path: root/data/help
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188 files changed, 7081 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/_help b/data/help/_help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90bcf65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/_help
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Type ... In Order To ...
+------------------ --------------------------------------------------
+help chan_1 learn how to ask someone for help
+help commands list all commands
+help help learn how to read help files
+help intro_basics list some basic commands for new users
+help intro_general get basic information about the chess server
+help intro_welcome get basic information about the introductory files
+help register learn how to register on this server
+index print a list of categories of help files
+index all list all help files, by categories
+info to list all informational (non-command) help files
+quit exit the chess server and end your session
+set shout off reduce information on your screen
diff --git a/data/help/abort b/data/help/abort
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..679c70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/abort
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Usage: abort
+ The "abort" request is used in two situations during a chess game.
+ (1) You wish to abort the game for some reason. "Abort" sends a request to
+your opponent that your game be aborted. Your opponent can accept or decline
+your offer. If a proposal to abort has been sent to you, then typing "abort"
+(or "accept") will accept the offer.
+ (2) Your opponent has run out of time and you believe that a problem has
+occured with the connection to the chess server. Rather than "flag" your
+opponent and claim a win on time, you can "abort" the game. (This function is
+the old "courtesyabort" command just made easier to use.) If you are both out
+of time, however, (a) the abort command will be sent as a request, but (b) you
+can "flag" and the result will be a draw.
+ An aborted game is canceled; no changes in ratings occur, the game is not
+stored, and it is not listed in history or counted as a completed game in your
+See Also: accept decline flag lag pending
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/abuser b/data/help/abuser
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96545cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/abuser
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ The admins maintain a private list of individuals who have abused the chess
+server. There are various kinds of abuse that can result in someone being
+placed on the abuser list (... or worse).
+ Sometimes there is an individual who intentionally disconnects in lost
+positions, thus ruining the spirit of competition. If you suspect that
+someone disconnected intentionally, please contact an admin. The admin will
+review the situation. If you are unable to connect with your opponent in
+order to resume your game, you may also want to seek an adjudication.
+ If a user has too many stored games, the user may also be placed on the
+abuser list until more of the adjourned games are completed or adjudicated.
+ Being on the abuser list has these consequences: (a) abusers may have match
+requests automatically declined if the opponent has "!abuser" in the formula,
+and (b) abusers who disconnect while playing a game forfeit the game
+ Other kinds of poor conduct can result in different sanctions. See the
+"etiquette" and "shout_abuse" help files for details.
+See Also: adjudication etiquette formula shout_abuse showlist stored
+[Last modified: October 10, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/accept b/data/help/accept
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index 0000000..ca0eaff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/accept
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Usage: accept [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player, simul,
+switch, takeback]
+ Accepts an offer that has been made to you. If no parameter is given and
+there is only one offer, you accept it. If there is more than one offer
+pending (for example, multiple match offers) you will shown a list of pening
+offers and asked which one to accept. Then you must specify which offer to
+accept. You can either choose the offer by number, or by type (such as draw,
+adjourn, abort, or takeback). "All" accepts all pending offers.
+See Also: decline pending match draw adjourn abort takeback
+[Last modified: October 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/addlist b/data/help/addlist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbc4be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/addlist
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: addlist list information
+ Adds information to the list in question. There are several kinds of lists
+on the server. Some can only be modified by admins; others can be modified by
+all users. "Sublist" command removes information from a list.
+ The standard alias for "addlist" is "+". For example, "addlist notify
+Stravinsky" could be typed as "+notify Stravinsky" instead.
+See Also: admins alias showlists sublist
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/addresses b/data/help/addresses
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index 0000000..a228b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/addresses
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ The Internet Chess Servers are services providing you a means for playing
+chess with a wide range of players, both human and machine, from around the
+world. The following lists give both the server names and telnet IP numbers
+for the sites for chess servers.
+Chess servers using a version of FICS
+Main sites:
+ AICS: ics.onenet.net 5000 ( 5000) Main US server
+ EICS: eics.daimi.aau.dk 5000 ( 5000) Main EURO server
+ DICS: dds.dds.nl 5000 ( 5000) Dutch server
+ BICS: holly.csv.warwick.ac.uk 5000 ( 5000) British server
+ GICS: chess.unix-ag.uni-kl.de 5000 ( 5000) German server
+ HEICS: violin.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 5000 Wild-only server
+ MICS: wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 5000 ( 5000) Mid-east server
+ OICS: w0.infosys.tuwien.ac.at ( 5000) Austrian server
+ SICS: chess.mds.mdh.se 5000 ( 5000) Swedish server
+UCHICS: cipres.cec.uchile.cl 5000 ( 5000) Chilean server
+ ZICS: ics.interdomain.net.au 5000 ( 5000) Australian
+Alternative sites:
+ chess.pitt.edu 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US
+ rogue.coe.ohio-state.edu 5000 ( 5000) Columbus, OH, US
+ getnet.com 4000 ( 4000) Phoenix, AZ, US
+ coot.lcs.mit.edu 5000 ( 5000) Test server only
+Internet Chess Club (commercial chess server):
+ chess.lm.com 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US
+Other useful locations
+ URL: http://chess.onenet.net/chess/
+ URL: http://titan.enst-bretagne.fr/~wallez/fics.html
+ ftp.onenet.net (
+ ftp.math.uni-hamburg.de (
+ ftp.daimi.aau.dk [for timeseal files for use on EICS]
+Connection information
+To connect to a chess server:
+ telnet <server_address> 5000
+To connect to an anonymous ftp server:
+ ftp <ftp_address> (at LOGIN type: ftp [or anonymous]
+ at PASSWORD type: your_email_address)
+To connect to a www location:
+ use your web browser (such as lynx or netscape) and go to the URL address
+See Also: ftp_hints inetchesslib timeseal
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/adjourn b/data/help/adjourn
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index 0000000..415d3af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/adjourn
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Usage: adjourn
+ Sends a request to your opponent that a game be discontinued and saved for
+later play. If a proposal to adjourn is pending for you, then typing adjourn
+(or accept) will accept the offer. If your opponent is out of time, the
+adjourn request is accepted automatically (a courtesy adjournment).
+ Games that are adjourned can be resumed later by using the match command
+when your opponent is logged on. They can be resigned even when your opponent
+is not logged on. They can also be adjudicated by an admin (see
+"adjudication" help file). For more information on these options, see the
+"adjournments" help file. Use "stored" to view the list of your adjourned
+games. If you log on and a user with whom you have an adjourned game is also
+on, you will be notified automatically that he/she is logged on.
+See Also: accept adjudication adjournments decline match pending resign
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/adjournments b/data/help/adjournments
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf6ea96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/adjournments
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+ Adjourned games are stored by the server until one of three things occurs:
+(a) the game is later resumed and completed, (b) one player resigns, or (c)
+the game is adjudicated. Adjourned games can also be examined for purposes of
+analysis. Typed "stored" to view the list of your adjourned games. Games are
+adjourned either by agreement of both players or if a player disconnects
+suddenly; games are not adjourned if the server crashes, however.
+ Your game can be resumed when your opponent is logged on to the server.
+Type "match opponent_name" to request that you and your opponent continue your
+game. Your opponent can either accept or decline this request.
+ Your game can be resigned even when your opponent is not logged on. Type
+"resign opponent_name" to do this. Your opponent will be notified of your
+ If you have difficulty resuming your game with your opponent after repeated
+attempts, you can have your game adjudicated by an admin. The "adjudication"
+help file outlines the procedure to follow for requesting an adjudication.
+ You can examine an adjourned game using the "examine" command. You will be
+able to analyze possible continuations of the game. For the most part, this
+analysis has the same restrictions as adjournments for over-the-board chess
+games: consultation is permitted. However, when your game resumes, you must
+play without consultation or notes of any kind.
+See Also: adjourn adjudication examine match resign stored
+[Last modified: July 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/adjudication b/data/help/adjudication
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index 0000000..5fcc33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/adjudication
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ Whenever possible, please finish games that have been adjourned. You should
+attempt to complete the game by messaging your opponents, trying to find times
+to complete the games, and giving them ample opportunity to do so. Users are
+on different time schedules, so patience should be practiced.
+ If -- after repeated attempts -- an opponent will not resume his/her game
+with you, you may request an adjudication. You can ask for a game to be
+adjudicated as a win, a draw or to be aborted (you do not need an adjudication
+in order to resign a game; see the "resign" help file). Adjudications are
+made by admins who are skilled at chess. The admin will look at the position
+and decide on a result. Please note that the admin's decision is final. If a
+genuine mistake has been made, the adjudicator would probably like feedback,
+although at that stage nothing may change the result and the changes in
+ratings that may have occurred. Adjudications take time and effort,
+especially on a server with many users, so only ask for an adjudication when
+you absolutely need one.
+ To request an adjucation, "message adjudicate <request>", that is, send a
+message to the special Adjudicate account ("Adjudicate" is not the handle of a
+user). In your message for adjudication you should gove the name of your
+opponent and what you think the result should be -- win, draw or abort. For
+ message adjudicate l want my game with DAV to be a draw; neither of us
+ can make progress or gain an advantage.
+If you have a certain line of play you will follow in order to preserve the
+win or draw, please mention it.
+ An admin will check the account regularly and decide the game. You and your
+opponent will be messaged concerning the result.
+(a) The command "stored" gives a list of your stored (adjourned) games.
+(b) "Match [opponent]" is used to continue resumed games.
+See also: abuser adjournments match stored
+[Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/adm_info b/data/help/adm_info
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index 0000000..954d604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/adm_info
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Information about server administrators (admins)
+ This chess server is coordinated by several administrators ("admins") who
+ensure that the server is working properly and deal with problem situations
+and cases of abuse (see etiquette and abuser). Certain commands that regulate
+the server can only be used by admins.
+ The group of admins is small in order to keep things fair and uniform.
+For the moment, the server has a sufficient number of admins for its needs, so
+new admins are not being added (see adm_new).
+ If you have a question, problem situation or concern as a user of this
+server, feel free to contact an admin. For the most part, they are designated
+by (*) on "who" lists. They are also on channel 0 (the admin channel). Type
+"in 0" to see which admins are logged on. To see a current list of all
+admins, type "=admin". The "admins" help file indicates the role each admin
+plays on the server.
+ Admins tend to listen to channel 1. To contact several admins at once, you
+can "tell" to channel 1. You can also "message" an admin, especially if you
+need to relay detailed information. Special accounts have been set aside for
+feedback from users; these are listed in the "admins" help file.
+See Also: abuser adm_new admins channel etiquette inchannel
+intro_welcome message tell who
+[Last modified: September 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/adm_new b/data/help/adm_new
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03bf04a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/adm_new
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+About becoming an FICS administrator
+ Thank you for asking about how someone becomes an FICS administrator
+("admin"). As the "adm_info" help file notes, the number of FICS admins is
+kept small for several reasons. At the moment, we are not accepting
+applications from anyone to be an admin. If additional admins are needed, we
+will contact you.
+ In the meantime, the best way for you to help with FICS needs is to monitor
+messages on the various FICS channels and help users who have questions, let
+us know about bugs you find (message to "bug"), and make suggestions about
+improvements you would like to see implemented (message to "suggestion" or to
+"helpfiles"). If you have code you'd like to contribute, contact one of the
+programming admins (see "admins" help file for a listing). Typing "=admin"
+lists the current admins. Typing "in 0" will give a list of admins currently
+logged on.
+See Also: admins adm_info
+[Last modified: September 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/admins b/data/help/admins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c837220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/admins
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ Admins on this server have various functions. Many are here solely for
+programming reasons; when they are logged on, they are often busy and working
+with the server code. Other admins are here for general assistance to users.
+There are also special accounts that make it easy for users to give the admins
+feedback, suggestions and special requests. Here is a breakdown....
+Programming admins: connex cranium Cthulhu DAV foxbat grimm* Hawk
+ [server code] hersco loon mann Marsalis Ramius Shane Shaughn
+ sms Sparky
+General admins: Clovis cyee equiLibre Friar Len McKeork
+ [server help] Rattlesnake river schert Shaughn sms Solid
+ sveshi Sparky Thanatos TheDane TheViking
+Special admin accounts: adjudicate Bug filter helpfiles RatingsTransfer
+ Sparkysdrone Suggestion
+* No longer an admin but he deserves his share of the credit.
+Note: Admins have been chosen based on some simple but important criteria.
+ Programmer admins obviously are chosen for ability and willingness
+ to volunteer much time and energy toward the GNU-ICS project. In
+ general, however, a good working knowledge of the game itself along
+ with some practical tournamant experience is quite valuable. Even
+ more valuable is Tournamant directorship experience either on the club
+ or national level. Also of great value is a knowledge of different
+ computers and operating systems and the ability to help new players
+ with setting up interfaces and getting started toward their first
+ game. :-)
+ Sparky
+[Minor edits: October 1, 1995 -- Friar]
+See Also: adjudication adm_info adm_new
diff --git a/data/help/alias b/data/help/alias
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10fc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/alias
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Usage: alias [word [string]]
+ Sets up a command alias so that "word" is equivalent to typing "string". If
+"string" is omitted then the current value of "word" is displayed. If both
+parameters are omitted, then all of your aliases are displayed.
+ "alias" -- lists all of your aliases
+ "alias word" -- gives your alias for "word"
+ "alias word string" -- creates/updates an alias for you so that typing
+ "word" is equivalent to typing "string"
+ Use the "unalias" command to remove an alias.
+ Here are some sample aliases that may be useful to you. They are listed
+here in order to give you some idea of what is possible. Get ideas from other
+users as well.
+ fun say Fun game!
+ gg say Good game!
+ gm say Good move!
+ idle set busy is busy. Please 'message' to contact him.
+ mb match @ 5 12
+ mood1 set formula f2 & f4
+ ms match @ 10 10
+ ps who as
+ pw who aw
+ ty say Thank you for the game.
+ w4 match @ 10 10 0 0 wild 4
+ wave it waves to @
+ There are many system aliases that everyone has by default; you do not need
+to set them up, they are already there. Here is the list:
+ a accept . tell .
+ bye quit , tell ,
+ cls help cls ! shout
+ exit quit : it
+ f finger ? help
+ go goboard * kibitz
+ goto goboard + addlist
+ hi history - sublist
+ logout quit # whisper
+ m match
+ more next
+ p who a
+ players who a
+ re refresh
+ saa simallabort
+ sab simabort
+ sadj simadjourn
+ saadj simalladjourn
+ sh shout
+ sn simnext
+ sp simprev
+ t tell
+ v variables
+ vars variables
+ w who
+ znotl znotify
+ Other system aliases are added from time to time. The help files for the
+different commands will have the most updated information.
+ Becareful to avoid using an alias that can also stand for another command on
+the server. For example, "fg" could be a chess move (for f-pawn X g-pawn), so
+don't have "fg" be an alias. For similar reasons, don't use "t" as an alias
+since it is already assigned as an alias for "tell". For example, avoid using
+"hi" to mean not "history" but something else, like "tell @ Hello there. How
+are you?" If you later "unalias" your "hi" alias, the "hi" system alias for
+"history" may not come back automatically.
+ (1) Aliases can use the "@" wildcard symbol and thus save you a lot of
+typing for routine statements or requests. For example, using the "mb" alias,
+you would type "mb Shane" and have the same request sent as if you had typed
+"match Shane 5 12".
+ (2) Aliases are not transitive. This sequence of commands ...
+ alias foo bar
+ alias bar baz
+... will NOT result in "foo" being equivalent to "baz".
+ (3) Because of #3, use the full spelling of a command, not an abbreviation,
+when creating an alias. This procedure also ensures that the alias will work
+ (4) You may not create an alias for the quit command.
+See Also: unalias [and the various commands themselves, of course]
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/allobservers b/data/help/allobservers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..469ac3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/allobservers
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Usage: allobservers [game,user]
+ If a game is specified then all users observing or examining that game are
+displayed. However, if there are no observers for that game, nothing will be
+ If no game is specified, then all users observing or examining games in
+progress are displayed. However, if there are no observers or examining for
+ANY game, nothing will be displayed.
+ The display will have this format: Game #, Players, Observers. For example:
+ Observing 18 [DAV vs. friar]: Thumper, Charity, Shane
+ Examining 29 (scratch): #Friar, loon
+For examined games, there are examiners (people changing the position, noted
+by #) and observers.
+See Also: examine observe
+[Last modified: June 29, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/analysis b/data/help/analysis
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8ea55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/analysis
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ChessT is a well-experienced annotator using top chess programs and self-
+written software (stressing on the human-side). He is willing to perform
+thorough analysis on openings, middle-games, endgames & combinations. User's
+games & details can be sent to: danymozs@NetVision.net.il Or send as a
+MESSAGE to ChessT. Analysis given on the spot when ChessT is here.
diff --git a/data/help/assess b/data/help/assess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..924d981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/assess
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: assess [user1 [user2]]
+ Displays how ratings will be affected by the possible outcomes of a chess
+match between two users. If both parameters are omitted ("assess") and you
+are playing a game, then the command will display the possible ratings changes
+from your game with your current opponent (if you are not playing a game, you
+will be told that). If only user1 is given ("assess user1"), then the command
+will display the possible ratings changes from a game you would have with
+user1. If both parameters are given ("assess user1 user2"), then the command
+will display possible ratings results of a game between user1 and user2.
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/backward b/data/help/backward
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcccd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/backward
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: backward [#]
+ This command is used by a person examining a game in order to move backward
+in the sequence of the game's moves. If # is not specified, 1 will be used.
+ In the case of a stored game, you may move forward again using the "forward"
+command, but in the case of a new game you will need to move the pieces again.
+SPECIAL NOTE: The "revert" command is a way to move backward to the branch
+from the main variation being examined.
+See Also: examine forward revert
+[Last modified: June 29, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/bell b/data/help/bell
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb09fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/bell
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: bell
+ Toggles your 'bell' variable. Equivalent to "set bell". Having bell on
+affects beeps you may receive from the server or your interface.
+See Also: variables
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/best b/data/help/best
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..707caea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/best
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Usage: best [b|s|w]
+ Displays the 20 highest-rated players in the three different ratings
+categories: Blitz, Standard and Wild. Computers are in the listing. Use
+"hbest" to see the top 20 humans.
+ Using "best" alone will give all three lists. Using one or more of the
+arguments b, s or w is a request to give only the blitz, standard and/or wild
+best lists, respectively. For example, "best bw" will show the top 20 players
+in blitz and wild chess; the top standard players will not be listed.
+ Use "rank" and "hrank" in order to see where a given player is ranked.
+See Also: hbest hrank rank
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/blindfold b/data/help/blindfold
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fece94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/blindfold
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ Blindfold accounts are special accounts for users who wish to play without
+a board. Users playing blindfold chess must use style 9 while playing since
+this style displays only the last few moves, not the board position. Since
+style 9 does not list the times on the chess clocks, you may wish to use the
+"time" command in order to list clock times.
+ Users on the "blind" list will have the notation "(B)" displayed behind
+their handles on who displays and will have their handles displayed when a
+user types "=blind" (to show the contents of the list of players having
+blindfold accounts chess). Users who have blindfold accounts must use style 9
+when playing. Not using style 9 to play will be considered abuse and make you
+subject to sanctions.
+ In order to be included on the blindfold list or to have an additional
+account for blindfold chess, please contact an admin.
+See Also: admins lists showlists style who
+[Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/blitz b/data/help/blitz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb9efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/blitz
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ There are four types of regular (not wild or bughouse) chess played on this
+chess server: Untimed, Lightning, Blitz and Standard.
+ A game is "Blitz" if the expected duration of the game is between 3 and 15
+minutes per player. "Expected duration" is determined by a formula that takes
+into account both the Start time and the Increment (Inc) value. Here is the
+ Expected duration = (Start + Inc*2/3)
+Thus, a Blitz game is one that is expected to last between 3 and 15 minutes
+for each player (or from 10 to 30 minutes combined). Lightning games are
+those with expected durations less than 3 minutes per player, while Standard
+games are those with expected durations more than 15 minutes per player.
+ The following table shows the dividing lines between Blitz and Lightning on
+the one hand and Blitz and Standard on the other hand. those two types of
+matches. [Thanks to schwartzeer for the original calculations between Blitz
+and Standard. :) ]
+ Slowest Lightning Fastest Blitz Slowest Blitz Fastest Standard
+ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
+ Mins Incr Mins Incr Mins Incr Mins Incr
+ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
+ 0 4 0 5 0 22 0 23
+ 1 2 1 3 1 20 1 21
+ 2 1 2 2 2 19 2 20
+ -------- 3 0 3 17 3 18
+ 4 16 4 17
+ 5 14 5 15
+ 6 13 6 14
+ 7 11 7 12
+ 8 10 8 11
+ 9 8 9 9
+ 10 7 10 8
+ 11 5 11 6
+ 12 4 12 5
+ 13 2 13 3
+ 14 1 14 2
+ -------- 15 0
+ For example, a game with a Start of 2 minutes will be Blitz if the Increment
+is from 2 to 19; but it will be Lightning with an Inc of 0 or 1 and Standard
+if the Inc is 20 or higher.
+ You can list logged on users according to their Blitz ratings by typing "who
+b" (by default, ratings in 'who' listings will be blitz unless you specifiy
+otherwise). "Blitz" is also a variable that can be used in formulas in order
+to screen match requests.
+See Also: formula lightning match standard untimed who
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/boards b/data/help/boards
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a44a2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/boards
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Usage: boards [category]
+ If category is given then this lists all available boards for that
+category. If the parameter is omitted, then this lists all available
+categories. The current board categories are:
+ standard
+ openings
+ wild
+ chessercizes
+ test
+ material-odds
+ misc
+ In order to find out what is loaded for one of these categories, type
+"boards <category>". For example, "boards openings" will list the various
+openings you can start a game from.
+ In order to start a game from one of these positions, you need to use all of
+the arguments in the match command and also include the board category and the
+specific board you want. For example:
+ match red 2 12 0 0 openings ruy-lopez
+would request a blitz match with user "red" starting with the "ruy-lopez"
+opening position.
+ At the moment, you cannot access these boards through the examine feature,
+only match.
+See Also: match wild
+[Last modified: September 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/bughouse b/data/help/bughouse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce44e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/bughouse
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ Bughouse (or siamese chess) is a "wild" variant of chess played between two
+player teams on two separate boards. The special feature of the game is that
+pieces you capture are transferred to your partner, who is playing with the
+opposite color pieces from yourself. He may "drop" such a piece on an empty
+square as a subsequent move in his game.
+ First, use the "partner" command to select a partner. Next, find an
+opponent team. You may use the Team channel for this purpose (channel 25),
+and the command "who B" lists players who are members of a current bughouse
+ Then, one of your team challenges his desired opponent on the other team to
+a "wild bughouse" match. (A useful alias for this is "alias bug match @ 2 12
+bughouse" where "bug user_name" is all you would need to type in order to
+match user_name to a bughouse game.)
+ When the match is accepted and all four players are present, then two games
+are initiated simultaneously: one between the challenger and the challengee
+with the desired colors, and one between the other partners, with colors
+opposite from their partners. The same time control applies to both boards,
+though "moretime" can be used independently on each board. Each player is
+notified of the game number of their partner's game, so he may observe it as
+well as playing in his own game.
+ To help you form bughouse partnerships and bughouse matches, two channels
+have been established: channels 24 and 25. Channel 24 is for matches and
+channel 25 is for partnerships.
+ As you play, you will be periodically notified when your partner passes you
+captured pieces. You will be told the piece that was passed, and the set of
+pieces that you are currently holding. You are also notified when your
+opponent's holdings change. Both player's holdings are displayed whenever
+your board position is refreshed.
+ A new move notation is needed to drop one of your held pieces onto the
+board. The notation for making a drop is "P@fr", where P is a piece you are
+holding [PNBRQ] and "fr" is the empty destination square.
+ You may talk to your partner. It is recommended to set up convenient
+aliases for common messages, such as "I need a knight!!", "Don't give him a
+bishop!", and "Are you out of your mind?!". The "ptell" command is used for
+this purpose; only your partner will hear it.
+ The match is finished when one player is checkmated, resigns, or is flagged.
+At that point the wild ratings of *all* match players are adjusted, whether or
+not the team result was because of their game. A draw request should be made
+and accepted at *both* boards before the match is ended as a draw [a near
+ Note that checkmate is defined differently: there must be no *possibility*
+of avoiding checkmate by a drop interposition. Even if your opponent is
+holding no pieces that he can drop, he may later get a piece to interpose from
+his partner. Thus, only contact and knight checks can give a "decisive"
+ Pawns cannot be dropped onto your first or eighth rank, although they may be
+dropped onto the seventh rank and promoted on the next move.
+ Pieces that had been promoted revert to pawns when captured and passed to
+your partner.
+ Your partner variable is not saved between logins. You should set it prior
+to starting your first bughouse match in a server session and when you want to
+change partners.
+ Observers should observe both games to see the full match. Kibitzes and
+whispers, however, go to observers (and players) of *both* games. Observers
+will also be notified of pieces transferred to each player's reserves. (Note
+that kibitz can be used as a shortcut to tell your partner something if you
+don't mind your opponents hearing it. It also makes the game more exciting
+for the observers.)
+ Strength assessment takes held pieces into account.
+ This mode of play may break client interfaces. Contact the author of your
+client to determine if you can play bughouse with it. If a client relies on
+the board position rather than moves, things should work OK. No new styles
+have been added to support bughouse.
+ Because this is such a nonstandard type of play, there are a number of
+commands that are not applicable to a bughouse game:
+ 1. The move record is not saved. Adjournments and disconnections end both
+games and the match cannot be resumed. (This leaves a lot of room for abuse,
+but hey, bughouse is just for fun, guys!) Disabled commands are: adjourn,
+sposition, mailstored, examine, mexamine, unexamine, backward, forward,
+ 2. Simul commands cannot be used for bughouse games. [FDA regulation to
+avoid frying the brains of the participants. :) ]
+ 3. Takeback is disabled (for now). At best, takeback would work only on non-
+capture moves (including drops) to avoid having to take held pieces away from
+the other game.
+ 4. Switch is disabled (for now).
+ 5. Moves, oldmoves, mailmoves and mailoldmoves do work during a game, but
+they now break the PGN format, which doesn't allow drops. Moves are shown as
+"P/@@-fr" and "P@fr" in the old and PGN formats. Only moves and drops are
+recorded, not changes to a player's holdings. Theoretically, knowing the
+duration of each move in both games allows you to reconstruct the holdings as
+well. (But who'd want to analyze or store a bughouse game??)
+ 6. Except for commands which terminate a game, commands affect only one of
+the two games in a bughouse match.
+ For notes on strategy in bughouse chess, see the "bughouse_strat" help file.
+See Also: bughouse_strat match partner ptell set variables wild
+[Last Modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/bughouse_not b/data/help/bughouse_not
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d90ade7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/bughouse_not
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Bughouse chess is currently being tested. Thank you for your patience.
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/bughouse_strat b/data/help/bughouse_strat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d2ce24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/bughouse_strat
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+ Bughouse games are extremely dynamic. The position never simplifies since
+captured pieces are constantly being recycled. Draws are unheard of. Many of
+the strategies used in the japanese form of chess, shogi, apply:
+ 1. King safety is paramount, so don't leave weak squares next to your king.
+This applies in particular to KB2. Diagonal weaknesses are prey to dropped
+ 2. Contact checks and knight checks are best, so your opponent cannot drop a
+piece to interpose. This makes the knight a very powerful piece, often worth
+more than a rook.
+ 3. Drop pawns near the back rank, so they can promote quickly. Pawns are
+quite useful for dropping in, to attack and to defend. It is illegal,
+however, to drop pawns directly on the first or last rank.
+ 4. Always keep some pieces held in reserve, rather than dropping them in for
+no reason. "A knight in the hand is worth two on the board."
+ 5. Be on the lookout for sacrifices to create weakness. The game ending
+combination often starts with a blitz of sacrifice drops to lure the king out
+of hiding, and ends with a mating net.
+Bughouse chess is known by many names and has many of its own "special" terms
+and strategies, just as regular chess does. Before attempting to play
+bughouse, you should attempt to learn a fair bit of both. Just like real
+chess, it is better to learn through study than by experience!
+Please note that some of this may not be especially common in real life, but
+is used quite often here on FICS.
+Inject: Placing pieces into your opponents position on squares that cause him
+or her untold discomfort; used as "You got injected!"
+Noodle/Spoon: Traditional FICS bughouse battle cries; one partner shouts
+"spooooon!!" and his partner replies "nooooooooodle"
+Themed: Placing two pawns side by side on the seventh rank and promoting them;
+used as "I themed you!"
+Rock: Used to express confidence in the defensive resources of your position;
+used as "I'm rock here"
+Parachute, DoubleBlitz, Doublespeed, Siamese, Chok, Tjak, Choke chess: all
+synonyms for bughouse chess in various parts of the world.
+Annoy: attempting to bother your opponent by projected a painful stream of
+babble across his or her screen; as in "I'm being annoyified!"
+The above should at least ensure that you aren't completely confused when you
+start bughouse and your opponents start kibitzing at you. Now we move on to
+general strategy, followed by opening theory.
+Advanced Strategy
+ The above tips will get you started. Here are some advanced tips on
+bughouse strategy.
+ AVOID leaving any holes in your position. In real chess, it may take a while
+for your opponent to maneuver a good piece to occupy a hole. In bughouse, any
+hole can be occupied immediately. This rule basically makes fianchettoing out
+of the question for either side, as fianchettos can be easily occupied with
+pawns. For example after 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Nf6 white can place a pawn on h6
+already, followed by another on g7 and then white can start shouting "Inject!"
+ The main difference regarding holes in bughouse is that you also have to
+avoid leaving holes on your SECOND rank. The main effect of this is to
+eliminate the Sicilian and Queens Gambit from bughouse, as both openings leave
+holes on the c-file. For example, after 1.e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Nb5 a6 white
+can place a pawn on c7 and win blacks queen already! This applies to the f-
+file as well. A sample game once went 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 Ne4 3.h4 d5 4.f3?? and
+black placed a pawn on f2 with mate!
+ Reinfeld said it best: in bughouse, never move any pawns except the e and d
+pawns. (Well, maybe he didn't say it about bughouse!)
+ This is the key concept of bughouse. A common saying is "As long as he's in
+check, I'm winning". Often, new bughouse players are lured by the prospect of
+winning material instead of continuing attack. While this may help your
+partner in the short run, you and your partner will both be more comfortable
+if you are attacking. The best way to attack is through checks that have to
+be met with a King move. To accomplish this, checks should either be done
+with knights (which cant be blocked) or with "contact" checks (placing a piece
+within one square of the king).
+ Once attacking, communication with your partner becomes crucial. You must
+tell him which pieces you need to finish your opponent off, and often, it is a
+good idea to warn your partner that you are about to begin sacrificing pieces
+to ensure that he is not under attack first. On occasion, your attack leads
+to your partner getting mated!
+ This is one you dont see in real chess. However in bughouse, without
+teamwork you will be cooked. Use the FICS command "ptell" to tell your partner
+details of your position. Even if you have nothing specific to say, letting
+your partner know if you are rock or injected can help him or her make
+decisions about what to do. Clock information is also quite good to tell your
+partner. This is as a result of another key bughouse technique: the stall.
+The Stall:
+ In bughouse, you often need a certain piece to mate with. It is perfectly
+acceptable to wait and hope your partner gets it to you. However, stalling
+occurs more commonly when you are being mated by force. You realize that if
+you move, you are mated in one. Therefore, you simply decide not to move and
+let your partner try to win the game. Naturally, for this to work, you must
+have more time than your partner's opponent, or he will also refuse to move
+and you will flag first.
+ Another element of stalling is if you know your opponent needs a certain
+piece to mate you, and your partner tells you that it will come to your
+opponent next move. It is good strategy to tell your partner not to move
+until your opponent moves, so that your opponent will be forced to move
+without that piece. Again, unless your partner has more time than your
+opponent, this will not work, as your partner will flag.
+ Please note that there is currently a bug in timeseal that affects bughouse:
+you cannot flag someone with timeseal until they move, so theoretically, they
+can stall forever and not be flagged. "Sealsitting" is unethical and
+frustrating. If you have timeseal and are trying to stall, once you are out
+of time, the accepted practice is to move or resign. Not doing so will cause
+a great deal of ill will. However, it is not currently considered abuse.
+Piece Values:
+ Most serious chess players are familiar with the Piece Value Table: Q=9,
+R=5, B and N=3, P=1. In bughouse however, the values are completely different.
+While there is no general consensus on bughouse values, here is an
+ Q=10, N=7, R=4, B=2, P=1
+The knight and queen rule the bughouse chessboard. The queen often can be
+placed into a position with mate. The knight is useful as well because it can
+check from a distance and not be blocked. Many bughouse mating attacks begin
+with a sacrifice on KB7 followed by a knight check. For example, after 1.e4
+e5 2.d4 exd4 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.Bc4 Bc5 5.Bxf7+ Kxf7 6.Ng5+ all white needs is a
+queen for f7 and black will get mated. The bishops value is seriously
+diminished, as it often performs no better than a pawn, and sometimes not even
+as well. The pawns promotion abilities may in some positions be worth
+significantly more than a bishop.
+ The general strategy of bughouse is for the partner with white to go for
+mate, and the partner with black to try to hold it together. Black attempts
+to exchange pieces to reduce his opponents attack, while strengthening his
+partner's. White therefore, attempts to keep pieces on the board to ensure
+attacking chances. Often in bughouse, space advantages built on pawns can
+reach epic proportions for white, so black would rather have fewer pieces to
+try and rearrange in the face of oncoming pawns.
+These rules are obviously meant to be general. However, understanding and
+utilizing them will help you play much better bughouse chess!
+Opening Theory:
+ Yes, sadly bughouse has some opening theory. However, most of it is very
+short, as new pieces appearing on the board begin to mess up opening
+plans! Mainly, there are two or three defenses black can try, and white
+generally attacks in one or two ways in response.
+ White -- White generally positions his pieces to attack the kingside, and
+especially the square f7. This may involve Bc4, Ng5, Ne5 or any similar
+methods. A common development scheme used is e4, d4, Bc4, Be3, Nf3, Nbd2,
+Qe2, known by some as the "Mongolian Attack". Please notice that white does
+not castle in this line. In fact, castling is generally bad in bughouse. It
+restrains your king to one side of the board, thus restricting it's ability to
+escape from enemy pieces. This rule also applies to black. White may also
+play for massive central pawn advances, attempting black to either open the
+position so that white can attack, or force black to lock the pawn chain in
+the center so that white can build a long pawn chain into the center and into
+blacks position. This would work best against a fianchetto. For example, 1.e4
+g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.e5 and white attempts to place pawns on f6, g7 and inject black
+ Black -- I have seen several defenses for black. I will list them by the
+names I have seen them referred to on FICS, although serious bughouse
+players may know them by other names in real life.
+ Federkevic defense: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 b6 -- Black attempts to keep his pieces out
+of the center, where they may be rolled back by white pawns. He also leaves
+the dpawn on d7, where it may support e6, preventing sacrifices. The drawback
+is that black may get injected along the queenside light squares.
+ Barbeau Counter Attack: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 Qh4 -- Black pressures e4 and attempts
+to force white to adopt an awkward development to protect the e4 pawn. For
+example, after 2.Nc3, 2...Bb4! exchanges a bishop for a knight. The drawback
+is that white often munches blacks queen in the opening.
+ Fortress Defense: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d6 - Black attempts to simply huddle in the
+center behind a wall of pieces and pawns. By far the most common bughouse
+opening. The drawback is that black will be cramped, but black is always
+cramped in bughouse, so this is probably your best bet!
+ Bughouse is much more informal than regular chess and all four players
+generally kibitz about both games while they are on. Oftentimes, observers
+watch and kibitz along with the games. However, come into channel 24 and see
+for yourself. A good way to see some of the principles above put into action
+is to ask in channel 24 if anyone is playing, and then watch their games.
+Only then will you get a sense of what fun bughouse is! Happy bugging!
+[Strategy written by IanO; Advanced strategy written by dogdog; editted by
+Friar -- December 17, 1995]
diff --git a/data/help/busy b/data/help/busy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5ecd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/busy
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Usage: set busy string
+ Sets your "busy" string. When your busy string is set and people "tell"
+something to you, they will get your busy string as a response. Your busy
+string (if on) will also be displayed right below your name when someone
+"fingers" you. NOTE: Your busy string can be no longer that 45 characters.
+Examples of busy strings you might use are:
+ set busy is really busy right now.
+ set busy will be back in 5 minutes.
+ set busy will be idle for a while...
+ Typing any command cancels your "busy" status; you don't have to clear it
+ It is useful to use an alias for your busy string, if you intend to use it
+frequently. For example:
+ alias idle set busy is away from the keyboard right now
+would set your busy string to "is away from the keyboard right now".
+See also: alias finger set tell
+[Last modified: October 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/censor b/data/help/censor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af758b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/censor
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Usage: +|-|= censor [user]
+ When a player is on your censor list, you will not hear anything from
+him/her when he/she tells, shouts, matches, kibitzes, whispers and says. When
+users on your censor list send you a direct message using "tell", they will be
+notified of their being on your censor list. Here are the variations of the
+command possible:
+ +censor user Add "user" to censor list
+ -censor user Remove "user" from censor list
+ =censor Display your censor list
+ Note that "noplay" only filters match requests, not other communications.
+See Also: addlist kibitz noplay say shout tell whisper
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/chan_1 b/data/help/chan_1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58de222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/chan_1
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Channel 1 is the server help channel. Admins and other helpful,
+knowledgeable users monitor channel 1 and are ready to assist you. (Use chan
+2 for a discussion about server issues.)
+ If you need assistance about something but don't know whom to contact, ask
+your question on channel 1. Here's the procedure:
+(1) Type the following lines:
+ +chan 1 [this will turn channel 1 on for you]
+ tell 1 Can someone help me? [this sends the message to channel 1]
+(2) Watch your screen for someone asking you what help you need. You may be
+contacted directly (in a personal tell) or through channel 1 itself (so
+everyone can listen to to the discussion and help out).
+(3) If you want to continue talking on channel 1, type:
+ tell 1 <message> [everyone on channel 1 will hear you]
+(4) When you are done, you can either stay on channel 1, in order to help
+others and/or learn from their questions, or turn off channel 1 by typing:
+ -chan 1 [this will set channel 1 to off for you]
+To see who is listening to channel 1 at any given moment, type "inch 1". A
+list will appear.
+See Also: adm_info channel channel_list inchannel intro_talking tell
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/channel b/data/help/channel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80e7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/channel
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Usage: +|-|= channel [#]
+ This command refers to your list of channels. When a channel is on your
+list, you will receive messages (tells) sent to that channel. Here are the
+forms of the command:
+ +channel # Add channel # to your channel list
+ -channel # Remove channel # from your channel list
+ =channel Display your channel list
+ In order too see which channels another user has on his/her list, use the
+"inchannel" command.
+ Some channels are designated for specific purposes and/or topics. Channel 1
+is the general help channel and of special importance to users. The "chan_1"
+help file has more details about the use of channel 1 and gives the general
+procedure for using a channel. Other designated channels are listed in the
+"channel_list" help file.
+See Also: chan_1 channel_list inchannel say tell
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/channel_list b/data/help/channel_list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..142b31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/channel_list
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ Here is the listing of currently defined channels on the server:
+ 0 Admins Only 2 Chess server discussion
+ 1 General Help 3 FICS Programmers' Channel
+ 8 Youth Channel 18 The Gambit Channel
+ 20 Forming Team games 21,22 Playing team games
+ 23 Forming Simuls 46 Forming tournaments (Tomato)
+ 24 Forming Bughouse games 47 Tomato managers
+ 25 Finding bughouse partners 49 Mamer tournament channel
+ 32 Movies 35 Music
+ 33 Quacking & Other Duck Topics 36 Mathematics & Physics
+ 34 Sports 37 Philosophy
+ 50 General Unlimited Gab 51 The Hormone Channel
+ 60 Chess Theory 64 Computer Chess
+ 65 World Chess Championship
+ 69 Latin 75 Russian
+ 70 Danish 76 Dutch
+ 71 Scandinavian 77 French
+ 72 German 78 Greek
+ 73 Spanish 79 Icelandic
+ 74 Italian 80 Chinese
+ 84 Macintosh Channel
+ 90 The STC BUNCH (Players who like 30- to 120-minute Time Controls.)
+ 97 Politics Channel
+ 98 Zippy the Pinhead's Own Channel
+ 99 `The Street Corner Where Nothing Happens'
+See Also: chan_1 channel inchannel say tell
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/clearmessages b/data/help/clearmessages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05ee24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/clearmessages
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Usage: clearmessages [user,#]
+ Clears any message(s) previously messaged to you. You can clear all
+messages from a user, clear a single message by its number, or clear all
+messages. Examples:
+ (i) clearmessages Bach --- will clear all messages from user Bach
+ (ii) clear 11 --- will clear message # 11
+ (iii) clear --- will clear all messages
+NOTE: If you clear one or more messages, the messages will be renumbered, so
+becareful using "clear #" consecutively.
+See Also: messages
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/cls b/data/help/cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff59e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/cls
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/data/help/cls_info b/data/help/cls_info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dca471d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/cls_info
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Typing "help cls" will clear your screen and set the cursor at the top. The
+alias for "help cls" is now "cls". This command may be useful if you need to
+clear your screen suddenly for some reason (like the boss walking in on you
+unexpectedly). Server messages will soon appear again, however.
+See Also:
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/commands b/data/help/commands
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8df80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/commands
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+abort examine mailmess quit stored
+accept finger mailmoves rank style
+addlist flag mailoldmoves refresh sublist
+adjourn flip mailsource resign switch
+alias forward mailstored revert takeback
+allobservers games match say tell
+assess goboard messages set time
+backward gonum mexamine shout unalias
+bell handles moretime simabort uncensor
+best hbest moves simadjourn unexamine
+boards help news simallabort unobserve
+censor history next simalladjourn unpause
+channel hrank notify simgames uptime
+clearmessages inchannel observe simmatch variables
+cls_info index oldmoves simnext whisper
+cshout it open simopen who
+date kibitz password simpass withdraw
+decline llogons pause smoves xtell
+draw logons pending sposition znotify
+eco mailhelp promote statistics
diff --git a/data/help/computers b/data/help/computers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39c5802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/computers
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Computers may register and play chess matches. However, computers are
+required to be registered so that users can know whether they are playing
+against humans or computers. (Using an unregistered computer is considered to
+be abusive behavior; see etiquette). In order to register a computer,
+contact an admin or use the correct format in the email registration
+procedure. To see a list of computers registered on the server, type
+"=computer". Computers are designated on "who" lists by (C).
+See Also: admin etiquette register who
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/convert_bcf b/data/help/convert_bcf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c067c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/convert_bcf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Usage: convert_bcf #
+ This command will convert a BCF rating into ELO and USCF ratings. All three
+values will be displayed to you. The conversion formulas are:
+ USCF = ELO + 100
+ BCF = (ELO - 600)/8
+ BCF ratings are the official ratings of the British Chess Federation. USCF
+ratings are the official ratings of the United States Chess Federation. ELO
+ratings often used in international competition.
+ Server ratings are, of course, something entirely different. There is no
+exact way at present to convert server ratings into equivalent official
+ratings. For server rating information, see "rating" and "glicko".
+See Also: convert_elo convert_uscf glicko rating
+[Last modified: October 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/convert_elo b/data/help/convert_elo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b08168a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/convert_elo
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Usage: convert_elo #
+ This command will convert a ELO rating into BCF and USCF ratings. All three
+values will be displayed to you. The conversion formulas are:
+ USCF = ELO + 100
+ BCF = (ELO - 600)/8
+ BCF ratings are the official ratings of the British Chess Federation. USCF
+ratings are the official ratings of the United States Chess Federation. ELO
+ratings often used in international competition.
+ Server ratings are, of course, something entirely different. There is no
+exact way at present to convert server ratings into equivalent official
+ratings. For server rating information, see "rating" and "glicko".
+See Also: convert_bcf convert_uscf glicko rating
+[Last modified: October 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/convert_uscf b/data/help/convert_uscf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b393858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/convert_uscf
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Usage: convert_uscf #
+ This command will convert a USCF rating into BCF and ELO ratings. All three
+values will be displayed to you. The conversion formulas are:
+ USCF = ELO + 100
+ BCF = (ELO - 600)/8
+ BCF ratings are the official ratings of the British Chess Federation. USCF
+ratings are the official ratings of the United States Chess Federation. ELO
+ratings often used in international competition.
+ Server ratings are, of course, something entirely different. There is no
+exact way at present to convert server ratings into equivalent official
+ratings. For server rating information, see "rating" and "glicko".
+See Also: convert_bcf convert_elo glicko rating
+[Last modified: October 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/courtesyabort b/data/help/courtesyabort
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b4071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/courtesyabort
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Usage: courtesyabort
+ If your opponent's flag has hit zero, this is a one-sided abort
+command. It is intended to abort the game if your opponent has gone
+net-dead or has terrible lag. It is considered good sportsmanship
+to do this rather than claim a win on time when your opponent doesn't
+have a fighting chance.
+See Also: flag
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/help/credit b/data/help/credit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21dfe5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/credit
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ Michael Moore - Progenitor of the chess server idea and author of
+ the original server. Without him, the chess server
+ might not exist.
+ Richard Nash - Original author of FICS.
+ Daniel Sleator - Author of much of original ICS and responsible for many
+ ideas that make this chess server as popular as it is.
diff --git a/data/help/cshout b/data/help/cshout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..276db82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/cshout
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Usage: cshout message
+ This command send a message to all users who are open to hear cshouts. You,
+as the sender, will see displayed the number of users who heard your message.
+ NOTE: "Cshout" should be used ONLY for chess-related messages, such as
+questions about chess or announcing being open for certain kinds of chess
+matches. Use "shout" for non-chess messages.
+See Also: censor it shout tell variables
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/date b/data/help/date
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..826ff5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/date
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: date
+ Shows the date and time at the server location as well as Greenwich, England
+(GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time, a benchmark for converting times from one
+time zone to another).
+See Also:
+[Last modified: September 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/decline b/data/help/decline
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82bbd45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/decline
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Usage: decline [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player, simul,
+switch, takeback]
+ Decline an offer that has been made to you. If no parameter is given and
+there is only one offer, you decline it. If there is more than one offer (for
+example multiple match offers), then you must specify which offer you want to
+decline. You can decline offers in several ways: by number, by type, all
+offers, or by the player's name making the offer. For example, the command
+"decline match" will decline all pending match offers you have been given.
+The command "decline Shane" will decline the offer made by Shane.
+See Also: abort accept adjourn draw match pause pending simul switch
+[Last modified: June 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/draw b/data/help/draw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0974e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/draw
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Usage: draw
+ Requests a draw from your opponent. A draw means that you neither win nor
+lose your chess match -- the game will be a tie. Ratings are affected,
+however, unless it was an unrated match.
+ If your opponent had offered you a draw, then the command draw (or accept)
+would accept the draw offer. To decline a draw offer, either use the decline
+command or make a move instead.
+ This command also claims a draw in the case of the 50 move rule or
+3 times repetition. In the case of a draw being requested, the chess server
+will check for these conditions. If one of them is present, the game will be
+drawn even without the opponent accepting the draw.
+See also: accept decline
+[Last modified: June 11, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/eco b/data/help/eco
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd6f37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/eco
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Usage: eco [game, name]
+ This command displays the category of the opening being played in the game
+requested, whether a game being played or examined.
+ eco gives information about the game you are playing
+ eco 2 gives information about game 2
+ eco hawk gives information about the game hawk is playing
+ The display includes several kinds of information about the opening being
+played in the game:
+ ECO[ ##] Encyclopedia of Chess Openings classification
+ NIC[ ##] New In Chess classification
+ LONG[ ##] Name of opening
+The number in the [] is the ## halfmoves used for classifying this game's
+opening according to the data base being used.
+ ECO information is also given in a user's "history" display.
+(a) If a game was 'private' (meaning that no one could observe it), the eco
+category is not given in the history table.
+See Also: history private
+[Last modified: October 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/eggo b/data/help/eggo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e99cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/eggo
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ EGGO stands for "Examine Great Games Online". EGGO is an online database
+program that facilitates examining and analyzing great games from players such
+as Fischer, Kasparov, and Karpov. Basically, EGGO allows you to examine a
+game except that the moves come from EGGO's database, not the chess server.
+Currently, EGGO's database contains about 15000 to 20000 games. Type "finger
+EGGO" for more information.
+ In order to use EGGO, send EGGO a command; EGGO then processes the command
+and returns the output to you. See below for a list of commands and their
+ EGGO can have only one primary user at a time, meaning only one person at a
+time can select the games to be examined. However, once a game has been
+loaded for examination, other users can paticipate in examining and analyzing
+the game using the "mexamine" and "observe" features of the chess server.
+ First step, type "observe EGGO". Second step, type "xtell EGGO begin". If
+no other game is being examined, EGGO will make you the examiner -- you will
+then be able to examine a game from EGGO's library. Otherwise, someone else
+is listed as EGGO's main examiner and you will only be able to examine that
+game for the moment. If you want someone else to help examine a game with
+you, use the "mexamine" command. When you are finished examining one game and
+want to examine another, simply use the examine command. Lastly, use the
+unexamine command in order to leave EGGO.
+ about examine help revert status
+ begin forward more search who
+EGGO'S COMMANDS (descriptions):
+ Usage: xtell eggo about
+ If someone is already examining an EGGO's game, this command will display
+ information about the game being examined. This command is also useful
+ for knowing EGGO's status. Anyone can use this command.
+ Usage: xtell eggo begin
+ If EGGO is not busy, this command starts an EGGO session. If EGGO was
+ already in use, this command will have no effect.
+ Usage: xtell eggo examine #
+ You may use this command after a successful "xtell eggo search" command.
+ For example, "xtell eggo examine 1" will begin examination of game #1 from
+ the search output. You can repeat this command for other games from the
+ search output when you are finished examining your current game. That is,
+ you can type "xtell eggo examine #" for the next game; you do not need to
+ "unexamine" the other game first. (Please do not confuse this use of
+ examine with the normal "examine" command.)
+ Usage: xtell eggo forward [n]
+ When you are already examining an EGGO's game, you can go forward 1 or
+ more moves using "xtell EGGO forward [n]". The default value for 'n'
+ is 1. Currently, you cannot go forward more than 20 moves at one time.
+ Usage: xtell eggo more
+ This command allows you view the results of your search command. It will
+ list the next 20 games in the list (if there are any). You must be EGGO's
+ current user to use this command.
+ Usage: xtell eggo revert
+ After making your own moves when examining an EGGO's game, you can go back
+ to your game's mainline by "xtell eggo revert". (Please do not confuse
+ this command with the normal "revert" command.)
+ Usage: xtell eggo search [player1 {player2} {draw|nodraw}]
+ You may use this command after a successful "xtell EGGO begin". The
+ purpose of this command is to search the EGGO game database for games by
+ particular players. "Player1" must be one of the names EGGO recognizes;
+ use the "xtell EGGO who" command to see which names EGGO knows. You can
+ use "draw" and "nodraw" to select a game with a particular result; they
+ are optional.
+ "Search" alone without arguments will list the results of your previous
+ search. Here are other examples:
+ xtell eggo search Capablanca
+ xtell eggo search Fischer nodraw
+ xtell eggo search Fischer Spassky
+ xtell eggo search Kasparov Karpov nodraw
+ You can view the results of the search with "xtell EGGO more".
+ Usage: xtell eggo status
+ This command will display information about EGGO's current status, such as
+ whether EGGO is open or closed, and which game (if any) is being examined.
+ Usage: xtell eggo who
+ This command will list all of the "primary" players known to EGGO. These
+ primary players are used in EGGO's search command. Anyone can use this
+ command whether they are EGGO's current user or not.
+(a) Since many of the EGGO commands are long, you might want to consider
+creating aliases for the commands you will use a lot (such as "xtell EGGO
+forward"). Suitable aliases will save you a lot of time as you play through
+these games from famous players.
+See Also: alias examine mexamine
+[Written by Warrior August 18, 1995; last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/etiquette b/data/help/etiquette
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0619cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/etiquette
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ The goal of FICS is to provide a friendly means for chess enthusiasts to
+play chess games and discuss topics of interest. In order to promote a
+friendly atmosphere, FICS follows simple guidelines and rules of etiquette.
+FICS admins have the authority to warn and (if necessary) sanction users who
+do not follow these guidelines.
+ Please use the various ways of communicating on this server for their
+intended purpose: to foster chess fellowship and companionship.
+ Users should refrain from making any statements or engaging in any conduct
+that could be considered abusive, harrassing, offensive or obscene, especially
+with regard to nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.
+ Please avoid having differences of opinion escalate into personal
+confrontations and attacks. Refrain from namecalling and disparaging a user's
+ It is good etiquette to have lengthy discussions about a topic or issue
+using channels rather than shouts. Special topics channels have been created
+for this purpose (the "channel_list" help file lists them). There may be
+times when you are asked to move your discussion to a channel.
+ Further examples of abusive communication are given in the "shout_abuse"
+help file.
+ Users should refrain from conduct that ruins the spirit of competition on
+the server. Such misconduct includes:
+ (a) intentionally disconnecting in order to avoid losing a chess match
+ -or- to analyze the game and resume playing it later;
+ (b) intentionally losing a chess match in order to inflate another user's
+ rating;
+ (c) using a chess computer to play a match without having the account
+ registered as a computer;
+ (d) registering as a "blindfold" account but using a board while playing
+ (blindfold accounts must use style 9, by the way);
+ (e) letting other people play rated matches using your registered account;
+ (f) giving assistance to a player while he/she is playing a match;
+ (g) receiving assistance from a person, book or computer while you are
+ playing a match;
+ (h) engaging in conduct that interferes with a chess match or a player's
+ being able to concentrate on his/her chess match;
+ (i) intentionally letting your clock run out of time during a chess match
+ rather than resigning or moving in a lost position.
+ Many users have finger notes that explain how they will handle certain
+situations, such as lag and takeback. The issue of transmission lag often
+comes up for discussion. As noted in the "lag" help file, it is not unethical
+to flag your opponent when he/she runs out of time.
+ If you suspect that a user is abusing his/her communication privileges
+and/or not following the spirit of competition, feel free to contact an admin
+with details concerning the situation.
+See Also: abuser admins blindfold channel channel_list computers handle
+intro_playing intro_talking lag shout_abuse
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/examine b/data/help/examine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b6a289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/examine
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Usage: examine [player1 [player2, game_number]
+ This command starts a game in the examine mode where you, as the examiner,
+can move the pieces for both white and black, take moves back and analyze side
+variations. You can examine a new game from scratch, a stored (adjourned)
+game, a finished game from "history" or a game in someone's "journal".
+ There are four ways to begin an examine session:
+ 1) New Game from Scratch -- "Examine" used alone without any player names
+ begins examine mode for a new game and, in essence, you will be playing
+ yourself. Typing "match your_handle" is also a way to enter examine mode
+ for a new game.
+ 2) Stored Games (adjourned) -- "Examine player1" will examine your stored
+ game against player1 (if one exists). "Examine white_player
+ black_player" will examine the stored game (adjourned) between the two
+ players. Example: "examine dav thedane".
+ 3) Completed Game from History -- "Examine player1 game_number" will examine
+ that game from player1's "history". Example: "examine theviking 45".
+ 4) Game from a Journal -- "Examine player1 game_slot" will examine that game
+ from player1's "journal" (unless the journal is private, namely
+ "jprivate" variable has been set to non-zero). Example: "examine sms B".
+ No matter how you start the examine functions, the game will be played from
+the starting position, not the last, stored position.
+ While in examine mode, you can move the pieces in order to set up a position
+and/or analyze side variations. There are three special commands you can use
+when examining a stored game:
+ forward [#] goes forward # moves (default n=1)
+ backward [#] goes backward # moves (default n=1)
+ revert goes back to the main variation (the last branch)
+For new games, only "backward" works; the other commands have no affect since
+there is no main line stored. Therefore, once you go backward, you will need
+to move the pieces again in order to move forward.
+ Lastly, the command "unexamine" leaves the examine mode and ends your
+analysis of the game.
+ Other users can also examine the game you are reviewing. But must you
+decide who these other examiners are. Here are the steps involved:
+ (1) The other examiner must first "observe" your game.
+ (2) You, as the main examiner, must type "mexamine <user>" in order to give
+ "user" access to the examine mode.
+ As long as there is at least one designated examiner of a game, the analysis
+can continue even when the first examiner who started the examine session
+ In order to communicate with another examiner of the game, it is best to use
+the "kibitz" command. If you use "whisper", the game's observers but not
+examiners will hear your message.
+(1) Players examining games have a # next to their handles in the (short)
+"who" display, and examined games are listed in both the "games" and
+"allobservers" displays.
+(2) "Unexamine" stops your participation in the analysis, and also stops your
+observer status. Other examiners of the game may continue, however, even if
+you started the examine session initially.
+(3) Clock times displayed are unimportant, of course, since time is not a
+factor when analyzing games.
+See Also: allobservers backward forward games history kibitz journal
+match mexamine observe stored unexamine variables whisper who
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/fics_lingo b/data/help/fics_lingo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cca039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/fics_lingo
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ Many users on this server use special words and phrases (slang, jargon,
+lingo). Here is an explanation of the more common terms and abbreviations.
+Admin -- Server administrator or sys-op (systems operator).
+ATM -- At the moment.
+BIAS -- Back in a second. (similar to brb)
+BRB -- I'll be right back. Person is about to go idle or log off for a few
+ minutes or so.
+Censor -- Whoever is censored by you can't talk to or match you. You won't
+ see their shouts either.
+Filter -- Sites that are filtered cannot have unreg logins from them.
+Finger (someone) -- A command used to learn about another user. Also refers
+ to one's notes or "plan". Thus, "finger me" is not meant
+ to be rude. :)
+Handle -- Your server name (nickname).
+IAM -- In a minute.
+IMHO -- In my humble opinion.
+IMO -- In my opinion.
+Isbjoern -- Polar bear. A weird concept invented by that master of
+ creativity, TheDane. If someone says this, everyone is meant to
+ repeat it. (It is used to mean greetings.) However don't take
+ this literaly, else the server would really slow down. :)
+Lag -- Transmission delay, when either the server or the internet slows down.
+Match (someone) -- Start a game with someone.
+Muzzle -- Loss of shouting privileges. You also can't kibitz.
+Notes -- Same as "plan" or "finger" notes.
+Plan -- The notes you get when you type "finger".
+ROTFL -- Rolls on the floor laughing.
+Thumpa -- Greetings!
+wrok -- Work [work is a forbidden word :) ]
+Wuah -- Greetings! The word muah can also be used with it, e.g., wuah muah!
+Unreg -- Unregistered user (doesn't have an account here ... yet).
+:) :) :) :) :) :)'s at the wonderful wonderful world :) -- This shout dates
+back to the 'Court of Queen Eyre' on the old ICS. We think it meant "hi
+See Also: [the individual commands and help files]
+[Last modified: September 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/ficsfaq b/data/help/ficsfaq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafb2cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/ficsfaq
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+FICSFAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
+ The admins at this site can be very busy so, if you find a bug or have
+questions, read this file first:
+1> How do I register?
+ Read the "register" help file -- "help register".
+2> What is network vs local?
+ It has to do with distributed ratings -- contact an admin if you get this
+ one.
+3> Can I have more than one account?
+ Only if for blindfold/computer/admin/team reasons.
+4> Can I register more than one computer?
+ Yes.
+5> Can I have more than one person using my email?
+ Yes.
+6> Can more than one person share an account for team games?
+ Yes, WEENIES is an example.
+7> Can I be an admin?
+ Read the "admin_new" help file -- "help admin_new".
+8> Can I help with programming?
+ Ask Sparky or one of the senior programmers.
+9> Who's programming?
+ See the listing in the "adm_info" help file -- "help adm_info". Or also
+ read the current listing in the "=programmer" file.
+10> Where else can I play FREE chess?
+ There are many sites. See the "addresses" help file -- "help addresses".
+11> Where do I get an interface from?
+ You need to ftp to ics.onenet.net using anonymous ftp, and look for the
+ pub/chess directory. There are several interefaces based on your
+ operating system. Read the help files for "interfaces" and "ftp_hints".
+12> Where can I get the latest code from?
+ pub/chess/Unix on ftp ics.onenet.net (use anonynous ftp)
+ help files are in the oldest version FICS.tar.gz
+13> I don't like admin x. Admin y is treating me badly.
+ Contact Sparky.
+14> Some ICC admins have come for a peek. What gives?
+ a) Sometimes people pretend to be them.
+ b) Do not abuse them if they log on.
+ c) Our code is GNU - they can use our ideas and code on ICC if they
+ want. Remember who wrote it first.
+15> What is ICC?
+ Don't ask -- no free advertising -- you pay $49 for chess there. :)
+16> Can I shout about ICC?
+ Yes, sure. Given a choice to pay $49 or $0. I'd take the $0.
+17> Should I advertise FICS?
+ Yes do so. Watch you don't get nuked on ICC, though. Do help ads there.
+ Remember, Burger King burgers are free. :)
+18> I can't shout!
+ Are you unreg or have you been muzzled?
+19> I can't play rated.
+ Have both of you set rated 1?
+ Have you got the network vs local bug?
+20> How do I use the -->name thing I see displayed?
+ Use "it" "i" or ":" followed by a message. See the "intro_talking" help
+ file -- "help intro_talking".
+21> The Hormone channel(51) has been reinstated I notice.
+ Yes, but cleanish language only. This is a family server. Don't say
+ something you wouldn't say in front of someone's kids. But maybe you
+ would :)
+22> The board is the wrong way up:
+ Problem "flip" in style 12 -- old ZIICS and SLICS are affected.
+23> Can't promote (xboard).
+ Try e7e8 for a queen.
+24> How do I continue a game that was adjourned?
+ Simply "match" the player again, and it will resume the game if the
+ player accepts. Adjourned games are completed with that player before
+ new ones can begin.
+25> I can't castle after king takeback.
+ We know.
+26> I can castle through check.
+ This has been observed once.
+27> Takeback gives wrong lastmove info.
+ A bug.
+28> Simuls don't work.
+ They were broken once; they should be okay now.
+29> My rating is over/under inflated
+ There may be a bug somewhere.
+30> +alias/+censor etc. don't work.
+ Try alias/unalias and censor/uncensor for now.
+31> I've got an old account here, I can't remember my password.
+ Ask an admin for help -- be ready to verify your email address and real
+ human name.
+34> Stats gives silly information.
+ We know.
+35> Is there any wild?
+ Yes ... and rated, too. Read the "wild" help file -- "help wild".
+36> Zippy won't shut up, too many shouts.
+ Use censor [name].
+37> How many channels can I be in?
+ Type "limits" for the current limits. You cannot have unlimited channels
+ because of the space in the user files. Type "help channel" for
+ predefined channels.
+39> The "who" listing appears staggered.
+ Fixed soon. Also, make sure you have the correct "highlight" thaat you
+ want.
+40> How do I withdraw a match request?
+ Type "withdraw".
+41> I'm getting lag -- what can I do?
+ Either Ctrl C to escape or use adjourn.
+ Otherwise get your opponent to do "moretime #" where # <= 600 seconds.
+ Or try a version of timeseal.
+42> I suddenly got a Connection closed message.
+ There are several possibilities: 1) System shutdown. 2) Server crash --
+ please bear with us as we add new code. 3) The server dumped you for
+ some reason -- contact an admin and/or report a bug. 4) You got nuked --
+ disconnected by an admin (there should be a message to you in this case).
+43> How long do shutdowns last and why?
+ About 30 seconds.
+ Sometimes we need to add new code or fix bugs -- please bear with us.
+44> I get unprintable characters / delete don't work.
+ Being fixed.
+45> How do I get further help?
+ Follow these steps:
+ (a) Type "+chan 1"
+ (b) Type "tell 1 help me please!"
+ (c) Type " tell 1 <other messages>".
+ When you are done, you can type "-chan 1" to exit this channel.
+46> How do I pause a long file from scrolling?
+ Use ctrl q and ctrl s -- or use your scroll bar.
+ Also, "set height ##" fixes how many lines will be displayed at a time.
+See Also: [the various help files]
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/finger b/data/help/finger
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e06ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/finger
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Usage: finger [user]
+ Displays information about the given user. If no user is given, then
+your information is displayed. Here is a sample display:
+ Statistics for Aquinas On for: 55 Idle: 0
+ (examining game 9: Plato vs. Aristotle)
+ rating RD win loss draw total best
+ Blitz 1910 75.3 28 10 2 40 1936 (01-Jun-95)
+ Standard 1838 92.3 13 6 1 20 1838 (03-Jun-95)
+ Lightning ---- 350.0 0 0 0 0
+ Wild 1876 94.3 15 10 0 25 1903 (05-Jun-95)
+ Timeseal: ON
+ 1: <text>
+ 2: <text>
+ The user's ratings for each type of chess are displayed, along with the
+Glicko RD (or index of ratings variability), the total results from games
+played, and the best or highest rating for each type. You can also tell (1)
+whether the user is (1) currently logged on and, if so, for how long and
+whether his/she is idle, (2) playing, observing or examining a game and, if
+so, which game it is, and (3) currently running a version of timeseal or not.
+Beneath the ratings are note lines (a user's "plan" or "notes") the user can
+add using the set command.
+(a) Your e-mail address is automatically displayed to you beneath your ratings
+table; it is NOT displayed to other users -- unless of course you include your
+address as part of your finger notes.
+(b) Best ratings and dates are only given *after* you have played 20 games of
+a given type.
+(c) If a user has not played rated games of a given type, the rating will be
+indicated as ---- and the RD will be 350.0.
+(d) If a user is not logged on, the display will indicate when he/she last
+disconnected and the timeseal section will not appear.
+See Also: busy examine glicko notes observe ratings set timeseal
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/fixes b/data/help/fixes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3da06ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/fixes
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Things I've worked on: (foxbat)
+ratings.c 3.10.95 - if 2 0 rated players play a rated game, Rb_S can go
+ negative, which is bad for the sqrt function. added
+ a filter to stop this. Also the pow(x,y) funtion
+ expects floating point args, so changed 10 to 10.0
+ratings.c 3.11.95 - added code to increment the number of games played and
+ Rb_total/Rs_total's in the rating_update function.
+comproc.c 3.11.95 - in com_match, added filters so the 'rated' variables
+ must match before a match request is issued.
+gamedb.c 3.12.95 - if a rated game was drawn, the 'Winner' column in hist
+ and was showing whoever was white, so I changed these 2
+gameproc.c files to show that it was 'Drawn'. also limited the
+ character length of names in history to 9.
diff --git a/data/help/flag b/data/help/flag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b74fd0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/flag
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Usage: flag
+ This command asks the chess server to check the clock time for you and your
+opponent. The effect of the command depends upon whether one or both of you
+are out of time (chess clock reads zero or negative).
+ (i) If your opponent has run out of time but you have time, then "flag"
+will claim the win for you.
+ (ii) If both you and your opponent are out of time, then "flag" will claim a
+ (iii) If your opponent has time left, you will be given an error message by
+the server when you use "flag".
+ If your opponent appears to have lost his/her connection or hasn't responded
+in a reasonable amount of time, he/she probably has a systems lag. Use the
+command "abort" to end the game like a good sport and not have your opponent
+lose the game through no fault of his/her own.
+(a) Some users have interface programs that automatically flag you when you
+have run out of time. This practice is legal. If you find yourself losing
+many games from being flagged when you have system lags or take longer to
+think about moves, then consider using longer time controls.
+(b) If your opponent's clock reads zero (0:00) on your screen, it does not
+*always* mean that your opponent has no time left for the game. The server
+keeps the official times for both players. These times are re-sent after each
+move. Transmission lag or using timeseal may cause the official time to be
+different than the times shown on your screen.
+See Also: abort draw lag timeseal
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/flip b/data/help/flip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eced6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/flip
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: flip
+ "Flip" toggles the 'flip' variable on and off. When 'flip' is on it causes
+the board display to be reversed -- either from White at bottom to Black at
+bottom, or vice versa. Changing your flip setting may be especially useful
+when observing games or playing team games. Using this command is equivalent
+to "set flip on"/"set flip off". Because the 'flip' variable is affected,
+changes in 'flip' are permanent until you re-set it.
+See Also: variables
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/formula b/data/help/formula
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815cac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/formula
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+Usage: set formula <formula-expression>
+ The formula variable filters out match requests. If you have a formula set,
+then any match request not satisfying your formula is automatically declined;
+you will be notified that the offer was made and rejected by your formula. If
+you make an offer that fails a player's formula, you will be given this
+feedback. A user's formula and f-variable settings are displayed using the
+"variables" command. You disable (turn off) your formula by typing "set
+formula". This will, in essence, erase your current formula setting.
+ Here are some simple examples, with descriptions in [] brackets:
+ blitz [match must be blitz]
+ !wild [match must be non-wild]
+ inc >= 10 [match must have an increment of 10 or higher]
+ Create or modify a formula by using the "set" command. For example, "set
+formula blitz". Special variables (f1-f9) can also be established using the
+"set" command; these variables make it easier to modify your formula depending
+upon your mood.
+ (1) Decide whether you will be changing your formula often. If so, think
+about using f-variables to make these changes easier.
+ (2) Decide exactly what kinds of filters you want to have, such as type of
+game, time controls, and kinds of opponents.
+ (3) Review the available formula operators and pre-defined variables (listed
+below) to see which ones fit your needs.
+ (4) Write out your formula and f-variables on paper to make sure that their
+"logic" works.
+ (5) Enter the logical expressions for the f-variables and formula using the
+"set" command.
+ Changing your f-variables and formula follows the same procedures.
+ Several variables are allowed in formula settings. Some of these variables
+hold numerical information while others are Boolean (true/false, 1/0). Here
+is a list of allowed variables, where Boolean variables are denoted by "(B)":
+ The following variables are allowed in formulas:
+ Variable Description
+ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------
+ abuser 1 if opponent is on the abuser list; 0 otherwise (B)
+ assessdraw How many rating points you will gain/lose by drawing a
+ chess match
+ assessloss How many rating points you will lose by losing a chess
+ match
+ assesswin How many rating points you will gain by winning a chess
+ match
+ blitz 1 if match is blitz in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ computer 1 if opponent is a computer; 0 otherwise (B)
+ inc Increment time for each player
+ lightning 1 if match is lightning in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ maxtime(n) The maximum time n moves will take for BOTH players
+ (in seconds) [you must supply the 'n' value]
+ mymaxtime(n) The maximum time n moves will take YOU (in seconds)
+ [you must supply the 'n' value]
+ myrating Your rating
+ nonstandard 1 if the game will have different time controls for the
+ two players; 0 otherwise (B)
+ private 1 if game will be private; 0 otherwise (B)
+ rated 1 if game will be rated; 0 otherwise (B)
+ rating Opponent's rating
+ ratingdiff The difference between opponent's rating and your
+ rating [rating - myrating]
+ registered 1 if opponent is a registered user; 0 otherwise (B)
+ standard 1 if game will be standard in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ timeseal 1 if opponent has timeseal; 0 otherwise (B)
+ time Start time for each player
+ untimed 1 if game will not involve the clock; 0 otherwise (B)
+ wild 1 if game will be wild in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ Also, the word "minutes" is allowed after a number that is not enclosed in
+parentheses (but right now, you must use "1 minutes"; the singular is not
+recognized). The word has the effect of multiplying the previous number by
+60, thus turning minute-values into seconds-values -- important for the
+maxtime and mymaxtime variables. For example, "2 minutes" would yield the
+value of "120".
+ The following formula operators are allowed; their order of precedence in
+the calculations and evaluations is listed. Sometimes more than one set of
+symbols leads to the same result. When functions in the formula have equal
+precedence, the precedence is from left to right.
+ Symbol Function Precedence
+ ------ ------------------------------- ----------
+ ! not; negation 1
+ - minus [as in -20 or -variable] 1
+ * multiplication 2
+ / division 2
+ + addition 3
+ - subtraction 3
+ < less than 4
+ <= less than or equal to [ =< also works] 4
+ > greater than 4
+ >= greater than or equal to [ => also works] 4
+ = equals [ == also works] 5
+ != not equals [ <> also works] 6
+ & and [ && also works as does 'and'] 7
+ | or [ || also works as does 'or'] 8
+ Parentheses () are allowed in formulas and function as they do in numerical
+equations: expressions within parentheses are evaluated first. You can use
+the pound sign '#' after your settings to provide comments and reminders to
+yourself. NOTE: The program divides by a fudge factor of .001 instead of
+dividing by 0.
+ F1 through f9 are user-defined formula variables changed by using the "set"
+command. These variables can return either numerical or Boolean results.
+They make it easy to change one part of your formula without retying the whole
+thing, or to adjust your formula depending on your mood. For example, if your
+various f-variables were ...
+ f1 rated & time=5 & inc=0 # rated 5 minute games
+ f2 ratingdiff
+ f3 maxtime(40) >= 2*8minutes # at least 8 mins each for 40 moves
+ f4 f2>400 # I want a REAL fight
+ f5 !abuser
+ f6 standard | (ratingdiff<200 & blitz)
+... then, depending on your mood, you could type one of the following:
+ set formula f1 & f5 # rated 5 min. games only
+ set formula f2 > -100 # long games, decent competition
+ set formula f1 & !f4
+-or- set formula f2 >= 0 | blitz
+ You define an f-variable using the "set" command. With respect to the above
+examples, you would type such lines as ...
+ set f2 ratingdiff
+ set f4 f2>400 # I want a REAL fight
+ set f5 !abuser
+*** Special Note ***
+Be careful how you write the f-variables. Make sure they have the proper
+sequence. For example, f5 can refer to f2 but f5 cannot refer to f8.
+ Using maxtime sets the expected total time for the game. If your formula
+(or f-variable) included the following expression ...
+ maxtime(30) <= 10 minutes
+... this would allow no more than 10 minutes total time for the first 30 moves
+of the game (5 minutes for each player, or any other combination).
+CREDITS: Formula program for FICS written by Dave Herscovici (hersco)
+See Also: assess blitz lightning match timeseal variables
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/forward b/data/help/forward
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a363cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/forward
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Usage: forward [#]
+ This command is used by a person examining a game in order to move forward
+in the sequence of the game's moves. The # is half_moves. Example: "forward
+40" -- game will go forward 40 half-moves (20 for White and 20 for Black).
+If # is not specified, 1 will be used. If you type "forward 999" the game's
+final position will be displayed.
+(1) This command does not work for new games, only stored games.
+(2) This command works only on the mainline of stored games, not variations
+branching off from the main line or moves continuing a game from a stored
+See Also: backward examine
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/ftp_hints b/data/help/ftp_hints
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d039b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/ftp_hints
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+There are many kinds of files for the chess server you may wish to access and
+download to your system. The Internet Chess Library (ftp.onenet.net) is an
+anonymous FTP archive containing a large amount of chess information and
+programs (~200MB). (See the "inetchesslib" help file.) Many users of the
+chess server download a graphical interface and timeseal (read the
+"interfaces" and "timeseal" help files).
+There are several ways to access and download these files. But first, you
+need to connect to where the files are located. There are two main ways to
+connect: World Wide Web (www) and file transfer protocol (ftp).
+WWW access would be best and most intuitive. You can get there using your
+favorite Web browser, like Netscape or Mosaic. The URL address is:
+ http://chess.onenet.net/chess
+But ftp access is also easy. This file is about ftp procedures for the chess
+server files.
+The most standard command to initiate an ftp connection to the files would be
+to initiate a session from your system (not from within the chess server
+itself) and at your host's prompt type:
+ ftp ftp.onenet.net
+ or ftp
+If the ftp command seems to be garbage to your system, you will need to
+contact your local systems administrator.
+If you connect to the file server, you will see this message on your screen:
+ Connected to ftp.onenet.net.
+ 220 caissa.onenet.net FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Oct 11 11:29:11
+ 1994)
+ ready
+ Name (your-host.your-domain:your-username):
+ anonymous [you can also type 'ftp']
+You will then see this message:
+ 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
+ Password:
+For your password, type your email address.
+You will now be logged on to the ftp site and should see the ftp prompt:
+ ftp>
+Typing "help" will give you a list of available commands in ftp, but here are
+some basics. All files and directories in the current directory can be seen
+with "dir". Typing "cd" changes directories. A "/" separates directory names
+when specifying directories within directories.
+In this example, we will go to the DOS directory. Type:
+ cd /pub/chess/DOS
+or cd DOS
+ (NOTE: users of DELPHI may need to type: cd "DOS")
+If you type "dir" you will see all the files and directories in that location.
+There are quite a few.
+In order to transfer a file properly from the ftp site to your computer host,
+you need to set the correct transfer mode and use the right commands. The
+files you need for an interface and timeseal need to be transferred using the
+"binary" mode. The "binary" command sets the transfer mode to binary type (8
+bit, for true binary/executable data). Then you need to have the file sent to
+you. The "get" command transfers a file from the ftp site to you.
+In this example we will now transfer the software for ZIICS, a graphical
+interface that runs under DOS on PC's. The file name for ZIICS is
+"ziics121.exe". Here is what you would need to type:
+ binary
+ get ziics121.exe
+If you are done and do not wish to transfer any other files, type "quit" and
+you will exit from ftp.
+ quit
+If you have a direct internet connection using PPP/SLIP, the file should now
+be in your computer directory and you are ready to work on it.
+If yuo do not have a direct connection, what you need to do is transfer the
+file from your computer host to your local PC or workstation. This is done
+most commonly with "kermit" or "zmodem". Check around locally for what is
+available and works best on your system. After using kermit or zmodem, the
+file should then be in your directory for you to work on.
+Channel 1 is a great place to get help from people on-line at this chess
+server. They can help you work through each of these steps. You should also
+read the special help files for interfaces and timeseal; they have further
+details specific to those kinds of files. And you can also contact the server
+admins for help.
+See also: admins addresses chan_1 inetchesslib interfaces timeseal
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/games b/data/help/games
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..484679f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/games
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Usage: games [#, word]
+ If no parameters are given, "games" lists all the games currently being
+played on the server. The games are listed in order of the ratings of the
+players involved. If a number is supplied as a parameter, only the game
+matching that number is displayed. If a word (or even a single letter) is
+supplied, only games involving players whose handles begin with that word are
+displayed. For example, "games gr" will show all games involving players
+whose handles begin with "gr".
+ Here is a sample games display and what the symbols mean:
+25 (Exam. 0 Friar 0 Friar ) [ uu 0 0] W: 1
+28 ++++ TryMe 1737 Jack [ su 30 20] 22:27 - 23:17 (29-30) W: 16
+ 2 2274 OldManII ++++ Peshkin [ bu 2 12] 2:34 - 1:47 (39-39) B: 3
+29 1622 Vman 1609 PopKid [ sr 10 10] 1:14 - 5:10 (21-22) B: 18
+32 1880 Raskapov 1859 RoboDweeb [ br 2 12] 1:04 - 1:26 ( 9-10) B: 34
+ 1 1878 Roberto 1881 baraka [psr 45 30] 30:35 - 34:24 (22-22) W: 21
+ 6 games displayed (of 23 in progress)
+ Reading from left to right: (i) game number; (ii) rating of user playing
+White; (iii) handle of White, (iv) rating of user playing Black; (v) handle of
+Black; (vi) type of match and time controls, (vii) current clock times for
+both players; (viii) current material strength for both players, (ix) who is
+on move and what move number it will be, and, lastly (x) the number of games
+listed in the display and how many in progress. Ratings are ++++ for
+unregistered players and ---- for registered players who do not have a rating
+in this category. Lastly, any games being examined are displayed.
+TYPE OF MATCH -- The format will be [Private] | [Category] | [Rated].
+ Private -- If a "p" is given, the game is private and not open for
+observation. If not private, the space will be blank. (See the "variables"
+help file.)
+ Category -- The possibilities are:
+ b blitz
+ d bughouse
+ l lightning
+ n nonstandard game, such as different time controls for the players
+ s standard
+ u untimed (including simul-matches, simuls)
+ w wild
+ Rated -- The possibilities are "r" for rated and "u" for unrated.
+See Also: blitz examine lightning match simuls standard variables
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/glicko b/data/help/glicko
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4614b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/glicko
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ +-------------------------------------------------+
+ | Vek-splanation of the Glicko Ratings System |
+ +-------------------------------------------------+
+As you may have noticed, each FICS player now has a rating and an RD.
+RD stands for "ratings deviation".
+Why a new system
+The new system with the RD improves upon the binary categorization that was
+used before on fics and elsewhere, where players with fewer than 20 games were
+labeled"provisional" and others were labeled "established". Instead of two
+separate ratings formulas for the two categories, there is now a single
+formula incorporating the two ratings and the two RD's to find the ratings
+changes for you and your opponent after a game.
+What RD represents
+The Ratings Deviation is used to measure how much a player's current rating
+should be trusted. A high RD indicates that the player may not be competing
+frequently or that the player has not played very many games yet at the
+current rating level. A low RD indicates that the player's rating is fairly
+well established. This is described in more detail below under "RD
+How RD Affects Ratings Changes
+In general, if your RD is high, then your rating will change a lot each time
+you play. As it gets smaller, the ratings change per game will go down.
+However, your opponent's RD will have the opposite effect, to a smaller
+extent: if his RD is high, then your ratings change will be somewhat smaller
+than it would be otherwise.
+A further use of RD's:
+Vek asked Mark Glickman the following:
+> Given player one with rating r1, error s1,
+> and player two with r2 and s2, do you have a formula for the probability
+> that player 1's "true" rating is greater than player 2's ?
+Mark said:
+ Yes - it's:
+ 1/(1 + 10^(-(r1-r2)f(sqrt(s1^2 + s2^2))/400) )
+ where f(s) is [the function applied to RD in Step 2 below].
+How RD is Updated
+In this system, the RD will decrease somewhat each time you play a game,
+because when you play more games there is a stronger basis for concluding what
+your rating should be. However, if you go for a long time without playing any
+games, your RD will increase to reflect the increased uncertainty in your
+rating due to the passage of time. Also, your RD will decrease more if your
+opponent's rating is similar to yours, and decrease less your opponent's
+rating is much different.
+Why Ratings Changes Aren't Balanced
+In the other system, except for provisional games, the ratings changes for the
+two players in a game would balance each other out - if A wins 16 points, B
+loses 16 points. That is not the case with this system. Here is the
+explanation I received from Mark Glickman:
+ The system does not conserve rating points - and with good
+ reason! Suppose two players both have ratings of 1700,
+ except one has not played in awhile and the other playing
+ constantly. In the former case, the player's rating is not
+ a reliable measure while in the latter case the rating is a fairly
+ reliable measure. Let's say the player with the uncertain rating
+ defeats the player with the precisely measured rating.
+ Then I would claim that the player with the imprecisely
+ measured rating should have his rating increase a fair
+ amount (because we have learned something informative from
+ defeating a player with a precisely measured ability) and
+ the player with the precise rating should have his rating
+ decrease by a very small amount (because losing to a player
+ with an imprecise rating contains little information).
+ That's the intuitive gist of my extension to the Elo system.
+ On average, the system will stay roughly constant (by the
+ law of large numbers). In other words, the above scenario
+ in the long run should occur just as often with the
+ imprecisely rated player losing.
+Mathematical Interpretation of RD
+Direct from Mark Glickman:
+Each player can be characterized as having a true (but unknown) rating that
+may be thought of as the player's average ability. We never get to know that
+value, partly because we only observe a finite number of games, but also
+because that true rating changes over time as a player's ability changes. But
+we can *estimate* the unknown rating. Rather than restrict oneself to a
+single estimate of the true rating, we can describe our estimate as an
+*interval* of plausible values. The interval is wider if we are less sure
+about the player's unknown true rating, and the interval is narrower if we are
+more sure about the unknown rating. The RD quantifies the uncertainty in
+terms of probability:
+The interval formed by Current rating +/- RD contains your true rating with
+probability of about 0.67.
+The interval formed by Current rating +/- 2 * RD contains your true rating
+with probability of about 0.95.
+The interval formed by Current rating +/- 3 * RD contains your true rating
+with probability of about 0.997.
+For those of you who know something about statistics, these are not confidence
+intervals, but are called "central posterior intervals" because the derivation
+came from a "Bayesian" analysis of the problem.
+These numbers are found from the cumulative distribution function of the
+normal distribution with mean = current rating, and standard deviation = RD.
+For example, CDF[ N[1600,50], 1550 ] = .159 approximately (that's shorthand
+Mathematica notation.)
+The Formulas
+Algorithm to calculate ratings change for a game against a given opponent:
+Step 1. Before a game, calculate initial rating and RD for each player.
+ a) If no games yet, initial rating assumed to be 1720.
+ Otherwise, use existing rating.
+ (The 1720 is not printed out, however.)
+ b) If no RD yet, initial RD assumed to be 350 if you have no games,
+ or 70 if your rating is carried over from ICC.
+ Otherwise, calculate new RD, based on the RD that was obtained
+ after the most recent game played, and on the amount of time (t) that
+ has passed since that game, as follows:
+ RD' = Sqrt(RD^2 + c log(1+t))
+ where c is a numerical constant chosen so that predictions made
+ according to the ratings from this system will be approximately
+ optimal.
+Step 2. Calculate the "attenuating factor" due to your OPPONENT's RD,
+ for use in later steps.
+ f = 1/Sqrt(1 + p RD^2)
+ Here p is the mathematical constant 3 (ln 10)^2
+ -------------
+ Pi^2 400^2 .
+ Note that this is between 0 and 1 - if RD is very big,
+ then f will be closer to 0.
+Step 3. r1 <- your rating,
+ r2 <- opponent's rating,
+ 1
+ E <- ----------------------
+ -(r1-r2)*f/400 <- it has f(RD) in it!
+ 1 + 10
+ This quantity E seems to be treated kind of like a probability.
+Step 4. K = q*f
+ --------------------------------------
+ 1/(RD)^2 + q^2 * f^2 * E * (1-E)
+ where q is a mathematical constant: q = (ln 10)/400.
+Step 5. This is the K factor for the game, so
+ Your new rating = (pregame rating) + K * (w - E)
+ where w is 1 for a win, .5 for a draw, and 0 for a loss.
+Step 6. Your new RD is calculated as
+ RD' = 1
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ Sqrt( 1/(RD)^2 + q^2 * f^2 * E * (1-E) ) .
+The same steps are done for your opponent.
+Further information
+A PostScript file containing Mark Glickman's paper discussing this ratings
+system may be obtained via ftp. The ftp site is hustat.harvard.edu, the
+directory is /pub/glickman, and the file is called "glicko.ps". It is
+available at http://hustat.harvard.edu/pub/glickman/glicko.ps.
+The Glicko Ratings System was invented by Mark Glickman, Ph.D. who is
+currently at the Harvard Statistics Department, and who is bound for Boston
+Vek and Hawk programmed and debugged the new ratings calculations (we may
+still be debugging it). Helpful assistance was given by Surf, and Shane fixed
+a heinous bug that Vek invented.
+Vek wrote this helpfile and Mark Glickman made some essential
+corrections and additions.
+ Last major update: April 19, 1995.
+ Minor revisions: August 28, 1995 by Friar.
diff --git a/data/help/gm_game b/data/help/gm_game
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5165593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/gm_game
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+[Event "ICS game"]
+[Site "krypton"]
+[Date "1995.07.06"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "GMSeirawan"]
+[Black "GMLarsen"]
+[Result "1/2-1/2"]
+[TimeControl "7200"]
+1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. Nc3 Bb7 5. Bg5 Be7 6. e3 c5 7. dxc5 bxc5 8.
+Be2 O-O 9. Qc2 Nc6 10. Rd1 a6 11. O-O Qc7 12. Rd2 Rfd8 13. Rfd1 d6 14. h3
+Rd7 15. Qb1 Rad8 16. Bf4 h6 17. Bg3 Qb6 18. e4 e5 19. Nd5 Nxd5 20. cxd5 Nd4
+21. Nxd4 cxd4 22. Rc2 Rc7 23. Rxc7 Qxc7 24. Rc1 Qb6 25. Bd3 h5 26. f3 Bg5
+27. Rc4 Rc8 28. b3 Be3 29. Kf1 Rxc4 30. bxc4 Qxb1 31. Bxb1 Kf8 32. Bc2 Bc1
+33. Ke2 Ba3 34. f4 f6 35. Ba4 Bc8 36. f5 Kf7 37. Be1 g6 38. fxg6 Kxg6 39.
+Be8 Kg5 40. Bd2 Kh4 41. Be1 1/2-1/2
diff --git a/data/help/gnotify b/data/help/gnotify
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58faad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/gnotify
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: +|-|= gnotify [user]
+ When a player is on your gnotify list, you will be notified when that player
+begins a game on the server. Here are the possible variations of the command:
+ +gnotify user Add "user" to gnotify list
+ -gnotify user Remove "user" from gnotify list
+ =gnotify Display your gnotify list
+ Use "gin" variable to be notified regarding all games and when they begin.
+See Also: addlist gin variables
+[Last modified: October 18, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/goboard b/data/help/goboard
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eef5292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/goboard
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: goboard player
+ This command is used by a person holding a simul match. Play moves to the
+board for the specified player in a simul match. Standard aliases are "go
+player" and "goto player".
+See Also: gonum simnext simprev simuls
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/gonum b/data/help/gonum
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69fcd4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/gonum
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: gonum #
+ This command is used by a person holding a simul match. Play will move to
+board number # in the simul match.
+See Also: goboard simnext simprev simuls
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/handle b/data/help/handle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209fcef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/handle
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Your server account name is known as your "handle." It is your identity on
+the server. Some users prefer to have handles similar to their real names;
+others do not. The choice is up to you. But whatever you decide to have as
+your handle, please be aware that handles for registered users are permanent.
+Admins do not change handles for registered users except in extreme cases
+(very rare). So please select a handle that you will feel comfortable with
+for a long time.
+ No two users can have the same handle, of course. To see which handles have
+already been taken, use the "handles" command.
+ Lastly, admins reserve the right to deny your using a particular handle. If
+the handle you want is offensive or might lead to too much confusion among
+users (such as various reserved words or commands), you may be asked to change
+it. Profane and crude handles are not permitted. Unregistered users who
+logon with profane and/or crude handles may be disconnected from the server,
+even without warning. Unregistered users who persist in adopting
+inappropriate handles may be prevented from accessing the server.
+See Also: handles register
+[Last modified: July 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/handles b/data/help/handles
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f680235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/handles
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: handles [string]
+ Displays a list of registered players who have handles matching "string".
+For example, the command "handles e" would display all handles beginning with
+"e". "Handles" can also be used to determine if the player [string] has an
+account on the server. The "handle" help file explains aspects of a server
+See Also: handle who
+[Last modified: October 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/hbest b/data/help/hbest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b5e85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/hbest
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Usage: hbest [b|s|w]
+ Displays the 20 highest-rated human players in the three different ratings
+categories: Blitz, Standard and Wild. Computers are excluded from the
+listing. Use "best" to see the top 20 users, both humans and computers.
+ Using "hbest" alone will give all three lists. Using one or more of the
+arguments b, s or w is a request to give only the blitz, standard and/or wild
+best lists, respectively. For example, "best bw" will show the top 20 humans
+in the blitz and wild chess; the top standard players will not be listed.
+ Use "hrank" and "rank" to see where a given player is ranked.
+See Also: best hrank rank
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/help b/data/help/help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..632afe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/help
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Usage: help [topic]
+ Prints information on the given topic. If topic is omitted, then "help"
+will provide instructions for displaying several, useful help files. Also,
+typing "help commands" will list all commands, typing "info" will list the
+help files for non-commands, and typing "index" will display the general
+categories of help files..
+ When you request information about a command, the help file will describe
+the format for the command ("Usage"). Words in square brackets [] designate
+optional variables; including them affects the way your command will be
+ Some help files are longer than one screen. To continue reading the file,
+type "next" (or its alias "more").
+ If you need help while on the server, use channel 1 to contact people who
+can help you (see chan_1 help file).
+See Also: chan_1 index intro_information intro_welcome next
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/highlight b/data/help/highlight
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3e8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/highlight
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Usage: set highlight [0-15]
+ Highlight is one of the variables you can change with the "set" command.
+When highlight is non-zero and you receive a personal tell, the sender's
+handle will be displayed in a different style thus making the tell more
+obvious on your screen. Other information, such as your location in a ranking
+list or who list, will also be displayed to you in a different style thus
+making it easier to read.
+ There are 15 possible styles. However, the way they appear on your screen
+will depend on many factors. Try they out to see which style works best for
+you. "Set highlight 0" turns the highlight to neutral (off).
+See Also: rank set tell variables who
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/history b/data/help/history
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb8a32c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/history
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Usage: history [user]
+ Shows the results of the last 10 or so games that 'user' played. If no
+user handle is specified, your history will be displayed to you. There are
+columns in the history display for the players and their ratings (as
+adjusted by the result of the match), the winner, the type of match
+(blitz/standard, rated/unrated), the type of opening and the date.
+ Here is the history header, a sample line from User 1's history file, and an
+explanation of this line:
+ Opponent Type ECO End Date
+23: + 1681 W 1521 User 2 [ br 2 12] A84 Res Fri Apr 21 06:29:12 1995
+ Explanation
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 23 -- Game number in User 1's history
+ + -- User 1's result; '+' means Won; '-' means Lost; '=' means Draw.
+ 1681 -- User 1's revised rating given the result
+ W -- User 1's color in the match
+ 1521 -- User 2's revised rating given the result
+ br -- Category of game -- 'b' Blitz; 'd' bughouse; 'l' Lightning;
+ 'n' Nonstandard times; 's' Standard; 'u' Untimed; 'w' Wild
+ Rated/unrated --'r' Rated; 'u' Unrated
+ a 'p' in fron of these codes would mean a Private match
+ 2 12 -- The time controls for the match
+ ECO -- The ECO (Encyclopedia of Chess Openings) classification of the
+ opening moves of the match
+ Res -- How the match ended; 'Res' for Resignation; 'Mat' for Mate; 'Fla'
+ for Flag, or time forfeit; 'Agr' for Agreed to a draw; 'Rep' for
+ three-time Repetiion of position (same player to move); 'NM' for
+ Neither player has Material for delivering mate; 'Adj' for result
+ was adjudicated.
+ The date and time of the match are also given.
+ Here is how to read this example: User1 (playing White; blitz rating now
+1681) Won (+) against User2 (blitz rating now 1521) in a rated (r) blitz (b)
+match using the time controls of 2 minutes to start and 12 second increments
+on Friday April 21, 1995, at 06:29 hours when User 2 resigned (Res); the type
+of opening (ECO) was A84.
+(a) ECO will not be given for games that are "private" (see the variables help
+ file).
+(b) Games in history can now be examined.
+See Also: adjudication eco examine games match variables
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/hrank b/data/help/hrank
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d021f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/hrank
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Usage: hrank [user [b][s][w]]
+ hrank m-n [b][s][w]
+ The first usage shows the ranking of the given user and all human users with
+nearby rankings -- computers will be excluded from the rankings. A second
+argument with one or more of the letters b, s, and/or w asks to show only
+blitz, standard, and/or wild ratings respectively. If no second argument is
+given, rankings for all three types are shown. For example, "rank foo bw"
+shows the blitz and wild ranking of the player whose handle is "foo". If
+'user' is omitted, your rankings will be displayed.
+ The second usage shows all human users ranked between the rankings of M and
+N. The optional third argument again limits which ratings are shown. For
+example, "rank 1-30 sw" lists the human users with the highest 30 standard and
+wild ratings. "hbest" lists the top 20 human users in a category.
+ The columns are always sorted by blitz, then standard, then wild.
+ Currently, all players with at least 20 games of a particular rating type
+are ranked. If you ask for a player's rank and they do not yet have the 20
+games needed to be an active player, the player's current rating will be
+displayed in the table but a line (----) will precede the handle to indicate a
+provisional ranking.
+ To include computers in the list, use "rank".
+See Also: best hbest rank
+[Last modified: June 13, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/inchannel b/data/help/inchannel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6a8de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/inchannel
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: inchannel name
+ This command will list the channels for user 'name' so you can determine
+which channels he/she is receiving (namely tells to channels). A user's name
+(handle) must be given. Channels with specific purposes for the server are
+listed in the "channel_list" help file. To add a channel to your channel
+list, type "+chan #". More information is in the "channel" help file.
+See Also: channel channel_list handle lists tell
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/index b/data/help/index
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..037647d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/index
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Usage: index [topic]
+ Prints information on the given topic. If topic is omitted, then "index"
+will list the various topics in the index.
+ When you request information about a topic, you will be given a list of
+various commands that relate to that topic as well as information files of
+interest. You can access files on the various commands and information files
+using the "help" command.
+ If you need help while on the server, use channel 1 to contact people who
+can help you (see chan_1 help file).
+See Also: chan_1 help intro_information intro_welcome
+[Last modified: July 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/inetchesslib b/data/help/inetchesslib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c44c8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/inetchesslib
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+The Internet Chess Library -- An anonymous ftp archive at chess.onenet.net
+(this file may be somewhat out of date! :-) )
+The chess archive consists of the content of the directory tree contained
+in /pub/chess. At the top level of this tree are a few informational files
+which are briefly described below (the contents of these files will be
+updated from time to time):
+ ICS.getting-started
+ This is an old introduction to the ICS (internet chess server).
+ The information will apply somewhat to the current server, but it
+ has changed a great deal since this was written.
+ This is a file containing a welcome message and a statement of the
+ general purpose and intent of the archive.
+ README.archive-structure
+ This file.
+ README-pictures-of-netchessplayers
+ This tells how you might donate a digitized picture of yourself or
+ a chessplayer you know into the archive.
+ README-where_is_ICS.info
+ This is a 'link' to the file containing the current Internet
+ locations of the main ICS's (currently, one in USA and one in
+ Europe.)
+ README.too
+ This is an informational note related to finding recently uploaded
+ data.
+ chess-FAQ
+ This is the Chess FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions, and answers).
+ gnu-chess-FAQ
+ This is a FAQ for GnuChess, a public domain chess playing program
+ from the GNU (Gnu's Not Unix) project -- part of the Free Software
+ Foundation.
+ ls-lR
+ This is a complete listing of the current contents of the archive,
+ without descriptions. Filenames only. A Index with descriptions
+ is probably not a possibility at this time because of the limited
+ resources of the current maintainer. (Any help on this would be
+ greatly appreciated)
+ where_is_ICS.info
+ This is the info file for the locations of the ICS's.
+ README-where_is_ICS.info is linked to this file.
+The rest of the archive is divided into a number of subdirectories which
+attempt to classify the data somewhat. Below is a listing of directories
+in this archive and what one might expect to find there.
+ Amiga/ Software and data for/related to Amiga computers.
+ Atari/ Software and data for/related to Atari computers.
+ CBUFF/ Files and data for the CBUFF (ChessBase Utilities
+ File Format) project.
+ Atari/
+ DOS/
+ Macintosh/
+ Unix/
+ data/
+ doc/
+ src/
+ DOS/ Software and data for/related to IBM PC compatible
+ computers running DOS/Windows.
+ Bookup/ Bookup data files. This is a link to the
+ directory:
+ Game-Databases/Bookup/
+ ChessAssistent/ ChessAssistent data files. This is a link to the
+ directory:
+ Game-Databases/ChessAssistent/
+ ChessBase/ ChessBase data files. This is a link to the
+ directory:
+ Game-Databases/ChessBase/
+ NicBase/ NicBase data files. this is a link to the
+ directory:
+ Game-Databases/NicBase/
+ Tools/ Utility programs for DOS. Archiving and
+ compression utilities needed to unpack most of
+ the data in this archive may be found here for
+ DOS.
+ Game-Databases/ This is a directory tree dedicated to Chess game
+ databases in varying formats. Utilities to
+ convert from one format to another may be found
+ in the Tools directory.
+ Bookup/ Bookup database files.
+ ChessAssistent/ ChessAssistent database files.
+ Tools/ Utilities for manipulating/converting ChessAssistent
+ data files. This is a link to the directory:
+ Game-Databases/Tools/ChessAssistent/
+ ChessBase/ ChessBase database files.
+ Tools/ Utilities for manipulating/converting ChessBase
+ data files. This is a link to the directory:
+ Game-Databases/Tools/ChessBase/
+ ChessBase_CBUFF/ ChessBase database files from the CBUFF project.
+ This is a link to the directory: CBUFF/data/
+ NicBase/ NicBase database files.
+ Tools/ Utility programs for manipulating/converting
+ NicBase files. This is a link to the directory:
+ Game-Databases/Tools/NicBase/
+ PGN/ This is the PGN (Portable Game Notation) project
+ directory tree. It contains utilities for the
+ PGN format (including tools for converting
+ between other formats) and game databases in
+ the format. A DOS program for viewing these
+ databases is available.
+ Events/ PGN format data files of events in specific years.
+ 1990/
+ 1993/
+ 1994/
+ MGR/ The MASTER GAME REPOSITORY directory. contains
+ (or soon will) thousands of games in PGN format.
+ Players/ PGN data file of games for specific players:
+ Kasparov, Tal, Fischer, Karpov, Polgar, and
+ others!
+ Tools/ Utilities for PGN data files. Conversion tools
+ and a reader.
+ Tools/ Utility programs for all Databasse formats in the
+ Game-Databases area.
+ ChessAssistent/
+ ChessBase/
+ NicBase/
+ PGN/ This is a link to the directory:
+ Game-Databases/PGN/Tools/
+ HTML/ Hypertext files. For use with Mosaic (WWW)
+ clients. If you don't know what this is, don't
+ worry. It's specific to distributed
+ information over the Internet.
+ ICS_help/ All the help files for the ICS.
+ Macintosh/ Software and data for/related to Macintosh's.
+ NeXT/ Software and data for/related to NeXT computers.
+ PGN/ This is the PGN (Portable Game Notation) project
+ directory tree. It contains utilities for the
+ PGN format (including tools for converting
+ between other formats) and game databases in
+ the format. A DOS program for viewing these
+ databases is available. This is a link to the
+ directory: Game-Databases/PGN/
+ SAN_testsuites/ This is a collection of test positions for testing
+ the problem solving capabilities of chess
+ software. These files are related to the SAN
+ (Standard Algebraic Notation) project, the
+ distribution of which may be obtained in the
+ Unix/ directory. SAN utilities and datafiles
+ use PGN.
+ Unix/ Software and data for/related to Unix OS.
+ X/ Software and data for/related to X-Windows.
+ chessbits/ Archives of the Chessbits Electronic magazine
+ which will probably not come back to life,
+ although an occasional ICS-Newsletter seems to
+ have picked up the slack. These are found in
+ texts/
+ dropoff/ A place to drop things off where no-one but the
+ archive maintainer can get to them. Please
+ accompany anything with a brief note.
+ ics-tourn/ Data and games related to tournaments held on the
+ ICS's.
+ masters/ Collections of games for masters and tournaments
+ in ascii format primarily (some are PGN
+ compatible)
+ matches/
+ WCC_1993/ Games of the World Chess Championships in 1993.
+ Fide men's and women's and the PCA match as well.
+ pictures/ digitized pictures of chess related art and/or
+ chess players both famous and not so famous.
+ projects/ A directory tree for software projects donated to
+ the archive. Not necessarily chess related.
+ metagame/
+ morph/
+ texts/ General texts of materials, analysis and some game
+ scores. A grab-bag of chess related materials.
+ PCA_Qualifiers_1993/
+ uploads/ A directory containing lots of subdirectories for
+ donating materials to the archive. Pick an
+ appropriate directory here for your upload.
+ windows/ Here is where new applications for MSwindows or
+ other brands of windows for the IBM PC reside.
+ This area is new, so many windows applications
+ still are in th DOS directory.
+ xchange/ A place for data/software you want to make
+ available to everyone but which you might not
+ want to place in a 'permanent' area do to it's
+ developmental/experimental nature.
diff --git a/data/help/interfaces b/data/help/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3175913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ It is possible to play chess matches on the server by typing your moves and
+having board positions displayed in a simple style. However, it is also
+possible to use a graphics interface for making moves and displaying board
+positions. A graphics interface is a software program designed to decode the
+information sent to you by FICS and display board information using stylized
+graphics. It also allows you to make moves by moving pieces on its board
+using a mouse.
+ Which graphics interface will work best for you will depend upon the kind
+of computer you are using, and the way you are being connected to the server.
+Many graphics interfaces are available at the main chess ftp site
+(ics.onenet.net). Feel free to ask FICS users about what is working best for
+them, and feel free to examine the files at ics.onenet.net.
+ If you use a graphics interface, you will need to select the board style
+that is most appropriate for your software.
+See Also: set style variables
+List of interfaces
+ Listed in this helpfile are details of graphical interfaces. Often it is
+difficult to play chess using the 'ASCII' boards the server generates. They
+aren't easy to see, and are affected by other information such as shouts. The
+graphical ones give you a proper chess board on which to view your pieces,
+making your chess easier to play.
+Here's a summary:
+Graphical Required Computer Operating Interface Location
+Interface System and Software Program at ICL
+Program Author
+ZIICS # DOS, modem Zek pub/chess/DOS
+GIICS DOS, modem LLama pub/chess/DOS
+Monarc DOS, modem *Kevster pub/chess/DOS
+JIICS DOS, VGA, modem, mouse Peluri pub/chess/DOS
+NGIICS DOS, TCP/IP LLama pub/chess/DOS
+Raja # MS Win3, modem and SLIP/PPP Christian pub/chess/Win3
+Gilchess MS Win3, modem Bloodrake pub/chess/Win3
+bludrake MS Win3, modem Bloodrake pub/chess/Win3
+SLICS # MS Win3, TCP/IP dfong pub/chess/Win3
+Toolkit ## MS Win3, TCP/IP and/or modem MaDHaTteR pub/chess/Win3
+WinBoard WinNT or W95, TCP/IP and/or modem mann pub/chess/Win3
+PMICS OS/2, TCP/IP and/or modem woof pub/chess/DOS
+XBoard # Unix, X11R4, TCP/IP and/or modem mann pub/chess/X
+xics Unix, X11R3 , TCP/IP *observer pub/chess/X
+cics TCP/IP and C, ASCII terminal *observer pub/chess/Unix
+NeXTICS NeXT, TCP/IP and/or modem red pub/chess/NeXT
+MacICS Mac *douglas pub/chess/Macintosh
+E-ICS Mac, Modem *douglas pub/chess/Macintosh
+MacICS-TCP Mac, TCP/IP eew pub/chess/Macintosh
+Aics Amiga, TCP/IP and/or modem Christian pub/chess/Amiga
+AmyBoard Amiga, TCP/IP and/or modem JochenW pub/chess/Amiga
+# Recommended and popular.
+## Not yet working well on FICS.
+* No account on FICS yet.
+Note: The handles of the authors may refer to the handles of people at the
+ old Aics. Certain ones may be different people here or non-existent.
+ Most interfaces should work; both the authors and the FICS programmers
+ would like feedback if you have problems with one here.
+ The listing will explain which interfaces will run on your particular
+set-up and in which directory to find it. It may have comments from the
+users/authors of the interfaces to help you choose.
+ If you have any further questions or trouble please contact an admin.
+Instructions for getting an interface
+ The above graphical interfaces can be found at the anonymous ftp site
+chess.onenet.net (URL: ftp://ftp.onenet.net/) Most come with some
+instructions. :-)
+ Pick one, use ftp (read the "ftp_hints" help file for assistance), Netscape
+or some similar software to access it over the Internet, transfer it to your
+local PC system or workstation via your preferred method (zmodem, kermit for
+most non tcp/ip dialup connections), unpack it (most use standard archival
+software or are self-extracting), and set it up. :-)
+Comments on interfaces
+ This listing will explain the interfaces in a little more detail. Many have
+comments from the users/authors of the interfaces. Also indicated are the
+directories at onenet.net that hold the interfaces.
+ If you have any further questions or trouble please contact an admin.
+PC and compatibles (Using DOS and modem): pub/chess/DOS
+ ZIICS by Zek:
+ A very popular interface for the PC. ZIICS requires a regular modem
+ connection and a graphics adapter (VGA, EGA, CGA or Hercules). In VGA
+ there are several styles of sets from 32 pixels per square to 56 pixels
+ per square (almost fills the screen vertically). You can configure the
+ colors and the functions of the buttons by editing a text file.
+ [comment by Zek]
+ GIICS by LLama:
+ JIICS by Peluri:
+ You will need VGA and a mouse to use this.
+ Monarc by Kevster:
+PC and compatibles (Using DOS and TCP/IP): pub/chess/DOS
+ NGIICS by LLama:
+PC and compatibles (Using Windows and modem): pub/chess/Win3
+ Raja (elephant) by Christian:
+ Works well with Win95. Noticable speed increase (and its not even 32 bit
+ yet!). Tested with 486-DX4-100. [note from Christian]
+ Gilchess by Azorduldu:
+ bludrake by Bloodrake:
+PC and compatibles (Using Windows and TCP/IP): pub/chess/Win3
+ SLICS by dfong:
+ Toolkit by MaDHaTteR:
+ Should work here soon.
+PC and compatibles (Using Windows NT(or 95) and TCP/IP): pub/chess/Win3
+ WinBoard by mann:
+ finger mann for the latest details.
+PC and compatibles (OS/2 PM ): pub/chess/DOS
+ PMICS by woof:
+Unix (Xwindows): pub/chess/X
+ XBoard by mann:
+ Certainly the best of the Unix interfaces and still is being supported to
+ work better at FICS. Owners of Unix machines are well advised to get this
+ interface. It is also suitable for use with GNUchess. [comment by DAV]
+ Finger mann for the latest details.
+ xics by observer:
+Unix (vt100 terminal): pub/chess/Unix
+ cics by observer:
+NeXT: pub/chess/NeXT
+ NeXTICS by red:
+MAC: pub/chess/Macintosh
+ MacICS by douglas:
+MAC (Modem): pub/chess/Macintosh
+ E-ICS by douglas:
+MAC (TCP\IP): pub/chess/Macintosh
+ MacTCP by eew:
+Amiga: pub/chess/Amiga:
+ Aics by Christian:
+ Will work with 2.04 Kickstart and should be compatible with newer
+ versions.
+ AmyBoard by JochenW:
+See also: ftp_hints
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_basics b/data/help/intro_basics
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee698ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_basics
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Here is a summary chart for new users of the server with basic commands you
+may want to use as you start to play chess live on the internet.
+In order to ... Type ...
+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Get assistance or an answer to a question [Step 1] +chan 1
+ [Step 2] tell 1 <text>
+Turn shouts off set shout 0
+Read a help file help file_name
+Select an appropriate graphics interface help interfaces
+Download a graphics interface help ftp_hints
+Talk to just one individual tell user_name <text>
+Challenge a user to a chess match match user_name
+See Also (these other help files): help index intro_welcome intro_talking
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_general b/data/help/intro_general
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef73393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_general
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ The internet has great capabilities for connecting people from all over the
+world. This chess server is one way for networking individuals who enjoy
+chess. Other chess servers (at least those we know about) are listed in the
+"addresses" file. Among other things, a chess server allows users to play
+chess matches against each other, as well as communicate with each other. The
+chess server (computer) is programmed to send players' chess moves and
+messages to the right users. It also keeps track of various information.
+ In order to use the features, you need to type various commands. In
+general, commands do one of four things: (a) help you play a chess match (see
+intro_playing), (b) send a message to one or more users (see intro_talking),
+(c) display information to you (see intro_information), (d) modify one of your
+settings, variables or notes (see intro_settings), or (e) have the server
+perform a special function (see intro_special).
+ Certain commands are restricted to server administrators ("admins") and
+cannot be used by regular users. Some features are only available for
+registered users. Only registered users can have rated chess games, have
+games stored after adjournment, have "finger" notes, and communicate using
+"shout", "kibitz" and "message" (see "intro_talking" help file). If you
+intend to visit the server often, you will enjoy your visit more as a
+registered user. Registration on this server is by email; type "help
+register" to learn the procedure.
+ New users might want to start off with simple features and gradually learn
+about the other functions as they go along. To get a description of a
+particular command, type "help [command]" -- without the square brackets, of
+course. For example, "help match" will give you information about the "match"
+command. NOTE: you do not have to type the entire command in order to use it
+or read its help file; typing the first few letters will work in most cases.
+See Also: addresses adm_info finger intro_basics intro_information
+intro_settings intro_special intro_talking notes register
+[Last modified: September 28, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_information b/data/help/intro_information
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index 0000000..c65e5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_information
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ There are several types of information that are available about users, games
+and the server. You can have this information displayed to you by using
+various commands.
+ command information
+ ------- --------------------------------------------
+ best Displays highest ratings achieved for different types of
+ chess matches (includes computers)
+ finger Displays general information about a user
+ handle Lists registered users with names beginning with a given
+ letter or letters
+ hbest Displays highest ratings achieved for different types of
+ chess matches (excludes computers)
+ history Displays information about a user's recent matches
+ hrank Lists users and ratings within the range of ranks specified
+ (rankings exclude computers)
+ inchannel Lists all users who are listening to a given communication
+ channel
+ rank Lists users and ratings within the range of ranks specified
+ (rankings include computers)
+ stored Lists a user's stored games
+ variables Displays a user's current preferences and settings
+ who Lists current users
+ command information
+ ------- --------------------------------------------
+ allobservers Lists all users observing a chess game (or games)
+ assess Displays how you and another user's ratings would change
+ if you were to play a rated chess match
+ eco Displays information about the opening used in the game
+ games Lists current games
+ command information
+ ------- --------------------------------------------
+ date Current date
+ help Describes a command, displays useful information, or
+ lists all commands and their help file topics alphabetically
+ info Lists all "information" help files for non-commands
+ llogons Lists the last 30 or so logons/logoffs
+ logons Lists the last 10 or so logons for a user
+ news Lists recent news items about the server
+ statistics Displays information about server usage
+ time Displays current time at the server site
+ uptime Displays how long the server has been running since its last
+ startup, and various server statistics and parameters
+ Also, the "totals" help file gives updated information about registered and
+active users on the server.
+See Also: [the individual commands]
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_moving b/data/help/intro_moving
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b156bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_moving
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ Once you have arranged for a match, you begin playing and moving the pieces
+around. There are two ways to make chess moves during a match. Many user's
+have a graphics interface. In this case, the user moves the piece on the
+graphics board using the computer mouse, and the interface software translates
+this move into chess notation and sends the move to the server for processing.
+Read the interfaces information file for a few details about graphics
+ If you don't have a graphics interface, you will need to enter your moves
+using a keyboard. In order to do this, you have to know what kind of chess
+notation the server uses. Chess players use one of two different notational
+systems: descriptive and algebraic. The server understands algebraic. (The
+server also understands a computer version of chess notation; see below.)
+ In algebraic notation, each square has a unique label. Each rank is labeled
+1 to 8, with the rank on White's side being 1. Each file is labeled a to h,
+with the file on White's left side being a. So each square has a file label
+and a rank label, with the file listed first. In algebraic notation, each
+chess piece has its own symbol: k = king; q = queen; b = bishop; n = knight; r
+= rook; p = pawn (though the "p" is not really used).
+ Here is a sample of a match position as displayed in the default style 1.
+For this example, White is at the bottom of the board and Black is at the top.
+Symbols are in capital letters; the * means the piece is Black's.
+ ---------------------------------
+ 8 | | *R| | | *R| | *K| |
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 7 | *P| | | *B| *P| *P| *B| *P|
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 6 | | | | | | *N| *P| |
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 5 | *Q| | | *P| | | B | |
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 4 | | | | | | P | | |
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 3 | | | N | B | P | | | |
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 2 | P | P | | | Q | | P | P |
+ |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---|
+ 1 | | | R | | | R | K | |
+ ---------------------------------
+ a b c d e f g h
+ Black's king (*K) is on the g8 square; White's king (K) is on the g1
+square, and so on. It is Black's move. Suppose Black wants to place the
+knight (*N) on the e4 square. The move to enter in algebraic would be Ne4.
+Moving pawns is simpler; you don't use the "p" for the piece and just give
+the square the pawn is moving to. Suppose Black decides to move the pawn
+(*P) on the h7 square to the h6 square. The move to enter would be h6. In
+many board positions, more than one rook, knight or pawn could move to the
+same square. In this case, you have to indicate which of the two pieces you
+want to move. For example, suppose Black has knights on c2 and e2; they could
+both move to d4. To move the knight on c2 to d4 you could type Ncd4, where
+the "c" serves to tell the server which knight to move.
+ In algebraic notation, captures are usually denoted by "x". Suppose Black
+wants to capture White's b2 pawn (P) with the rook (R) on b8. Black would
+enter the move Rxb2. However, the server would also understand the simple Rb2
+and know that a capture is implied. So, for this server, you can enter the
+square the piece will capture on. To make a castle move, use O-O to castle on
+the king's side and O-O-O to castle on the queen's side.
+ Many computers want very explicit instructions on how to move pieces.
+This "computer" notation has the following format: square_from-square_to
+ For example, in the above board position, moving the Black rook from b8 to
+b2 would be entered b8-b2. Piece symbols are never used; only the squares.
+The server understands computer notation as well.
+ In short, to move a piece during a chess match, enter the move. Each time
+you and your opponent make a move, the server updates the board position and
+sends the new position to both you and your opponent. It's that simple!
+See Also: interfaces style
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_playing b/data/help/intro_playing
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19af703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_playing
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ This chess server's main purpose is to link users who want to play chess.
+Among other things, the server allows you to contact other users about playing
+chess matches, checks to make sure that your moves are legal, keeps track of
+the board position while you play, and updates ratings of players after the
+ The basic way of contacting a user about playing a chess match is by using
+the match command. There is a separate help file for the match command, so we
+will not go into details here. But here is the simplest way to ask another
+user for a match:
+ match user_name
+The other user will be asked to accept or decline your match request. If the
+user accepts, the server will determine who plays White and Black and will
+notify you that a match has begun with that user. The starting position will
+be sent to you, and play will begin.
+ During a chess match, you and your opponent will moves the pieces on the
+board and also issue various commands or requests. The help file
+"intro_moving" explains how to move the pieces on the board. Here is a list
+of other commands and requests you may need to use during a match (remember
+that requests are sent to your opponent, not to the server, and must be
+accepted by your opponent in order to occur):
+ command function
+ ------- --------------------------------------------
+ abort request that a game be canceled
+ adjourn request that the match be stopped, saved and continued at
+ another time
+ draw request that the chess match be declared a draw
+ flag end the match because your opponent is out of time
+ moves have FICS send you the moves to the match you are playing
+ pause request that the match be suspended temporarily, but not
+ adjourned
+ promote set the kind of piece a pawn will be promoted to when it
+ reaches the back rank
+ refresh display the current board position
+ resign give your opponent the win, and end the match
+ say communicate with your current (last) opponent
+ switch request that you and your opponent change sides (colors)
+ takeback request that one or move moves be taken back (canceled)
+ unpause request that a paused match be resumed
+ withdraw cancel a request you have made
+ It is possible to play matches with more than one user simultaneously, much
+like a simultaneous exhibition at many major chess tournaments. If you are
+interested in playing more than one chess game at once, or interested in
+playing against someone with simultaneous matches, read the "simuls" file.
+See Also: accept adjournments decline intro_moving match pending simuls
+[and the individual commands]
+[Last modified: July 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_settings b/data/help/intro_settings
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index 0000000..f8695ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_settings
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ Everyone starts out with certain default values and settings, but you may
+change them if you wish. You change settings using the set command; you can
+view your current settings (or those of another user) using the variables
+ Some settings concern what information the server will transmit to you, such
+as communications from other players and notifications about games starting or
+users logging on/off. Other settings concern chess matches, such as your
+default time controls, whether you will hear a bell when a new board
+position is sent to you, whether you will be sent a list of the moves for your
+game automatically when the game is completed (or adjourned), even the format
+used to send you the board position.
+ By changing these settings, you can create the kind of atmosphere you would
+like to have. You can change these settings at any time, even during a given
+session. For the most part, changes you make to your settings will be saved
+after you log off and you will not need to change the settings each time you
+log on.
+ Your password is also a special setting, although it is never displayed at
+any point. When you register, you are given a logon password. You may change
+your password at any point using the password command.
+ Lastly, it is possible for you to create special aliases to save you from
+typing phrases you use often. Instead of typing the whole phrase, all you
+do is type your alias.
+See Also: alias password set variables
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_special b/data/help/intro_special
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index 0000000..cf76043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_special
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ There are several commands that perform special functions beyond sending
+messages to other users, displaying information, modifying your settings or
+playing in a chess match. Here are some useful ones:
+ command function
+ ------- --------------------------------------------
+ alias to make typing frequently-used phrases easier
+ examine to analyze a game
+ mailmoves mails to you the moves of a user's game
+ mailoldmoves mails to you the moves of a user's last game
+ oldmoves allows you to view a user's last game
+ smoves displays moves of a stored game
+ sposition displays the last position of a stored game
+More functions will be added as time goes on.
+See Also: [the individual commands]
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_talking b/data/help/intro_talking
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index 0000000..32e003b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/intro_talking
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ There are several commands you could use for communicating with other users.
+Here is a list, followed by some comparisons.
+ command function
+ -------- --------------------------------------------
+ +channel Listen to tells sent to a given channel (-channel to leave a
+ chanel)
+ cshout Talk to all users who are open to shouts; message must be
+ about chess
+ it Special kind of shout
+ kibitz Talk to all players and observers of a specific chess game
+ message Send a user a message to be stored, even if the user is not
+ logged on at that time
+ ptell Talk to your bughouse partner
+ say Talk to the user you are playing chess with (or have just
+ played a game with)
+ shout Talk to all users who are open to shouts
+ tell Talk to one user, or users on one channel
+ whisper Talk to all observers of a specific chess game
+ xtell Talk to one user, but allow for a continuing conversation
+ with another user
+ In general, "message" works like an answering machine, " ptell", "tell" and
+"say" are like normal one-to-one conversations, "shout", "cshout", "it" and
+"tell <channel>" are for group talks, and "kibitz" and "whisper" are for
+commenting on a chess match you are observing. Channel 1 is the server help
+channel (see the chan_1 help file).
+ In general, you will receive every message sent to all users, to users on
+channels you are listening to, and to you personally. However, you can decide
+not to be open to certain kinds of communications. The "shout" and "tell"
+variables can be set to limit what you will hear (read the intro_settings help
+file). You can also decide not to hear anything from a given user (the
+"censor" command).
+ The "message" command is used to send a message to a user and have it
+stored. This command can also be used to read (and re-read) old messages that
+have been sent to you as well as old messages you have sent to other users.
+The "clear" command is used to erase old messages you have received.
+(a) At times, a lot of messages from various users will come across your
+screen. To help you notice when a user has sent a message or request to you
+personally (rather than to all users on the server), you can set the highlight
+variable to to make them readily apparent (see highlight).
+(b) Unregistered users (guests) are limited to the "tell" and "xtell"
+(c) Please observe chess server etiquette guidelines when using these
+See Also: chan_1 etiquette highlight intro_playing intro_settings
+shout_abuse [and the individual commands of course]
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/intro_welcome b/data/help/intro_welcome
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index 0000000..37ecfba
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+++ b/data/help/intro_welcome
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ W E L C O M E
+ to the
+ F R E E I N T E R N E T C H E S S S E R V E R (FICS)
+ *** If you are new here and would like to register, ***
+ *** type "help register" to learn about the process. ***
+ We have created several introductory files for users of this chess server.
+The files describe different features of the server and give you some
+suggestions on how these features can help you enjoy internet chess. Here is
+a directory of the introductory files and what topics each file covers:
+ Introductory File Topics Covered
+ ----------------- -------------------------------------
+ intro_basics Basic commands; enough to get started
+ intro_general General information
+ intro_information Displaying information
+ intro_moving Making moves in a chess match
+ intro_playing Playing in chess matches
+ intro_settings Setting your preferences
+ intro_special Special functions
+ intro_talking Communicating to other users
+ register How to register on the server
+ In order to read information from one of these files (or any other help
+file), simply type "help file_name" using the appropriate file_name.
+ If you have questions after reading a file, there are several things you can
+do. (1) Read the help file for a command you have a question about; your
+answer might be there. Also, help files usually suggest related files you may
+want to read ("See Also"). (2) Contact users, especially administrators of
+the server (known as "admins"); they are very helpful. Users on channel 1 are
+also a great help (see the "chan_1" help file). in order to learn how to
+communicate, type "help intro_talking". Registration on this server is by
+email; type "help register" to learn the procedure.
+ Your suggestions about the introductory files (and help files, too) are
+welcome. Feel free to "message helpfiles" with your comments.
+See Also: adm_info chan_1 help intro_general intro_talking next
+[Last modified: September 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/it b/data/help/it
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index 0000000..2f62d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/it
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Usage: it message
+ This command sends a message to all persons open to hear shouts. "It" is
+similar to "shout" in that regard. However, with "it" your chess server name
+(or "handle") is always the first word of the message. Also, the "it" message
+may be preceded by various symbols depending on the chess server being used.
+The symbol string --> is typical. This command has two aliases: "i" and ":".
+ Here is an example: if your handle is HANDEL and you type "it thinks FICS
+is great!", users will see the following message displayed --
+ --> HANDEL thinks this server is great!
+You, as the sender, will see the following --
+ (##) HANDEL thinks this server is great!
+where ## is the number of users who received the message.
+ (a) Use "cshout" rather than "it" for chess-related messages.
+ (b) To contact just one user, use "tell".
+ (c) If you want to contact a specific group of users, "tell" to a channel.
+ (d) "It" and "shout" are similar. Be familiar with their differences.
+ (e) Persons who "it" too much, or in less than appropriate ways, may be
+placed on the shout_abuse list. Users on this list may only "shout" a certain
+number of times per minute. To see whether you are on the shout_abuse list,
+or when you are permitted to "it" again, type "it" alone without a message.
+Excessive abuse can lead to heavier restrictions.
+ (f) You can decide whether or not to hear an "it" from other users; setting
+the "shout" variable to 0 (zero) filters these from being sent to you.
+See Also: alias channel channel_list cshout intro_talking shout
+shout_abuse shout_quota tell variables
+[Last modified: December 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/journal b/data/help/journal
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index 0000000..faf6e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/journal
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ The journal feature is a way to save games as long as you want to. History
+games, remember, get overwritten as you play more games; only the most recent
+games are saved. The journal feature allows you to save games for a longer
+period of time.
+ The journal file for most players has 26 available slots. These slots are
+denoted by the single letters from A to Z. Games in your journal are referred
+to by their letters.
+ There are two things you need to know in order to make this feature work for
+you: (i) how to save a game to your journal, and (ii) how to review a game
+from your journal.
+ The "jsave" command is used to save games to your journal. Please refer to
+that help file for details
+ To read the contents of a journal, type:
+ journal [user_name]
+If the user_name is omitted, then the contents of your journal will be
+ There are several commands you can use in order to display information about
+an individual game: (a) examine; (b) smoves; and (c) mailstored. See those
+help files for further details.
+ It is possible to hide your journal from other users (except admins) by
+using the 'jprivate' variable:
+ set jprivate 1 --- hides your journal
+ set jprivate 0 --- allows others to access your journal
+See also: examine history jsave mailstored smoves variables
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/jsave b/data/help/jsave
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index 0000000..78623ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/jsave
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Usage: jsave [slot] [user_name] [gamenumber]
+ This command is used to save games to your journal (see the "journal" help
+file). You can save games from a "history" file or from another journal.
+To save from a "history" file
+ The general format is: jsave slot user_name game_number. For example:
+ jsave A Friar 3
+ where 'A' is your journal slot; 'Friar' is the handle of the player whose
+ game you want to save -- whether it is your handle or the handle of another
+ player; and '3' is the number of the game from that player's 'history' file.
+To save from another journal
+ The general format is: jsave slot user_name slot. For example:
+ jsave B Rattlesnake A
+ where 'B' is your journal slot, 'Rattlesnake' is the handle of the player
+ whose journal game you want to transfer to your journal; 'A' is that
+ player's journal slot for that game.
+Using this journal-transfer feature, you can also relabel your own journal
+entries. For example:
+ jsave A your_handle D
+will take the journal game in slot 'D' and copy it to journal slot 'A'. At
+the moment, it is not possible to delete a slot (except by overwritting); that
+capability will be added in the future.
+See also: history journal
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/kibitz b/data/help/kibitz
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index 0000000..3654d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/kibitz
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Usage: kibitz message
+ Sends your message to all observers AND PLAYERS of a game, with these
+exceptions: (a) users with their kibitz variables set to 0 (off), and (b)
+users who have set a kiblevel. You must be observing or playing a game in
+order to use this command. The standard alias for kibitz is "*".
+ In order to listen to kibitzes, you must have your kibitz variable on ("set
+kibitz 1"). If you want to listen to kibitzes only from players of a given
+chess ability or higher, use the kiblevel variable.
+ When a kibitz is displayed, the kibitzer's rating will be shown (the higher
+of blitz and standard will be used). However, (a) if the kibitzer has a chess
+master title (GM, IM, FM, NM), this title will be displayed instead of the
+rating; (b) if the kibitzer is an admin on duty, a '*' will be displayed.
+(a) It is considered bad manners to discuss the game with other observers by
+using kibitz because doing so might assist the players. Instead, use
+"whisper" in order to discuss a game you and others are observing without
+interfering with the play of the game.
+(b) If you are observing more than one game at once, using kibitz can be
+tricky. It is possible for the kibitzed message to be sent to another game,
+if the game being observed changes suddenly.
+See Also: intro_talking kiblevel observe set variable whisper
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/kiblevel b/data/help/kiblevel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1ec49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/kiblevel
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Usage: set kiblevel rating
+ When many users are observing and commenting on a game, the kibitzes and
+whispers can be so numerous that following the commentary can be difficult.
+This problem is especially true for special events, such as World Chess
+Championship games. There was therefore a need to cut down on the amount of
+kibitzes and whispers a person might want to receive. A kibitz filter,
+"kiblevel", was created in answer to this problem.
+ What the kiblevel variable does is limit the kibitzes and whispers you will
+hear to only users with a certain ability (either a given chess server rating
+or chess master title -- GM, IM, FM, NM). You establish the kiblevel filter
+by using the kiblevel variable and the "set" command. Here are the
+possibilities for kiblevel settings, and their results:
+ ------------------ ------------------------------------------------
+ set kiblevel 9999 Hear kibitzes/whispers only from titled users
+ set kiblevel 2000 Hear kibitzes/whispers from titled users and users
+ with ratings of 2000 or higher
+ set kiblevel 0 Hear all kibitzes/whispers
+In terms of a user's rating, the highest rating of blitz/standard is chosen.
+ If you want to filter ALL kibitzes, use the "kibitz" variable setting
+instead and type "set kibitz 0".
+ Because problems with kibitz/whisper volume only on certain occasions, your
+kiblevel variable is reset back to 0 each time you log in. That way, regular
+games will not be affected by your forgetting to set kiblevel back to a more
+suitable level.
+(a) Kibitzes made by server admins who are "on duty" (and have their admin
+flag shown, namely a '*' in 'who' listings) are not filtered by this command
+in order to allow for necessary communication in special circumstances.
+See Also: kibitz set variable whisper
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/lag b/data/help/lag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf67996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/lag
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ Games over the internet are affected by lag -- the time it takes for the
+electronic transmission of moves and game positions. As a result, some of
+your clock time in a chess match is used up by lag time rather than thinking
+ There are many ways for you to get around this problem with transmission
+ (a) Play games with a higher increment per move and, in general, longer
+ time controls in general.
+ (b) Play unrated games for a while until the lag problem seems to have
+ improved.
+ (c) Tell your opponent about your lag. In response, your opponent might
+ do one of several things:
+ (i) Give you more time occasionally.
+ (ii) Turn autoflag off (if they have that feature), or at least
+ decide not to flag you as soon as your time hits 0:00.
+ (iii) Agree to abort your game, and cancel it.
+ (iv) Agree to adjourn your game, and continue it later.
+ (v) Ignore your information and play on as usual (your opponent is
+ under no obligation to give you a break because of lag).
+ (d) Use the "timeseal" program if it works for your computer system and
+ configuration. Using timeseal, your clock is not deducted for lag
+ time, just thinking time. Read the "timeseal" help file for details.
+NOTE: It is not unethical for someone to flag you when you have lag.
+See Also: abort flag match moretime timeseal
+[Last modified: September 19, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/lecture1 b/data/help/lecture1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d1da85
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+++ b/data/help/lecture1
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ The Modern Defence
+ by GM Nigel Davies
+ It was in the late 1970s that I first made the
+ aquaintance of this provocative counter-attacking defence.
+ Under the influence of Raymond Keene, a great many British
+ players were playing it around that time and I decided to
+ jump on the bandwagon. Later on it proved quite difficult to
+ jump off again and play more classical openings, but then
+ that's another story.
+ With his first two moves, 1...g6 and 2...Bg7 Black makes
+ no attempt whatsoever to follow the tried and trusted
+ classical precept of occupying the center. Instead he calmly
+ fianchettoes a bishop and argues the he can attend to things
+ like development later in the game.
+ Some practitioners of the Modern (Colin McNab and David
+ Norwood for example) like to try and close the position up
+ with ...c6 and possible ...d5. But I have my own
+ interpretation involving a fierce counterattack against the
+ d4 square.
+ Above all I want that bishop on g7 to breathe fire, to
+ strike terror along the h8-a1 diagonal. Sometimes I play
+ ...c7-c5, sometimes ...e7-e5, but always something against
+ the d4 square and with that long diagonal in mind.
+ There isn't enough time to show all the ins and outs of
+ this defence, but the following games show my interpretation
+ in action against a variety of White set-ups and how this
+ opening has served me faithfully in some critical games.
+ Amongst my victims with this opening are the likes of Bent
+ Larsen and Viswanathan Anand, but on this occasion I'll show
+ you the real crushes!
+ The first game was played in the last round of the
+ student team Championships in Graz 1981 in which the England
+ team was going for the silver medal....
+ Polajzer-Davies
+ Student Team Ch., Graz (Austria), 1981
+ 1.d4 g6 2.c4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.e4
+ According to the late Mikhail Botvinnik, setting up the
+ pawns on d4, c4 and e4 is the strongest answer to the Modern
+ Defence. I have usually preferred my `stock' recipe; a
+ counterattack against the d4 square.
+ 4...Nc6! 5.Be3 e5! 6.d5 Nce7
+ Reaching a kind of King's Indian Defence in which the
+ fact that Black's knight has not been developed on f6 yet
+ means that he can sometimes play ...f7-f5 before bringing it
+ out. White takes immediate measures against this.
+ 7.g4 c5 8.h4 Nf6 9.g5 Nh5 10.Be2 Nf4 11.Bf3 0-0 12.Nge2 f5
+ 13.Qd2 Qa5 14.0-0-0 Rb8!!
+ One of the best moves I have ever played. The idea,
+ should White play quietly now, is to prise open the
+ queenside with ....b5 followed by ....a6. And there are
+ other points should White capture on f4.
+ 15.Nxf4 exf4 16.Bxf4 fxe4 17.Bxd6
+ The line which most beautifully illustrates the power of
+ 14...Rb8 is 17.Bxe4 Bxc3 18.bxc3 Rxf4 19.Qxf4 Qxc3+ 20.Kb1
+ (or 20.Bc2 Bf5 21.Rd2 Qa1+) and now 20...b5, opening up the
+ b-file. White, by the way, loses a piece after 17.Nxe4
+ Qxd2+.
+ 17...Rxf3! 18.Bxb8 Rxc3+! 19.Kb1
+ Or 19.bxc3 Bxc3 20.Qc2 Qa3+ 21.Kb1 Bf5 followed by
+ 22...e3.
+ 19...e3 20.fxe3 Bf5+ 21.Ka1 Rc2! 0-1
+ White lost on time by he could equally have resigned.
+ 22.Qxa5 is met by 22...Bxb2+ 23.Kb1 Rd2+ followed by mate.
+ I still count this as my most artistic miniature.
+ This next game was one of the wins which earned my first
+ Grandmaster norm in Oslo 1988. After a few careless moves in
+ the opening Black develops a murderous attack. White, by the
+ way, is not a patzer. These days he has a rating of around
+ 2500 and is on the verge of becoming a GM.
+ Gausel,E-Davies,N
+ Oslo, 1988
+ 1.d4 d6 2.e4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.Bc4 Nc6 5.Be3 Nf6 6.h3
+ Preventing 6...Ng4 but losing time for development.
+ 6...e5 7.dxe5 Nxe5 8.Bb3 0-0 9.Qd2 b5!
+ White's neglect of development allows Black to take the
+ initiative.
+ 10.f3 b4 11.Nd5 Nxd5 12.Bxd5 c6 13.Bb3 a5 14.a4 d5
+ Blasting open the center before White has got his cing
+ safe. If he had now tried to remedy this with 15.0-0-0
+ there would follow 15...Qf6 and after 16.Bd4 there is
+ 16...c5!, distracting the bishop from the defence of b2.
+ 15.exd5 Nc4! 16.Bxc4 Bxb2!
+ Suddenly White is in desperate trouble; the threats
+ include 17...Bxa1 and 17...Bc3, not to mention 17...Qh4+.
+ 17.Ne2 Qh4+
+ Even stronger than capturing the rook on a1, as that will
+ remain a threat.
+ 18.Bf2 Qxc4 19.Rb1 Bc3 20.Nxc3 bxc3 21.Qd3 Re8+ 22.Kd1 Qa2!
+ 23.Rc1 Ba6 24.Qxc3 Qxd5+ 25.Qd2 Rad8! 0-1
+ The final position shows the true extent of White's
+ misery.
+ Engedal,N-Davies N
+ Gausdal Peer-Gynt , 1990
+ 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.f4 Nc6
+ I was later to abandon this move after Dragan Velimirovic
+ answered it with 5.Bb5 in a tournament in Vrnjacka Banja in
+ 1991. Since then I have answered the Austrian Attack (4.f4)
+ with 4...e6 followed by ...Ne7, ...Nd7, ...b6 and ...Bb7,
+ obtaining a similar set-up to the game.
+ 5.Be3 Nf6 6.Nf3 e6 7.Be2 0-0 8.0-0 Ne7 9.Nd2 b6 10.a4 a6
+ 11.Qe1 c5
+ Black's usual way of challenging White's set-up from this
+ structure. Here it proves especially effective because White
+ has plalyed the rather artificial 9.Nd2.
+ 12.Qf2 Bb7 13.Bf3 Qc7 14.a5 cxd4 15.Bxd4 b5 16.Bb6 Qc8
+ 17.Rac1 Nd7 18.Bd4
+ 18.Be3 was better, as now Black rips apart what is left
+ of White's center.
+ 18...e5 19.Be3 f5!
+ The opening of the position proves good for Black as his
+ pieces are better placed. Note that White's king also proves
+ weak, a consequence of 4.f4!
+ 20.g3 exf4 21.gxf4 b4 22.Nd1 Nf6 23.Qg2 fxe4 24.Nxe4 Nxe4
+ 25.Bxe4 Bxe4 26.Qxe4 Qg4+ 27.Kh1
+ 27.Qg2 Qf5 would also have been unpleasant for White.
+ 27...Nf5 28.Qxb4
+ A suicidal pawn snatch but it is already rather difficult
+ to give White good advice.
+ 28...Ng3+! 29.Kg1
+ Taking the knight allows 29...Qh3+ followed by 30...Qg3+
+ and 31...Rf5.
+ 29...Nxf1+ 30.Kxf1 Qf3+ 31.Kg1 Rae8 32.Qd2 Rxf4! 0-1
+ White has had enough. 33.Bxf4 is answered by 33...Re2
+ threatening both mate and the queen.
+ For a period of about 10 years I played nothing but the
+ Modern, but in the late 1980s I started to branch out into
+ other openings. Even eating caviar every day can become
+ boring.
+ Yet faced with the prospect of having to win my last
+ round game for a GM norm in a tournament in Budapest, I
+ could hardly answer 1.e4 with 1...e5, after which I would
+ get a boring Four Knights or Ruy Lopez. The only chance was
+ the Modern Defence, and this was it's finest hour.
+ Godena,M-Davies,N
+ First Saturday Tournament, Budapest, May 1993
+ 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.Nge2
+ The safe way of introducing the fianchetto line for
+ White, as after the immediate 4.g3 there is 4...Nc6 and if
+ 5.Nge2 then 5...Bg4. After the text move I either play the
+ immediate 4...Nc6, or sometimes 4...a6 5.a4 Nc6.
+ 4...Nc6 5.Be3 Nf6 6.h3 e5 7.dxe5 Nxe5 8.Ng3 0-0
+ The safe way to play it would have been 8...Be6 9.Qd2
+ Nc4, but given that I had to win this game I was not afraid
+ of danger.
+ 9.Qd2 Re8 10.0-0-0 b5!?
+ A pawn for an open file - not a bad deal with opposite
+ wing castling. If White doesn't capture Black gets the c4
+ square for his knight on e5.
+ 11.Bxb5 Bd7 12.Be2
+ After 12.f4 my opponent didn't like the look of 12...Bxb5
+ 13.fxe5 Rxe5 14.Bd4 Qe7, which he felt gave me good
+ compensation for the sacrificed exchange. In the post mortem
+ we looked at 12.Ba6!? but then 12...Be6 wasn't clear.
+ 12.... Qb8 13.f4 Nc6 14.Bf3 Qb4
+ Preparing to move a rook to b8 and threaten mate on b2.
+ 15.a3 Qb7 16.e5 Rab8 17.b3
+ An alternative way to defend b2 was with 17.Na4, but
+ then Black has 17...dxe5 18.fxe5 Qb5! 19.exf6 Bxf6 20.b3
+ Rxe3 21.Qxd7 Bg5 and if 22.Kb1 then 22...Rxb3+.
+ 17...dxe5 18.fxe5 Rxe5 19.Nge4 Qa6!
+ It is less good to play this move after a preliminary
+ exchange of knights on e4. Thus 19...Nxe4 20.Nxe4 Qa6 can by
+ met by 21.a4 after which White's defences hold.
+ 20.a4?
+ The decisive mistake. White should take this opportunity
+ to exchange on f6, as for the time being Black is forced to
+ recapture with the bishop. After Black's next move it
+ becomes possible to take back on f6 with the queen.
+ 20...Na5! 21.Nxf6+ Qxf6!
+ The point, after which the latent threats along the long
+ h8-a1 diagonal prove decisive. Perhaps White thought that
+ his next move made the capture with the queen impossible,
+ but a serious disappointment is waiting.
+ 22.Bd4 Qd6!
+ Ouch! Only now did he see that the intended capture of my
+ rook on e5 is met by 23...Qa3+ followed by 24...Nxb3.
+ 23.Nb1 Rxb3!
+ KAPOW! White must kiss his castled position goodbye.
+ 24.Bxe5 Qb6! 0-1
+ White has had enough. The threat is 25...Rb1+, the rook
+ is immune to capture because of the knight fork picking up
+ White's queen and after 25.Nc3 there is either 25...Nc4 or
+ 25...Ra3, depending on Black's mood.
+ This event was brought to you by Warwick chess club (England)
diff --git a/data/help/lightning b/data/help/lightning
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11dde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/lightning
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ There are four types of regular (not wild or bughouse) chess played on this
+chess server: Untimed, Lightning, Blitz and Standard.
+ A game is "Lightning" if the expected duration of the game is 3 minutes or
+less per player. "Expected duration" is determined by a formula that takes
+into account both the Start time and the Increment (Inc) value. Here is the
+ Expected duration = (Start + Inc*2/3)
+ The following table shows the slowest Lightning and fastest Blitz time
+controls, the dividing line if you will between those two types of matches.
+ Slowest Lightning Fastest Blitz
+ ------------------------------------
+ Mins Incr Mins Incr
+ ------------------------------------
+ 0 4 0 5
+ 1 2 1 3
+ 2 1 2 2
+ -------- 3 0
+ As you can see, Lightning chess is very quick!
+ You can list logged on users according to their lightning ratings by typing
+"who L". "Lightning" is also a variable that can be used in formulas in order
+to screen match requests.
+See Also: blitz formula match standard untimed who
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/limits b/data/help/limits
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84ad700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/limits
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: limits
+ "Limits" displays the various server limits currently in effect. These
+include MAXIMUM numbers of players, channels, channels you can be in, persons
+on your notify list, your aliases, games you are observing, requests pending
+for you, people on your censor list, persons in a simul game, size of your
+journal, and messages you can retain. Also, the minimum number of games you
+need in order to be considered active, and the shout quota.
+See Also: [the various commands and features]
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/lists b/data/help/lists
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77a411c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/lists
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ The server maintains several lists in order to conduct its business. You
+can use +/-/= to change and view the various lists.
+Examples (using the aliases):
+ +listname member (Add member to listname -- addlist)
+ -listname member (Remove member from listname -- sublist)
+ =listname (View the members of listname -- showlist)
+ = (View the names of all lists and their status
+ -- showlist)
+Certain lists can only be modified by an admin. Other lists are for admin
+viewing only. See showlist help file for details.
+See Also: addlist admin showlist sublist
+[Last modified: September 2, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/llogons b/data/help/llogons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5eeba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/llogons
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Usage: llogons
+ Shows the last 30 or so logons and logoffs for the server.
+See Also: logons
+[Last modified: October 9, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/login b/data/help/login
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8c56b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/login
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../messages/login \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/help/logons b/data/help/logons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e96d9a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/logons
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: logons [user]
+ Shows the last 10 or so logons for the given user. Displayed will be the
+date, time and IP address for your connection. Example: "logons Mozart". If
+"user" is omitted then your last logons are displayed.
+See Also: llogons
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/logout b/data/help/logout
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..a327338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/logout
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../messages/logout \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/help/mailhelp b/data/help/mailhelp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387de6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mailhelp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: mailhelp [filename]
+ Mails a specified helpfile to your e-mail address. If no filename is
+specified, a list of available help files is given.
+See Also: register
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/mailmess b/data/help/mailmess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2966cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mailmess
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ There are two ways to have your messages mailed to you: (a) all messages
+currently stored for you sent as a group, and (b) automatically each time a
+message arrives. The first method uses a command; the second method uses a
+variable setting. REMINDER: only registered users can have stored messages.
+ Use the "mailmess" command to send to you at your e-mail address the
+messages currently being stored for you. In this way you can archive the
+messages on your own computer and then clear the message buffer on the chess
+server. A reduced message buffer makes new messages easier to identify and
+read. (You may want to clear unwanted messages first, then mailmes.)
+ When the "mailmess" variable is set to 1, each message you receive from a
+user will be automatically e-mailed to you at your email address.
+See Also: clearmessages messages register set variables
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/mailmoves b/data/help/mailmoves
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c506f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mailmoves
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: mailmoves
+ Mails to you at to your email address the moves to the game you are playing
+or examining.
+NOTE: This command concerns games in progress, not games that have been
+completed. For completed games, use "mailstored".
+See Also: mailstored smoves
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/mailoldmoves b/data/help/mailoldmoves
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2f8d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mailoldmoves
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+SPECIAL NOTE: This command has been superceded by an enhanced "mailstored"
+command. Please refer to that help file.
+Usage: mailoldmoves [user]
+ Mails to you at to your email address the moves of the last game played
+by "user" or, if "user" is omitted, of yourself. Here are the two cases:
+ mailoldmoves -- mails the moves of the game you last played
+ mailoldmoves User -- mails the moves of the game last played by User
+NOTE: At present, both players of the game in question must be logged on in
+order for the stored game to be access and mailed to you. We hope to expand
+the mail feature in the future.
+See Also: mailstored smoves
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/mailsource b/data/help/mailsource
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfed3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mailsource
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: mailsource [filename]
+ Mails a specified sourcecode file to your e-mail address. If no filename is
+specified, a list of available filenames is given. This command can only be
+used by registered users. For ftp information, see the "sourcecode" help
+See Also: register sourcecode
+[Last modified: November 6, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/mailstored b/data/help/mailstored
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66eb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mailstored
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Usage: mailstored player1 {#, player2, journal_slot}
+ Mails to you at your email address the moves of player1's game, either game
+# from player1's "history" table, the "stored" (adjourned) game between
+player1 and player2, or the game from the user's journal.
+ Examples:
+ mailstored Hawk 65
+ mailstored Hawk DAV
+ mailstored Hawk K
+ Other useful commands: "examine" helps you review the game; "smoves"
+displays the moves; "sposition" displays current game position.
+See Also: examine history journal smoves sposition stored
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/match b/data/help/match
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575fed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/match
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Usage: match user [rated|unrated] [Start] [Inc] [Black_Start Black_Inc]
+[White|Black] [board_category board]
+ This command allows you to challenge a given user to a game of chess. To
+challenge USER to a match, type "match USER". The type of match being offered
+depends on (a) your variable settings (preferences) and (b) information you
+give in the match request. USER will need to accept or decline the challenge.
+You can cancel a challenge you have made using the "withdraw" command.
+ You can specify the parameters for the match. If no parameters are
+specified, (a) the challenger's variable settings for "rated|unrated", "Start"
+and "Inc" will be used (see "variables"), (b) the clock times will be the same
+for both players, (c) the colors will be chosen by the server, and (d) the
+board_category will be standard. Here are details about each variable of the
+match command.
+RATED|UNRATED -- Sets whether the match will be rated or unrated. If
+undesignated, the challenger's variable setting for "Rated" will be used. If
+designated, it will override the challenger's "Rated" setting. Example:
+"match user rated".
+START and INC -- Determine the clock variables for the match, where Start is
+in minutes and Inc is in seconds. If only 'Start' is given then 'Inc' is
+assumed to be zero (example, "match user 5"). If values are given for Black
+then the challenger will play the White side (example, "match user 5 0 5 0");
+otherwise the side will be chosen "fairly".
+WHITE|BLACK -- If a color is given, White or Black (w/b), that will be the
+color of the challenger (example, "match user w").
+BOARD_CATEGORY BOARD -- These two parameters must be used together. They
+specify a particular starting position for the game. These parameters can
+only be included when all of the other parameters have also been given. If a
+particular starting position is not supplied, then "standard" and "standard"
+are used (that is, the "regular" starting position for pieces will be used
+with no particular opening). (See the "boards" help file for the categories.)
+match red
+ Challenges user "red" to a match using your default values for Rated, Start
+ and Inc.
+match red 5
+ Challenges user "red" to a match with Start = 5 and Inc = 0 using your
+ default value for Rated.
+match red 30 30 u
+ Challenges user "red" to an unrated match using a 30 minute Start time and
+ 30 second Increments per move ("match red 30 30 0 0" would give the same
+ result.)
+match red 30 0 15 0 w
+ Challenges user "red" to a non-standard, time-odds match with the challenger
+ playing White and "red" playing Black. White will Start with 30 minutes on
+ the clock, and Black will Start with 15 minutes (note that all four values
+ for the time controls must be given for a match with time odds).
+match red 2 12 0 0 openings ruy-lopez
+ Challenges user "red" to a match using the ruy-lopez opening position.
+ (Note that to start from a given board, you must give all four time control
+ values; in this example, you may NOT omit the two zeros.)
+match red 2 12 0 0 wild 3
+ Challenges user "red" to a match using the wild 3 starting position.
+ (Again, all four time control values must be given.)
+match red 5 12 bughouse
+ Challenges user "red" to a bughouse match, once the bughouse teams have been
+ arranged. The word "wild" does not need to be used.
+(a) COUNTER OFFERS: If you receive a match request from a user and you
+request a match with different time controls, then in essence you (a) decline
+the first request but (b) make a request of your own. If your counter request
+has the same time controls, a game will begin.
+(b) RESUMING ADJOURNED GAMES: Use the "match" command to resume an adjourned
+game. Resuming an adjourned game takes precedence over starting a new game.
+The match request, of course, can be declined by your opponent. Adjudications
+of adjourned games are possible.
+users can be filtered by using a formula. If a request fails to meet your
+formula, it is declined automatically for you. Also, you will not receive
+challenges from users on your "censor" list.
+(d) ALIASES: Using aliases can make it easier to challenge other players to
+(e) EXAMINE MODE: Matching yourself ("match your_handle") is a way to enter
+examine mode.
+(f) MATCH TYPE: It is not possible to request a type of match directly, such
+as "match user blitz". How a match is classified depends upon both the Start
+time and the Inc time. An equation is used to determine whether a match will
+be blitz or standard (see the "blitz" help file). You can, however, request a
+bughouse match directly.
+(g) NOPLAY LIST: If you do not want to receive match requests from a
+particular user, place that person on your "noplay" list.
+See Also: accept adjourn adjudicate alias blitz boards bughouse censor
+decline examine formula intro_playing noplay variables [rated, start,
+inc, etc.] withdraw
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/messages b/data/help/messages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c19f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/messages
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Usage: messages [user [text]]
+ This command can do one of four things:
+ 1) "Messages" used alone will display all of the stored messages that have
+ been sent to you.
+ 2) "Messages user" will display all stored messages from you to that user
+ and from that user to you.
+ 3) "Messages #" will display the message numbered # in your list.
+ 4) "Messages user text" will send "text" to the user. When you "message"
+ another user, the text of your "message" will be displayed to you for
+ confirmation. If that user is on, he/she will see the message
+ displayed. If the user is not on, he/she will need to use "message" in
+ order to read it.
+ Messages will be stored until they are cleared by the recipient. In
+contrast, "tell"s are not stored. When users log on, they are notified if
+they have any stored messages and (if so) how many they have.
+See Also: clearmessages tell
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/mexamine b/data/help/mexamine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d9266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/mexamine
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: mexamine user
+ This command is used by a person examining a game in order to allow other
+users to move the pieces and execute commands in examine mode. The user must
+first be observing the game in order for "mexamine" to work. Here are the
+steps: (1) enter examine mode, (2) have another user "observe" that game, (3)
+"mexamine that_user".
+NOTE: As long as there is at least one examiner, the game continues even if
+the first examiner leaves that game.
+See Also: examine observe
+[Last modified: September 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/moretime b/data/help/moretime
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96088b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/moretime
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Usage: moretime seconds
+ Adds extra time (in seconds) to your opponent's clock when you are playing a
+game. Maximum time you can add -- 600 seconds (if you try to add more than
+600 seconds, only 600 will be added).
+ In essence, using the moretime command means that you don't want your
+opponent to worry so much about the time remaining on his/her clock, about
+being flagged, and so on. It is a useful command to use when your opponent
+mentions a problem with transmission lags and you are using an interface
+with the autoflag feature on. You are under no obligation to give your
+opponent more time, of course.
+ If you need more time, you can always ask your opponent to add time to your
+clock -- depending on the circumstances and their mood, they might grant your
+request. But if you find that you frequently need more time when you play,
+consider playing with longer time controls.
+See Also: abort flag match
+[Last modified: June 11, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/motd b/data/help/motd
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..708b721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/motd
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../messages/motd \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/help/motd_help b/data/help/motd_help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e59d6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/motd_help
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ The "motd" information help file -- Message Of The Day -- contains news
+items and other announcements that are displayed when you logon. You can read
+these by typing "help motd". Other news items are on the "news" bulletin
+See Also: news
+[Last modified: June 12, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/moves b/data/help/moves
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a7d287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/moves
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: moves [game,user]
+ Displays the moves to the specified game. If a game is not specified, moves
+to the game you are playing will be displayed. Command applies only to games
+in progress, not to stored games.
+See Also: mailstored smoves
+[Last modified: September 14, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/newrating b/data/help/newrating
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..993742a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/newrating
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ We are proud to introduce you to our completely new rating system!
+ --> The Glicko system (developed by Mark E. Glickman) <--
+ --> Assistance/corrections by Dmitry Dakhnovsky <--
+ --> Implemented to FICS by Vek and Hawk <--
+As you all know, we had a seriously defective rating system, but that
+is now changed after two weeks of hard work.
+The previous ratings were bogus and therefore we had to delete them,
+and in order to treat all players equally - we have given them the
+following two choices:
+(1) Transfer their ratings and/or stats from ICC. This can be done by
+ leaving me a message FROM ICC (NOTE: I'm called "HawkII"
+ there). This will disable any chance of cheating. Just mention your
+ FICS handle in your message to me.
+(2) Some may not want to have their rating transfered from ICC or
+ maybe they dont even have a rating there, then the option is simple:
+ the rating will be reset.
+This offer was first published around the 28th of March and will be
+available until the 16th of April. (maybe longer)
+Every request for ratings transfers must be emailed to me (Hawk) and
+my address is "u940456@daimi.aau.dk". Please use subject line:
+"Request for ratings transfer" and in the body of the message tell
+me your handle on ICC and FICS. (also remember to message me from ICC
+so that I can verify that you are the person you claim to be. NOTE:
+My handle on ICC is "HawkII" )
+See Also: glicko, motd
diff --git a/data/help/news b/data/help/news
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0021ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/news
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: news [#,all]
+ The command "news" alone will display the last 10 news items posted to the
+chess server bulletin board, "news #" will display news item #, and "news all"
+will display all news items in the news index. Also, news items and other
+announcements that are part of the opening text when you logon are in the
+"motd" help file (for an explanation of the "motd" information, read the
+"motd_help" help file).
+See Also: motd_help
+[Last modified: August 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/newstuff b/data/help/newstuff
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6cfbd41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/newstuff
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/home/chess/FICS/5001/README.NEW \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/help/next b/data/help/next
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddfeb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/next
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: next
+ This command is used to continue the display of a long text file. An alias
+for "next" is "more". How many lines of text you receive at once is
+determined by the "height" variable setting.
+See Also: help intro_welcome variables
+[Last modified: July 1, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/noplay b/data/help/noplay
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea0200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/noplay
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Usage: +|-|= noplay [user]
+ When a player is on your noplay list, all match requests from that player
+will be declined automatically. Here are the variations of the command
+ +noplay user Add "user" to noplay list
+ -noplay user Remove "user" from noplay list
+ =noplay Display your noplay list
+ "Censor" will also filter a user's match requests. Use a formula to filter
+match requests of particular types.
+See Also: addlist censor formula
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/notes b/data/help/notes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808a499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/notes
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ A registered user has up to 10 lines in their 'finger' display for posting
+information. These lines are known as "finger notes", one's "plan" or just
+"notes". Your 'notes' can be read by all users of the server, so be sure that
+it is information you want to make public. The notes are numbered from 1 to
+ The lines are created, changed and deleted by using the 'set' command. For
+example, "set 1 I love Wild 5!!!" will set your #1 finger note to: "I love
+Wild 5!!!".
+See Also: finger set
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/notify b/data/help/notify
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e68c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/notify
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Usage: +|-|= notify [user]
+ When a user is on your notification list, you will be notified each time
+that user logs onto or leaves the server. Here are the variations of the
+command possible:
+ +notify user Add "user" to notify list
+ -notify user Remove "user" from notify list
+ =notify Display your notify list
+ Also, when you are on another user's notification list, you will be sent a
+message that your entering the server was noted by that user. If you want to
+be notified each time *any* user logs on or off, use the "pin" variable. Use
+the "znotify" command to see which users currently logged on are on your
+notify list and which have you on their notify lists.
+ The size of your notify list is limited (type "limits" to see current size).
+Fortunately, there is a way you can maximize the use of your notify list. The
+solution involves the "notifiedby" variable. If you are on another user's
+notify list and have your "notifiedby" variable set to 1, you will be notified
+by the server when that user logs on/off. It will work the same way as if you
+had that user on your list: you will be *notified by* the other user's list!
+Here's an example:
+ Hawk's notify list includes DAV *and* DAV has "notifiedby" set to 1
+will have the same effect as ...
+ Hawk's notify list includes DAV *and* DAV's list includes Hawk
+... except that one notify list entry (namely, DAV on Hawk's list) is doing
+the work of two entries. That is how you can save on the length of your
+'notify' list.
+See Also: addlist limits variables znotify
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/observe b/data/help/observe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b952fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/observe
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Usage: observe [game,user]
+ Puts a game on your observation list. You can give either the game number
+or the user whose game you want to observe. For example, if game #34 is
+KARPOV versus RETI, then "observe 34", "observe RETI" or "observe KARPOV" will
+add this game to your observation list. You can observe more than one game at
+ When you are observing a game, you will receive an updated board position
+and game information each time a move is made. When a game you are observing
+ends, you will be given the result of the game.
+ Use the "unobserve" command to remove a game (or even all games) from your
+observation list.
+ Use "allobservers" to see who is observing a game (or all games) in
+(a) At one point "observe" used alone would remove all games from your
+observation list. This function is now being phased out in favor of the
+"unobserve" command. But be careful while both commands are still valid.
+(b) It is possible to observe all simul games being played by the simul
+player by the command "observe simul_player". All of the simul games in
+progress will be added to your observation list. When the last simul game is
+finished, you will be given the result of the simul exhibition.
+See Also: allobservers games simuls unobserve
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/oldmoves b/data/help/oldmoves
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd45a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/oldmoves
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+SPECIAL NOTE: This command has been superceded by an enhanced "smoves"
+command. Please refer to that help file.
+Usage: oldmoves [user]
+ Displays the moves of the most recent game of 'user', or of yourself if
+'user' is omitted.
+NOTE: At present, both players of the game in question must be logged on in
+order for the stored game to be access and mailed to you. We hope to expand
+the mail feature in the future.
+See Also: mailstored smoves
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/open b/data/help/open
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6460d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/open
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: open
+ Toggles your 'open' variable open/not open [1/0]. When open is set to 1,
+you are open to receive match requests from other users. When it is set to 0,
+you will not receive match requests from others, but you will be notified that
+such requests have been made to you and ignored automatically.
+See Also: match variables
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/partner b/data/help/partner
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e088b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/partner
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: partner user_name
+ This command is used in order to ask another user to become your partner for
+a bughouse match. The other user will need to accept or decline the offer.
+If the other user accepts the partner offer, the two of you will then be able
+to hold bughouse matches against other partnerships and the two of you can be
+identified using the "who" command (namely by "who B") as being available for
+bughouse matches.
+See Also: accept bughouse decline pending who
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/password b/data/help/password
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4832baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/password
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: password oldpassword newpassword
+ Changes your current password on the chess server ("oldpassword") to a new
+password "newpassword". If "oldpassword" is incorrect, then no changes are
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/pause b/data/help/pause
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a50a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/pause
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Usage: pause
+ A "pause" request asks your opponent that the game you are playing be paused --
+though not adjourned. An accepted pause request has the effect of rolling
+back the clocks to the time of the last move. If your opponent has given you
+a pause request, using the pause command (or accept) will accept the request.
+You may decline a pause request by using the decline command. To unpause a
+game use "unpause".
+ You might want to consider using pause rather than adjourn if, for example,
+you want to consult with an admin about a problem with the match.
+See Also: accept decline pending unpause
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/pending b/data/help/pending
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59714d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/pending
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: pending
+ Displays all non-declined, pending offers from other players to you and
+from you to other players.
+See also: abort accept adjourn decline draw match takeback
+[Last modified: June 11, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/policy b/data/help/policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e86480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/policy
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+FICS Policies
+ Of course each local site will have its own set of policies, but in
+1. I can't think of any!!
+See Also: localpolicy
diff --git a/data/help/prefresh b/data/help/prefresh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07867ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/prefresh
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: prefresh
+ This command will display your partner's game during a bughouse match. In
+essence, it is "refresh" for your bughouse partner's game.
+See Also: bughouse refresh
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/private b/data/help/private
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23cb32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/private
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: set private [n]
+ "Private" is one of the variables you can set. When private is non-zero,
+games you play cannot be observed by other users. If private is 0, other
+users will be able to observe your game -- unless your opponent has private
+non-zero. A private game is designated in "games" and "history" displays by
+the letter "p". Also, if a game is private, the eco category is not displayed
+in the history table.
+See Also: eco games history observe variables
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/promote b/data/help/promote
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84f5f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/promote
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: promote {q,r,b,[kn]}
+ Designates the piece that a pawn will be promoted to when it reaches
+the back rank. This is set automatically at the beginning of each game
+to 'q'. The setting can be changed during the game at any point.
+SPECIAL NOTE: You must designate how a pawn will be promoted BEFORE it
+reaches the back rank, not afterwards. The current setting will be used when
+the pawn reaches the 8th rank.
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/ptell b/data/help/ptell
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e43eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/ptell
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: ptell string
+ This form of communication is used during a bughouse match. "Ptell" will
+send a message to your partner; no one else will receive it.
+See Also: bughouse tell
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/quit b/data/help/quit
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45dd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/quit
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: quit
+ This command exits you from the server. "Bye" and "exit" are default
+aliases for "quit".
+SPECIAL NOTE: This command cannot be used if you are in the middle of a chess
+match. If you need to leave during a match, first ask your opponent for an
+adjournment and explain why.
+See Also: adjourn alias
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/rank b/data/help/rank
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd66335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/rank
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Usage: rank [user [b][s][w]]
+ rank m-n [b][s][w]
+ The first usage shows the ranking of the given user and all users with
+nearby rankings. A second argument with one or more of the letters b, s,
+and/or w asks to show only blitz, standard, and/or wild ratings respectively.
+If no second argument is given, rankings for all three types are shown. For
+example, "rank foo bw" shows the blitz and wild ranking of the player whose
+handle is "foo". If 'user' is omitted, your rankings will be displayed.
+ The second usage shows all players ranked between the rankings of M and N.
+The optional third argument again limits which ratings are shown. For
+example, "rank 1-30 sw" lists the players with the highest 30 standard and
+wild ratings. "Best" lists the top 20 players in a category.
+ The columns are always sorted by blitz, then standard, then wild.
+ Currently, all players with at least 20 games of a particular rating type
+are ranked. If you ask for a player's rank and they do not yet have the 20
+games needed to be an active player, the player's current rating will be
+displayed in the table but a line (----) will precede the handle to indicate a
+provisional ranking.
+ To omit computers from the list, use "hrank".
+See Also: best hbest hrank
+[Last modified: June 13, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/ratings b/data/help/ratings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..934759f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/ratings
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ Chess ratings serve two purposes: (a) they tell you your relative ability,
+and (b) are useful means for identifying and playing opponents of roughly your
+same ability.
+ This server utilizes the Glicko rating system developed by Mark E. Glickman
+(with assistance and corrections by Dmitry Dakhnovsky and server
+implementation by Vek and Hawk). The full explanation of this system is given
+in the "glicko" help file.
+ In general, your rating will be adjusted by several factors: (a) the result
+of your game (win, loss, draw), (b) your opponent's rating, (c) the stability
+of your rating, and (d) the stability of your opponent's rating. If you want
+to determine how your rating might change after a match with a given player,
+use the "assess" command.
+ At present, there are separate ratings for three kinds of chess: Standard,
+Blitz and Wild. Your current rating is available on your "finger" file. Once
+you have an established rating (20 or more games) in a given type, your
+highest established rating to date will also be displayed. Players with
+established ratings will also have their ratings listed on several ranking
+lists (see the "best", "hbest", "rank" and "hrank" help files).
+ By default, the "who" command lists logged on users in order of their
+ratings. This way, you can identify and match players of certain ratings.
+You can also use ratings in your "formula" for filtering out match requests
+from other players. Ratings can also be used to filter out kibitzes and
+whispers by the "kiblevel" variable.
+ It is possible to transfer your rating from another chess server to this
+server. Contact an admin concerning which admin should process your request
+since different admins are on different chess servers. In general, you will
+need to email your request to that admin. Please use the subject line
+"Request for ratings transfer" and in the body of the email tell the admin
+your handle(s) on both chess servers. Also be sure to "message" the admin on
+the other server so the admin can verify that you are the person you claim to
+(a) In the case of adjourned games that are resumed, ratings are adjusted by
+the users' ratings at the time the match is resumed rather than the ratings
+they had when the match was started.
+See Also: assess best finger formula glicko hbest hrank kiblevel
+message rank who
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/refresh b/data/help/refresh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e68adeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/refresh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: refresh [game]
+ Redisplays the given game position and clock times. If 'game' is omitted,
+then the current game you are playing or observing will be redisplayed. This
+command is especially useful if you are using an ascii board style and it
+scrolls off the screen, or if you want to confirm the current board position
+and/or clock times. (Time can also be confirmed by the "time" command.) The
+alias for "refresh" is "re".
+See Also: games style time
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/register b/data/help/register
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c819cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/register
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+To get a registered account, send a message to AdminGuy:
+mess AdminGuy fics_addplayer <handle> "<First M. Last>" <email-address>
+ NOTE1: quotes have to be around the name field.
+ NOTE2: do not include the <>'s in your mail. They only indicate
+ where you need to place information.
+ An example would be like the following, which would register
+ AdminGuy with the correct name and email information.
+ Ex: fics_addplayer AdminGuy "I. M. Admin" chris@onenet.net
+ Please tell us if you will be playing with a computer (meaning
+ that a COMPUTER is deciding what moves to make), or if you are an
+ FM, IM or GM (master's titles for international competition).
diff --git a/data/help/register.dist b/data/help/register.dist
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c819cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/register.dist
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+To get a registered account, send a message to AdminGuy:
+mess AdminGuy fics_addplayer <handle> "<First M. Last>" <email-address>
+ NOTE1: quotes have to be around the name field.
+ NOTE2: do not include the <>'s in your mail. They only indicate
+ where you need to place information.
+ An example would be like the following, which would register
+ AdminGuy with the correct name and email information.
+ Ex: fics_addplayer AdminGuy "I. M. Admin" chris@onenet.net
+ Please tell us if you will be playing with a computer (meaning
+ that a COMPUTER is deciding what moves to make), or if you are an
+ FM, IM or GM (master's titles for international competition).
diff --git a/data/help/resign b/data/help/resign
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aafe819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/resign
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Usage: resign [name]
+ Resigns the game you are playing and gives your opponent the win. You will
+then be available for another game.
+ It is possible to resign an adjourned game by including your opponent's
+name. For example, "resign Hawk" would resign your adjourned game with Hawk.
+Before you do this, make sure that the game has been stored. When you resign
+an adjourned game, a notification message will be sent to your opponent.
+See Also: adjourn intro_playing stored
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/revert b/data/help/revert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7d16aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/revert
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: revert
+ This command is used by a person examining a game in order to return to the
+main line of the game being examining. The analysis (subvariation line) is
+See Also: examine
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/say b/data/help/say
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189532e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/say
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: say message
+ Transmits your message to your current opponent if you are playing a
+game. If you are not playing a game, the message is sent to the last
+opponent you had in your current logon session.
+ "Say" is an easy form of "tell" as you can see, because you do not need to
+enter the user's name. "Say" differs from "kibitz": both commands send a
+message to your opponent, but "kibitz" also sends the same message to any
+observers of your game and kibitzes can be filtered in various ways.
+See Also: intro_talking kibitz kiblevel tell
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/servers b/data/help/servers
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f662832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/servers
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: servers
+ Lists all servers that are connected to and thus share ratings with the main
+ratings server.
+ Until this server is connected to other servers, a better way to locate
+other chess servers is by typing "help addresses".
+See Also: addresses
+[Last modified: October 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/set b/data/help/set
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba9dbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/set
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Usage: set variable_name [value]
+ You have a number of predefined variables that control the behavior of your
+account. This command allows you to control those variables and modify their
+settings. Generally, if "value" is omitted, the variable is toggled ON/OFF
+ set shout 0
+ set f4 !private & !computer !abuser
+ set time 10
+ set inc 0
+ set auto 1
+ set style 12
+ To see the list of all of variables you can control, type "help variables".
+There are also other special uses of the "set" command, as follows.
+ If you will be idle for a while, you can have a brief message displayed to
+users when they "tell" you something. Read the "busy" help file for details.
+ You can have up to 10 information lines that can be displayed when someone
+uses the "finger" command. These text lines are modified by typing "set n
+<text>" where 'n' can be any integer from 1-10. You can erase one of your
+lines by typing "set n" without any text. (See "notes" help file.)
+ You can filter out match requests by setting a formula. Your formula may
+include certain variables you can also set. Read the "formula" help file for
+See Also: busy finger formula notes variables
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/shout b/data/help/shout
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d528c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/shout
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Usage: shout message
+ Displays your message to all users who are open to hear shouts. Returns
+the number of users who heard your shout. "Shout" has an alias of "!".
+ Here is an example: if your handle is HANDEL and you type "shout This server
+is great!", users will see the following message displayed --
+ HANDEL shouts: This server is great!
+You, as the sender, will see the following --
+ (##) HANDEL shouts: This server is great!
+where ## is the number of users who received the message.
+ All users have a set shout quota, a limit on how many shouts can be made
+within a given period of time. Further details are given in the "shout_quota"
+help file.
+ (a) Use "cshout" rather than "shout" for chess-related messages.
+ (b) To contact just one user, use "tell".
+ (c) If you want to contact a specific group of users, "tell" to a channel.
+ (d) "It" and "shout" are similar. Be familiar with their differences.
+ (e) Persons who "shout" in less than appropriate ways, may be placed on the
+shout_abuse list or given other sanctions (such as "muzzle").
+ (f) You can decide whether or not to hear a "shout" from other users;
+setting the "shout" variable to 0 (zero) filters these from being sent to you
+("set shout off" or "set shout 0").
+See Also: channel cshout intro_talking it shout_abuse shout_quota tell
+[Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/shout_abuse b/data/help/shout_abuse
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8084536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/shout_abuse
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ This help file is to give some guidance on the accepted use of shouting.
+Breaking these guidelines may result in sanctions, such as muzzling (your
+shouting privileges revoked). REMEMBER: some people use text boards but still
+have shout on, which means that unnecessary shouts scroll their screen
+ Saying the same or similar things several times in a row. For example:
+ --> DAV is here.
+ --> DAV is here.
+ --> DAV greets all.
+ --> DAV is here.
+ Annoying others by imitating system messages. For example:
+ --> DAV has left a message for you.
+ --> DAV tells you: hi how are you?
+ Talking about something that should be in a channel -- after warnings.
+ The channel help file ("help channel") gives a list of all pre-defined
+ channels.
+ Also too much hugging and kissing -- except for login/out greetings; use
+ channel 51 for that please -- but keep the language clean!
+ Cursing and cussing others on shouts (including don't play xxx for yyy
+ reason).
+ Shouting far too often, lengthy shouts (e.g., ASCII pictures) beyond about
+ five or so lines).
+ Holding two person conversations on shout.
+ Anything else an admin sees fit.
+ Swearing, in general or at others.
+ Discriminatory remarks -- see help etiquette.
+ Constant shout abuse.
+ Anything else an admin sees fit.
+ NOTE: any sanctions that are made against you are likely to be recorded,
+so punishment may be incremental for a second offence. A bad comment
+file is also likely to get you barred from privileges that may occur
+time to time, including the possibility of adminship.
+ DAV 05/12/95
+See Also: abuser etiquette handle shout_quota
+[Edits by Friar; last modified October 17, 1995]
diff --git a/data/help/shout_quota b/data/help/shout_quota
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d099645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/shout_quota
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ In order to encourage users to hold conversations in channels rather than
+with "shouts" the server has a shout quota. A shout quota limits the
+frequency of a user's shouts (including "it"-type shouts). For normal
+purposes, the standard shout quota is not a limitation.
+ If you type "shout" or "it" alone without any message, you will be informed
+about your current shout status: either (a) you may shout now, or (b) the time
+when you may next make a shout.
+See Also: channel etiquette intro_talking it shout shout_abuse
+[Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/showlist b/data/help/showlist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45d1dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/showlist
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: showlist [list_name]
+ This command lists the handles of users on a given list. The server
+maintains various special lists, such as the handles of admins and
+grandmasters on the server. To display the names of available lists, type
+"showlist". Each list will either be READ ONLY, meaning you can display the
+listing, or SECRET, meaning only admins can display the listing. The alias
+for "showlist" is "=". For example, "=admin" will list the handles of the
+server admins and "=computers" will list computers that have accounts on the
+See Also: addlist admins lists sublist
+[Last modified: September 2, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simabort b/data/help/simabort
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..771edf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simabort
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: simabort
+ Used by a player engaged in simultaneous chess matches. Aborts the current
+board. Use this command if the player you are playing is obnoxious or taking
+too long to make the next move. Don't use it if you are losing, though.
+ The standard alias for simabort is "sab".
+See Also: simadjourn simallabort simmatch simpass simuls
+[Last modified: October 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simadjourn b/data/help/simadjourn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a86e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simadjourn
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: simadjourn
+ Used by a player engaged in simultaneous chess matches. Adjourns the
+current board. Use this command in special circumstances, such as your
+opponent not being able to finish due to time constraints. Please don't use
+this command if you are losing, of course.
+ To continue your game, use the simmatch command.
+ The standard alias for simadjourn is "sadj".
+See Also: simabort simadjourn simalladjourn simmatch simpass simuls
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simallabort b/data/help/simallabort
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80589a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simallabort
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: simallabort
+ Used by a player engaged in simultaneous chess matches. Aborts all boards
+still in progress.
+ The standard alias for simallabort is "saa".
+See Also: simabort simadjourn simalladjourn simmatch simpass simuls
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simalladjourn b/data/help/simalladjourn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27b6188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simalladjourn
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: simalladjourn
+ Used by a player engaged in simultaneous chess matches. Adjourns all boards
+in progress. Use this command in special circumstances, such as your not
+being able to finish due to time constraints. Please don't use this command
+if you are losing, of course.
+ To continue your game(s), use the simmatch command.
+ The standard alias for simalladjourn is "saadj".
+See Also: simabort simadjourn simallabort simmatch simpass simuls
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simgames b/data/help/simgames
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d688553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simgames
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: simgames [player]
+ Shows the number of active boards the player is playing in a simul. If no
+parameter is specified, the number of boards you are playing will be
+See Also: simmatch simuls
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simmatch b/data/help/simmatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be861d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simmatch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Usage: simmatch player
+ Requests a simul match with the given player. That player must have
+his/her "simopen" flag on in order to accept simul requests. Once a match
+has started, you will be informed where in line you are. You will play
+ Simmatch can also be used to restart an adjourned simul match, or untimed
+games in simul form.
+See Also: simadjourn simalladjourn simopen simuls
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simnext b/data/help/simnext
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79043b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simnext
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: simnext
+ Used by a player engaged in simultaneous chess matches. Use simnext to
+move to the next game in the rotation so that you can make your next move
+in that game. An alias for "simnext" is "sn".
+ To go to a specific board, use "goboard" or "gonum".
+See Also: goboard gonum simuls simmatch simprev
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simopen b/data/help/simopen
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74fe214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simopen
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: simopen
+ Toggles your 'simopen' variable 0/1. Equivalent to "set simopen". If
+simopen is 1, then you are open to play more than one chess game at a time:
+have a simultaneous chess exhibition. More details are in the "simuls" help
+See Also: simuls variables
+[Last modified: June 22, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simpass b/data/help/simpass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8505e61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simpass
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: simpass
+ This command is upen by an opponent of a simul player. Use this command if
+you are not ready to move when the simul giver gets to your board and you wish
+more time for considering yuor move. You have 3 passes per match, then you
+must move or risk having your game be aborted.
+See Also: simabort simuls
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simprev b/data/help/simprev
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d6c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simprev
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: simprev
+ Used by a player engaged in simultaneous chess matches. Use simprev to
+move to the previous game in the rotation so that you can make your next move
+in that game. An alias for "simnext" is "sp".
+ To go to a specific board, use "goboard" or "gonum".
+See Also: goboard gonum simnext simuls
+[Last modified: June 16, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/simuls b/data/help/simuls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f03ed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/simuls
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "Simuls" = simultaneous chess matches; playing more than one opponent at a
+time. It is possible to play more than one opponent simultaneously on the
+chess server. Below are sections for Starting a Simul and for Joining a
+ In order to play more than one chess match simultaneously you need to do the
+1. Turn on your simopen flag with "simopen". Announce your simul conditions
+ on shout and cshout enough to get the word out, but not so much as to annoy
+ users.
+2. Other users must then challenge you with "simmatch".
+3. Accept or reject the challenges as they come in. You play WHITE in all
+ games.
+4. When you are satisfied that you have started the number of games that you
+ can handle, turn off your simopen flag. You can see how many games you
+ are playing with "simgames".
+5. You can then start making moves on the board. The "simnext" command moves
+ you to the next board; "simprev" moves you to the previous board. You
+ will focus on one game at a time, going in a particular order.
+6. If you are bothered by how long a player is taking to make the next move,
+ you can abort that game with "simabort". You are in control of these
+ limits since the games are untimed.
+7. When all matches you are playing are complete, you will get your results.
+Various commands you can use while running a simul include: goboard, gonum,
+simabort, simadjourn, simallabort, simalladjourn, simnext, simopen and
+ In order to play against a user who is open for playing simultaneous
+matches, here is what you do:
+1. Using the "simmatch" command, challenge the person you will be playing.
+ If the challenge is accepted, you will play BLACK.
+2. You will be informed when the simul player is coming to your board. You
+ should be prepared to move either before or shortly after that player
+ arrives at your board. If you do not move within a reasonable time
+ period, your game could be aborted.
+3. It is impolite to offer a draw unless that player is at your board. It
+ could very easily confuse the simul player if offers come in from
+ different users at once.
+4. If your game ends early, you may want to turn on your ginform flag so
+ that you can see the final result of the simul games. You can also
+ observe the games; when the last game is over, you get the results.
+ You can observe all games in a simul once they have started by typing
+"observe simul_player". All of the simul_player's simul games will be added
+to your observation list. As the simul_player moves from board to board, so
+will you. When the last game has ended, you will see the final results from
+the simul games.
+See Also: observe set simmatch simgames [and other commands given above]
+[Last modified: August 15, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/smoves b/data/help/smoves
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dfbff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/smoves
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Usage: smoves player1 {#, player2, journal_slot}
+ Displays the moves of player1's game. You must designate either game # from
+player1's "history" table, player2 from player1's "stored" (adjourned) games,
+or a game from the user's journal.
+ Examples:
+ smoves Hawk 65 [for a history game]
+ smoves Hawk DAV [for a stored game]
+ smoves Hawk K [for a journal game]
+ Other useful commands: (a) "examine" helps you review the game; (b)
+"mailstored" mails moves to you; (c) "sposition" displays current game
+See Also: examine history journal mailstored sposition stored
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/soapbox b/data/help/soapbox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21011d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/soapbox
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ It is my hope that the source code to quality chess server software
+will be available to the internet community for free. It could be the
+FICS, the ICS, or some other new software, it doesn't matter.
+ When Michael Moore started the chess server years ago, it was his
+intention to provide free access to it to everyone. He distributed the
+server code freely in the hope that server sites might spring up and
+flourish. Unfortunately, the situation exists today where one small
+group of people have hoarded the source code and refuse to allow
+any alternate servers start. I hope that my efforts in re-writing
+a public domain server has the effect to improve the server, both in
+substance and in administration.
+ If the FICS catches on and replaces the ICS (unlikely), then we win. If
+the ICS is released as source code to the public and the FICS dies, then
+we win. If the FICS and ICS go on coexisting perhaps someday sharing the
+same ratings server, we win.
+ The only way we lose is if the status-quo is maintained and the only
+source of internet chess is controlled by a few individuals.
+Richard Nash
+SoapboxII (The revenge of soapbox! :) )
+ Since then, ICS went free and we all lived (almost) happily, however
+ICS became ICC and wanted to charge $49 to play chess.
+ Now, I understand that the ICC code had lots of work put into it and its
+writer deserves something. However in the spirit of how ICS was set up, I
+and others feel asking for donations would be better and no pay or else
+ So, a band of programmers and ex-admins of ICC got together to rewrite
+the out of date FICS code and this is what you are using now.
+ FICS is free. Enjoy it.
+ Dan,DAV,foxbat,friar,grimm,hawk,loon,mann,Shane,Sparky et al.
diff --git a/data/help/sourcecode b/data/help/sourcecode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b9f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/sourcecode
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ You can get a version of the code via anonymous ftp to 'ftp.onenet.net' in
+the directory /pub/chess/Unix. You can also obtain files using the
+"mailsource" command.
+ We encourage you, the chess server community, to help improve and debug this
+server. If you make any changes to the code that you would like to see
+incorporated into future releases, please contact one of the senior
+programming admins.
+See Also: admins mailsource
+[Last modified: December 15, 1995 -- Sparky]
diff --git a/data/help/sposition b/data/help/sposition
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e0dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/sposition
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: sposition player1 player2
+ Displays the position of the stored game between player1 and player2. This
+command only displays the game position; use "examine" for analysis.
+See Also: examine smoves stored
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/standard b/data/help/standard
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37be1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/standard
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ There are four types of regular (not wild or bughouse) chess played on this
+chess server: Untimed, Lightning, Blitz and Standard.
+ A game is "Standard" if the expected duration of the game is 15 minutes or
+more. "Expected duration" is determined by a formula that takes into account
+both the Start time and the Increment (Inc) value. Here is the formula:
+ Expected duration = (Start + Inc*2/3)
+ The following table shows the slowest Blitz and fastest Standard time
+controls, the dividing line if you will between those two types of matches.
+[Thanks to schwartzeer for the calculations. :) ]
+ Slowest Blitz Fastest Standard
+ ------------------------------------
+ Mins Incr Mins Incr
+ ------------------------------------
+ 0 22 0 23
+ 1 20 1 21
+ 2 19 2 20
+ 3 17 3 18
+ 4 16 4 17
+ 5 14 5 15
+ 6 13 6 14
+ 7 11 7 12
+ 8 10 8 11
+ 9 8 9 9
+ 10 7 10 8
+ 11 5 11 6
+ 12 4 12 5
+ 13 2 13 3
+ 14 1 14 2
+ -------- 15 0
+ As you can see, not every game with more minutes to start is Standard and
+not every game with few minutes to start is Blitz.
+ You can list logged on users according to their Standard ratings by typing
+"who s". "Standard" is also a variable that can be used in formulas in order
+to screen match requests.
+See Also: blitz formula lightning match who
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/statistics b/data/help/statistics
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91285e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/statistics
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: statistics
+ Displays some statistics on all the players together. For each type of
+rated chess, the table gives (a) the average rating, (b) the standard
+deviation (or variability) of the ratings, and (c) the number of rated players
+(including provisional ratings).
+See Also: totals uptime
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/stored b/data/help/stored
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e56dfd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/stored
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Usage: stored [user]
+ Displays all of the stored games of 'user' or of yourself if 'user' is
+omitted. Adjourned games are stored (but not games lost due to a server
+crash). To resume an adjourned game, have both players logged on the server
+and use the "match" command.
+ Several other commands involve stored games. "Examine" allows you to review
+and analyze a game. "Mailstored" mails the moves to you. "Sposition" will
+display the last position of the game. "Smoves" will display the moves of
+the game. You can also have an adjourned game adjudicated by an admin (see
+the "adjudication" help file).
+(a) Users who have too many stored games may be placed on the abuser list.
+Having up to 10 stored games is fine, but many more games beyond that will
+raise concerns. Please complete your adjourned games in a reasonable time or
+ask for an adjudication.
+(b) It is possible to resign one of your stored games, even when your
+opponent is not logged on.
+See Also: abuser adjourn adjudication examine mailstored match resign
+smoves sposition
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/style b/data/help/style
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b9263a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/style
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Usage: style n
+ Sets your 'style' variable to n. Equivalent to "set style n". This command
+allows you to choose among the various board display options.
+ 1. Standard ICS board in ascii format (default)
+ 2. USA-Today Sports Center-style board
+ 3. Experimental vt-100 ANSI board for dark backgrounds
+ 4. Experimental vt-100 ANSI board for light backgrounds
+ 5. Style suggested by ajpierce@med.unc.edu
+ 6. Email Board suggested by Thomas Fought (tlf@rsch.oclc.org)
+ 7. Miniature board
+ 8. ICS interface maker board -- raw data dump
+ 9. last 2 moves only (previous non-verbose mode)
+10. Alternate raw dump
+11. Same as 8, but with verbose moves ("P/e3-e4", instead of "e4")
+12. Similar to style 10.
+13. Displays board in color for SGI machines -- white versus purple pieces
+ with purple and black squares (for b/w monitors it would display as bold
+ and regular).
+ Some graphics interfaces work only with specific board styles. Determine
+which one is best for your set up.
+ Suggestions on different styles are always welcome.
+See Also: interfaces variables
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/sublist b/data/help/sublist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ef80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/sublist
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Usage: sublist list information
+ Removes information from the list in question. There are several kinds of
+lists on the server. Some can only be modified by admins; others can be
+modified by all users. "Addlist" command adds information to a list.
+ The standard alias for "sublist" is "-". For example, "sublist notify
+Stravinsky" could be typed as "-notify Stravinsky" instead.
+See Also: addlist admins alias showlists
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/switch b/data/help/switch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fafd0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/switch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: switch
+ Requests to switch sides with your opponent. Switching sides can only be
+done before the first move of a rated game, or anytime during an unrated game.
+Your opponent can "accept" or "decline".
+See Also: accept decline
+[Last modified: June 12, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/takeback b/data/help/takeback
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efba19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/takeback
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Usage: takeback [n]
+ Requests a takeback of 'n' half-moves in the current game. If 'n' is
+omitted then 1 is assumed. A "half-move" is defined as a move by one
+player. To request that the last move made be changed (whether you were
+the one to move last or your opponent moved last), you would request
+"takeback". If you wanted to change the last move made as well as the move
+prior to that, request "takeback 2".
+ Here's an example: suppose you are playing White and your opponent has
+just placed a piece on a square where it can be easily captured, and you
+capture it. Your opponent might realize the weak move he/she made and
+request "takeback 2" so that he/she doesn't lose material so easily. If
+you wish, you can accept the "takeback 2" request and continue the game
+from the previous position in the game. Both moves would be reversed, and
+it would be Black's move to make.
+See Also: accept
+[Last modified: June 14, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/team b/data/help/team
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..619c52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/team
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ It is possible to have a "team" account on the chess server. Team accounts
+would be good for groups of players (whether human or computer) to play chess
+matches against either individual players or other teams. These accounts are
+designed for relatively stable groups of players, in contrast to teams formed
+spontaneously for just one match (see "teamgames" help file). Good examples
+would be chess clubs at schools or companies.
+ If you represent a group of players who would like to form a team for a team
+account, contact an admin. The team handle will be added to the "team" list
+and will have the "(T)" designation appearing on who lists.
+See Also: admins lists showlists teamgames who
+[Last modified: October 10, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/teamgames b/data/help/teamgames
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..734829f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/teamgames
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ A team game is a game played between two teams, each consisting of more than
+one player. It is also possible to have a team playing against one person or
+a computer. The procedures are simple: (a) set up the teams, (b) appoint one
+person from each team as captain, (c) have the two captains match each other
+using very long time controls, usually unrated, (d) have two separate channels
+for the teams to use for their consultations, (e) have team members observe
+the game and consult about moves, (f) have the captain play the move for
+his/her team ... and play continues along those lines.
+ To start a team game, it is best to have the players use three channels. At
+the moment Channels 20, 21 and 22 are primarily for this purpose. To start
+with, all the participants turn on one channel (Channel 20) to enable
+communication about team formation. The other two channels are for the two
+teams. Players of one team turn on the their channel but not the other. Then
+the players on each team select a captain.
+ Actually, there are many ways to form teams. One way is to let the players
+join a channel randomly, another is to agree to two captains first and let
+them pick their teams in turn. There is no set rule that must be followed.
+ A game is started by the two captains playing each other. Then every
+participant observes that game. Players can suggest moves using the
+appropriate channels. They can adopt a democracy and vote before making
+moves, or they can opt for dictatorship where the captain can decide on the
+move, taking advice from the think tank. Any form of decision making is
+possible, provided the team has agreed to it beforehand.
+ Typically, it takes much longer to play a team game than a game between
+individuals, because a lot of discussion is going on. Hence a longer time
+control and longer increment are recommended. Several minutes per move is not
+uncommon -- and even that time can go quickly.
+ Playing team games is a good way to learn because you are involved in a
+position and can hear different views on it. Some people play mainly
+positionally and some prefer sharp combinations. It is enlightening to see
+how widely different analyses can come out from the same position. Moreover,
+you can learn more about openings with which you are unfamiliar.
+ Team games are also fun. During the consultation, it is typical that
+players talk and make jokes. It helps develop friendly relationships among
+users. In fact, even the process of forming teams can be fun.
+REMEMBER: Chess on this server is for fun. So please don't flame. Sometimes
+even a team can overlook something and play a bad move. In that case, just
+take it easy. Try to work as a team and fight back from behind. Bitter words
+do nobody any good.
+ If you have a relatively stable team that wants to have its own handle and
+rating, please read the "team" help file for details on these special
+See also: channel observe team tell
+[Last modified: October 10, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/tell b/data/help/tell
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a229dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/tell
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Usage: tell user message
+ "Tell" transmits your message to the user specified. The server gives you
+some feedback that the message has been sent. You will also be told whether
+the user is playing a game currently, or is not even logged on at the moment.
+"t" is an alias for "tell".
+ As a shortcut, you can use "." as an alias for "tell user" when you want to
+send another message to the last person you told. That way you can keep
+conversations going easily.
+ When you receive a "tell" it will appear like this:
+ <User> tells you: <message>
+ The 'user' can also be a channel number in order to send a message to a grou
+of users having that channel activated. In this case, you as sender will see
+the following display after sending your message: (# -> (##)) where # is the
+channel number and ## is the number of people on that channel that received
+your message.
+ As a shortcut, you can use "," as an alias for "tell #" and your message
+will be sent to the last channel you gave in a "tell" command. (Compare to
+"xtell" command.)
+ (a) The server remembers both the last user to whom and the last channel to
+which you have told something. For this reason, "." and "," are separate
+aliases and do not interfere with each other.
+ (b) A special command, "say", can be used for communicating with an opponent
+during or directly following a chess game.
+ (c) Another special command, "message", sends a message to a user so that it
+can be stored for future use.
+ (d) You can decide whether or not to hear a "tell" from unregistered users;
+setting the "tell" variable to 0 (zero) filters these from being sent to you.
+See Also: alias channel intro_talking message say variables xtell
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/time b/data/help/time
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6f5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/time
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Usage: time [game,user]
+ Shows the updated time remaining in the specific game for the players
+involved. If no game is specified, the clock readings for your current game
+will be shown. Revised clock times are also given as part of the "refresh"
+command; however, "time" will always show negative times whereas "refresh"
+will only list negative times if the interface handles them that way.
+See Also: refresh
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/timeseal b/data/help/timeseal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6edbc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/timeseal
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ Timeseal is a program that has been developed to improve chess on internet.
+Netlag often causes players to lose valuable seconds or even minutes on their
+chess clocks. Transmission time is counted against you, unless the chess
+server can tell exactly when information is transmitted. What timeseal does
+is record your thinking time, so that transmission time is not counted against
+you. Timeseal will not prevent netlag but it makes the games fairer when lag
+ What you need to do is get a version of timeseal working on the computer
+that connects you to the chess server. The timeseal program will work as a
+relay station, and will keep track of transimission times.
+ The following versions of timeseal are currently available (as of December
+17, 1995):
+ AIX-3.2-RISC
+ BSD386-1.0-i386
+ BSDOS-2.0-i386
+ HP-UX-A.09.05-9000.705
+ HP-UX-B.09.03-9000.42E
+ IRIX-4.0.5H.IP12-mips
+ IRIX-5.3-IP22-mips
+ IRIX64.6.0.1.IP21.mips
+ Linux-1.2.9-SOCKS
+ Linux-1.2.9-i586
+ OSF1-V3.0-alpha
+ SCO-3.2-i386
+ SunOS-4.1.4-sun4c
+ SunOS-5.4-386
+ SunOS-5.4-sun4d
+ TW-SunOS-TW2.0.1-twin2
+ Windows-Winsock (file is called tmsl11j.zip)
+To see if anyone of these may fit the hardware you are using, do "uname -a" in
+your unix shell and see which unix system you have operating. Then, determine
+whether you need one of the special Windows or SOCKS versions.
+Follow these directions:
+(1) Login to your unix/inet provider. (VAX/VMS not supported yet). Type
+ "uname -a" and remember the output. You will need this output to figure
+ out which version of timeseal will work on your system.
+(2) Type "ftp" which will get you to the onenet ftp site. When
+ you are asked for a login ID type: "ftp" or "anonymous". When you are
+ asked for a password, type your email address.
+(3) Type "cd pub/chess/timeseal" (in order to get to the correct
+ onenet directory) and type "dir" (in order to see which versions of
+ timeseal are currently available). Compare the available timeseal
+ versions to the type of unix operating system you have.
+(4) When you have found the timeseal version that will work on your system,
+ type "bin" (for "binary" transmission format) and then type "get
+ filename" (where "filename" is the name of the version from the
+ directory).
+(5) Wait for the ftp file transmission to complete, then type "quit". The
+ file should now be in your current directory -- probably the home dir.
+(6) Type "gunzip filename", "chmod 700 filename", and "mv filename timeseal".
+ These various commands make the timeseal program available on your
+ operating system. NOTE: There are times when using "chmod 700 filename"
+ does not work on your system. In this case, try "chmod 755 filename".
+ Here is an example after you have ftp'd the version called
+ timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC.gz:
+ gunzip timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC.gz
+ chmod 700 timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC
+ mv timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC timeseal
+Now you are ready ... to go to the next step. ;-)
+ There are different procedures depending on which interface/system you are
+using. If you use Xwindows +Xboard / xics, then go to A); if you have winsock,
+then go to B); otherwise go to C).
+A) For Xwindows users, there are two methods (listed in order of preference).
+Whichever approach you use, make sure that xboard and timeseal are in the same
+directory. Use one or the other -- NOT BOTH!
+ (1) Use this command (it is the more direct, simpler approach):
+ ./xboard -ics -icshost -telnet -telnetProgram timeseal
+ (2) Executing "./timeseal 5000 -p xxxx &" causes timeseal
+ to bind itself to port xxxx and wait for a connection to the chess
+ server. Then you can start xboard / xics like this (remember to
+ exchange xxxx with a valid port number, like 5500, 5501, whatever you
+ like):
+ ./xboard -ics -icshost localhost -icsport xxxx
+ ./xics localhost xxxx
+ You MUST use the string "localhost". Do NOT write the chess server
+ host because then timeseal will not be on. "localhost" is a perfectly
+ valid address since it's aliased to (loopback) which always
+ means the machine you are using.
+B) There are two steps: INSTALL and USE:
+ INSTALL: Move the file tmseal.exe to the same directory as your client
+ program. Create a program manager icon for TMSEAL, using the normal
+ methods. (Select File|New from the program manager menu; click on New
+ Program Item, then in the dialog set the Directory field to the same
+ directory as above; set the command line to TMSEAL; you may check the Run
+ Minimized checkbox if you wish.)
+ USE: Double-click on the TMSEAL icon before beginning your FICS session.
+ Then, in your client program, connect to "localhost" instead of the usual
+ "chess.onenet.net". Soon the usual logon messages will appear. Errors
+ if any will show up in the TMSEAL window.
+C) For other users (no xboard, no winsock) such as ziics, jiics, E-ICS, etc:
+ Modify your interface configuration to replace the normal telnet command
+ with: "./timeseal 5000".
+Questions? Ask channel 1 or an admin.
+See Also: chan_1 ftp_hints interface lag
+[Written by Hawk, August 15, 1995; last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/totals b/data/help/totals
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67753e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/totals
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+*** Total players: 10518
+Active in last week: 3109
+Active in last day: 1111
+Counted at Sat Dec 30 07:00:00 CST 1995 [Updated hourly]
diff --git a/data/help/unalias b/data/help/unalias
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a83db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/unalias
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Usage: unalias word
+ Removes your personal alias for 'word'. This alias will no longer be in
+use. This command will not, however, remove default aliases.
+See Also: alias
+[Last modified: June 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/unexamine b/data/help/unexamine
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..856e24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/unexamine
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: unexamine
+ This command is used to stop examining a game. "Unexamine" stops your
+participation in the analysis, and also stops your observer status. The other
+examiners and observers may continue, however, even if you set up the examine
+to begin with.
+See Also: allobservers examine observe
+[Last modified: June 29, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/unobserve b/data/help/unobserve
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78d21dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/unobserve
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Usage: unobserve [game,user]
+ Removes a game from your observation list. You can give either the game
+number or the user whose game you want to unobserve.
+ For example, if you are observing game #34, KARPOV versus RETI, then
+"unobserve 34", "unobserve RETI" or "unobserve KARPOV" will remove this game
+from your observation list.
+ "Unobserve" used alone removes ALL GAMES from your observation list.
+See Also: allobservers games observe
+[Last modified: June 11, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/unpause b/data/help/unpause
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0970f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/unpause
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: unpause
+ Restarts the clocks on a paused game and resumes play. You do not need your
+opponent's consent to restart the game clock. However, it would be good
+etiquette to announce that the game is resuming, and ensure that your opponent
+is ready.
+See Also: pause
+[Last modified: June 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/untimed b/data/help/untimed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..988e6b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/untimed
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ There are four types of regular (not wild or bughouse) chess played on this
+chess server: Untimed, Lightning, Blitz and Standard.
+ A game is "Untimed" if the clocks will not be used when playing the game.
+In this case, both the Start and the Increment are 0. For example, "match
+friar 0 0" would request an untimed game against Friar. The clocks in an
+untimed game will not move (though interfaces may handle this in different
+ways). Also, "flag" will not work since the times will never be below 0
+seconds. Lastly, Untimed games are always unrated.
+See Also: blitz lightning match standard
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/uptime b/data/help/uptime
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b772a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/uptime
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: uptime
+ Displays some server statistics, such as how long the server has been in
+continuous operation, the number of current players and games, the highest
+number of players and games, and the maximum number of players who can be
+logged on.
+See Also: games statistics totals who
+[Last modified: July 7, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/uscf_faq b/data/help/uscf_faq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d84bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/uscf_faq
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+"Frequently Asked Questions About the United States Chess Federation"
+NOTE: FICS is not affiliated with USCF in any way. This help file is
+intended solely as a public service to FICS users and to promote chess. The
+text was written by FICS users and sanctioned by USCF. Neither USCF or FICS
+take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this
+--> What is USCF?
+ USCF stands for the United States Chess Federation. USCF is the national
+chess organization for the United States. Its purpose is to promote chess
+(see the USCF Mission Statement in another FICS help file, "uscf_mis"). USCF
+sponsors various kinds of chess tournaments, promotes chess in public schools
+and prisons, represents US interests in international chess organizations, and
+offers discounts on chess books and equipment. USCF is composed of over
+82,000 individual members and 2100 local and state organizations (known as
+--> Are there other national chess organizations?
+ Yes. USCF is the main organization for over-the-board (OTB) play. They
+also sponsor correspondence ("postal") chess and Quick Chess (games with
+faster time controls) but other organizations have national importance in
+these two areas as well. Information about these other organizations may be
+placed on FICS at a later date.
+--> What are the benefits for joining USCF?
+ Well, every member has a different reason for joining. The benefits of
+membership include:
+ * Chance to play in numerous chess tournaments and have national
+ ratings in OTB and postal chess
+ * Cash prizes in tournaments
+ * A monthly magazine, "Chess Life" ("SchoolMates" for younger
+ members).
+ * Discounts for chess equipment and books.
+--> Tell me about the tournaments.
+ There are two main groups: Over-the-board (OTB) and Postal. In OTB
+tournaments you play against other opponents face-to-face. In Postal
+tournaments you play by mail and exchange moves, usually on postcards.
+Membership is necessary to play in a USCF tournament (there are some
+exceptions, but these are rare) and entry fees are charged. A complete
+listing of upcoming OTB tournaments all across the United States should be
+available on FICS sometime in July.
+--> What are OTB tournaments like?
+ Most tournaments take one or two days over the weekend for maybe half a
+dozen games, though major national tournaments may last a week or two and
+involve many games. A tournament may have anywhere from a dozen to 600 or
+even a thousand players.
+ Tournaments generally have different playing "sections" or groups of
+players based on their national ratings. You only play opponents within your
+own section. For example, a large tournament might have these five sections:
+Open, U2000, U1600, U1200, and Scholastic. Any USCF member can play in the
+Open section, only those with a USCF rating under 2000 can play in U2000, only
+those below 1600 can play in the U1600 section, only those below 1200 can play
+in U1200 and only high school or younger students can play in the Scholastic.
+(A high school student with a USCF rating of 1300, for example, could choose
+to play in the Open, U2000, U1600 or Scholastic sections, but not in U1200.)
+The different sections allow players of similar strength to compete for
+ Tournament games can last anywhere from one or two hours up to four or
+five hours, depending on the time control of the tournament. There are some
+Quick Chess tournaments with time controls of only 10 or 30 minutes per player
+per game. Tournament time controls are very different than those used on
+FICS, so learn the details before playing in a tournament.
+ Tournaments generally offer cash prizes (!!), with the exception being the
+Scholastic tournaments which prefer to give out trophies instead. Most
+tournaments offer prizes within each section (1st, 2nd and 3rd for example) as
+well as other prizes by ratings categories (for example, the U2000 section may
+have a prize for the best scoring U1800 player).
+ Chess tournaments, organized by the local USCF affiliates (especially
+state organizations and clubs) are held weekly all across the United States.
+Each tournament varies considerably in style, size, prize fund and difficulty.
+Information about USCF sanctioned tournaments is printed monthly in "Chess
+Life." We also hope to make such information available on FICS. We suggest
+you visit a tournament in your local area and catch the excitement!
+--> What if I want to play in an OTB tournament but never have before?
+ If you're unsure how tournaments run, it may be helpful to visit one or
+two before playing. Almost all tournaments allow and encourage spectators.
+ You need to become aware of tournament rules and etiquette. If you are in
+a tournament you will need to know when the rounds start, where the pairings
+(lists of who plays who) are posted, how to find your opponent, where to mark
+the result of your game, what the time controls are, how to use a chess clock,
+how to take notation (it is usually required to record the moves of your
+games), etc.
+ Most tournaments require that you bring your own equipment, but don't
+worry if you don't have a regulation set and clock. Most of your opponents
+will, and there should be unused sets you can borrow any given round. If you
+decide to play in more tournaments, you really should acquire regulation
+ All of this can seem very intimidating to a new player, but if you show up
+early, you should have plenty of time to ask the tournament director, or other
+players, to explain the whole process. It may be helpful to obtain a copy of
+the US Chess Federation's "Official Rules of Chess" (4th ed) (available from
+ For your first tournament, either mail your entry fee in advance or pay it
+in person at the tournament site. In either case, get there early in order to
+familiarize yourself with the rooms, the tournament organizers, and have a
+chance to ask questions.
+ Lastly, remember to just have fun and play some good chess. Most people
+do not score very well in their first tournament, but some do win prizes
+(larger tournaments generally offer a few prizes for unrated players).
+--> What's postal chess all about?
+ Basically, you play by mail. Your opponent could be from anywhere in the
+United States, or even overseas. Generally, you play against opponents in a
+small section (4-7 players) with roughly your same level of ability, though
+there are also Open tournaments. Each player is required to make a certain
+number of moves in a 30-day period (not including the time it takes for the
+mail to get through). In examining your next move, you may consult with books
+and articles and take notes, but you may not have computers or humans analyze
+your games while they are in progress.
+ Each game may take as long as a year, sometimes longer, but you play
+several games simultaneously. You can even have rated matches against
+opponents of your own choosing. Some tournaments offer cash prizes; others
+offer certificates to the section winners. Information about postal chess is
+given each month in "Chess Life."
+ Many people who are too busy to play OTB tournaments regularly, or even at
+all, find that postal chess matches their schedules perfectly. They can
+analyze moves during lunch, in the evenings, stalled on the highway during
+rush hour, or whenever they have a few minutes free. The time controls mean a
+move need not be sent off the day after it is received, and the players can
+therefore analyze positions at their leisure.
+--> Tell me more about "Chess Life".
+ "Chess Life" is USCF's official magazine. It has numerous articles for
+players of all abilities, quizzes, ways to test your abilities, annotated
+games from recent tournaments across the world, stories on chess personalities
+and chess-related news. "Chess Life" prints advance information on many
+upcoming chess tournaments in the US as well as postal chess. It also has
+catalog supplements several times each year with information on discounts on
+chess-related products, including books, pieces, boards, computers and
+computer software. Companies selling chess products often advertise in "Chess
+Life" as well.
+--> Tell me more about the affiliates.
+ An affiliate is simply a local chess club associated with USCF. Almost
+every major city in the United States has an affiliate. Many universities and
+other organizations sponsor one as well. Currently there are just over 2000
+affiliates scattered across the nation.
+ Each club is different, but most generally hold informal meetings a few
+times per month, where the club members can get together and play games,
+discuss openings, study grandmaster games, eat doughnuts, or whatever. Clubs
+are a great way to become involved in chess, and you normally do not need a
+USCF membership to join one.
+ Affiliates often sponsor USCF tournaments, some of which are open only to
+the club's members. This depends on each individual affiliate, though.
+ You can write to USCF at the address below and request a list of
+affiliates in your area.
+--> Where do I get more information on USCF?
+ Well, "Dogma" on FICS would be more than willing to talk to you about USCF
+and playing in a tournament. There are other USCFers on FICS, too, and you
+can ask them for their opinions. You can also go directy to the source and
+call USCF at ... 1-800-388-KING ... and ask them to send you membership
+information, etc.
+ USCF provides free pamphlets on a variety of subjects, available on
+request. These include, but are not limited to, pamphlets describing the
+rules, how to take notation, what constitutes official equipment, etc. Call
+or write USCF for more information.
+--> How do I become a USCF member?
+ There are several ways. You can join at virtually any tournament, call
+the above phone number and pay with a credit card, or send your membership fee
+directly to USCF at:
+ 186 Route 9W
+ New Windsor, NY 12553
+ It may be possible to obtain a slight discount by buying your USCF
+membership through an affiliate, or as part of tournament registration fees;
+however, this depends on each individual affiliate and tournament.
+--> What is the membership fee?
+ The regular, one year membership fee is $40, of which $21 is the
+subscription to "Chess Life". Youth memberships (age 19 and under) cost $15
+for one year. Senior memberships (65 and older) are $30 per year.
+ Scholastic memberships cost $10 per year (generally for elementary
+students, but available for age 19 and under). A scholastic membership is not
+necessary to play in scholastic tournaments; a youth membership would work
+just as well. However, Scholastic membership receive "School Mates", a bi-
+monthly magazine for the beginning player, rather than the monthly "Chess
+ All of the above membership types receive full membership benefits,
+including "Chess Life". Again, the major difference between "Youth" members
+and "Scholastic" members is that youth members receive "Chess Life" while
+scholastic members receive "School Mates".
+ Discounts are available for junior, family, blind, and prison memberships.
+Discounts are also given for longer memberships (for example a two-year
+membership); life memberships are also available.
+--> Is USCF membership worth it?
+ If you are an avid chess player who wants to play in tournaments and have
+national ratings for OTB and/or postal chess, wants to keep up on the chess
+scene, or just wants to help promote chess in the United States, the answer is
+... YES!!! Whether you have time for tournament chess, postal or both, a
+membership in USCF helps make you a stronger chess player while also bringing
+you into contact with other chess players world-wide. You can play chess all
+your life, with family, friends, and fellow tournament players. Chess is a
+sport that can give you lifelong satisfaction, and USCF gives you a great
+opportunity to learn, play, and make new friends along the way. :)
+[Last modified October 22, 1995 by Dogma and Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/variables b/data/help/variables
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75514c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/variables
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Usage: variables [user]
+ This command will display the variables of the given user. If no user is
+given then your variable settings will be displayed. Here are the variables
+that will be displayed.
+ Name Function
+ ---- --------
+ automail If non-zero, the moves of your games will be mailed to you
+ upon completion; your e-mail address will be used (make sure it
+ is correct; if not, contact an admin).
+ bell If non-zero, a ^G or bell will be sent when a board update
+ is done. In most cases, you will hear a beep.
+ cshout If non-zero, you will hear cshouts. If zero, you will not.
+ f1-f9 Special variables for the formula.
+ flip If is non-zero, rotates the board the opposite way (for
+ example, instead of White at the bottom, Black will be at the
+ bottom).
+ formula The formula used to filter match requests, that is, decline
+ them automatically.
+ gin If non-zero, you will be notified when games begin or end.
+ height Sets the number of lines of text you will receive before a
+ [next] break occurs; usually the screen height.
+ highlight If non-zero, player's names who tell you stuff will be
+ highlighted.
+ jprivate If non-zero, the user's journal cannot be read by others. If
+ zero, it is open to be read by other users.
+ kibitz If non-zero, you will hear kibitz's from observers of your
+ games.
+ kiblevel Limits kibitzes and whispers you will receive to users who have
+ the given rating or higher. Value is reset to 0 when you
+ logout.
+ language Selects a help file in this language, if available. The default
+ is English. Spanish is also available.
+ mailmess If non-zero, messages to you will be mailed to your e-mail
+ address automatically.
+ notifiedby If non-zero, you will be notified by the server when users
+ having you on their notify lists log on/off. If zero, you will
+ not receive such notifications. Use of notifiedby can cut down
+ on the size of notify lists (see "notify" help file for
+ details).
+ open If non-zero, you are willing to accept match requests. If
+ zero, you will not receive match requests.
+ pin If non-zero, you will be informed when any user connects to or
+ disconnects from the server.
+ pgn If non-zero, mails games to you in PGN format. If zero,
+ regular, column format will be used.
+ private If non-zero, then all games you play will be private regardless
+ of your opponent's 'private' variable; no observers will be
+ permitted.
+ prompt This string will be your prompt. Use 'set prompt' to restore
+ the system default. (Caution: some graphics interfaces may need
+ certain prompts in order to work correctly.)
+ rated If zero, your game will not be rated.
+ If non-zero, and all of these conditions hold, then your game
+ will be rated:
+ 1: Your opponent's rated variable is non-zero
+ 2: The time controls for the game qualify as a rated game
+ 3: There are no time-odds
+ 4: The game started position is standard.
+ ropen If zero, you will only be open to match requests from users who
+ have the same setting for "rated". If non-zero, you will
+ receive other requests as well.
+ shout If non-zero, you will hear shouts. If zero, you will not.
+ simopen If non-zero, you are willing to accept simul requests. This
+ variable is always set to 0 when you log in.
+ style The style of board to use.
+ tell If non-zero, you will hear tell's and say's from unregistered
+ users. If zero, you will not.
+ width Sets the width of your display (from 32 to 240).
+ 1-10 This sets your information that is displayed when someone
+ fingers you. You can set these 'notes' to an arbitrary string
+ of length 100. You can display information in ten slots,
+ numbered 1-10.
+See Also: bell cshout finger flip formula highlight journal kibitz
+kiblevel notes private set shout simuls style tell
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/wcmatch b/data/help/wcmatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e783a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/wcmatch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+**** Anand-Kasparov World Championship Match Information: ****
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
+Kasparov = = = = = = = = 0 1 1 = 1 1 = = = = 10.5
+Anand = = = = = = = = 1 0 0 = 0 0 = = = = 7.5
+Kasparov retains title! That's all folks ... !
+To review a game in this match, you need to know (a) the special handles on
+the server for these two players, (b) how to read "history" correctly for this
+match, and (c) how "examine" mode works.
+A. HANDLES -- The special handles for the contenders are "GMAnand" and
+"GMKasparov". To read their 'notes' type "finger <handle>".
+B. HISTORY -- To display the list of games of the match, type "history
+<handle>". Please note that the first game of the match is listed as history
+#0, the second game of the match as history #1 and so on.
+C. EXAMINE -- Examine mode loads the game for you so you can replay the moves
+and even try subvariations. The "examine" help file has complete details of
+the the various things you can do during examine mode.
+EXAMPLE: Suppose you want to review the 9th game in the match, the game Anand
+won. You would type: "examine GMAnand 8" -or- "examine GMKasparov 8".
+If you want the moves of this game emailed to you (and are are registered on
+the server), you can type "mailstored GMAnand 8" at any time.
diff --git a/data/help/whenshut b/data/help/whenshut
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index 0000000..9d61d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/whenshut
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Usage: whenshut
+ Using this command will display the time when a shutdown will occur. If
+there is no shutdown of the server scheduled, the message displayed will be
+"No shutdown currently in progress".
+See Also:
+[Last modified: November 26, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/whisper b/data/help/whisper
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index 0000000..4b0f896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/whisper
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Usage: whisper message
+ Sends your message to all the observers of a game but NOT to the players.
+For this reason, using whisper (rather than kibitz) is a more polite way of
+discussing a game with other observers without having your message heard by
+the two players. (Only users with a 'kiblevel' variable setting might not
+receive your message.) You must be observing or playing a game in order to
+use this command. The standard alias for "whisper" is '#'.
+See Also: alias censor kibitz kiblevel variable
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/who b/data/help/who
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index 0000000..dfddcbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/who
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Usage: who [o][r][f][a][R][U][s][b][L][A][l][t][v][n][1-3][B]
+ Displays a list of users who are connected to the server according to the
+parameters you give. Typing "who" alone, without any arguments, will list all
+users according to their blitz ratings.
+ o: Only open players.
+ r: Only players for rated matches.
+ f: Only free players (not playing a game).
+ a: Only available players (open & free).
+ R: Only registered players.
+ U: Only unregistered players.
+ #: Only the top (1), middle (2) or lower (3) third of users.
+ B: Only users with bughouse partners set.
+ s: Standard rating.
+ b: Blitz rating.
+ L: Lightning rating.
+ A: Lists players alphabetically.
+ l: Same as above but without rating/game info. [lower case "L"]
+ t: Terse.
+ v: Verbose.
+ n: Win-loss record.
+ For example, "who aRsA" would display an alphabetical listing (A) of
+registered players (R) who are available for matches (a) along with their
+ratings from games using standard time controls (s). NOTE: both the capital
+letters and the order of the options are important, but you *may* use spaces
+between the various letters.
+ The following table is an example of what the "who" request will display.
+(Only a portion of a much larger listing is given here.)
+2255^OldManII(C) 1879 Chopin 1625:Flash 1251:Juan
+2163 Heringer 1838^asu 1612 Lesiege ---- Jerard
+2099^AmacaballoFat 1799^Kael 1587:Boutros ----:Tomato(TD)
+2084^Torr 1783:GARP 1572^chessnut ++++:arc
+2074:loon(*) 1774:grimm 1556#jethro ++++^ASESINO
+2072 death(FM) 1760:Tsang 1555.billard ++++.beto
+ The format is <rating> <status> <handle>.
+Rating: Only one set of ratings are displayed -- the default is blitz unless
+ another rating is requested. The entry ---- means this user is registered
+ but does not have a rating for this type of chess. The entry ++++ means
+ that the user is unregistered and thus has no rating.
+Status codes:
+ ^ involved in a game
+ ~ running a simul match
+ : not open for a match
+ # examining a game
+ . inactive for 5 minutes or longer
+ not busy
+Special handle codes:
+ * admin
+ B blindfold account
+ C computer account
+ T team account
+ TD Tournament Director program
+ FM/IM/GM titles for international chess masters
+ The following table shows sample entries from a "who v" request -- where the
+"v" means "verbose" style of the "who" command. A complete display, of
+course, would be rather long ... one line for each user logged on who fits the
+parameters of the who request..
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | User Standard Blitz On for Idle |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | 22 OldManII 2172 2256 4:09 |
+ | 40 u Torr ---- 2084 14 |
+ | X loon 2015 2074 11 |
+ | 35 Chopin ---- 1879 4 |
+ | Xu Juan 1336 1251 20 19 |
+ | 4 U ASESINO ++++ ++++ 18 |
+ | |
+ | 95 Players Displayed |
+ +---------------------------------------------------------------+
+Going from left to right in the display:
+ ## -- the number of the game the user is playing
+ X -- not open for games
+ u -- open for unrated games only
+ U -- unregistered player
+ <name> -- the player's "handle"
+ Standard rating -- the player's rating from standard games
+ Blitz rating -- the player's rating from blitz games
+ On for -- (in hours/minutes) how long the player has been on
+ Idle -- (in hours/minutes) how the player has been idle
+ Players Displayed -- the number of current users fitting the who request
+ The format for the win-loss record display is simple. Here is an example:
+Name Stand win loss draw Blitz win loss draw idle
+---------------- ----- ------------- ----- ------------- ----
+<user> ---- 0 0 0 2018 92 56 26 10
+ The order is again by blitz, unless specified otherwise. This information
+is also available on an individual basis by using the "finger" command.
+See Also: blindfold blitz bughouse computers examine finger
+intro_information observe ratings team
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/wild b/data/help/wild
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index 0000000..1423eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/wild
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ Wild is a little different than the other categories of boards in that
+the starting positions are non-standard. Because wild games are fundamentally
+different than regular chess, they are rated separately from blitz and
+standard chess games. The wild ratings, however, do not take into account the
+time controls; all wild games are rated on the same basis.
+ Here are the major variations of wild that are rated:
+Style 0: White has the typical set-up at the start. Black's pieces are the
+same, except that the King and Queen are reversed, so they are not on the same
+files as White's King and Queen.
+Style 1: In this variant both sides have the same set of pieces as in normal
+chess. The white king starts on d1 or e1 and the black king starts on d8 or
+e8, and the rooks are in their usual positions. Bishops are always on
+opposite colors. Subject to these constraints the position of the pieces on
+their first ranks is random. Castling is done similarly to normal chess: o-o-
+o indicates long castling and o-o short castling.
+Style 2: In this variant the usual set of pieces is arranged randomly on the
+first and eighth ranks, with the constraint that Black's arrangement is always
+a mirror image of White's. Castling is not allowed.
+Style 3: In this variant the set of pieces is randomly chosen (subject to the
+constraint that there is one king of each color). It is quite possible to get
+more than the normal number of a given piece, such as three rooks or two
+queens. The pieces are placed on the first rank behind the pawns, the
+position of Black's pieces mirrors White's placement, and castling is not
+Style 4: In this variant a random set of pieces is generated. These pieces
+are placed randomly for White and Black behind the rank of pawns, subject to
+the constraint that the bishops must be balanced.
+Style 5: In this variant, each player has the usual set of pieces. However,
+they are placed in a very unusal position. Pawns start on their 7th rank
+rather than their 2nd rank! They are, therefore, one move away from becoming
+queens. The pieces are placed on their 8th rank rather than the 1st rank.
+When the game starts, it will look like the board is upside down, with White's
+pieces starting on Black's side of the board, and vice versa. But don't let
+this fool you.
+Style 8: In this variant, the major pieces are in the normal positions but
+the pawns are in their forth rank rather than their second rank.
+Bughouse -- Bughouse is a form of partner chess. Please see the special help
+files for it.
+See Also: boards bughouse bughouse_strat match
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/withdraw b/data/help/withdraw
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index 0000000..3157d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/withdraw
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Usage: withdraw [1-n, all, abort, adjourn, draw, match, pause, player, simul,
+switch, takeback]
+ Withdraws an offer that you have made to another user. If no parameter is
+given and there is only one offer, the withdraw command with rescind your
+offer. If you have more than one offer pending (for example multiple match
+offers) then you must specify which offer you want to withdraw. You can
+choose the offer by number, by type, all offers, or by the player's name to
+whom you have made the offer. For example, the command "withdraw match" will
+decline all pending match offers you have made. The command "withdraw Shane"
+will withdraw the offer you made to Shane.
+NOTE: Several types of requests are withdrawn automatically in certain
+situations. For example, if you have made a match request to user2 but then
+accept a match request from user1, FICS starts your match with user1 and
+withdraws your offer to user2; user2 is notified that you have started another
+See Also: abort accept adjourn draw match pause pending simul switch
+[Last modified: June 20, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/xtell b/data/help/xtell
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cee73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/xtell
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Usage: xtell user message
+ The "xtell" command sends a message to a user, just like "tell" does.
+However, "xtell" will not alter the setting for who-you-told-last. A "tell"
+sends a message *and* resets the who-you-told-last variable to a new user.
+The "xtell" command will leave this setting intact, meaning that you can still
+use the "." alias to "tell" to a person you are having a conversation with.
+The "xtell" command allows for a brief comment to someone while you are having
+a longer chat with someone else.
+(a) Xtell works only with tells to players, not to channels.
+See Also: alias tell
+[Last modified: October 8, 1995 -- Friar]
diff --git a/data/help/znotify b/data/help/znotify
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c83b8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/znotify
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Usage: znotify
+ Lists all users currently logged on who: (a) are on your notify list, and
+(b) have you on their notify lists. Two separate lists are displayed. See
+the notify command and notifiedby variable for information about what being on
+these lists means. An alias for "znotify" is "znotl".
+See Also: alias notify variables
+[Last modified: October 17, 1995 -- Friar]