
Usage: [+,-,=]ban handle

  Adds to (+ban), removes from (-ban) or lists users on (=ban) the ban list. 
Users on the ban list cannot log onto the server.  The user's account will
still be active, however.  As a result, autoregistration will screen out the
user's email address and prevent additional accounts from being created from
there, and the handle cannot be adopted by another user.

  When you ban (or unban) a user, please leave a message in the player's
comments file using the "addcom" command.  You may also want to lock the
account by "asetpasswd handle *".

  Concerning when to ban a user, please refer to the admin guidelines that
have been developed.  See also help files on server conduct, such as abuser,
etiquette and shout_abuse.  It is also best to consult without admins abut the
case in question.  Documentation of user behavior is important.

See ahelp:  addcom  asetpasswd  filter
See help:   abuser  etiquette  lists  shout_abuse  showlists

[Last modified: October 16, 1995 -- Friar]