
Usage: +|-|= channel [#]

  This command refers to your list of channels.  When a channel is on your
list, you will receive messages (tells) sent to that channel.  Here are the
forms of the command:

    +channel #        Add channel # to your channel list
    -channel #        Remove channel # from your channel list
    =channel          Display your channel list

  In order too see which channels another user has on his/her list, use the
"inchannel" command.

  Some channels are designated for specific purposes and/or topics.  Channel 1
is the general help channel and of special importance to users.  The "chan_1"
help file has more details about the use of channel 1 and gives the general
procedure for using a channel.  Other designated channels are listed in the
"channel_list" help file.

See Also:  chan_1  channel_list inchannel  say  tell

[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]