/* gamedb.c * */ /* fics - An internet chess server. Copyright (C) 1993 Richard V. Nash This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Revision history: name email yy/mm/dd Change Richard Nash 93/10/22 Created Markus Uhlin 23/12/16 Fixed compiler warnings Markus Uhlin 23/12/17 Reformatted functions Markus Uhlin 23/12/23 Fixed clang warnings Markus Uhlin 24/05/04 Refactored and reformatted all functions plus more... Markus Uhlin 24/07/17 Fixed out of bounds array access in game_str() which resulted in a crash. Markus Uhlin 24/07/18 Return value checking Markus Uhlin 24/08/03 See previous change Markus Uhlin 24/11/23 Added width specifications to multiple fscanf() calls. Markus Uhlin 24/11/23 Fixed bugs in movesToString() Markus Uhlin 24/11/25 Null checks Markus Uhlin 24/12/02 Fixed bugs and ignored function return values. Markus Uhlin 25/03/18 Fixed unchecked return values */ #include "stdinclude.h" #include "common.h" #include #include #include "command.h" #include "config.h" #include "eco.h" #include "ficsmain.h" #include "gamedb.h" #include "gameproc.h" #include "maxxes-utils.h" #include "network.h" #include "playerdb.h" #include "rmalloc.h" #include "utils.h" #if __linux__ #include #endif /* * This should be enough to hold any game up to at least 250 moves. If * we overwrite this, the server will crash. */ #define GAME_STRING_LEN 16000 PUBLIC game *garray = NULL; PUBLIC int g_num = 0; PUBLIC const char *bstr[7] = { [TYPE_UNTIMED] = "untimed", [TYPE_BLITZ] = "blitz", [TYPE_STAND] = "standard", [TYPE_NONSTANDARD] = "non-standard", [TYPE_WILD] = "wild", [TYPE_LIGHT] = "lightning", [TYPE_BUGHOUSE] = "bughouse" }; PUBLIC const char *rstr[2] = { [TYPE_UNRATED] = "unrated", [TYPE_RATED] = "rated" }; PRIVATE char gameString[GAME_STRING_LEN]; /* * This method is awful! How about allocation as we need it and * freeing afterwards! */ PRIVATE int get_empty_slot(void) { if (garray != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < g_num; i++) { if (garray[i].status == GAME_EMPTY) return i; } } g_num++; if (!garray) { garray = reallocarray(NULL, sizeof(game), g_num); if (garray == NULL) err(1, "%s: reallocarray", __func__); else malloc_count++; } else { garray = reallocarray(garray, sizeof(game), g_num); if (garray == NULL) err(1, "%s: reallocarray", __func__); } // Yeah great, bet this causes lag! - DAV garray[g_num - 1].status = GAME_EMPTY; return g_num - 1; } PUBLIC int game_new(void) { int new = get_empty_slot(); game_zero(new); return new; } PUBLIC int game_zero(int g) { garray[g].white = -1; garray[g].black = -1; garray[g].link = -1; garray[g].passes = 0; garray[g].private = 0; garray[g].rated = 0; garray[g].result = END_NOTENDED; garray[g].status = GAME_NEW; garray[g].type = TYPE_UNTIMED; board_init(&garray[g].game_state, NULL, NULL); garray[g].bIncrement = 0; garray[g].bInitTime = 300; // 5 minutes garray[g].black_name[0] = '\0'; garray[g].black_rating = 0; garray[g].wIncrement = 0; garray[g].wInitTime = 300; // 5 minutes garray[g].white_name[0] = '\0'; garray[g].white_rating = 0; garray[g].examMoveList = NULL; garray[g].examMoveListSize = 0; #ifdef TIMESEAL garray[g].flag_check_time = 0L; garray[g].flag_pending = FLAG_NONE; #endif garray[g].game_state.gameNum = g; garray[g].moveList = NULL; garray[g].moveListSize = 0; garray[g].numHalfMoves = 0; garray[g].revertHalfMove = 0; return 0; } PUBLIC int game_free(int g) { if (garray[g].moveListSize) rfree(garray[g].moveList); if (garray[g].examMoveListSize) rfree(garray[g].examMoveList); garray[g].moveListSize = 0; garray[g].examMoveListSize = 0; return 0; } PUBLIC int game_clear(int g) { game_free(g); game_zero(g); return 0; } PUBLIC int game_remove(int g) { // Should remove game from players observation list game_clear(g); garray[g].status = GAME_EMPTY; return 0; } // old moves not stored now - uses smoves PUBLIC int game_finish(int g) { player_game_ended(g); // Alert playerdb that game ended game_remove(g); return 0; } PUBLIC void MakeFENpos(int g, char *FEN, size_t size) { mstrlcpy(FEN, boardToFEN(g), size); } PUBLIC char * game_time_str(int wt, int winc, int bt, int binc) { static char tstr[50] = { '\0' }; if ((!wt) && (!winc)) { // Untimed (void) strlcpy(tstr, "", sizeof tstr); return tstr; } if ((wt == bt) && (winc == binc)) { msnprintf(tstr, sizeof tstr, " %d %d", wt, winc); } else { msnprintf(tstr, sizeof tstr, " %d %d : %d %d", wt, winc, bt, binc); } return tstr; } PUBLIC char * game_str(int rated, int wt, int winc, int bt, int binc, char *cat, char *board) { static char tstr[200] = { '\0' }; if (rated != TYPE_UNRATED && rated != TYPE_RATED) rated = TYPE_UNRATED; if (cat && cat[0] && board && board[0] && (strcmp(cat, "standard") || strcmp(board, "standard"))) { msnprintf(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%s %s%s Loaded from %s/%s", rstr[rated], bstr[game_isblitz(wt / 60, winc, bt / 60, binc, cat, board)], game_time_str(wt / 60, winc, bt / 60, binc), cat, board); } else { msnprintf(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "%s %s%s", rstr[rated], bstr[game_isblitz(wt / 60, winc, bt / 60, binc, cat, board)], game_time_str(wt / 60, winc, bt / 60, binc)); } return tstr; } PUBLIC int game_isblitz(int wt, int winc, int bt, int binc, char *cat, char *board) { int total; if (cat && cat[0] && board && board[0] && (!strcmp(cat, "wild"))) return TYPE_WILD; if (cat && cat[0] && board && board[0] && (strcmp(cat, "standard") || strcmp(board, "standard"))) return TYPE_NONSTANDARD; if (((wt == 0) && (winc == 0)) || ((bt == 0) && (binc == 0))) { /* * nonsense if one is timed and one is not */ return TYPE_UNTIMED; } if ((wt != bt) || (winc != binc)) return TYPE_NONSTANDARD; total = wt * 60 + winc * 40; if (total < 180) // 3 minutes return TYPE_LIGHT; if (total >= 900) // 15 minutes return TYPE_STAND; else return TYPE_BLITZ; } PUBLIC void send_board_to(int g, int p) { char *b; int relation; int side; /* * Since we know 'g' and 'p', figure out our relationship to * this game... */ side = WHITE; if (garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) { if (parray[p].game == g) { relation = 2; } else { relation = -2; } } else { if (parray[p].game == g) { side = parray[p].side; relation = (side == garray[g].game_state.onMove ? 1 : -1); } else { relation = 0; } } if (parray[p].flip) { // flip board? if (side == WHITE) side = BLACK; else side = WHITE; } game_update_time(g); b = board_to_string(garray[g].white_name, garray[g].black_name, garray[g].wTime, garray[g].bTime, &garray[g].game_state, (garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) ? garray[g].examMoveList : garray[g].moveList, parray[p].style, side, relation, p); #ifdef TIMESEAL if (con[parray[p].socket].timeseal) { if (parray[p].bell) { pprintf_noformat(p, "\007\n[G]\n%s", b); } else { pprintf_noformat(p, "\n[G]\n%s", b); } } else { if (parray[p].bell) { pprintf_noformat(p, "\007\n%s", b); } else { pprintf_noformat(p, "\n%s", b); } } #else if (parray[p].bell) { pprintf_noformat(p, "\007\n%s", b); } else { pprintf_noformat(p, "\n%s", b); } #endif if (p != commanding_player) pprintf(p, "%s", parray[p].prompt); } PUBLIC void send_boards(int g) { simul_info_t *simInfo = &parray[garray[g].white].simul_info; if (simInfo->numBoards == 0 || simInfo->boards[simInfo->onBoard] == g) { for (int p = 0; p < p_num; p++) { if (parray[p].status == PLAYER_EMPTY) continue; if (player_is_observe(p, g) || (parray[p].game == g)) send_board_to(g, p); } } } PUBLIC void game_update_time(int g) { unsigned int now, timesince; if (garray[g].clockStopped) return; if (garray[g].type == TYPE_UNTIMED) return; now = tenth_secs(); timesince = now - garray[g].lastDecTime; if (garray[g].game_state.onMove == WHITE) { garray[g].wTime -= timesince; } else { garray[g].bTime -= timesince; } garray[g].lastDecTime = now; } PUBLIC void game_update_times(void) { for (int g = 0; g < g_num; g++) { if (garray[g].status != GAME_ACTIVE) continue; if (garray[g].clockStopped) continue; game_update_time(g); } } PUBLIC char * EndString(int g, int personal) { /* * personal 0 == White checkmated * personal 1 == loon checkmated */ char *blackguy, *whiteguy; static char blackstr[] = "Black"; static char whitestr[] = "White"; static char endstr[200] = { '\0' }; blackguy = (personal ? garray[g].black_name : blackstr); whiteguy = (personal ? garray[g].white_name : whitestr); switch (garray[g].result) { case END_CHECKMATE: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "%s checkmated", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? blackguy : whiteguy); break; case END_RESIGN: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "%s resigned", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? blackguy : whiteguy); break; case END_FLAG: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "%s ran out of time", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? blackguy : whiteguy); break; case END_AGREEDDRAW: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game drawn by mutual " "agreement"); break; case END_BOTHFLAG: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game drawn because both " "players ran out of time"); break; case END_REPETITION: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game drawn by repetition"); break; case END_50MOVERULE: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Draw by the 50 move rule"); break; case END_ADJOURN: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game adjourned by mutual " "agreement"); break; case END_LOSTCONNECTION: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "%s lost connection, " "game adjourned", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? whiteguy : blackguy); break; case END_ABORT: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game aborted by mutual " "agreement"); break; case END_STALEMATE: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Stalemate."); break; case END_NOTENDED: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Still in progress"); break; case END_COURTESY: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game courtesyaborted by %s", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? whiteguy : blackguy); break; case END_COURTESYADJOURN: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game courtesyadjourned by %s", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? whiteguy : blackguy); break; case END_NOMATERIAL: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game drawn because neither " "player has mating material"); break; case END_FLAGNOMATERIAL: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "%s ran out of time and %s " "has no material to mate", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? blackguy : whiteguy, garray[g].winner == WHITE ? whiteguy : blackguy); break; case END_ADJDRAW: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game drawn by adjudication"); break; case END_ADJWIN: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "%s wins by adjudication", garray[g].winner == WHITE ? whiteguy : blackguy); break; case END_ADJABORT: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "Game aborted by " "adjudication"); break; default: msnprintf(endstr, sizeof endstr, "???????"); break; } return endstr; } PUBLIC char * EndSym(int g) { static char *symbols[] = { "1-0", "0-1", "1/2-1/2", "*" }; switch (garray[g].result) { case END_CHECKMATE: case END_RESIGN: case END_FLAG: case END_ADJWIN: return ((garray[g].winner == WHITE) ? symbols[0] : symbols[1]); break; case END_AGREEDDRAW: case END_BOTHFLAG: case END_REPETITION: case END_50MOVERULE: case END_STALEMATE: case END_NOMATERIAL: case END_FLAGNOMATERIAL: case END_ADJDRAW: return (symbols[2]); break; } return (symbols[3]); } PUBLIC char * movesToString(int g, int pgn) { char *serv_loc = SERVER_LOCATION; char *serv_name = SERVER_NAME; char tmp[160] = { '\0' }; int i, col; int wr, br; struct tm *tm_ptr = NULL; time_t curTime; wr = garray[g].white_rating; br = garray[g].black_rating; curTime = untenths(garray[g].timeOfStart); if (pgn) { msnprintf(gameString, sizeof gameString, "\n[Event \"%s %s %s game\"]\n" "[Site \"%s, %s\"]\n", serv_name, rstr[garray[g].rated], bstr[garray[g].type], serv_name, serv_loc); if ((tm_ptr = localtime(&curTime)) != NULL) { strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "[Date \"%Y.%m.%d\"]\n" "[Time \"%H:%M:%S\"]\n", tm_ptr); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); } else warn("%s: localtime", __func__); msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "[Round \"-\"]\n" "[White \"%s\"]\n" "[Black \"%s\"]\n" "[WhiteElo \"%d\"]\n" "[BlackElo \"%d\"]\n", garray[g].white_name, garray[g].black_name, wr, br); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "[TimeControl \"%d+%d\"]\n" "[Mode \"ICS\"]\n" "[Result \"%s\"]\n\n", garray[g].wInitTime / 10, garray[g].wIncrement / 10, EndSym(g)); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); col = 0; for (i = 0; i < garray[g].numHalfMoves; i++) { if (!(i % 2)) { if ((col += snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d. ", i / 2 + 1)) > 70) { mstrlcat(gameString, "\n", sizeof gameString); col = 0; } mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); } if ((col += snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s ", (garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) ? garray[g].examMoveList[i].algString : garray[g].moveList[i].algString)) > 70) { mstrlcat(gameString, "\n", sizeof gameString); col = 0; } mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); } mstrlcat(gameString, "\n", sizeof gameString); } else { /* * !pgn */ msnprintf(gameString, sizeof gameString, "\n%s ", garray[g].white_name); if (wr > 0) { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "(%d) ", wr); } else { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "(UNR) "); } mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "vs. %s ", garray[g].black_name); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); if (br > 0) { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "(%d) ", br); } else { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "(UNR) "); } mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); mstrlcat(gameString, "--- ", sizeof gameString); if ((tm_ptr = localtime(&curTime)) != NULL) { strftime(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S", tm_ptr); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); } else warn("%s: localtime", __func__); if (garray[g].rated) { mstrlcat(gameString, "\nRated ", sizeof gameString); } else { mstrlcat(gameString, "\nUnrated ", sizeof gameString); } if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BLITZ) { mstrlcat(gameString, "Blitz ", sizeof(gameString)); } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_LIGHT) { mstrlcat(gameString, "Lighting ", sizeof(gameString)); } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BUGHOUSE) { mstrlcat(gameString, "Bughouse ", sizeof(gameString)); } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_STAND) { mstrlcat(gameString, "Standard ", sizeof(gameString)); } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_WILD) { mstrlcat(gameString, "Wild ", sizeof(gameString)); } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_NONSTANDARD) { mstrlcat(gameString, "Non-standard ", sizeof(gameString)); } else { mstrlcat(gameString, "Untimed ", sizeof(gameString)); } mstrlcat(gameString, "match, initial time: ", sizeof gameString); if ((garray[g].bInitTime != garray[g].wInitTime) || (garray[g].wIncrement != garray[g].bIncrement)) { /* * different starting times */ msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d minutes, increment: %d " "seconds AND %d minutes, increment: %d seconds." "\n\n", garray[g].wInitTime / 600, garray[g].wIncrement / 10, garray[g].bInitTime / 600, garray[g].bIncrement / 10); } else { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d minutes, increment: " "%d seconds.\n\n", garray[g].wInitTime / 600, garray[g].wIncrement / 10); } mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "Move %-19s%-19s\n", garray[g].white_name, garray[g].black_name); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); mstrlcat(gameString, "---- ---------------- ----------------" "\n", sizeof gameString); for (i = 0; i < garray[g].numHalfMoves; i += 2) { if (i + 1 < garray[g].numHalfMoves) { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%3d. %-16s ", i / 2 + 1, (garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) ? move_and_time(&garray[g].examMoveList[i]) : move_and_time(&garray[g].moveList[i])); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%-16s\n", (garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) ? move_and_time(&garray[g].examMoveList[i + 1]) : move_and_time(&garray[g].moveList[i + 1])); } else { msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%3d. %-16s\n", i / 2 + 1, (garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) ? move_and_time(&garray[g].examMoveList[i]) : move_and_time(&garray[g].moveList[i])); } mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); if (strlen(gameString) > GAME_STRING_LEN - 100) return gameString; // Bug out if getting // close to filling this // string } mstrlcat(gameString, " ", sizeof gameString); } msnprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "{%s} %s\n", EndString(g, 0), EndSym(g)); mstrlcat(gameString, tmp, sizeof gameString); return gameString; } PUBLIC void game_disconnect(int g, int p) { game_ended(g, (garray[g].white == p) ? WHITE : BLACK, END_LOSTCONNECTION); } PUBLIC int CharToPiece(char c) { switch (c) { case 'P': return W_PAWN; case 'p': return B_PAWN; case 'N': return W_KNIGHT; case 'n': return B_KNIGHT; case 'B': return W_BISHOP; case 'b': return B_BISHOP; case 'R': return W_ROOK; case 'r': return B_ROOK; case 'Q': return W_QUEEN; case 'q': return B_QUEEN; case 'K': return W_KING; case 'k': return B_KING; default: return NOPIECE; } } PUBLIC int PieceToChar(int piece) { switch (piece) { case W_PAWN: return 'P'; case B_PAWN: return 'p'; case W_KNIGHT: return 'N'; case B_KNIGHT: return 'n'; case W_BISHOP: return 'B'; case B_BISHOP: return 'b'; case W_ROOK: return 'R'; case B_ROOK: return 'r'; case W_QUEEN: return 'Q'; case B_QUEEN: return 'q'; case W_KING: return 'K'; case B_KING: return 'k'; default: return ' '; } } /* One line has everything on it */ PRIVATE int WriteMoves(FILE *fp, move_t *m) { int i; int piece, castle; int useFile = 0, useRank = 0, check = 0; unsigned long MoveInfo = (m->color == BLACK); castle = (m->moveString[0] == 'o'); if (castle) piece = KING; else piece = piecetype(CharToPiece(m->moveString[0])); #define ORIGINAL_CODE 0 #if ORIGINAL_CODE MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | piece; MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | m->fromFile; MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | m->fromRank; MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | m->toFile; MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | m->toRank; MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | (m->pieceCaptured & 7); MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 3) | (m->piecePromotionTo & 7); MoveInfo = (MoveInfo <<= 1) | (m->enPassant != 0); #else MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= piece; MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= m->fromFile; MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= m->fromRank; MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= m->toFile; MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= m->toRank; MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= (m->pieceCaptured & 7); MoveInfo <<= 3; MoveInfo |= (m->piecePromotionTo & 7); MoveInfo <<= 1; MoveInfo |= (m->enPassant != 0); #endif /* Are we using from-file or from-rank in 'algString'? */ if ((i = strlen(m->algString)) > 0) i -= 1; if (m->algString[i] == '+') { check = 1; i--; } if (piece != PAWN && !castle) { i -= 2; if (i < 0) return -1; if (m->algString[i] == 'x') i--; if (i < 0) return -1; if (isdigit(m->algString[i])) { useRank = 2; i--; } if (i < 0) return -1; useFile = (islower(m->algString[i]) ? 4 : 0); } MoveInfo = ((MoveInfo << 3) | useFile | useRank | check); fprintf(fp, "%lx %x %x\n", MoveInfo, m->tookTime, m->atTime); return 0; } PRIVATE int ReadMove(FILE *fp, move_t *m) { char line[MAX_GLINE_SIZE] = { '\0' }; if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == NULL) return -1; _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(m->moveString) > 7, "'moveString' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(m->algString) > 7, "'algString' too small"); if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \"%7[^\"]\" \"%7[^\"]\" " "%u %u\n", &m->color, &m->fromFile, &m->fromRank, &m->toFile, &m->toRank, &m->pieceCaptured, &m->piecePromotionTo, &m->enPassant, &m->doublePawn, m->moveString, m->algString, &m->atTime, &m->tookTime) != 13) return -1; return 0; } PRIVATE void WriteGameState(FILE *fp, game_state_t *gs) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) fprintf(fp, "%c", PieceToChar(gs->board[i][j])); } fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", gs->wkmoved, gs->wqrmoved, gs->wkrmoved, gs->bkmoved, gs->bqrmoved, gs->bkrmoved); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { fprintf(fp, " %d %d", gs->ep_possible[0][i], gs->ep_possible[1][i]); } fprintf(fp, " %d %d %d\n", gs->lastIrreversable, gs->onMove, gs->moveNum); } PRIVATE int ReadGameState(FILE *fp, game_state_t *gs, int version) { char pieceChar; int i, j; int wkmoved, wqrmoved, wkrmoved, bkmoved, bqrmoved, bkrmoved; if (version == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (fscanf(fp, "%d ", &gs->board[i][j]) != 1) return -1; } } } else { (void) getc(fp); /* Skip past a newline. */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if ((pieceChar = getc(fp)) == EOF) return -1; gs->board[i][j] = CharToPiece(pieceChar); } } } if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", &wkmoved, &wqrmoved, &wkrmoved, &bkmoved, &bqrmoved, &bkrmoved) != 6) return -1; gs->wkmoved = wkmoved; gs->wqrmoved = wqrmoved; gs->wkrmoved = wkrmoved; gs->bkmoved = bkmoved; gs->bqrmoved = bqrmoved; gs->bkrmoved = bkrmoved; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (fscanf(fp, " %d %d", &gs->ep_possible[0][i], &gs->ep_possible[1][i]) != 2) return -1; } if (fscanf(fp, " %d %d %d\n", &gs->lastIrreversable, &gs->onMove, &gs->moveNum) != 3) return -1; return 0; } PUBLIC int got_attr_value(int g, char *attr, char *value, FILE *fp, char *file) { if (!strcmp(attr, "w_init:")) { garray[g].wInitTime = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "w_inc:")) { garray[g].wIncrement = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "b_init:")) { garray[g].bInitTime = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "b_inc:")) { garray[g].bIncrement = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "white_name:")) { mstrlcpy(garray[g].white_name, value, sizeof(garray[g].white_name)); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "black_name:")) { mstrlcpy(garray[g].black_name, value, sizeof(garray[g].black_name)); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "white_rating:")) { garray[g].white_rating = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "black_rating:")) { garray[g].black_rating = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "result:")) { garray[g].result = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "timestart:")) { garray[g].timeOfStart = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "w_time:")) { garray[g].wTime = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "b_time:")) { garray[g].bTime = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "clockstopped:")) { garray[g].clockStopped = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "rated:")) { garray[g].rated = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "private:")) { garray[g].private = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "type:")) { garray[g].type = atoi(value); } else if (!strcmp(attr, "halfmoves:")) { garray[g].numHalfMoves = atoi(value); if (garray[g].numHalfMoves == 0) return 0; garray[g].moveListSize = garray[g].numHalfMoves; garray[g].moveList = reallocarray(NULL, sizeof(move_t), garray[g].moveListSize); if (garray[g].moveList == NULL) err(1, "%s: reallocarray", __func__); else malloc_count++; for (int i = 0; i < garray[g].numHalfMoves; i++) { if (ReadMove(fp, &garray[g].moveList[i])) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Trouble reading moves " "from %s.\n", file); return -1; } } } else if (!strcmp(attr, "gamestate:")) { // Value meaningless if (garray[g].status != GAME_EXAMINE && ReadGameState(fp, &garray[g].game_state, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Trouble reading game state " "from %s.\n", file); return -1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error bad attribute >%s< from file %s\n", attr, file); } return 0; } PRIVATE int ReadOneV1Move(FILE *fp, move_t *m) { char PieceChar; int i; int useFile, useRank, check, piece; unsigned long MoveInfo; if (fscanf(fp, "%lx %x %x", &MoveInfo, &m->tookTime, &m->atTime) != 3) return -1; check = MoveInfo & 1; useRank = MoveInfo & 2; useFile = MoveInfo & 4; MoveInfo >>= 3; m->enPassant = (MoveInfo & 1); // May have to negate later. MoveInfo >>= 1; m->piecePromotionTo = (MoveInfo & 7); // May have to change color. MoveInfo >>= 3; m->pieceCaptured = (MoveInfo & 7); // May have to change color. MoveInfo >>= 3; m->toRank = (MoveInfo & 7); MoveInfo >>= 3; m->toFile = (MoveInfo & 7); MoveInfo >>= 3; m->fromRank = (MoveInfo & 7); MoveInfo >>= 3; m->fromFile = (MoveInfo & 7); MoveInfo >>= 3; piece = (MoveInfo & 7); m->color = ((MoveInfo & 8) ? BLACK : WHITE); if (m->pieceCaptured != NOPIECE) { if (m->color == BLACK) m->pieceCaptured |= WHITE; else m->pieceCaptured |= BLACK; } if (piece == PAWN) { PieceChar = 'P'; if ((m->toRank == 3 && m->fromRank == 1) || (m->toRank == 4 && m->fromRank == 6)) m->doublePawn = m->toFile; else m->doublePawn = -1; if (m->pieceCaptured) { msnprintf(m->algString, sizeof m->algString, "%cx%c%d", ('a' + m->fromFile), ('a' + m->toFile), (m->toRank + 1)); } else { msnprintf(m->algString, sizeof m->algString, "%c%d", ('a' + m->toFile), (m->toRank + 1)); } if (m->piecePromotionTo != 0) { if (m->piecePromotionTo == KNIGHT) { mstrlcat(m->algString, "=N", sizeof(m->algString)); } else if (m->piecePromotionTo == BISHOP) { mstrlcat(m->algString, "=B", sizeof(m->algString)); } else if (m->piecePromotionTo == ROOK) { mstrlcat(m->algString, "=R", sizeof(m->algString)); } else if (m->piecePromotionTo == QUEEN) { mstrlcat(m->algString, "=Q", sizeof(m->algString)); } m->piecePromotionTo |= m->color; } if (m->enPassant) m->enPassant = (m->toFile - m->fromFile); } else { m->doublePawn = -1; PieceChar = PieceToChar(piecetype(piece) | WHITE); if (PieceChar == 'K' && m->fromFile == 4 && m->toFile == 6) { mstrlcpy(m->algString, "O-O", sizeof(m->algString)); mstrlcpy(m->moveString, "o-o", sizeof(m->moveString)); } else if (PieceChar == 'K' && m->fromFile == 4 && m->toFile == 2) { mstrlcpy(m->algString, "O-O-O", sizeof(m->algString)); mstrlcpy(m->moveString, "o-o-o", sizeof(m->moveString)); } else { i = 0; m->algString[i++] = PieceChar; if (useFile) m->algString[i++] = 'a' + m->fromFile; if (useRank) m->algString[i++] = '1' + m->fromRank; if (m->pieceCaptured != 0) m->algString[i++] = 'x'; m->algString[i++] = ('a' + m->toFile); m->algString[i++] = ('1' + m->toRank); m->algString[i] = '\0'; } } if (m->algString[0] != 'O') { int ret, too_long; ret = snprintf(m->moveString, sizeof m->moveString, "%c/%c%d-%c%d", PieceChar, ('a' + m->fromFile), (m->fromRank + 1), ('a' + m->toFile), (m->toRank + 1)); too_long = (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof m->moveString); if (too_long) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: %s: warning: " "snprintf truncated\n", __func__); } } if (check) mstrlcat(m->algString, "+", sizeof m->algString); return 0; } PRIVATE int ReadV1Moves(game *g, FILE *fp) { g->moveListSize = g->numHalfMoves; g->moveList = reallocarray(NULL, sizeof(move_t), g->moveListSize); if (g->moveList == NULL) err(1, "%s: reallocarray", __func__); else malloc_count++; for (int i = 0; i < g->numHalfMoves; i++) { if (ReadOneV1Move(fp, &g->moveList[i]) == -1) { warnx("%s: failed to read move %d/%d", __func__, i, g->numHalfMoves); return -1; } } return 0; } PRIVATE int ReadV1GameFmt(game *g, FILE *fp, const char *file, int version) { int ret[3]; long int lval; _Static_assert(17 < ARRAY_SIZE(g->white_name), "Unexpected array size"); _Static_assert(17 < ARRAY_SIZE(g->black_name), "Unexpected array size"); ret[0] = fscanf(fp, "%17s %17s", g->white_name, g->black_name); ret[1] = fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &g->white_rating, &g->black_rating); ret[2] = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &g->wInitTime, &g->wIncrement, &g->bInitTime, &g->bIncrement); if (ret[0] != 2 || ret[1] != 2 || ret[2] != 4) { warnx("%s: fscanf error: %s", __func__, file); return -1; } if (version < 3 && !g->bInitTime) g->bInitTime = g->wInitTime; if (fscanf(fp, "%ld", &lval) != 1) { warnx("%s: %s: failed to get time of start", __func__, file); return -1; } else g->timeOfStart = lval; if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &g->wTime, &g->bTime) != 2) { warnx("%s: %s: failed to get 'wTime' and 'bTime'", __func__, file); return -1; } if (version > 1) { if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &g->result, &g->winner) != 2) { warnx("%s: %s: failed to get 'result' nor 'winner'", __func__, file); return -1; } } else { if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &g->result) != 1) { warnx("%s: %s: failed to get 'result'", __func__, file); return -1; } } ret[0] = fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d", &g->private, &g->type, &g->rated, &g->clockStopped); ret[1] = fscanf(fp, "%d", &g->numHalfMoves); if (ret[0] != 4 || ret[1] != 1) { warnx("%s: fscanf error: %s", __func__, file); return -1; } if (ReadV1Moves(g, fp) != 0) { warnx("%s: failed to read moves: %s", __func__, file); return -1; } if (g->status != GAME_EXAMINE && ReadGameState(fp, &g->game_state, version)) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Trouble reading game state from %s.\n", file); return -1; } return 0; } PUBLIC int ReadGameAttrs(FILE *fp, char *fname, int g) { char *attr, *value; char line[MAX_GLINE_SIZE] = { '\0' }; int len = 0; int version = 0; if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == NULL) { warnx("%s: fgets error", __func__); return -1; } if (line[0] == 'v') { if (sscanf(line, "%*c %d", &version) != 1) warn("%s: failed to get version", __func__); } if (version > 0) { if (ReadV1GameFmt(&garray[g], fp, fname, version) == -1) return -1; } else { do { if ((len = strlen(line)) <= 1) { if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == NULL) break; continue; } line[len - 1] = '\0'; attr = eatwhite(line); if (attr[0] == '#') continue; // Comment value = eatword(attr); if (!*value) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error reading file %s\n", fname); if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == NULL) break; continue; } *value = '\0'; value++; value = eatwhite(value); if (!*value) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error reading file %s\n", fname); if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == NULL) break; continue; } stolower(attr); if (got_attr_value(g, attr, value, fp, fname)) return -1; if (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) == NULL) break; } while (!feof(fp)); } if (!(garray[g].bInitTime)) garray[g].bInitTime = garray[g].wInitTime; return 0; } PUBLIC int game_read(int g, int wp, int bp) { FILE *fp; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; garray[g].white = wp; garray[g].black = bp; #if 0 garray[g].old_white = -1; garray[g].old_black = -1; #endif garray[g].moveListSize = 0; garray[g].game_state.gameNum = g; mstrlcpy(garray[g].white_name, parray[wp].name, sizeof(garray[g].white_name)); mstrlcpy(garray[g].black_name, parray[bp].name, sizeof(garray[g].black_name)); if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BLITZ) { garray[g].white_rating = parray[wp].b_stats.rating; garray[g].black_rating = parray[bp].b_stats.rating; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_WILD) { garray[g].white_rating = parray[wp].w_stats.rating; garray[g].black_rating = parray[bp].w_stats.rating; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_LIGHT) { garray[g].white_rating = parray[wp].l_stats.rating; garray[g].black_rating = parray[bp].l_stats.rating; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BUGHOUSE) { garray[g].white_rating = parray[wp].bug_stats.rating; garray[g].black_rating = parray[bp].bug_stats.rating; } else { garray[g].white_rating = parray[wp].s_stats.rating; garray[g].black_rating = parray[bp].s_stats.rating; } msnprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s/%c/%s-%s", adj_dir, parray[wp].login[0], parray[wp].login, parray[bp].login); fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fp) { return -1; } if (ReadGameAttrs(fp, fname, g) < 0) { fclose(fp); return -1; } fclose(fp); if (garray[g].result == END_ADJOURN || garray[g].result == END_COURTESYADJOURN) garray[g].result = END_NOTENDED; garray[g].status = GAME_ACTIVE; garray[g].startTime = tenth_secs(); garray[g].lastMoveTime = garray[g].startTime; garray[g].lastDecTime = garray[g].startTime; // Need to do notification and pending cleanup return 0; } PUBLIC int game_delete(int wp, int bp) { char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; char lname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; msnprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s/%c/%s-%s", adj_dir, parray[wp].login[0], parray[wp].login, parray[bp].login); msnprintf(lname, sizeof lname, "%s/%c/%s-%s", adj_dir, parray[bp].login[0], parray[wp].login, parray[bp].login); unlink(fname); unlink(lname); return 0; } PRIVATE void WriteGameFile(FILE *fp, int g) { game *gg = &garray[g]; long int lval; player *bp = &parray[gg->black]; player *wp = &parray[gg->white]; fprintf(fp, "v %d\n", GAMEFILE_VERSION); fprintf(fp, "%s %s\n", wp->name, bp->name); fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", gg->white_rating, gg->black_rating); fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", gg->wInitTime, gg->wIncrement, gg->bInitTime, gg->bIncrement); lval = gg->timeOfStart; fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", lval); #ifdef TIMESEAL fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", (con[wp->socket].timeseal ? (gg->wRealTime / 100) : gg->wTime), (con[bp->socket].timeseal ? (gg->bRealTime / 100) : gg->bTime)); #endif fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", gg->result, gg->winner); fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", gg->private, gg->type, gg->rated, gg->clockStopped); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", gg->numHalfMoves); for (int i = 0; i < garray[g].numHalfMoves; i++) WriteMoves(fp, &garray[g].moveList[i]); WriteGameState(fp, &garray[g].game_state); } PUBLIC int game_save(int g) { FILE *fp; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; char lname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE]; game *gg = &garray[g]; player *wp, *bp; wp = &parray[gg->white]; bp = &parray[gg->black]; msnprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s/%c/%s-%s", adj_dir, wp->login[0], wp->login, bp->login); msnprintf(lname, sizeof lname, "%s/%c/%s-%s", adj_dir, bp->login[0], wp->login, bp->login); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Problem opening file %s for write\n", fname); return -1; } WriteGameFile(fp, g); #if 0 fprintf(fp, "W_Init: %d\n", garray[g].wInitTime); fprintf(fp, "W_Inc: %d\n", garray[g].wIncrement); fprintf(fp, "B_Init: %d\n", garray[g].bInitTime); fprintf(fp, "B_Inc: %d\n", garray[g].bIncrement); fprintf(fp, "white_name: %s\n", wp->name); fprintf(fp, "black_name: %s\n", bp->name); fprintf(fp, "white_rating: %d\n", garray[g].white_rating); fprintf(fp, "black_rating: %d\n", garray[g].black_rating); fprintf(fp, "result: %d\n", garray[g].result); fprintf(fp, "TimeStart: %d\n", (int) garray[g].timeOfStart); fprintf(fp, "W_Time: %d\n", garray[g].wTime); fprintf(fp, "B_Time: %d\n", garray[g].bTime); fprintf(fp, "ClockStopped: %d\n", garray[g].clockStopped); fprintf(fp, "Rated: %d\n", garray[g].rated); fprintf(fp, "Private: %d\n", garray[g].private); fprintf(fp, "Type: %d\n", garray[g].type); fprintf(fp, "HalfMoves: %d\n", garray[g].numHalfMoves); for (int i = 0; i < garray[g].numHalfMoves; i++) WriteMoves(fp, &garray[g].moveList[i]); fprintf(fp, "GameState: IsNext\n"); WriteGameState(fp, &garray[g].game_state); #endif fclose(fp); /* * Create link for easier stored game finding */ if (bp->login[0] != wp->login[0] && link(fname, lname) != 0) warn("%s: link() error", __func__); return 0; } PRIVATE long int OldestHistGame(char *login) { FILE *fp; char pFile[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; long int when; msnprintf(pFile, sizeof pFile, "%s/player_data/%c/%s.%s", stats_dir, login[0], login, STATS_GAMES); fp = fopen(pFile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { msnprintf(pFile, sizeof pFile, "%s/player_data/%c/.rem.%s.%s", stats_dir, login[0], login, STATS_GAMES); fp = fopen(pFile, "r"); } if (fp != NULL) { if (fscanf(fp, "%*d %*c %*d %*c %*d %*s %*s %*d %*d %*d %*d " "%*s %*s %ld", &when) != 1) { warnx("%s: %s: failed to read 'when'", __func__, &pFile[0]); fclose(fp); return 0L; } fclose(fp); return when; } else return 0L; } PRIVATE void RemoveHistGame(char *file, int maxlines) { FILE *fp; char GameFile[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; char Opponent[MAX_LOGIN_NAME + 1] = { '\0' }; char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE] = { '\0' }; int count = 0; long int When, oppWhen; _Static_assert(20 < ARRAY_SIZE(Opponent), "Not within bounds"); When = oppWhen = 0; if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { return; } else if (fgets(line, ARRAY_SIZE(line), fp) == NULL) { warnx("%s: fgets error (file: %s)", __func__, file); fclose(fp); return; } else if (sscanf(line, "%*d %*c %*d %*c %*d %20s %*s %*d %*d %*d " "%*d %*s %*s %ld", Opponent, &When) != 2) { warnx("%s: unexpected initial line (file: %s)", __func__, file); fclose(fp); return; } count++; while (fgets(line, ARRAY_SIZE(line), fp) != NULL) count++; fclose(fp); stolower(Opponent); if (count > maxlines) { truncate_file(file, maxlines); oppWhen = OldestHistGame(Opponent); if (oppWhen > When || oppWhen <= 0L) { msnprintf(GameFile, sizeof GameFile, "%s/%ld/%ld", hist_dir, (When % 100), When); unlink(GameFile); } } } PUBLIC void RemHist(char *who) { FILE *fp; char Opp[MAX_LOGIN_NAME] = { '\0' }; char fName[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; long int When, oppWhen; msnprintf(fName, sizeof fName, "%s/player_data/%c/%s.%s", stats_dir, who[0], who, STATS_GAMES); if ((fp = fopen(fName, "r")) != NULL) { long int iter_no = 0; while (!feof(fp) && !ferror(fp)) { const int ret = fscanf(fp, "%*d %*c %*d %*c %*d %19s " "%*s %*d %*d %*d %*d %*s %*s %ld\n", Opp, &When); if (ret != 2) { warnx("%s: fscanf() error (%s:%ld)", __func__, fName, iter_no); // iter_no++; break; } stolower(Opp); oppWhen = OldestHistGame(Opp); if (oppWhen > When || oppWhen <= 0L) { char histfile[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; msnprintf(histfile, sizeof histfile, "%s/%ld/%ld", hist_dir, (When % 100), When); if (unlink(histfile) != 0) { warn("%s: unlink(%s)", __func__, histfile); } } iter_no++; } fclose(fp); } } PRIVATE void write_g_out(int g, char *file, int maxlines, int isDraw, char *EndSymbol, char *name, time_t *now) { FILE *fp; char *goteco; char cResult; char tmp[2048] = { '\0' }; char *ptmp = tmp; char type[4]; int count = -1; int wp, bp; int wr, br; wp = garray[g].white; bp = garray[g].black; if (garray[g].private) { type[0] = 'p'; } else { type[0] = ' '; } if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BLITZ) { wr = parray[wp].b_stats.rating; br = parray[bp].b_stats.rating; type[1] = 'b'; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_WILD) { wr = parray[wp].w_stats.rating; br = parray[bp].w_stats.rating; type[1] = 'w'; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_STAND) { wr = parray[wp].s_stats.rating; br = parray[bp].s_stats.rating; type[1] = 's'; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_LIGHT) { wr = parray[wp].l_stats.rating; br = parray[bp].l_stats.rating; type[1] = 'l'; } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BUGHOUSE) { wr = parray[wp].bug_stats.rating; br = parray[bp].bug_stats.rating; type[1] = 'd'; } else { wr = 0; br = 0; if (garray[g].type == TYPE_NONSTANDARD) type[1] = 'n'; else type[1] = 'u'; } if (garray[g].rated) { type[2] = 'r'; } else { type[2] = 'u'; } type[3] = '\0'; if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) != NULL) { while (fgets(tmp, sizeof tmp, fp) != NULL) { /* null */; } if (sscanf(ptmp, "%d", &count) != 1) warnx("%s: failed to read 'count'", __func__); fclose(fp); } count = (count + 1) % 100; if ((fp = fopen(file, "a")) == NULL) return; goteco = getECO(g); /* * Counter * Result * MyRating * MyColor * OppRating * OppName [pbr 2 12 2 12] * ECO * End * Date */ if (name == parray[wp].name) { if (isDraw) cResult = '='; else if (garray[g].winner == WHITE) cResult = '+'; else cResult = '-'; fprintf(fp, "%d %c %d W %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %s %s %ld\n", count, cResult, wr, br, parray[bp].name, type, garray[g].wInitTime, garray[g].wIncrement, garray[g].bInitTime, garray[g].bIncrement, goteco, EndSymbol, (long int) *now); } else { if (isDraw) cResult = '='; else if (garray[g].winner == BLACK) cResult = '+'; else cResult = '-'; fprintf(fp, "%d %c %d B %d %s %s %d %d %d %d %s %s %ld\n", count, cResult, br, wr, parray[wp].name, type, garray[g].wInitTime, garray[g].wIncrement, garray[g].bInitTime, garray[g].bIncrement, goteco, EndSymbol, (long int) *now); } fclose(fp); RemoveHistGame(file, maxlines); } /* * Find from_spot in journal list - return 0 if corrupted */ PUBLIC int journal_get_info(int p, char from_spot, char *WhiteName, int *WhiteRating, char *BlackName, int *BlackRating, char *type, int *t, int *i, char *eco, char *ending, char *result, char *fname) { FILE *fp; char count; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Corrupt journal file! %s\n", fname); pprintf(p, "The journal file is corrupt! See an admin.\n"); return 0; } while (!feof(fp)) { if (fscanf(fp, "%c %s %d %s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s\n", &count, WhiteName, &(*WhiteRating), BlackName, &(*BlackRating), type, &(*t), &(*i), eco, ending, result) != 11) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error in journal info format. " "%s\n", fname); pprintf(p, "The journal file is corrupt! Error in " "internal format.\n"); fclose(fp); return 0; } if (tolower(count) == from_spot) { fclose(fp); return 1; } } fclose(fp); return 0; } PUBLIC void addjournalitem(int p, char count2, char *WhiteName2, int WhiteRating2, char *BlackName2, int BlackRating2, char *type2, int t2, int i2, char *eco2, char *ending2, char *result2, char *fname) { FILE *fp; FILE *fp2; char BlackName[MAX_LOGIN_NAME + 1] = { '\0' }; char WhiteName[MAX_LOGIN_NAME + 1] = { '\0' }; char count; char eco[100] = { '\0' }; char ending[100] = { '\0' }; char fname2[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; char result[100] = { '\0' }; char type[100] = { '\0' }; int WhiteRating, BlackRating; int have_output = 0; int t, i; mstrlcpy(fname2, fname, sizeof fname2); mstrlcat(fname2, ".w", sizeof fname2); if ((fp2 = fopen(fname2, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Problem opening file %s for write\n", fname); pprintf(p, "Couldn't update journal! Report this to an admin." "\n"); return; } if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { // Empty? fprintf(fp2, "%c %s %d %s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s\n", count2, WhiteName2, WhiteRating2, BlackName2, BlackRating2, type2, t2, i2, eco2, ending2, result2); fclose(fp2); xrename(__func__, fname2, fname); return; } else { _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(WhiteName) > 19, "'WhiteName' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(BlackName) > 19, "'BlackName' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(type) > 99, "'type' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(eco) > 99, "'eco' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(ending) > 99, "'ending' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(result) > 99, "'result' too small"); while (!feof(fp)) { if (fscanf(fp, "%c %19s %d %19s %d %99s %d %d %99s " "%99s %99s\n", &count, WhiteName, &WhiteRating, BlackName, &BlackRating, type, &t, &i, eco, ending, result) != 11) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error in journal info " "format - aborting. %s\n", fname); fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); return; } if ((count >= count2) && (!have_output)) { fprintf(fp2, "%c %s %d %s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s\n", count2, WhiteName2, WhiteRating2, BlackName2, BlackRating2, type2, t2, i2, eco2, ending2, result2); have_output = 1; } if (count != count2) { fprintf(fp2, "%c %s %d %s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s" "\n", count, WhiteName, WhiteRating, BlackName, BlackRating, type, t, i, eco, ending, result); } } if (!have_output) { // Haven't written yet fprintf(fp2, "%c %s %d %s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s\n", count2, WhiteName2, WhiteRating2, BlackName2, BlackRating2, type2, t2, i2, eco2, ending2, result2); } } fclose(fp); fclose(fp2); rename(fname2, fname); } PUBLIC int pjournal(int p, int p1, char *fname) { FILE *fp; char BlackName[MAX_LOGIN_NAME + 1] = { '\0' }; char WhiteName[MAX_LOGIN_NAME + 1] = { '\0' }; char count; char eco[100] = { '\0' }; char ending[100] = { '\0' }; char result[100] = { '\0' }; char type[100] = { '\0' }; int WhiteRating, BlackRating; int t, i; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { pprintf(p, "Sorry, no journal information available.\n"); return COM_OK; } pprintf(p, "Journal for %s:\n", parray[p1].name); pprintf(p, " White Rating Black Rating " "Type ECO End Result\n"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(WhiteName) > 19, "'WhiteName' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(BlackName) > 19, "'BlackName' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(type) > 99, "'type' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(eco) > 99, "'eco' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(ending) > 99, "'ending' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(result) > 99, "'result' too small"); while (!feof(fp)) { if (fscanf(fp, "%c %19s %d %19s %d %99s %d %d %99s %99s %99s\n", &count, WhiteName, &WhiteRating, BlackName, &BlackRating, type, &t, &i, eco, ending, result) != 11) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error in journal info format. " "%s\n", fname); fclose(fp); return COM_OK; } WhiteName[13] = '\0'; // only first 13 chars in name BlackName[13] = '\0'; pprintf(p, "%c: %-13s %4d %-13s %4d [%3s%3d%4d] %s %3s " "%-7s\n", count, WhiteName, WhiteRating, BlackName, BlackRating, type, (t / 600), (i / 10), eco, ending, result); } fclose(fp); return COM_OK; } PUBLIC int pgames(int p, int p1, char *fname) { FILE *fp; char MyColor[2] = { 0,0 }; char OppName[MAX_LOGIN_NAME + 1] = { '\0' }; char eco[100] = { '\0' }; char ending[100] = { '\0' }; char result[2] = { 0,0 }; // XXX: right size? char type[100] = { '\0' }; int MyRating, OppRating; int count; int wt, wi, bt, bi; time_t t; if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) { pprintf(p, "Sorry, no game information available.\n"); return COM_OK; } pprintf(p, "History for %s:\n", parray[p1].name); pprintf(p, " Opponent Type " "ECO End Date\n"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(result) > 1, "'result' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(MyColor) > 1, "'MyColor' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(OppName) > 19, "'OppName' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(type) > 99, "'type' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(eco) > 99, "'eco' too small"); _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(ending) > 99, "'ending' too small"); while (!feof(fp)) { if (fscanf(fp, "%d %1s %d %1s %d %19s %99s %d %d %d %d %99s " "%99s %ld\n", &count, result, &MyRating, MyColor, &OppRating, OppName, type, &wt, &wi, &bt, &bi, eco, ending, (long int *)&t) != 14) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Error in games info format. " "%s\n", fname); fclose(fp); return COM_OK; } OppName[13] = '\0'; // only first 13 chars in name pprintf(p, "%2d: %s %4d %s %4d %-13s [%3s%3d%4d] %s %3s %s", count, result, MyRating, MyColor, OppRating, OppName, type, (wt / 600), (wi / 10), eco, ending, ctime(&t)); } fclose(fp); return COM_OK; } PUBLIC void game_write_complete(int g, int isDraw, char *EndSymbol) { FILE *fp = NULL; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE] = { '\0' }; int fd = -1; int wp = garray[g].white, bp = garray[g].black; time_t now = time(NULL); do { msnprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s/%ld/%ld", hist_dir, (long int)(now % 100), (long int)now); errno = 0; fd = open(fname, (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL), 0644); if (fd == -1 && errno == EEXIST) now++; } while (fd == -1 && errno == EEXIST); if (fd >= 0) { if ((fp = fdopen(fd, "w")) != NULL) { WriteGameFile(fp, g); fclose(fp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Trouble writing history file %s", fname); } close(fd); } msnprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s/player_data/%c/%s.%s", stats_dir, parray[wp].login[0], parray[wp].login, STATS_GAMES); write_g_out(g, fname, 10, isDraw, EndSymbol, parray[wp].name, &now); msnprintf(fname, sizeof fname, "%s/player_data/%c/%s.%s", stats_dir, parray[bp].login[0], parray[bp].login, STATS_GAMES); write_g_out(g, fname, 10, isDraw, EndSymbol, parray[bp].name, &now); } PUBLIC int game_count(void) { int g, count = 0; for (g = 0; g < g_num; g++) { if (garray[g].status == GAME_ACTIVE || garray[g].status == GAME_EXAMINE) count++; } if (count > game_high) game_high = count; return count; }