EGGO EGGO stands for "Examine Great Games Online". EGGO is an online database program that facilitates examining and analyzing great games from players such as Fischer, Kasparov, and Karpov. Basically, EGGO allows you to examine a game except that the moves come from EGGO's database, not the chess server. Currently, EGGO's database contains about 15000 to 20000 games. Type "finger EGGO" for more information. In order to use EGGO, send EGGO a command; EGGO then processes the command and returns the output to you. See below for a list of commands and their descriptions. EGGO can have only one primary user at a time, meaning only one person at a time can select the games to be examined. However, once a game has been loaded for examination, other users can paticipate in examining and analyzing the game using the "mexamine" and "observe" features of the chess server. STARTING EGGO First step, type "observe EGGO". Second step, type "xtell EGGO begin". If no other game is being examined, EGGO will make you the examiner -- you will then be able to examine a game from EGGO's library. Otherwise, someone else is listed as EGGO's main examiner and you will only be able to examine that game for the moment. If you want someone else to help examine a game with you, use the "mexamine" command. When you are finished examining one game and want to examine another, simply use the examine command. Lastly, use the unexamine command in order to leave EGGO. EGGO'S COMMANDS (list): ----------------------- about examine help revert status begin forward more search who EGGO'S COMMANDS (descriptions): ------------------------------- ABOUT Usage: xtell eggo about If someone is already examining an EGGO's game, this command will display information about the game being examined. This command is also useful for knowing EGGO's status. Anyone can use this command. BEGIN Usage: xtell eggo begin If EGGO is not busy, this command starts an EGGO session. If EGGO was already in use, this command will have no effect. EXAMINE Usage: xtell eggo examine # You may use this command after a successful "xtell eggo search" command. For example, "xtell eggo examine 1" will begin examination of game #1 from the search output. You can repeat this command for other games from the search output when you are finished examining your current game. That is, you can type "xtell eggo examine #" for the next game; you do not need to "unexamine" the other game first. (Please do not confuse this use of examine with the normal "examine" command.) FORWARD Usage: xtell eggo forward [n] When you are already examining an EGGO's game, you can go forward 1 or more moves using "xtell EGGO forward [n]". The default value for 'n' is 1. Currently, you cannot go forward more than 20 moves at one time. MORE Usage: xtell eggo more This command allows you view the results of your search command. It will list the next 20 games in the list (if there are any). You must be EGGO's current user to use this command. REVERT Usage: xtell eggo revert After making your own moves when examining an EGGO's game, you can go back to your game's mainline by "xtell eggo revert". (Please do not confuse this command with the normal "revert" command.) SEARCH Usage: xtell eggo search [player1 {player2} {draw|nodraw}] You may use this command after a successful "xtell EGGO begin". The purpose of this command is to search the EGGO game database for games by particular players. "Player1" must be one of the names EGGO recognizes; use the "xtell EGGO who" command to see which names EGGO knows. You can use "draw" and "nodraw" to select a game with a particular result; they are optional. "Search" alone without arguments will list the results of your previous search. Here are other examples: xtell eggo search Capablanca xtell eggo search Fischer nodraw xtell eggo search Fischer Spassky xtell eggo search Kasparov Karpov nodraw You can view the results of the search with "xtell EGGO more". STATUS Usage: xtell eggo status This command will display information about EGGO's current status, such as whether EGGO is open or closed, and which game (if any) is being examined. WHO Usage: xtell eggo who This command will list all of the "primary" players known to EGGO. These primary players are used in EGGO's search command. Anyone can use this command whether they are EGGO's current user or not. SPECIAL NOTES: (a) Since many of the EGGO commands are long, you might want to consider creating aliases for the commands you will use a lot (such as "xtell EGGO forward"). Suitable aliases will save you a lot of time as you play through these games from famous players. See Also: alias examine mexamine [Written by Warrior August 18, 1995; last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]