/* board.c * */ /* fics - An internet chess server. Copyright (C) 1993 Richard V. Nash This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Revision history: name email yy/mm/dd Change Richard Nash 93/10/22 Created Markus Uhlin 23/12/17 Fixed compiler warnings Markus Uhlin 23/12/23 Reformatted functions */ #include "stdinclude.h" #include "common.h" #include "board.h" #include "gamedb.h" #include "playerdb.h" #include "utils.h" #define WHITE_SQUARE 1 #define BLACK_SQUARE 0 #define ANY_SQUARE -1 #define SquareColor(f, r) ((f ^ r) & 1) #define IsMachineStyle(n) (((1 << (n)) & mach_type) != 0) extern int style1(); extern int style2(); extern int style3(); extern int style4(); extern int style5(); extern int style6(); extern int style7(); extern int style8(); extern int style9(); extern int style10(); extern int style11(); extern int style12(); extern int style13(); PUBLIC char *wpstring[] = {" ", "P", "N", "B", "R", "Q", "K"}; PUBLIC char *bpstring[] = {" ", "p", "n", "b", "r", "q", "k"}; PUBLIC int pieceValues[7] = {0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 9, 0}; PUBLIC int (*styleFuncs[MAX_STYLES])() = { style1, style2, style3, style4, style5, style6, style7, style8, style9, style10, style11, style12, style13 }; PRIVATE const int mach_type = ((1 << 7) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 11)); PRIVATE char bstring[MAX_BOARD_STRING_LEGTH]; /* * Globals used for each board */ PRIVATE char *wName, *bName; PRIVATE int wTime, bTime; PRIVATE int orient; PRIVATE int forPlayer; PRIVATE int myTurn; PUBLIC int board_init(game_state_t *b, char *category, char *board) { int retval; int wval; if (!category || !board || !category[0] || !board[0]) retval = board_read_file("standard", "standard", b); else { if (!strcmp(category, "wild")) { if (sscanf(board, "%d", &wval) == 1 && wval >= 1 && wval <= 4) wild_update(wval); } retval = board_read_file(category, board, b); } b->gameNum = -1; return retval; } PUBLIC void board_calc_strength(game_state_t *b, int *ws, int *bs) { int r, f; int *p; *ws = *bs = 0; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) { if (colorval(b->board[r][f]) == WHITE) p = ws; else p = bs; *p += pieceValues[piecetype(b->board[r][f])]; } } for (r = PAWN; r <= QUEEN; r++) { *ws += b->holding[0][r-1] * pieceValues[r]; *bs += b->holding[1][r-1] * pieceValues[r]; } } PRIVATE char *holding_str(int *holding) { static char tmp[30]; int p,i,j; i = 0; for (p = PAWN; p <= QUEEN; p++) { for (j = 0; j < holding[p-1]; j++) { tmp[i++] = wpstring[p][0]; } } tmp[i] = '\0'; return tmp; } PRIVATE char *append_holding_machine(char *buf, int g, int c, int p) { game_state_t *gs = &garray[g].game_state; char tmp[50]; sprintf(tmp, " game %d white [%s] black [", g+1, holding_str(gs->holding[0])); strcat(tmp, holding_str(gs->holding[1])); strcat(buf, tmp); if (p) { sprintf(tmp, "] <- %c%s\n", "WB"[c], wpstring[p]); strcat(buf, tmp); } else strcat(buf, "]\n"); return buf; } PRIVATE char *append_holding_display(char *buf, game_state_t *gs, int white) { if (white) strcat(buf, "White holding: ["); else strcat(buf, "Black holding: ["); strcat(buf, holding_str(gs->holding[white ? 0 : 1])); strcat(buf, "]\n"); return buf; } PUBLIC void update_holding(int g, int pieceCaptured) { int p = piecetype(pieceCaptured); int c = colorval(pieceCaptured); game_state_t *gs = &garray[g].game_state; int pp, pl; char tmp1[80], tmp2[80]; if (c == WHITE) { c = 0; pp = garray[g].white; } else { c = 1; pp = garray[g].black; } gs->holding[c][p-1]++; tmp1[0] = '\0'; append_holding_machine(tmp1, g, c, p); sprintf(tmp2, "Game %d %s received: %s -> [%s]\n", g+1, parray[pp].name, wpstring[p], holding_str(gs->holding[c])); for (pl = 0; pl < p_num; pl++) { if (parray[pl].status == PLAYER_EMPTY) continue; if (player_is_observe(pl, g) || (parray[pl].game == g)) { pprintf_prompt(pl, IsMachineStyle(parray[pl].style) ? tmp1 : tmp2); } } } PUBLIC char * board_to_string(char *wn, char *bn, int wt, int bt, game_state_t *b, move_t *ml, int style, int orientation, int relation, int p) { int bh = (b->gameNum >= 0 && garray[b->gameNum].link >= 0); wName = wn; bName = bn; wTime = wt; bTime = bt; orient = orientation; myTurn = relation; forPlayer = p; if (style < 0 || style >= MAX_STYLES) return NULL; if (style != 11) { // game header sprintf(bstring, "Game %d (%s vs. %s)\n\n", (b->gameNum + 1), garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name); } else bstring[0] = '\0'; if (bh && !IsMachineStyle(style)) append_holding_display(bstring, b, (orientation == BLACK)); if (styleFuncs[style] (b, ml)) return NULL; if (bh) { if (IsMachineStyle(style)) append_holding_machine(bstring, b->gameNum, 0, 0); else { append_holding_display(bstring, b, (orientation == WHITE)); } } return bstring; } PUBLIC char * move_and_time(move_t *m) { static char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%-7s (%s)", m->algString, tenth_str(m->tookTime, 0)); return &tmp[0]; } PRIVATE int genstyle(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml, char *wp[], char *bp[], char *wsqr, char *bsqr, char *top, char *mid, char *start, char *end, char *label, char *blabel) { char tmp[80]; int f, r, count; int first, last, inc; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); if (orient == WHITE) { first = 7; last = 0; inc = -1; } else { first = 0; last = 7; inc = 1; } strcat(bstring, top); for (f = first, count = 7; f != last + inc; f += inc, count--) { sprintf(tmp, " %d %s", f + 1, start); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = last; r != first - inc; r = r - inc) { if (square_color(r, f) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, wsqr); else strcat(bstring, bsqr); if (piecetype(b->board[r][f]) == NOPIECE) { if (square_color(r, f) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, bp[0]); else strcat(bstring, wp[0]); } else { if (colorval(b->board[r][f]) == WHITE) { strcat(bstring, wp[piecetype(b->board[r][f])]); } else { strcat(bstring, bp[piecetype(b->board[r][f])]); } } } sprintf(tmp, "%s", end); strcat(bstring, tmp); switch (count) { case 7: sprintf(tmp, " Move # : %d (%s)", b->moveNum, CString(b->onMove)); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 6: if (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves > 0) { // loon: think this fixes the crashing ascii // board on takeback bug sprintf(tmp, " %s Moves : '%s'", CString(CToggle(b->onMove)), move_and_time (&ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1])); strcat(bstring, tmp); } break; case 5: break; case 4: sprintf(tmp, " Black Clock : %s", tenth_str((bTime > 0 ? bTime : 0), 1)); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 3: sprintf(tmp, " White Clock : %s", tenth_str((wTime > 0 ? wTime : 0), 1)); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 2: sprintf(tmp, " Black Strength : %d", bs); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 1: sprintf(tmp, " White Strength : %d", ws); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 0: break; } // switch strcat(bstring, "\n"); if (count != 0) strcat(bstring, mid); else strcat(bstring, top); } // for if (orient == WHITE) strcat(bstring, label); else strcat(bstring, blabel); return 0; } /* * Experimental ANSI board for colour representation */ PUBLIC int style13(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { " ", "\033[37m\033[1m P ", "\033[37m\033[1m N ", "\033[37m\033[1m B ", "\033[37m\033[1m R ", "\033[37m\033[1m Q ", "\033[37m\033[1m K " }; static char *bp[] = { " ", "\033[21m\033[37m P ", "\033[21m\033[37m N ", "\033[21m\033[37m B ", "\033[21m\033[37m R ", "\033[21m\033[37m Q ", "\033[21m\033[37m K " }; static char *wsqr = "\033[40m"; static char *bsqr = "\033[45m"; static char *top = "\t+------------------------+\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = "\033[0m|"; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * Standard ICS */ PUBLIC int style1(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { " |", " P |", " N |", " B |", " R |", " Q |", " K |" }; static char *bp[] = { " |", " *P|", " *N|", " *B|", " *R|", " *Q|", " *K|" }; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = "\t---------------------------------\n"; static char *mid = "\t|---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|\n"; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * USA-Today Sports Center-style board */ PUBLIC int style2(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { "+ ", "P ", "N ", "B ", "R ", "Q ", "K " }; static char *bp[] = { "- ", "p' ", "n' ", "b' ", "r' ", "q' ", "k' " }; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = ""; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = ""; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\ta b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\th g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * Experimental vt-100 ANSI board for dark backgrounds */ PUBLIC int style3(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { " ", " P ", " N ", " B ", " R ", " Q ", " K " }; static char *bp[] = { " ", " *P", " *N", " *B", " *R", " *Q", " *K" }; static char *wsqr = "\033[0m"; static char *bsqr = "\033[7m"; static char *top = "\t+------------------------+\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = "\033[0m|"; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * Experimental vt-100 ANSI board for light backgrounds */ PUBLIC int style4(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { " ", " P ", " N ", " B ", " R ", " Q ", " K " }; static char *bp[] = { " ", " *P", " *N", " *B", " *R", " *Q", " *K" }; static char *wsqr = "\033[7m"; static char *bsqr = "\033[0m"; static char *top = "\t+------------------------+\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = "\033[0m|"; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * Style suggested by ajpierce@med.unc.edu */ PUBLIC int style5(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { " ", " o ", " :N:", " ", " |R|", " {Q}", " =K=" }; static char *bp[] = { " ", " p ", " :n:", " ", " |r|", " {q}", " =k=" }; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = " . . . . . . . . .\n"; static char *mid = " . . . . . . . . .\n"; static char *start = ""; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * Email Board suggested by Thomas Fought (tlf@rsch.oclc.org) */ PUBLIC int style6(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = { " |", " wp |", " WN |", " WB |", " WR |", " WQ |", " WK |" }; static char *bp[] = { " |", " bp |", " BN |", " BB |", " BR |", " BQ |", " BK |"}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = "\t-----------------------------------------\n"; static char *mid = "\t-----------------------------------------\n"; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\t A B C D E F G H\n"; static char *blabel = "\t H G F E D C B A\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * Miniature board */ PUBLIC int style7(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" ", " P", " N", " B", " R", " Q", " K"}; static char *bp[] = {" -", " p", " n", " b", " r", " q", " k"}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = "\t:::::::::::::::::::::\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = ".."; static char *end = " .."; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* * ICS interface maker board -- raw data dump. */ PUBLIC int style8(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(tmp, "#@#%03d%-16s%s%-16s%s", (b->gameNum + 1), garray[b->gameNum].white_name, (orient == WHITE ? "*" : ":"), garray[b->gameNum].black_name, (orient == WHITE ? ":" : "*")); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, " "); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) { strcat(bstring, wpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } else { strcat(bstring, bpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } } sprintf(tmp, "%03d%s%02d%02d%05d%05d%-7s(%s)@#@\n", (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1), (b->onMove == WHITE ? "W" : "B"), ws, bs, ((wTime + 5) / 10), ((bTime + 5) / 10), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].algString : "none"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00")); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } /* * Last 2 moves only (previous non-verbose mode). */ PUBLIC int style9(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int i, count; int startmove; sprintf(tmp, "\nMove %-23s%s\n", garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name); strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "---- -------------- --------------\n"); strcat(bstring, tmp); startmove = ((garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 3) / 2) * 2; if (startmove < 0) startmove = 0; i = startmove; count = 0; while (i < garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves && count < 4) { if (!(i & 0x01)) { sprintf(tmp, " %2d ", (i / 2 + 1)); strcat(bstring, tmp); } sprintf(tmp, "%-23s", move_and_time(&ml[i])); strcat(bstring, tmp); if (i & 0x01) strcat(bstring, "\n"); i++; count++; } if (i & 0x01) strcat(bstring, "\n"); return 0; } /* * Sleator's 'new and improved' raw dump format... */ PUBLIC int style10(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ret, too_long; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(tmp, "<10>\n"); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--) { strcat(bstring, "|"); for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, " "); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) { strcat(bstring, wpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } else { strcat(bstring, bpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } strcat(bstring, "|\n"); } strcat(bstring, (b->onMove == WHITE ? "W " : "B ")); if (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves) { sprintf(tmp, "%d ", ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].doublePawn); } else { sprintf(tmp, "-1 "); } strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", !(b->wkmoved || b->wkrmoved), !(b->wkmoved || b->wqrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bkrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bqrmoved), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - (b->lastIrreversable == -1 ? 0 : b->lastIrreversable))); strcat(bstring, tmp); ret = snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s " "(%s) %s %d\n", b->gameNum, garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name, myTurn, (garray[b->gameNum].wInitTime / 600), (garray[b->gameNum].wIncrement / 10), ws, bs, ((wTime + 5) / 10), ((bTime + 5) / 10), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].moveString : "none"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].algString : "none"), (orient == WHITE ? 0 : 1)); too_long = (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof tmp); if (too_long) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: %s: warning: snprintf truncated\n", __func__); } strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, ">10<\n"); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } /* * Same as 8, but with verbose moves ("P/e3-e4", instead of "e4"). */ PUBLIC int style11(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(tmp, "#@#%03d%-16s%s%-16s%s", b->gameNum, garray[b->gameNum].white_name, (orient == WHITE ? "*" : ":"), garray[b->gameNum].black_name, (orient == WHITE ? ":" : "*")); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, " "); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) { strcat(bstring, wpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } else { strcat(bstring, bpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } } sprintf(tmp, "%03d%s%02d%02d%05d%05d%-7s(%s)@#@\n", (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1), (b->onMove == WHITE ? "W" : "B"), ws, bs, ((wTime + 5) / 10), ((bTime + 5) / 10), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].moveString : "none"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00")); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } /* * Similar to style 10. See the "style12" help file for information. */ PUBLIC int style12(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ret, too_long; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(bstring, "<12> "); for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, "-"); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) { strcat(bstring, wpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } else { strcat(bstring, bpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } strcat(bstring, " "); } strcat(bstring, (b->onMove == WHITE ? "W " : "B ")); if (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves) { sprintf(tmp, "%d ", ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].doublePawn); } else { sprintf(tmp, "-1 "); } strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%d %d %d %d %d ", !(b->wkmoved || b->wkrmoved), !(b->wkmoved || b->wqrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bkrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bqrmoved), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - (b->lastIrreversable == -1 ? 0 : b->lastIrreversable))); strcat(bstring, tmp); ret = snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s " "(%s) %s %d\n", (b->gameNum + 1), garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name, myTurn, (garray[b->gameNum].wInitTime / 600), (garray[b->gameNum].wIncrement / 10), ws, bs, ((wTime + 5) / 10), ((bTime + 5) / 10), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].moveString : "none"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].algString : "none"), (orient == WHITE ? 0 : 1)); too_long = (ret < 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof tmp); if (too_long) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: %s: warning: snprintf truncated\n", __func__); } strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } PUBLIC int board_read_file(char *category, char *gname, game_state_t *gs) { FILE *fp; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE + 1]; int c; int f, r; int onColor = -1; int onFile = -1; int onNewLine = 1; int onPiece = -1; int onRank = -1; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/%s", board_dir, category, gname); if ((fp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) return 1; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) gs->board[f][r] = NOPIECE; for (f = 0; f < 2; f++) { for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) gs->ep_possible[f][r] = 0; for (r = PAWN; r <= QUEEN; r++) gs->holding[f][r - 1] = 0; } gs->wkmoved = gs->wqrmoved = gs->wkrmoved = 0; gs->bkmoved = gs->bqrmoved = gs->bkrmoved = 0; gs->onMove = -1; gs->moveNum = 1; gs->lastIrreversable = -1; while (!feof(fp)) { c = fgetc(fp); if (onNewLine) { if (c == 'W') { onColor = WHITE; if (gs->onMove < 0) gs->onMove = WHITE; } else if (c == 'B') { onColor = BLACK; if (gs->onMove < 0) gs->onMove = BLACK; } else if (c == '#') { while (!feof(fp) && c != '\n') c = fgetc(fp); // Comment line continue; } else { // Skip any line we don't understand while (!feof(fp) && c != '\n') c = fgetc(fp); continue; } onNewLine = 0; } else { switch (c) { case 'P': onPiece = PAWN; break; case 'R': onPiece = ROOK; break; case 'N': onPiece = KNIGHT; break; case 'B': onPiece = BISHOP; break; case 'Q': onPiece = QUEEN; break; case 'K': onPiece = KING; break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': onFile = (c - 'a'); onRank = -1; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': onRank = (c - '1'); if (onFile >= 0 && onColor >= 0 && onPiece >= 0) { gs->board[onFile][onRank] = (onPiece | onColor); } break; case '#': while (!feof(fp) && c != '\n') c = fgetc(fp); // Comment line case '\n': onNewLine = 1; onColor = -1; onPiece = -1; onFile = -1; onRank = -1; break; default: break; } // switch } } // while fclose(fp); return 0; } PRIVATE void place_piece(board_t b, int piece, int squareColor) { int placed = 0; int r, f; if (iscolor(piece, BLACK)) r = 7; else r = 0; while (!placed) { if (squareColor == ANY_SQUARE) { f = (rand() % 8); } else { f = (rand() % 4) * 2; if (SquareColor(f, r) != squareColor) f++; } if ((b)[f][r] == NOPIECE) { (b)[f][r] = piece; placed = 1; } } } PUBLIC void wild_update(int style) { board_t b; int f, r, i; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) b[f][r] = NOPIECE; } for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { b[f][1] = W_PAWN; b[f][6] = B_PAWN; } switch (style) { case 1: if (rand() & 0x01) { b[4][0] = W_KING; b[3][0] = W_QUEEN; } else { b[3][0] = W_KING; b[4][0] = W_QUEEN; } if (rand() & 0x01) { b[4][7] = B_KING; b[3][7] = B_QUEEN; } else { b[3][7] = B_KING; b[4][7] = B_QUEEN; } b[0][0] = b[7][0] = W_ROOK; b[0][7] = b[7][7] = B_ROOK; /* * Must do bishops before knights to be sure opposite * colored squares are available. */ place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, WHITE_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, BLACK_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_BISHOP, WHITE_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_BISHOP, BLACK_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); break; case 2: place_piece(b, W_KING, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_QUEEN, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_ROOK, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_ROOK, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); /* Black mirrors White */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) b[i][7] = (b[i][0] | BLACK); break; case 3: /* * Generate White king on random square plus random * set of pieces. */ place_piece(b, W_KING, ANY_SQUARE); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] != W_KING) { b[i][0] = (rand() % 4) + 2; } } /* Black mirrors White */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) b[i][7] = (b[i][0] | BLACK); break; case 4: /* * Generate White king on random square plus random * set of pieces. */ place_piece(b, W_KING, ANY_SQUARE); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] != W_KING) b[i][0] = (rand() % 4) + 2; } /* * Black has the same set of pieces, but randomly * permuted, except that Black must have the same * number of bishops on white squares as White has on * black squares, and vice versa. So we must place * Black's bishops first to be sure there are enough * squares left of the correct color. */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] == W_BISHOP) place_piece(b, B_BISHOP, !SquareColor(i, 0)); } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] != W_BISHOP) place_piece(b, (b[i][0] | BLACK), ANY_SQUARE); } break; default: return; break; } { FILE *fp; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE + 1]; int onPiece; sprintf(fname, "%s/wild/%d", board_dir, style); if ((fp = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Can't write file name %s\n", fname); return; } fprintf(fp, "W:"); onPiece = -1; for (r = 1; r >= 0; r--) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (onPiece < 0 || b[f][r] != onPiece) { onPiece = b[f][r]; fprintf(fp, " %s", wpstring [piecetype(b[f][r])]); } fprintf(fp, " %c%c", (f + 'a'), (r + '1')); } } fprintf(fp, "\nB:"); onPiece = -1; for (r = 6; r < 8; r++) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (onPiece < 0 || b[f][r] != onPiece) { onPiece = b[f][r]; fprintf(fp, " %s", wpstring [piecetype(b[f][r])]); } fprintf(fp, " %c%c", (f + 'a'), (r + '1')); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); } } PUBLIC void wild_init(void) { wild_update(1); wild_update(2); wild_update(3); wild_update(4); }