
Usage: finger [user]

  Displays information about the given user. If no user is given, then
your information is displayed.  Here is a sample display:

 Statistics for Aquinas       On for: 55   Idle: 0
 (examining game 9: Plato vs. Aristotle)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
 Blitz     1910     75.3     28     10      2     40   1936 (01-Jun-95)
 Standard  1838     92.3     13      6      1     20   1838 (03-Jun-95)
 Lightning ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
 Wild      1876     94.3     15     10      0     25   1903 (05-Jun-95)

 Timeseal: ON

  1: <text>
  2: <text>

  The user's ratings for each type of chess are displayed, along with the
Glicko RD (or index of ratings variability), the total results from games
played, and the best or highest rating for each type.  You can also tell (1)
whether the user is (1) currently logged on and, if so, for how long and
whether his/she is idle, (2) playing, observing or examining a game and, if
so, which game it is, and (3) currently running a version of timeseal or not. 
Beneath the ratings are note lines (a user's "plan" or "notes") the user can
add using the set command.


(a) Your e-mail address is automatically displayed to you beneath your ratings
table; it is NOT displayed to other users -- unless of course you include your
address as part of your finger notes.

(b) Best ratings and dates are only given *after* you have played 20 games of
a given type.

(c) If a user has not played rated games of a given type, the rating will be
indicated as ---- and the RD will be 350.0.

(d) If a user is not logged on, the display will indicate when he/she last
disconnected and the timeseal section will not appear.

See Also:  busy  examine  glicko  notes  observe  ratings  set  timeseal 

[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]