "best bw" will show the top 20 humans
in the blitz and wild chess; the top standard players will not be listed.

  Use "hrank" and "rank" to see where a given player is ranked.

See Also:  best  hrank  rank 

[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]