

  There are several lists restricted to admin use.  They are:

    abuser   for users who have abused server etiquette
    cmuzzle  prevents user from using cshouts
    computer identifies user as a computer
    filter   prevents unreg logons from certain sites
    fm       adds FM label to a user
    gm       adds GM label to a user
    im       adds IM label to a user
    muzzle   prevents user from using shouts
    quota    limits frequency of a user's shouts

  To add a user to one of these lists, use "+list_name".  To remove a user,
use "-list_name".  And "=list_name" lists users on that list.  For most lists,
comments are automatically added to the user's file, and you may want to add
one of your own comments as well in order to record your action and reasons.

  Some lists are private, for admin reading only.  Some can be read by all
users.  The "showlists" help file gives the security level for the lists. 

See ahelp:  cmuzzle  filter  muzzle  quota
See help:   abuser  etiquette  showlists

[Last modified: June 26, 1995 -- Friar]