
  Many users on this server use special words and phrases (slang, jargon,
lingo).  Here is an explanation of the more common terms and abbreviations.

Admin -- Server administrator or sys-op (systems operator).

ATM -- At the moment.

BIAS -- Back in a second. (similar to brb)

BRB -- I'll be right back.  Person is about to go idle or log off for a few
       minutes or so.

Censor -- Whoever is censored by you can't talk to or match you.  You won't
          see their shouts either.

Filter -- Sites that are filtered cannot have unreg logins from them.

Finger (someone) -- A command used to learn about another user.  Also refers
                    to one's notes or "plan".  Thus, "finger me" is not meant
                    to be rude.  :)

Handle -- Your server name (nickname).

IAM -- In a minute.

IMHO -- In my humble opinion.

IMO -- In my opinion.

Isbjoern -- Polar bear.  A weird concept invented by that master of
            creativity, TheDane.  If someone says this, everyone is meant to
            repeat it.  (It is used to mean greetings.)  However don't take
            this literaly, else the server would really slow down. :)

Lag -- Transmission delay, when either the server or the internet slows down.

Match (someone) -- Start a game with someone.

Muzzle -- Loss of shouting privileges.  You also can't kibitz.

Notes -- Same as "plan" or "finger" notes.

Plan -- The notes you get when you type "finger".

ROTFL -- Rolls on the floor laughing.

Thumpa -- Greetings!

wrok -- Work [work is a forbidden word :) ]

Wuah -- Greetings!  The word muah can also be used with it, e.g., wuah muah!

Unreg -- Unregistered user (doesn't have an account here ... yet).

:) :) :) :) :) :)'s at the wonderful wonderful world :) -- This shout dates
back to the 'Court of Queen Eyre' on the old ICS.  We think it meant "hi

See Also:  [the individual commands and help files]

[Last modified: September 9, 1995 -- Friar]