/* board.c * */ /* fics - An internet chess server. Copyright (C) 1993 Richard V. Nash This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* Revision history: name email yy/mm/dd Change Richard Nash 93/10/22 Created */ #include "stdinclude.h" #include "common.h" #include "board.h" #include "gamedb.h" #include "playerdb.h" #include "utils.h" extern int style1(); extern int style2(); extern int style3(); extern int style4(); extern int style5(); extern int style6(); extern int style7(); extern int style8(); extern int style9(); extern int style10(); extern int style11(); extern int style12(); extern int style13(); PUBLIC char *wpstring[] = {" ", "P", "N", "B", "R", "Q", "K"}; PUBLIC char *bpstring[] = {" ", "p", "n", "b", "r", "q", "k"}; PUBLIC int pieceValues[7] = {0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 9, 0}; PUBLIC int (*styleFuncs[MAX_STYLES]) () = { style1, style2, style3, style4, style5, style6, style7, style8, style9, style10, style11, style12, style13 }; PRIVATE const int mach_type = (1<<7) | (1<<8) | (1<<9) | (1<<10) | (1<<11); #define IsMachineStyle(n) (((1<<(n)) & mach_type) != 0) PRIVATE char bstring[MAX_BOARD_STRING_LEGTH]; PUBLIC int board_init(game_state_t *b, char *category, char *board) { int retval; int wval; if (!category || !board || !category[0] || !board[0]) retval = board_read_file("standard", "standard", b); else { if (!strcmp(category, "wild")) { if (sscanf(board, "%d", &wval) == 1 && wval >= 1 && wval <= 4) wild_update(wval); } retval = board_read_file(category, board, b); } b->gameNum = -1; return retval; } PUBLIC void board_calc_strength(game_state_t *b, int *ws, int *bs) { int r, f; int *p; *ws = *bs = 0; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) { if (colorval(b->board[r][f]) == WHITE) p = ws; else p = bs; *p += pieceValues[piecetype(b->board[r][f])]; } } for (r = PAWN; r <= QUEEN; r++) { *ws += b->holding[0][r-1] * pieceValues[r]; *bs += b->holding[1][r-1] * pieceValues[r]; } } PRIVATE char *holding_str(int *holding) { static char tmp[30]; int p,i,j; i = 0; for (p = PAWN; p <= QUEEN; p++) { for (j = 0; j < holding[p-1]; j++) { tmp[i++] = wpstring[p][0]; } } tmp[i] = '\0'; return tmp; } PRIVATE char *append_holding_machine(char *buf, int g, int c, int p) { game_state_t *gs = &garray[g].game_state; char tmp[50]; sprintf(tmp, " game %d white [%s] black [", g+1, holding_str(gs->holding[0])); strcat(tmp, holding_str(gs->holding[1])); strcat(buf, tmp); if (p) { sprintf(tmp, "] <- %c%s\n", "WB"[c], wpstring[p]); strcat(buf, tmp); } else strcat(buf, "]\n"); return buf; } PRIVATE char *append_holding_display(char *buf, game_state_t *gs, int white) { if (white) strcat(buf, "White holding: ["); else strcat(buf, "Black holding: ["); strcat(buf, holding_str(gs->holding[white ? 0 : 1])); strcat(buf, "]\n"); return buf; } PUBLIC void update_holding(int g, int pieceCaptured) { int p = piecetype(pieceCaptured); int c = colorval(pieceCaptured); game_state_t *gs = &garray[g].game_state; int pp, pl; char tmp1[80], tmp2[80]; if (c == WHITE) { c = 0; pp = garray[g].white; } else { c = 1; pp = garray[g].black; } gs->holding[c][p-1]++; tmp1[0] = '\0'; append_holding_machine(tmp1, g, c, p); sprintf(tmp2, "Game %d %s received: %s -> [%s]\n", g+1, parray[pp].name, wpstring[p], holding_str(gs->holding[c])); for (pl = 0; pl < p_num; pl++) { if (parray[pl].status == PLAYER_EMPTY) continue; if (player_is_observe(pl, g) || (parray[pl].game == g)) { pprintf_prompt(pl, IsMachineStyle(parray[pl].style) ? tmp1 : tmp2); } } } /* Globals used for each board */ PRIVATE char *wName, *bName; PRIVATE int wTime, bTime; PRIVATE int orient; PRIVATE int forPlayer; PRIVATE int myTurn; /* 1 = my turn, 0 = observe, -1 = other turn */ /* 2 = examiner, -2 = observing examiner */ /* -3 = just send position (spos/refresh) */ PUBLIC char *board_to_string(char *wn, char *bn, int wt, int bt, game_state_t *b, move_t *ml, int style, int orientation, int relation, int p) { int bh = (b->gameNum >= 0 && garray[b->gameNum].link >= 0); wName = wn; bName = bn; wTime = wt; bTime = bt; orient = orientation; myTurn = relation; forPlayer = p; if ((style < 0) || (style >= MAX_STYLES)) return NULL; if (style != 11) { /* game header */ sprintf(bstring, "Game %d (%s vs. %s)\n\n", b->gameNum + 1, garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name); } else bstring[0] = '\0'; if (bh && !IsMachineStyle(style)) append_holding_display(bstring, b, orientation==BLACK); if (styleFuncs[style] (b, ml)) return NULL; if (bh) { if (IsMachineStyle(style)) append_holding_machine(bstring, b->gameNum, 0, 0); else append_holding_display(bstring, b, orientation==WHITE); } return bstring; } PUBLIC char *move_and_time(move_t *m) { static char tmp[20]; sprintf(tmp, "%-7s (%s)", m->algString, tenth_str(m->tookTime, 0)); return tmp; } /* The following take the game state and whole move list */ PRIVATE int genstyle(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml, char *wp[], char *bp[], char *wsqr, char *bsqr, char *top, char *mid, char *start, char *end, char *label, char *blabel) { int f, r, count; char tmp[80]; int first, last, inc; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); if (orient == WHITE) { first = 7; last = 0; inc = -1; } else { first = 0; last = 7; inc = 1; } strcat(bstring, top); for (f = first, count = 7; f != last + inc; f += inc, count--) { sprintf(tmp, " %d %s", f + 1, start); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = last; r != first - inc; r = r - inc) { if (square_color(r, f) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, wsqr); else strcat(bstring, bsqr); if (piecetype(b->board[r][f]) == NOPIECE) { if (square_color(r, f) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, bp[0]); else strcat(bstring, wp[0]); } else { if (colorval(b->board[r][f]) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, wp[piecetype(b->board[r][f])]); else strcat(bstring, bp[piecetype(b->board[r][f])]); } } sprintf(tmp, "%s", end); strcat(bstring, tmp); switch (count) { case 7: sprintf(tmp, " Move # : %d (%s)", b->moveNum, CString(b->onMove)); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 6: /* if ((b->moveNum > 1) || (b->onMove == BLACK)) { */ /* The change from the above line to the one below is a kludge by hersco. */ if (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves > 0) { /* loon: think this fixes the crashing ascii board on takeback bug */ sprintf(tmp, " %s Moves : '%s'", CString(CToggle(b->onMove)), move_and_time(&ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1])); strcat(bstring, tmp); } break; case 5: break; case 4: sprintf(tmp, " Black Clock : %s", tenth_str(((bTime > 0) ? bTime : 0), 1)); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 3: sprintf(tmp, " White Clock : %s", tenth_str(((wTime > 0) ? wTime : 0), 1)); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 2: sprintf(tmp, " Black Strength : %d", bs); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 1: sprintf(tmp, " White Strength : %d", ws); strcat(bstring, tmp); break; case 0: break; } strcat(bstring, "\n"); if (count != 0) strcat(bstring, mid); else strcat(bstring, top); } if (orient == WHITE) strcat(bstring, label); else strcat(bstring, blabel); return 0; } /* Experimental ANSI board for colour representation */ PUBLIC int style13(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" ", "\033[37m\033[1m P ", "\033[37m\033[1m N ", "\033[37m\033[1m B ", "\033[37m\033[1m R ", "\033[37m\033[1m Q ", "\033[37m\033[1m K "}; static char *bp[] = {" ", "\033[21m\033[37m P ", "\033[21m\033[37m N ", "\033[21m\033[37m B ", "\033[21m\033[37m R ", "\033[21m\033[37m Q ", "\033[21m\033[37m K "}; static char *wsqr = "\033[40m"; static char *bsqr = "\033[45m"; static char *top = "\t+------------------------+\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = "\033[0m|"; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* Standard ICS */ PUBLIC int style1(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" |", " P |", " N |", " B |", " R |", " Q |", " K |"}; static char *bp[] = {" |", " *P|", " *N|", " *B|", " *R|", " *Q|", " *K|"}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = "\t---------------------------------\n"; static char *mid = "\t|---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|\n"; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* USA-Today Sports Center-style board */ PUBLIC int style2(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {"+ ", "P ", "N ", "B ", "R ", "Q ", "K "}; static char *bp[] = {"- ", "p' ", "n' ", "b' ", "r' ", "q' ", "k' "}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = ""; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = ""; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\ta b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\th g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* Experimental vt-100 ANSI board for dark backgrounds */ PUBLIC int style3(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" ", " P ", " N ", " B ", " R ", " Q ", " K "}; static char *bp[] = {" ", " *P", " *N", " *B", " *R", " *Q", " *K"}; static char *wsqr = "\033[0m"; static char *bsqr = "\033[7m"; static char *top = "\t+------------------------+\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = "\033[0m|"; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* Experimental vt-100 ANSI board for light backgrounds */ PUBLIC int style4(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" ", " P ", " N ", " B ", " R ", " Q ", " K "}; static char *bp[] = {" ", " *P", " *N", " *B", " *R", " *Q", " *K"}; static char *wsqr = "\033[7m"; static char *bsqr = "\033[0m"; static char *top = "\t+------------------------+\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = "\033[0m|"; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* Style suggested by ajpierce@med.unc.edu */ PUBLIC int style5(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" ", " o ", " :N:", " ", " |R|", " {Q}", " =K="}; static char *bp[] = {" ", " p ", " :n:", " ", " |r|", " {q}", " =k="}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = " . . . . . . . . .\n"; static char *mid = " . . . . . . . . .\n"; static char *start = ""; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* Email Board suggested by Thomas Fought (tlf@rsch.oclc.org) */ PUBLIC int style6(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" |", " wp |", " WN |", " WB |", " WR |", " WQ |", " WK |"}; static char *bp[] = {" |", " bp |", " BN |", " BB |", " BR |", " BQ |", " BK |"}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = "\t-----------------------------------------\n"; static char *mid = "\t-----------------------------------------\n"; static char *start = "|"; static char *end = ""; static char *label = "\t A B C D E F G H\n"; static char *blabel = "\t H G F E D C B A\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* Miniature board */ PUBLIC int style7(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { static char *wp[] = {" ", " P", " N", " B", " R", " Q", " K"}; static char *bp[] = {" -", " p", " n", " b", " r", " q", " k"}; static char *wsqr = ""; static char *bsqr = ""; static char *top = "\t:::::::::::::::::::::\n"; static char *mid = ""; static char *start = ".."; static char *end = " .."; static char *label = "\t a b c d e f g h\n"; static char *blabel = "\t h g f e d c b a\n"; return genstyle(b, ml, wp, bp, wsqr, bsqr, top, mid, start, end, label, blabel); } /* ICS interface maker board-- raw data dump */ PUBLIC int style8(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(tmp, "#@#%03d%-16s%s%-16s%s", b->gameNum + 1, garray[b->gameNum].white_name, (orient == WHITE) ? "*" : ":", garray[b->gameNum].black_name, (orient == WHITE) ? ":" : "*"); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, " "); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, wpstring[piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); else strcat(bstring, bpstring[piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } sprintf(tmp, "%03d%s%02d%02d%05d%05d%-7s(%s)@#@\n", garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1, (b->onMove == WHITE) ? "W" : "B", ws, bs, (wTime + 5) / 10, (bTime + 5) / 10, garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].algString : "none", garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00"); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } /* last 2 moves only (previous non-verbose mode) */ PUBLIC int style9(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { int i, count; char tmp[80]; int startmove; sprintf(tmp, "\nMove %-23s%s\n", garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name); strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "---- -------------- --------------\n"); strcat(bstring, tmp); startmove = ((garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 3) / 2) * 2; if (startmove < 0) startmove = 0; for (i = startmove, count = 0; i < garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves && count < 4; i++, count++) { if (!(i & 0x01)) { sprintf(tmp, " %2d ", i / 2 + 1); strcat(bstring, tmp); } sprintf(tmp, "%-23s", move_and_time(&ml[i])); strcat(bstring, tmp); if (i & 0x01) strcat(bstring, "\n"); } if (i & 0x01) strcat(bstring, "\n"); return 0; } /* Sleator's 'new and improved' raw dump format... */ PUBLIC int style10(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { int f, r; char tmp[80]; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(tmp, "<10>\n"); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--) { strcat(bstring, "|"); for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, " "); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, wpstring[piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); else strcat(bstring, bpstring[piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } strcat(bstring, "|\n"); } strcat(bstring, (b->onMove == WHITE) ? "W " : "B "); if (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves) { sprintf(tmp, "%d ", ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].doublePawn); } else { sprintf(tmp, "-1 "); } strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", !(b->wkmoved || b->wkrmoved), !(b->wkmoved || b->wqrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bkrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bqrmoved), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - ((b->lastIrreversable == -1) ? 0 : b->lastIrreversable))); strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s (%s) %s %d\n", b->gameNum, garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name, myTurn, garray[b->gameNum].wInitTime / 600, garray[b->gameNum].wIncrement / 10, ws, bs, (wTime + 5) / 10, (bTime + 5) / 10, garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1, garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].moveString : "none", garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00", garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].algString : "none", (orient == WHITE) ? 0 : 1); strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, ">10<\n"); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } /* Same as 8, but with verbose moves ("P/e3-e4", instead of "e4") */ PUBLIC int style11(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(tmp, "#@#%03d%-16s%s%-16s%s", b->gameNum, garray[b->gameNum].white_name, (orient == WHITE) ? "*" : ":", garray[b->gameNum].black_name, (orient == WHITE) ? ":" : "*"); strcat(bstring, tmp); for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, " "); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) strcat(bstring, wpstring[piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); else strcat(bstring, bpstring[piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } sprintf(tmp, "%03d%s%02d%02d%05d%05d%-7s(%s)@#@\n", garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1, (b->onMove == WHITE) ? "W" : "B", ws, bs, (wTime + 5) / 10, (bTime + 5) / 10, garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].moveString : "none", garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00"); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } /* * Similar to style 10. See the "style12" help file for information. */ PUBLIC int style12(game_state_t *b, move_t *ml) { char tmp[80]; int f, r; int ws, bs; board_calc_strength(b, &ws, &bs); sprintf(bstring, "<12> "); for (r = 7; r >= 0; r--) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (b->board[f][r] == NOPIECE) { strcat(bstring, "-"); } else { if (colorval(b->board[f][r]) == WHITE) { strcat(bstring, wpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } else { strcat(bstring, bpstring [piecetype(b->board[f][r])]); } } } strcat(bstring, " "); } strcat(bstring, (b->onMove == WHITE ? "W " : "B ")); if (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves) { sprintf(tmp, "%d ", ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].doublePawn); } else { sprintf(tmp, "-1 "); } strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%d %d %d %d %d ", !(b->wkmoved || b->wkrmoved), !(b->wkmoved || b->wqrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bkrmoved), !(b->bkmoved || b->bqrmoved), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - (b->lastIrreversable == -1 ? 0 : b->lastIrreversable))); strcat(bstring, tmp); sprintf(tmp, "%d %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s (%s) %s %d\n", (b->gameNum + 1), garray[b->gameNum].white_name, garray[b->gameNum].black_name, myTurn, (garray[b->gameNum].wInitTime / 600), (garray[b->gameNum].wIncrement / 10), ws, bs, ((wTime + 5) / 10), ((bTime + 5) / 10), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves / 2 + 1), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].moveString : "none"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? tenth_str(ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].tookTime, 0) : "0:00"), (garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves ? ml[garray[b->gameNum].numHalfMoves - 1].algString : "none"), (orient == WHITE ? 0 : 1)); strcat(bstring, tmp); return 0; } PUBLIC int board_read_file(char *category, char *gname, game_state_t *gs) { int f, r; FILE *fp; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE + 1]; int c; int onNewLine = 1; int onColor = -1; int onPiece = -1; int onFile = -1; int onRank = -1; sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/%s", board_dir, category, gname); fp = fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fp) return 1; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) gs->board[f][r] = NOPIECE; for (f = 0; f < 2; f++) { for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) gs->ep_possible[f][r] = 0; for (r = PAWN; r <= QUEEN; r++) gs->holding[f][r-1] = 0; } gs->wkmoved = gs->wqrmoved = gs->wkrmoved = 0; gs->bkmoved = gs->bqrmoved = gs->bkrmoved = 0; gs->onMove = -1; gs->moveNum = 1; gs->lastIrreversable = -1; while (!feof(fp)) { c = fgetc(fp); if (onNewLine) { if (c == 'W') { onColor = WHITE; if (gs->onMove < 0) gs->onMove = WHITE; } else if (c == 'B') { onColor = BLACK; if (gs->onMove < 0) gs->onMove = BLACK; } else if (c == '#') { while (!feof(fp) && c != '\n') c = fgetc(fp); /* Comment line */ continue; } else { /* Skip any line we don't understand */ while (!feof(fp) && c != '\n') c = fgetc(fp); continue; } onNewLine = 0; } else { switch (c) { case 'P': onPiece = PAWN; break; case 'R': onPiece = ROOK; break; case 'N': onPiece = KNIGHT; break; case 'B': onPiece = BISHOP; break; case 'Q': onPiece = QUEEN; break; case 'K': onPiece = KING; break; case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': onFile = c - 'a'; onRank = -1; break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': onRank = c - '1'; if (onFile >= 0 && onColor >= 0 && onPiece >= 0) gs->board[onFile][onRank] = onPiece | onColor; break; case '#': while (!feof(fp) && c != '\n') c = fgetc(fp); /* Comment line */ case '\n': onNewLine = 1; onColor = -1; onPiece = -1; onFile = -1; onRank = -1; break; default: break; } } } fclose(fp); return 0; } #define WHITE_SQUARE 1 #define BLACK_SQUARE 0 #define ANY_SQUARE -1 #define SquareColor(f, r) ((f ^ r) & 1) PRIVATE void place_piece(board_t b, int piece, int squareColor) { int r, f; int placed = 0; if (iscolor(piece, BLACK)) r = 7; else r = 0; while (!placed) { if (squareColor == ANY_SQUARE) { f = rand() % 8; } else { f = (rand() % 4) * 2; if (SquareColor(f, r) != squareColor) f++; } if ((b)[f][r] == NOPIECE) { (b)[f][r] = piece; placed = 1; } } } PUBLIC void wild_update(int style) { int f, r, i; board_t b; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) for (r = 0; r < 8; r++) b[f][r] = NOPIECE; for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { b[f][1] = W_PAWN; b[f][6] = B_PAWN; } switch (style) { case 1: if (rand() & 0x01) { b[4][0] = W_KING; b[3][0] = W_QUEEN; } else { b[3][0] = W_KING; b[4][0] = W_QUEEN; } if (rand() & 0x01) { b[4][7] = B_KING; b[3][7] = B_QUEEN; } else { b[3][7] = B_KING; b[4][7] = B_QUEEN; } b[0][0] = b[7][0] = W_ROOK; b[0][7] = b[7][7] = B_ROOK; /* Must do bishops before knights to be sure opposite colored squares are available. */ place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, WHITE_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, BLACK_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_BISHOP, WHITE_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_BISHOP, BLACK_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, B_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); break; case 2: place_piece(b, W_KING, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_QUEEN, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_ROOK, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_ROOK, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_BISHOP, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); place_piece(b, W_KNIGHT, ANY_SQUARE); /* Black mirrors White */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { b[i][7] = b[i][0] | BLACK; } break; case 3: /* Generate White king on random square plus random set of pieces */ place_piece(b, W_KING, ANY_SQUARE); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] != W_KING) { b[i][0] = (rand() % 4) + 2; } } /* Black mirrors White */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { b[i][7] = b[i][0] | BLACK; } break; case 4: /* Generate White king on random square plus random set of pieces */ place_piece(b, W_KING, ANY_SQUARE); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] != W_KING) { b[i][0] = (rand() % 4) + 2; } } /* Black has same set of pieces, but randomly permuted, except that Black must have the same number of bishops on white squares as White has on black squares, and vice versa. So we must place Black's bishops first to be sure there are enough squares left of the correct color. */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] == W_BISHOP) { place_piece(b, B_BISHOP, !SquareColor(i, 0)); } } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (b[i][0] != W_BISHOP) { place_piece(b, b[i][0] | BLACK, ANY_SQUARE); } } break; default: return; break; } { FILE *fp; char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE + 1]; int onPiece; sprintf(fname, "%s/wild/%d", board_dir, style); fp = fopen(fname, "w"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "FICS: Can't write file name %s\n", fname); return; } fprintf(fp, "W:"); onPiece = -1; for (r = 1; r >= 0; r--) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (onPiece < 0 || b[f][r] != onPiece) { onPiece = b[f][r]; fprintf(fp, " %s", wpstring[piecetype(b[f][r])]); } fprintf(fp, " %c%c", f + 'a', r + '1'); } } fprintf(fp, "\nB:"); onPiece = -1; for (r = 6; r < 8; r++) { for (f = 0; f < 8; f++) { if (onPiece < 0 || b[f][r] != onPiece) { onPiece = b[f][r]; fprintf(fp, " %s", wpstring[piecetype(b[f][r])]); } fprintf(fp, " %c%c", f + 'a', r + '1'); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); fclose(fp); } } PUBLIC void wild_init() { wild_update(1); wild_update(2); wild_update(3); wild_update(4); }