
Usage: adjourn

  Sends a request to your opponent that a game be discontinued and saved for
later play.  If a proposal to adjourn is pending for you, then typing adjourn
(or accept) will accept the offer.  If your opponent is out of time, the
adjourn request is accepted automatically (a courtesy adjournment).

  Games that are adjourned can be resumed later by using the match command
when your opponent is logged on.  They can be resigned even when your opponent
is not logged on.  They can also be adjudicated by an admin (see
"adjudication" help file).  For more information on these options, see the
"adjournments" help file.  Use "stored" to view the list of your adjourned
games.  If you log on and a user with whom you have an adjourned game is also
on, you will be notified automatically that he/she is logged on.

See Also:  accept  adjudication  adjournments  decline  match  pending  resign 

[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]