## About ##

This is a fork of FICS(Free Internet Chess Server) version 1.6.2 made
by Richard Nash.
The fork is maintained by the
[RPBLC computing network](https://www.rpblc.net)
and in particular
[Markus Uhlin](mailto:maxxe@rpblc.net).
The main goal of the fork is to modernize the codebase, improve the
security and fix bugs. New features, for example, other chess variants
will be added in a later stage.

## Installation ##

Begin the installation with creating a new user, dedicated for running
the FICS.

    # useradd -c "FICS user" -m -p "AccountPassword" chess

When the user has been created login to its account and clone the

    $ su -l chess
    $ mkdir git
    $ cd git
    $ git clone https://github.com/uhlin/fics.git
    $ cd fics

Edit `FICS/config.h` with a text editor and save the file.

    $ emacs FICS/config.h

From the top-level directory of the cloned Git repository begin the
building by running make.

    $ make

If the build was successful it's time to install the chess server by
running `make install`.

    $ make install


### Make variables ###

If you want you can customize the `FICS_HOME` and `PREFIX` make
variables found in `options.mk`. But it isn't needed if you've
followed the installation steps above.

### Manual pages ###

To install the manual pages, type:

    $ sudo make install-manpages

Replace `sudo` with `doas` if you are running OpenBSD.
The destination will always be prefixed to `/usr/local`, i.e. system wide,
therefore extra privileges are required.

## Running the server ##

As root, do the following (unless you aren't already logged in as

    # su -l chess
    $ screen fics

This assumes that
[GNU Screen](https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/)
is installed on your computer.

To detach the screen, type:

    $ (CTRL+a+d)

And to resume, use:

    $ screen -r

The same is achievable with the terminal multiplexer `tmux` in case
you prefer that over GNU Screen.

### Install GNU Screen ###

To install
[GNU Screen](https://www.gnu.org/software/screen/)
[OpenBSD](http://www.openbsd.org/), run:

    # pkg_add -i screen

## Creating registered players ##

As root, do the following:

    # su -l chess
    $ fics_addplayer UserName FullName EmailAddress

Log out:

    $ (CTRL+d)

The `fics_addplayer` program is located in `/home/chess/bin`,
along with `makerank`.
The dir `/home/chess/bin` should in general be automatically added to
the PATH for the chess user.

    $ man 1 fics_addplayer
    $ man 1 makerank

Happy gaming!