Projects for FICS:

Big projects:

1. Set up commands for examine mode; allow examiners to add or remove pieces
   to or from a position.  Also allow users to clear the board except for

2. Network many servers together.

Medium projects:

3. Rank information in RAM.  UpdateRank takes too long.

Smaller projects:

4. Channel names (like "admin channel") instead of channel numbers
   ("channel 0").  If we do this, I think we could seriously consider
   eliminating the "shout" and "it" commands.

5. Draw offers and aborts for adjourned games.

6. On line registration.  I don't see any reason not to allow this now that
    we also have autoreg by e-mail.

7. Apparently some limits are not checked; MAX_CHANNEL, MAX_ALIAS, probably
   some others as well.  We should fix this.

Well, these are my immediate thoughts; feel free to add your own, or to
program these.

[Last modified: November 16, 1995 -- hersco]