
 This help file documents the rules for adding extra accounts for players.

 The file is for the AFICS site, please feel free to modify the contents
or admin names for your particular site. 

Types of account allowed:

    playing account or        | only 1 of these allowed per person
    chatting account or       | admins may have one of these in addition 
    playing/chatting account  | to their normal account - see below.

                              - This is the default registered account.

    blind account             - for blindfold chess ONLY! 

                              - may shout with it, but NOT to be used as
                              - an excuse to abuse/get round quota/get
                              - past censor lists etc.

                              - must use style 9 (although may set to
                              - another style to examine afterward)

    team account              - for team chess ONLY!
                              - see rules for blind accounts

                              - advise player not to let members other
                              - than from his/her site to use it as
                              - is responsible for their behaviour. 
                              - this is not a hard fixed rule though.

    computer account or       | maximum 1 per player 
    'cyborg' account          | (more if automatic moving) 

                              - non-automatic computers should NOT be
                              - used as a shouting mechanism (except for
                              - match pairings, greetings etc)

                              - A cyborg account is where the player is
                              - using a computer to analyse the moves,
                              - but a human is deciding which one to play.
                              - (can make a very strong player)

                              - Useful if computer specifications/house
                              - rules are placed in notes (eg no aborts)

(any problems with the above three - remove immediately and comment the
    player account)

    admin account             - may be used to play/chat

                              - advise to get a player account to save
                              - getting questions in the middle of a game
    tester account            - admins/programmers only. 
                              - maximum of 2 per person (or more if only
                              - for a temporary period)

    helper account            - receives messages from players (eg bug)

                              - admins only, unless authorised by Sparky
                              - or sveshi (AFICS) 
                              - do NOT put passwords in admin help files.

1> Extra admins accounts.
  Admins can have as many accounts as they wish as long as the above rules
 are followed.

2> Extra user accounts.

    Must satisfy the following criterea:

     1> Is not currently being sanctioned (eg on abuser list)

     2> Comment file is clean or nearly clean (check the comments don't
         assume because someone has more than one comment they have been
         an abuser). Repeat offenders must be refused additional accounts.

     3> The player is not known to cause (much) trouble.

    If in doubt please check with sveshi (AFICS) first.

   Must put in comments list of the player applying for it the name and type
  of account

     Eg. addcomment FishFood DAV's blind account

   Must add in the realname of the account, the handle of the player and what
  type of account it is.

   Finally add it to a list with +listname [name] if appropriate.

   Do NOT revert an additional account to a player account without good reason
  (eg old account was destroyed somehow). Check with sveshi (AFICS) if unsure..

See ahelp: accounts, addplayer
See help: addlist, sublist

[Last modified 11/28/95 - DAV]