/* utils.c * */ /* fics - An internet chess server. Copyright (C) 1993 Richard V. Nash This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Revision history: name email yy/mm/dd Change Richard Nash 93/10/22 Created */ #include "stdinclude.h" #include "common.h" #include "utils.h" #include "playerdb.h" #include "network.h" #include "rmalloc.h" #include "config.h" #if defined(SYSTEM_SUN4) /* #include <sys/vfs.h> */ #endif /* #include <sys/types.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/nameser.h> #include <resolv.h> */ /* grimm */ #if defined(SGI) #else /* char vsprintf(char *tmp, va_list format, va_list ap); */ int gettimeofday(struct timeval * tp, struct timezone * tzp); #endif /* added for warnings */ PUBLIC int count_lines(FILE *fp) { int c, nl = 0; while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) if (c == '\n') ++nl; return nl; } PUBLIC int iswhitespace(int c) { if ((c < ' ') || (c == '\b') || (c == '\n') || (c == '\t') || (c == ' ')) { /* white */ return 1; } else { return 0; } } PUBLIC char *getword(char *str) { int i; static char word[MAX_WORD_SIZE]; i = 0; while (*str && !iswhitespace(*str)) { word[i] = *str; str++; i++; if (i == MAX_WORD_SIZE) { i = i - 1; break; } } word[i] = '\0'; return word; } PUBLIC char *eatword(char *str) { while (*str && !iswhitespace(*str)) str++; return str; } PUBLIC char *eatwhite(char *str) { while (*str && iswhitespace(*str)) str++; return str; } PUBLIC char *eattailwhite(char *str) { int len; if (str == NULL) return NULL; len = strlen(str); while (len > 0 && iswhitespace(str[len - 1])) len--; str[len] = '\0'; return (str); } PUBLIC char *nextword(char *str) { return eatwhite(eatword(str)); } /* check_the_email_address function: */ /* PUBLIC int check_emailaddr(char *email) { int qbuflen; char qabuf[5120]; if ((email = strchr(email, '@')) == NULL) return 2; email++; res_init(); _res.options = (RES_INIT | RES_RECURSE); if ((qbuflen = res_mkquery(QUERY, email, C_IN, T_ANY, NULL, 0, NULL, qabuf, sizeof(qabuf))) == -1) return 1; if (res_send(qabuf, qbuflen, qabuf, sizeof(qabuf)) == -1) return 1; return (_getshort(qabuf + 6) ? 0 : 2); } */ PUBLIC int mail_string_to_address(char *addr, char *subj, char *str) { char com[1000]; FILE *fp; #ifdef SENDMAILPROG sprintf(com, "%s\n", SENDMAILPROG); #else sprintf(com, "%s -s \"%s\" %s", MAILPROGRAM, subj, addr); #endif fp = popen(com, "w"); if (!fp) return -1; #ifdef SENDMAILPROG fprintf(fp, "To: %s\nSubject: %s\n%s", addr, subj, str); #else fprintf(fp, "%s", str); #endif pclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC int mail_string_to_user(int p, char *subj, char *str) { if (parray[p].emailAddress && parray[p].emailAddress[0] && safestring(parray[p].emailAddress)) { return mail_string_to_address(parray[p].emailAddress, subj, str); } else { return -1; } } PUBLIC int mail_file_to_address(char *addr, char *subj, char *fname) { char com[1000]; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; FILE *fp; FILE *file_fp; #ifdef SENDMAILPROG sprintf(com, "%s\n", SENDMAILPROG); #else sprintf(com, "%s -s \"%s\" %s < %s&", MAILPROGRAM, subj, addr, fname); #endif fp = popen(com, "w"); if (!fp) return -1; #ifdef SENDMAILPROG fprintf(fp, "To: %s\nSubject: %s\n", addr, subj); file_fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!file_fp) return -1; while (!feof(file_fp)) { fgets(tmp, MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1, file_fp); if (!feof(file_fp)) { fputs(tmp, fp); } } fclose(file_fp); #endif pclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC int mail_file_to_user(int p, char *subj, char *fname) { if (parray[p].emailAddress && parray[p].emailAddress[0] && safestring(parray[p].emailAddress)) { return mail_file_to_address(parray[p].emailAddress, subj, fname); } else { return -1; } } /* Process a command for a user */ PUBLIC int pcommand(int p, char *comstr,...) { char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int retval; int current_socket = parray[p].socket; va_list ap; va_start(ap, comstr); vsprintf(tmp, comstr, ap); retval = process_input(current_socket, tmp); if (retval == COM_LOGOUT) { process_disconnection(current_socket); net_close_connection(current_socket); } va_end(ap); return retval; } PUBLIC int pprintf(int p, char *format,...) { char tmp[10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE]; /* Make sure you can handle 10 lines worth of stuff */ int retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); retval = vsprintf(tmp, format, ap); if (strlen(tmp) > 10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: pprintf buffer overflow\n"); } net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); va_end(ap); return retval; } PUBLIC void pprintf_dohightlight(int p) { if (parray[p].highlight & 0x01) pprintf(p, "\033[7m"); if (parray[p].highlight & 0x02) pprintf(p, "\033[1m"); if (parray[p].highlight & 0x04) pprintf(p, "\033[4m"); if (parray[p].highlight & 0x08) pprintf(p, "\033[2m"); } PUBLIC int pprintf_highlight(int p, char *format,...) { char tmp[10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); pprintf_dohightlight(p); retval = vsprintf(tmp, format, ap); if (strlen(tmp) > 10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: pprintf buffer overflow\n"); } net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); va_end(ap); if (parray[p].highlight) pprintf(p, "\033[0m"); return retval; } PUBLIC void sprintf_dohightlight(int p, char *s) { if (parray[p].highlight & 0x01) strcat(s, "\033[7m"); if (parray[p].highlight & 0x02) strcat(s, "\033[1m"); if (parray[p].highlight & 0x04) strcat(s, "\033[4m"); if (parray[p].highlight & 0x08) strcat(s, "\033[2m"); } PUBLIC int psprintf_highlight(int p, char *s, char *format,...) { int retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); if (parray[p].highlight) { sprintf_dohightlight(p, s); retval = vsprintf(s + strlen(s), format, ap); strcat(s, "\033[0m"); } else { retval = vsprintf(s, format, ap); } va_end(ap); return retval; } PUBLIC int pprintf_prompt(int p, char *format,...) { char tmp[10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE]; /* Make sure you can handle 10 lines worth of stuff */ int retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); retval = vsprintf(tmp, format, ap); if (strlen(tmp) > 10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: pprintf_prompt buffer overflow\n"); } net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); net_send_string(parray[p].socket, parray[p].prompt, 1); va_end(ap); return retval; } PUBLIC int pprintf_noformat(int p, char *format,...) { char tmp[10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE]; /* Make sure you can handle 10 lines worth of stuff */ int retval; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); retval = vsprintf(tmp, format, ap); if (strlen(tmp) > 10 * MAX_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: pprintf_noformat buffer overflow\n"); } net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 0); va_end(ap); return retval; } /******************* grimm *************/ /******************* added below *************/ PUBLIC int psend_raw_file(int p, char *dir, char *file) { FILE *fp; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; int num; if (dir) sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dir, file); else strcpy(fname, file); fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fp) return -1; while ((num = fread(tmp, sizeof(char), MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1, fp)) > 0) { tmp[num] = '\0'; net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); } fclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC int psend_file(int p, char *dir, char *file) { FILE *fp; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; int lcount = parray[p].d_height - 1; if (parray[p].last_file) rfree(parray[p].last_file); parray[p].last_file = NULL; parray[p].last_file_byte = 0L; if (dir) sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dir, file); else strcpy(fname, file); fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fp) return -1; while (!feof(fp) && (--lcount > 0)) { fgets(tmp, MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1, fp); if (!feof(fp)) { net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); } } if (!feof(fp)) { parray[p].last_file = strdup(fname); parray[p].last_file_byte = ftell(fp); pprintf(p, "Type [next] to see next page.\n"); } fclose(fp); return 0; } /* * Marsalis added on 8/27/95 so that [next] does not * appear in the logout process for those that have * a short screen height. (Fixed due to complaint * in Bug's messages). */ PUBLIC int psend_logoutfile(int p, char *dir, char *file) { FILE *fp; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; if (parray[p].last_file) rfree(parray[p].last_file); parray[p].last_file = NULL; parray[p].last_file_byte = 0L; if (dir) sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", dir, file); else strcpy(fname, file); fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fp) return -1; while (!feof(fp)) { fgets(tmp, MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1, fp); if (!feof(fp)) { net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); } } fclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC int pmore_file(int p) { FILE *fp; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int lcount = parray[p].d_height - 1; if (!parray[p].last_file) { pprintf(p, "There is no more.\n"); return -1; } fp = fopen(parray[p].last_file, "r"); if (!fp) { pprintf(p, "File not found!\n"); return -1; } fseek(fp, parray[p].last_file_byte, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(fp) && (--lcount > 0)) { fgets(tmp, MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1, fp); if (!feof(fp)) { net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); } } if (!feof(fp)) { parray[p].last_file_byte = ftell(fp); pprintf(p, "Type [next] to see next page.\n"); } else { rfree(parray[p].last_file); parray[p].last_file = NULL; parray[p].last_file_byte = 0L; } fclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC int psend_command(int p, char *command, char *input) { FILE *fp; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; int num; if (input) fp = popen(command, "w"); else fp = popen(command, "r"); if (!fp) return -1; if (input) { fwrite(input, sizeof(char), strlen(input), fp); } else { while (!feof(fp)) { num = fread(tmp, sizeof(char), MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1, fp); tmp[num] = '\0'; net_send_string(parray[p].socket, tmp, 1); } } pclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC char *stolower(char *str) { int i; if (!str) return NULL; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (isupper(str[i])) { str[i] = tolower(str[i]); } } return str; } PUBLIC int safechar(int c) { if ((c == '>') || (c == '!') || (c == '&') || (c == '*') || (c == '?') || (c == '/') || (c == '<') || (c == '|') || (c == '`') || (c == '$')) return 0; return 1; } PUBLIC int safestring(char *str) { int i; if (!str) return 1; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (!safechar(str[i])) return 0; } return 1; } PUBLIC int alphastring(char *str) { int i; if (!str) return 1; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if (!isalpha(str[i])) { return 0; } } return 1; } PUBLIC int printablestring(char *str) { int i; if (!str) return 1; for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if ((!isprint(str[i])) && (str[i] != '\t') && (str[i] != '\n')) return 0; } return 1; } /*#if defined(SGI) #else*/ /* This version of strdup must be used, or the count of allocs in "uptime" will omit them. Maybe we change the name to rstrdup and replace all calls, if the name is causing a conflict with anyone's libraries. --mann */ PUBLIC char *strdup(const char *str) { char *tmp; if (!str) return NULL; tmp = rmalloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(tmp, str); return tmp; } /*#endif*/ PUBLIC char *hms(int t, int showhour, int showseconds, int spaces) { static char tstr[20]; char tmp[10]; int h, m, s; h = t / 3600; t = t % 3600; m = t / 60; s = t % 60; if (h || showhour) { if (spaces) sprintf(tstr, "%d : %02d", h, m); else sprintf(tstr, "%d:%02d", h, m); } else { sprintf(tstr, "%d", m); } if (showseconds) { if (spaces) sprintf(tmp, " : %02d", s); else sprintf(tmp, ":%02d", s); strcat(tstr, tmp); } return tstr; } PRIVATE char *strtime(struct tm * stm) { static char tstr[100]; #if defined (SGI) strftime(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%a %b %e, %H:%M %Z", stm); #else strftime(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%a %b %e, %k:%M %Z", stm); #endif return (tstr); } PUBLIC char *strltime(time_t *clock) { struct tm *stm = localtime(clock); return strtime(stm); } PUBLIC char *strgtime(time_t *clock) { struct tm *stm = gmtime(clock); return strtime(stm); } /* This is used only for relative timeing since it reports seconds since * about 5:00pm on Feb 16, 1994 */ PUBLIC unsigned tenth_secs(void) { struct timeval tp; struct timezone tzp; gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp); /* .1 seconds since 1970 almost fills a 32 bit int! So lets subtract off * the time right now */ return ((tp.tv_sec - 331939277) * 10L) + (tp.tv_usec / 100000); } /* This is to translate tenths-secs time back into 1/1/70 time in full * seconds, because vek didn't read utils.c when he programmed new ratings. 1 sec since 1970 fits into a 32 bit int OK. */ PUBLIC int untenths(unsigned tenths) { return (tenths / 10 + 331939277 + 0xffffffff / 10 + 1); } PUBLIC char *tenth_str(unsigned t, int spaces) { return hms((t + 5) / 10, 0, 1, spaces); /* Round it */ } #define MAX_TRUNC_SIZE 100 /* Warning, if lines in the file are greater than 1024 bytes in length, this won't work! */ /* nasty bug fixed by mann, 3-12-95 */ PUBLIC int truncate_file(char *file, int lines) { FILE *fp; int bptr = 0, trunc = 0, i; char tBuf[MAX_TRUNC_SIZE][MAX_LINE_SIZE]; if (lines > MAX_TRUNC_SIZE) lines = MAX_TRUNC_SIZE; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) return 1; while (!feof(fp)) { fgets(tBuf[bptr], MAX_LINE_SIZE, fp); if (feof(fp)) break; if (tBuf[bptr][strlen(tBuf[bptr]) - 1] != '\n') { /* Line too long */ fclose(fp); return -1; } bptr++; if (bptr == lines) { trunc = 1; bptr = 0; } } fclose(fp); if (trunc) { fp = fopen(file, "w"); for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { fputs(tBuf[bptr], fp); bptr++; if (bptr == lines) { bptr = 0; } } fclose(fp); } return 0; } /* Warning, if lines in the file are greater than 1024 bytes in length, this won't work! */ PUBLIC int lines_file(char *file) { FILE *fp; int lcount = 0; char tmp[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) return 0; while (!feof(fp)) { if (fgets(tmp, MAX_LINE_SIZE, fp)) lcount++; } fclose(fp); return lcount; } PUBLIC int file_has_pname(char *fname, char *plogin) { if (!strcmp(file_wplayer(fname), plogin)) return 1; if (!strcmp(file_bplayer(fname), plogin)) return 1; return 0; } PUBLIC char *file_wplayer(char *fname) { static char tmp[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; char *ptr; strcpy(tmp, fname); ptr = rindex(tmp, '-'); if (!ptr) return ""; *ptr = '\0'; return tmp; } PUBLIC char *file_bplayer(char *fname) { char *ptr; ptr = rindex(fname, '-'); if (!ptr) return ""; return ptr + 1; } /* Hey, leave this code alone. "a" is always in network byte order, which is big-endian, even on a little-endian machine. I fixed this code to handle that correctly a while ago, and someone gratuitiously changed it so that it would work correctly only on a big-endian machine (like a Sun). I have now changed it back. --mann */ PUBLIC char *dotQuad(unsigned int a) { static char tmp[20]; unsigned char *aa = (unsigned char *) &a; sprintf(tmp, "%d.%d.%d.%d", aa[0], aa[1], aa[2], aa[3]); return tmp; } PUBLIC int available_space(void) { #if defined(SYSTEM_NEXT) struct statfs buf; statfs(player_dir, &buf); return ((buf.f_bsize * buf.f_bavail)); #elif defined(SYSTEM_ULTRIX) struct fs_data buf; statfs(player_dir, &buf); return ((1024 * buf.bfreen)); #elif defined(SYSTEM_SUN4) /* struct statfs buf; statfs(player_dir, buf); return (1024 * buf.f_bfree); */ return 100000000; /* Infinite space */ #else return 100000000; /* Infinite space */ #endif } PUBLIC int file_exists(char *fname) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fp) return 0; fclose(fp); return 1; } PUBLIC char *ratstr(int rat) { static int on = 0; static char tmp[20][10]; if (on == 20) on = 0; if (rat) { sprintf(tmp[on], "%4d", rat); } else { sprintf(tmp[on], "----"); } on++; return tmp[on - 1]; } PUBLIC char *ratstrii(int rat, int reg) { static int on = 0; static char tmp[20][10]; if (on == 20) on = 0; if (rat) { sprintf(tmp[on], "%4d", rat); } else { if (reg) { sprintf(tmp[on], "----"); } else { sprintf(tmp[on], "++++"); } } on++; return tmp[on - 1]; } struct t_tree { struct t_tree *left, *right; char name; /* Not just 1 char - space for whole name */ }; /* is allocated. Maybe a little cheesy? */ struct t_dirs { struct t_dirs *left, *right; time_t mtime; /* dir's modification time */ struct t_tree *files; char name; /* ditto */ }; PRIVATE char **t_buffer = NULL; /* pointer to next space in return buffer */ PRIVATE int t_buffersize = 0; /* size of return buffer */ /* fill t_buffer with anything matching "want*" in file tree t_tree */ PRIVATE void t_sft(char *want, struct t_tree *t) { if (t) { int cmp = strncmp(want, &t->name, strlen(want)); if (cmp <= 0) /* if want <= this one, look left */ t_sft(want, t->left); if (t_buffersize && (cmp == 0)) { /* if a match, add it to buffer */ t_buffersize--; *t_buffer++ = &(t->name); } if (cmp >= 0) /* if want >= this one, look right */ t_sft(want, t->right); } } /* delete file tree t_tree */ PRIVATE void t_cft(struct t_tree **t) { if (*t) { t_cft(&(*t)->left); t_cft(&(*t)->right); rfree(*t); *t = NULL; } } /* make file tree for dir d */ PRIVATE void t_mft(struct t_dirs *d) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; struct t_tree **t; if ((dirp = opendir(&(d->name))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS:mft() couldn't opendir.\n"); } else { while ((dp = readdir(dirp))) { t = &d->files; if (dp->d_name[0] != '.') { /* skip anything starting with . */ while (*t) { if (strcmp(dp->d_name, &(*t)->name) < 0) { t = &(*t)->left; } else { t = &(*t)->right; } } *t = rmalloc(sizeof(struct t_tree) + strlen(dp->d_name)); (*t)->right = (*t)->left = NULL; strcpy(&(*t)->name, dp->d_name); } } closedir(dirp); } } PUBLIC int search_directory(char *dir, char *filter, char **buffer, int buffersize) { /* dir = directory to search filter = what to search for buffer = where to store pointers to matches buffersize = how many pointers will fit inside buffer */ static struct t_dirs *ramdirs = NULL; struct t_dirs **i; int cmp; static char nullify = '\0'; struct stat statbuf; t_buffer = buffer; t_buffersize = buffersize; if (!stat(dir, &statbuf)) { if (filter == NULL) /* NULL becomes pointer to null string */ filter = &nullify; i = &ramdirs; while (*i) { /* find dir in dir tree */ cmp = strcmp(dir, &(*i)->name); if (cmp == 0) break; else if (cmp < 0) i = &(*i)->left; else i = &(*i)->right; } if (!*i) { /* if dir isn't in dir tree, add him */ *i = rmalloc(sizeof(struct t_dirs) + strlen(dir)); (*i)->left = (*i)->right = NULL; (*i)->files = NULL; strcpy(&(*i)->name, dir); } if ((*i)->files) { /* delete any obsolete file tree */ if ((*i)->mtime != statbuf.st_mtime) { t_cft(&(*i)->files); } } if ((*i)->files == NULL) { /* if no file tree for him, make one */ (*i)->mtime = statbuf.st_mtime; t_mft(*i); } t_sft(filter, (*i)->files); /* finally, search for matches */ } return (buffersize - t_buffersize); } PUBLIC int display_directory(int p, char **buffer, int count) /* buffer contains 'count' string pointers */ { int i; multicol *m = multicol_start(count); for (i = 0; (i < count); i++) multicol_store(m, *buffer++); multicol_pprint(m, p, 78, 1); multicol_end(m); return (i); }