adjudication Whenever possible, please finish games that have been adjourned. You should attempt to complete the game by messaging your opponents, trying to find times to complete the games, and giving them ample opportunity to do so. Users are on different time schedules, so patience should be practiced. If -- after repeated attempts -- an opponent will not resume his/her game with you, you may request an adjudication. You can ask for a game to be adjudicated as a win, a draw or to be aborted (you do not need an adjudication in order to resign a game; see the "resign" help file). Adjudications are made by admins who are skilled at chess. The admin will look at the position and decide on a result. Please note that the admin's decision is final. If a genuine mistake has been made, the adjudicator would probably like feedback, although at that stage nothing may change the result and the changes in ratings that may have occurred. Adjudications take time and effort, especially on a server with many users, so only ask for an adjudication when you absolutely need one. To request an adjucation, "message adjudicate <request>", that is, send a message to the special Adjudicate account ("Adjudicate" is not the handle of a user). In your message for adjudication you should gove the name of your opponent and what you think the result should be -- win, draw or abort. For example: message adjudicate l want my game with DAV to be a draw; neither of us can make progress or gain an advantage. If you have a certain line of play you will follow in order to preserve the win or draw, please mention it. An admin will check the account regularly and decide the game. You and your opponent will be messaged concerning the result. REMINDERS: (a) The command "stored" gives a list of your stored (adjourned) games. (b) "Match [opponent]" is used to continue resumed games. See also: abuser adjournments match stored [Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]