
  The goal of FICS is to provide a friendly means for chess enthusiasts to
play chess games and discuss topics of interest.  In order to promote a
friendly atmosphere, FICS follows simple guidelines and rules of etiquette. 
FICS admins have the authority to warn and (if necessary) sanction users who
do not follow these guidelines.


  Please use the various ways of communicating on this server for their
intended purpose: to foster chess fellowship and companionship.

  Users should refrain from making any statements or engaging in any conduct
that could be considered abusive, harrassing, offensive or obscene, especially
with regard to nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.

  Please avoid having differences of opinion escalate into personal
confrontations and attacks.  Refrain from namecalling and disparaging a user's

  It is good etiquette to have lengthy discussions about a topic or issue
using channels rather than shouts.  Special topics channels have been created
for this purpose (the "channel_list" help file lists them).  There may be
times when you are asked to move your discussion to a channel.

  Further examples of abusive communication are given in the "shout_abuse"
help file.


  Users should refrain from conduct that ruins the spirit of competition on
the server.  Such misconduct includes:

  (a) intentionally disconnecting in order to avoid losing a chess match 
      -or- to analyze the game and resume playing it later;
  (b) intentionally losing a chess match in order to inflate another user's
  (c) using a chess computer to play a match without having the account
      registered as a computer;
  (d) registering as a "blindfold" account but using a board while playing
      (blindfold accounts must use style 9, by the way);
  (e) letting other people play rated matches using your registered account;
  (f) giving assistance to a player while he/she is playing a match;
  (g) receiving assistance from a person, book or computer while you are
      playing a match;
  (h) engaging in conduct that interferes with a chess match or a player's
      being able to concentrate on his/her chess match;
  (i) intentionally letting your clock run out of time during a chess match
      rather than resigning or moving in a lost position.


  Many users have finger notes that explain how they will handle certain
situations, such as lag and takeback.  The issue of transmission lag often
comes up for discussion.  As noted in the "lag" help file, it is not unethical
to flag your opponent when he/she runs out of time.

  If you suspect that a user is abusing his/her communication privileges
and/or not following the spirit of competition, feel free to contact an admin
with details concerning the situation.

See Also:  abuser  admins  blindfold  channel  channel_list  computers  handle 
intro_playing  intro_talking  lag  shout_abuse

[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]