
  There are four types of regular (not wild or bughouse) chess played on this
chess server: Untimed, Lightning, Blitz and Standard.

  A game is "Blitz" if the expected duration of the game is between 3 and 15
minutes per player.  "Expected duration" is determined by a formula that takes
into account both the Start time and the Increment (Inc) value.  Here is the

     Expected duration = (Start + Inc*2/3)

Thus, a Blitz game is one that is expected to last between 3 and 15 minutes
for each player (or from 10 to 30 minutes combined).  Lightning games are
those with expected durations less than 3 minutes per player, while Standard
games are those with expected durations more than 15 minutes per player.

  The following table shows the dividing lines between Blitz and Lightning on
the one hand and Blitz and Standard on the other hand. those two types of
matches.   [Thanks to schwartzeer for the original calculations between Blitz
and Standard.  :)  ]

    Slowest Lightning   Fastest Blitz       Slowest Blitz     Fastest Standard
   ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
      Mins  Incr         Mins  Incr           Mins  Incr         Mins  Incr
   ------------------------------------    ------------------------------------
        0     4            0    5              0    22            0    23
        1     2            1    3              1    20            1    21
        2     1            2    2              2    19            2    20
       --------            3    0              3    17            3    18
                                               4    16            4    17
                                               5    14            5    15
                                               6    13            6    14
                                               7    11            7    12
                                               8    10            8    11
                                               9     8            9     9
                                              10     7           10     8
                                              11     5           11     6
                                              12     4           12     5
                                              13     2           13     3
                                              14     1           14     2
                                              --------           15     0

  For example, a game with a Start of 2 minutes will be Blitz if the Increment
is from 2 to 19; but it will be Lightning with an Inc of 0 or 1 and Standard
if the Inc is 20 or higher.

  You can list logged on users according to their Blitz ratings by typing "who
b" (by default, ratings in 'who' listings will be blitz unless you specifiy
otherwise).  "Blitz" is also a variable that can be used in formulas in order
to screen match requests.

See Also:  formula  lightning  match  standard  untimed  who

[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]