
Usage: chkgame #

  This command is a debugging tool primarlity, but might be useful for other
occasions as well.  The following information on a game is displayed:

Current stored info for game # (garray[#]):
Initial white time: #    Initial white increment #
Initial black time: #    Initial black increment #
Time of starting: DATE
Game is: User1 (rating) vs. User2 (rating)
White parray entry: #    Black parray entry #
Game is not bughouse or link to partner's game not found.
    [versus bughouse links exist]
Game is rated [or unrated]
Game is not private [or is private]
Games is of type blitz  [or other type]
## halfmove(s) have been made
White's time #    Black's time #
The clock is [is not] ticking
Game status: GAME_NEW [versus GAME_EXAMINE for instance]

See ahelp:  
See help:  games

[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]