/* ficsmain.c * */ /* fics - An internet chess server. Copyright (C) 1993 Richard V. Nash This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Revision history: name email yy/mm/dd Change Richard Nash 93/10/22 Created Markus Uhlin 23/12/10 Fixed the includes Markus Uhlin 23/12/12 Revamped the file Markus Uhlin 24/03/16 Fixed unbounded string copying and marked usage() '__dead'. Markus Uhlin 24/06/01 Added command-line option 'l' Markus Uhlin 24/08/03 Added command-line option 'd' Markus Uhlin 24/12/04 Added command-line option 'v' */ #include "stdinclude.h" #include "common.h" #include <sys/param.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "board.h" #include "command.h" #include "comproc.h" #include "config.h" #ifndef IGNORE_ECO #include "eco.h" #endif #include "ficsmain.h" #include "legal.h" #include "legal2.h" #include "network.h" #include "playerdb.h" #include "ratings.h" #include "shutdown.h" #include "talkproc.h" #include "utils.h" #if __linux__ #include <bsd/string.h> #endif /* Arguments */ PUBLIC int port; PUBLIC int withConsole; PRIVATE __dead void usage(char *); PRIVATE void BrokenPipe(int sig) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Got Broken Pipe (%d)\n", sig); } PRIVATE void daemonize(void) { int fd[2]; mode_t mode[2]; mode[0] = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); mode[1] = (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (file_exists(DAEMON_LOCKFILE)) { errx(1, "%s: %s: already exists\ndelete the file manually and " "try again after making sure that\nno copy of the program " "is already running in the background", __func__, DAEMON_LOCKFILE); } else if ((fd[0] = open(DAEMON_LOCKFILE, (O_CREAT | O_RDWR), mode[0])) == -1) { err(1, "%s: open(%s, ...)", __func__, DAEMON_LOCKFILE); } else if ((fd[1] = open(DAEMON_LOGFILE, (O_APPEND | O_CREAT | O_RDWR), mode[1])) == -1) { err(1, "%s: open(%s, ...)", __func__, DAEMON_LOGFILE); } else if (daemon(1, 1) == -1) { int i; i = errno; close(fd[0]); close(fd[1]); errno = i; err(1, "%s: failed to run in the background", __func__); } dprintf(fd[0], "%jd\n", (intmax_t)getpid()); close(fd[0]); (void) dup2(fd[1], STDIN_FILENO); (void) dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO); (void) dup2(fd[1], STDERR_FILENO); if (fd[1] > 2) close(fd[1]); } PRIVATE void GetArgs(int argc, char *argv[]) { port = DEFAULT_PORT; withConsole = 0; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'p': if (i == argc - 1) usage(argv[0]); i++; if (sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &port) != 1) usage(argv[0]); break; case 'C': fprintf(stderr, "-C Not implemented!\n"); exit(1); withConsole = 1; break; case 'd': daemonize(); break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); break; case 'l': puts(legalNotice); puts(legalNotice2); exit(0); case 'v': printf("%s %s\n", VERS_NUM, COMP_DATE); exit(0); } } else { usage(argv[0]); } } } PRIVATE __dead void TerminateServer(int sig) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Got signal %d\n", sig); output_shut_mess(); TerminateCleanup(); net_close(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } PRIVATE void main_event_loop(void) { comstr_t str; int sockfd = -1; while (1) { ngc2(&str, HEARTBEATTIME); if (process_heartbeat(&sockfd) == COM_LOGOUT && sockfd != -1) { process_disconnection(sockfd); net_close_connection(sockfd); } sockfd = -1; } } PRIVATE __dead void usage(char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-p port] [-C] [-dhlv]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t-p port\t\tSpecify port. (Default=%d)\n", DEFAULT_PORT); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t-C\t\tStart with console player connected " "to stdin.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t-d\t\tRun in the background.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t-h\t\tDisplay this information.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t-l\t\tDisplay the legal notice and exit.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t-v\t\tDisplay version.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } PUBLIC int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef DEBUG #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_DEBUG malloc_debug(16); #endif #endif GetArgs(argc, argv); signal(SIGINT, TerminateServer); signal(SIGPIPE, BrokenPipe); signal(SIGTERM, TerminateServer); if (net_init(port)) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Network initialize failed on port %d.\n", port); return EXIT_FAILURE; } startuptime = time(NULL); strlcpy(fics_hostname, SERVER_HOSTNAME, sizeof fics_hostname); game_high = 0; player_high = 0; quota_time = 60; srand(startuptime); fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Initialized on port %d at %s.\n", port, strltime(&startuptime)); fprintf(stderr, "FICS: commands_init()\n"); commands_init(); fprintf(stderr, "FICS: rating_init()\n"); rating_init(); fprintf(stderr, "FICS: wild_init()\n"); wild_init(); #ifndef IGNORE_ECO fprintf(stderr, "FICS: book init()\n"); BookInit(); #endif fprintf(stderr, "FICS: player_array_init()\n"); player_array_init(); fprintf(stderr, "FICS: player_init(withConsole=%d)\n", withConsole); player_init(withConsole); main_event_loop(); fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Closing down.\n"); output_shut_mess(); net_close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }