FICSFAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  The admins at this site can be very busy so, if you find a bug or have
questions, read this file first:

1> How do I register?
     Read the "register" help file -- "help register".

2> What is network vs local?
     It has to do with distributed ratings -- contact an admin if you get this

3> Can I have more than one account?
     Only if for blindfold/computer/admin/team reasons.

4> Can I register more than one computer?

5> Can I have more than one person using my email?

6> Can more than one person share an account for team games?
     Yes, WEENIES is an example.

7> Can I be an admin?
     Read the "admin_new" help file -- "help admin_new".

8> Can I help with programming?
     Ask Sparky or one of the senior programmers.

9> Who's programming?
     See the listing in the "adm_info" help file -- "help adm_info".  Or also
     read the current listing in the "=programmer" file.

10> Where else can I play FREE chess?
     There are many sites.  See the "addresses" help file -- "help addresses".

11> Where do I get an interface from?
     You need to ftp to using anonymous ftp, and look for the
     pub/chess directory.  There are several interefaces based on your
     operating system.  Read the help files for "interfaces" and "ftp_hints".

12> Where can I get the latest code from?
     pub/chess/Unix on ftp (use anonynous ftp)
     help files are in the oldest version FICS.tar.gz

13> I don't like admin x.  Admin y is treating me badly.
     Contact Sparky.

14> Some ICC admins have come for a peek.  What gives?
     a) Sometimes people pretend to be them.
     b) Do not abuse them if they log on.
     c) Our code is GNU - they can use our ideas and code on ICC if they
     want.  Remember who wrote it first.

15> What is ICC?
     Don't ask -- no free advertising -- you pay $49 for chess there.  :)

16> Can I shout about ICC?
     Yes, sure.  Given a choice to pay $49 or $0.  I'd take the $0.

17> Should I advertise FICS?
     Yes do so.  Watch you don't get nuked on ICC, though.  Do help ads there.
     Remember, Burger King burgers are free.  :)

18> I can't shout!
     Are you unreg or have you been muzzled?

19> I can't play rated.
     Have both of you set rated 1?
     Have you got the network vs local bug?

20> How do I use the -->name  thing I see displayed?
     Use "it" "i" or ":" followed by a message.  See the "intro_talking" help
     file -- "help intro_talking".

21> The Hormone channel(51) has been reinstated I notice.
     Yes, but cleanish language only.  This is a family server.  Don't say
     something you wouldn't say in front of someone's kids.  But maybe you
     would :)

22> The board is the wrong way up:
     Problem "flip" in style 12 -- old ZIICS and SLICS are affected.

23> Can't promote (xboard).
     Try e7e8 for a queen.

24> How do I continue a game that was adjourned?
     Simply "match" the player again, and it will resume the game if the
     player accepts.  Adjourned games are completed with that player before
     new ones can begin.

25> I can't castle after king takeback.
     We know.

26> I can castle through check.
     This has been observed once.

27> Takeback gives wrong lastmove info.
     A bug.

28> Simuls don't work.
     They were broken once; they should be okay now.

29> My rating is over/under inflated
     There may be a bug somewhere.

30> +alias/+censor etc. don't work.
     Try alias/unalias and censor/uncensor for now.

31> I've got an old account here, I can't remember my password.
     Ask an admin for help -- be ready to verify your email address and real
     human name.

34> Stats gives silly information.
     We know.

35> Is there any wild?
     Yes ... and rated, too.  Read the "wild" help file -- "help wild".

36> Zippy won't shut up, too many shouts.
     Use censor [name].

37> How many channels can I be in?
     Type "limits" for the current limits.  You cannot have unlimited channels
     because of the space in the user files.  Type "help channel" for
     predefined channels.

39> The "who" listing appears staggered.
     Fixed soon.  Also, make sure you have the correct "highlight" thaat you

40> How do I withdraw a match request?
     Type "withdraw".

41> I'm getting lag -- what can I do?
     Either Ctrl C to escape or use adjourn.
     Otherwise get your opponent to do "moretime #"  where # <= 600 seconds. 
     Or try a version of timeseal.

42> I suddenly got a Connection closed message.
     There are several possibilities: 1) System shutdown.  2) Server crash --
     please bear with us as we add new code.  3) The server dumped you for
     some reason -- contact an admin and/or report a bug.  4) You got nuked --
     disconnected by an admin (there should be a message to you in this case).

43> How long do shutdowns last and why?
     About 30 seconds.
     Sometimes we need to add new code or fix bugs -- please bear with us.

44> I get unprintable characters / delete don't work.
     Being fixed.

45> How do I get further help?
     Follow these steps:
     (a) Type "+chan 1"
     (b) Type "tell 1 help me please!"
     (c) Type " tell 1 <other messages>".
     When you are done, you can type "-chan 1" to exit this channel.

46> How do I pause a long file from scrolling?
     Use ctrl q and ctrl s -- or use your scroll bar.
     Also, "set height ##" fixes how many lines will be displayed at a time.

See Also:  [the various help files]

[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]