/* board.h

    fics - An internet chess server.
    Copyright (C) 1993  Richard V. Nash

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

/* Revision history:
   name		email		yy/mm/dd	Change
   Richard Nash                 93/10/22	Created
   Markus Uhlin                 23/12/24	Revised

#ifndef _BOARD_H
#define _BOARD_H

#define WHITE 0x00
#define BLACK 0x80

#define CString(c) (((c) == WHITE) ? "White" : "Black")
#define CToggle(c) (((c) == BLACK) ? WHITE : BLACK)

 * These are indexes into an array so their values are not arbitrary.
#define NOPIECE	0x00
#define PAWN	0x01
#define KNIGHT	0x02
#define BISHOP	0x03
#define ROOK	0x04
#define QUEEN	0x05
#define KING	0x06

#define MAX_BOARD_STRING_LEGTH 1280     /* Arbitrarily 80 * 16 */
#define MAX_STYLES 13

#define MoveToHalfMove(gs) \
    ((((gs)->moveNum - 1) * 2) + (((gs)->onMove == WHITE) ? 0 : 1))

#define W_PAWN		(PAWN | WHITE)
#define W_ROOK		(ROOK | WHITE)
#define W_QUEEN		(QUEEN | WHITE)
#define W_KING		(KING | WHITE)

#define B_PAWN		(PAWN | BLACK)
#define B_ROOK		(ROOK | BLACK)
#define B_QUEEN		(QUEEN | BLACK)
#define B_KING		(KING | BLACK)

#define isblack(p)		((p) & BLACK)
#define iswhite(p)		(!isblack(p))
#define iscolor(p, color)	(((p) & BLACK) == (color))

#define colorval(p)		((p) & 0x80)
#define piecetype(p)		((p) & 0x7f)
#define square_color(r, f)	((((r) + (f)) & 0x01) ? BLACK : WHITE)

/* Treated as [file][rank] */
typedef int board_t[8][8];

typedef struct _game_state_t {
	board_t board;

	 * For bughouse
	int holding[2][5];

	 * For castling
	unsigned char	wkmoved, wqrmoved, wkrmoved;
	unsigned char	bkmoved, bqrmoved, bkrmoved;

	 * For ep
	int	ep_possible[2][8];

	 * For draws
	int	lastIrreversable;
	int	onMove;
	int	moveNum;

	int	gameNum;
} game_state_t;

 * If a drop move, then 'fromFile' is ALG_DROP and 'fromRank' is
 * piece.
#define ALG_DROP -2

typedef struct _move_t {
	int		 color;
	int		 fromFile, fromRank;
	int		 toFile, toRank;
	int		 pieceCaptured;
	int		 piecePromotionTo;
	int		 enPassant;     // 0 = No, 1 = Higher, -1 = Lower
	int		 doublePawn;    // Only used for board display

	char		 moveString[8];
	char		 algString[8];

	unsigned char	 FENpos[74];
	unsigned int	 atTime;
	unsigned int	 tookTime;
} move_t;

extern char	*wpstring[];
extern char	*bpstring[];

extern int pieceValues[7];

extern int	 style1(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style2(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style3(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style4(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style5(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style6(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style7(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style8(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style9(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style10(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style11(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style12(game_state_t *, move_t *);
extern int	 style13(game_state_t *, move_t *);

extern char	*board_to_string(char *, char *, int, int, game_state_t *,
		     move_t *, int, int, int, int);
extern char	*move_and_time(move_t *);
extern int	 board_init(game_state_t *, char *, char *);
extern int	 board_read_file(char *, char *, game_state_t *);
extern void	 board_calc_strength(game_state_t *, int *, int *);
extern void	 update_holding(int, int);
extern void	 wild_init(void);
extern void	 wild_update(int);
