path: root/data/help/timeseal
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1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/timeseal b/data/help/timeseal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6edbc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/timeseal
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+ Timeseal is a program that has been developed to improve chess on internet.
+Netlag often causes players to lose valuable seconds or even minutes on their
+chess clocks. Transmission time is counted against you, unless the chess
+server can tell exactly when information is transmitted. What timeseal does
+is record your thinking time, so that transmission time is not counted against
+you. Timeseal will not prevent netlag but it makes the games fairer when lag
+ What you need to do is get a version of timeseal working on the computer
+that connects you to the chess server. The timeseal program will work as a
+relay station, and will keep track of transimission times.
+ The following versions of timeseal are currently available (as of December
+17, 1995):
+ AIX-3.2-RISC
+ BSD386-1.0-i386
+ BSDOS-2.0-i386
+ HP-UX-A.09.05-9000.705
+ HP-UX-B.09.03-9000.42E
+ IRIX-4.0.5H.IP12-mips
+ IRIX-5.3-IP22-mips
+ IRIX64.6.0.1.IP21.mips
+ Linux-1.2.9-SOCKS
+ Linux-1.2.9-i586
+ OSF1-V3.0-alpha
+ SCO-3.2-i386
+ SunOS-4.1.4-sun4c
+ SunOS-5.4-386
+ SunOS-5.4-sun4d
+ TW-SunOS-TW2.0.1-twin2
+ Windows-Winsock (file is called tmsl11j.zip)
+To see if anyone of these may fit the hardware you are using, do "uname -a" in
+your unix shell and see which unix system you have operating. Then, determine
+whether you need one of the special Windows or SOCKS versions.
+Follow these directions:
+(1) Login to your unix/inet provider. (VAX/VMS not supported yet). Type
+ "uname -a" and remember the output. You will need this output to figure
+ out which version of timeseal will work on your system.
+(2) Type "ftp" which will get you to the onenet ftp site. When
+ you are asked for a login ID type: "ftp" or "anonymous". When you are
+ asked for a password, type your email address.
+(3) Type "cd pub/chess/timeseal" (in order to get to the correct
+ onenet directory) and type "dir" (in order to see which versions of
+ timeseal are currently available). Compare the available timeseal
+ versions to the type of unix operating system you have.
+(4) When you have found the timeseal version that will work on your system,
+ type "bin" (for "binary" transmission format) and then type "get
+ filename" (where "filename" is the name of the version from the
+ directory).
+(5) Wait for the ftp file transmission to complete, then type "quit". The
+ file should now be in your current directory -- probably the home dir.
+(6) Type "gunzip filename", "chmod 700 filename", and "mv filename timeseal".
+ These various commands make the timeseal program available on your
+ operating system. NOTE: There are times when using "chmod 700 filename"
+ does not work on your system. In this case, try "chmod 755 filename".
+ Here is an example after you have ftp'd the version called
+ timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC.gz:
+ gunzip timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC.gz
+ chmod 700 timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC
+ mv timeseal.ULTRIX-4.3-RISC timeseal
+Now you are ready ... to go to the next step. ;-)
+ There are different procedures depending on which interface/system you are
+using. If you use Xwindows +Xboard / xics, then go to A); if you have winsock,
+then go to B); otherwise go to C).
+A) For Xwindows users, there are two methods (listed in order of preference).
+Whichever approach you use, make sure that xboard and timeseal are in the same
+directory. Use one or the other -- NOT BOTH!
+ (1) Use this command (it is the more direct, simpler approach):
+ ./xboard -ics -icshost -telnet -telnetProgram timeseal
+ (2) Executing "./timeseal 5000 -p xxxx &" causes timeseal
+ to bind itself to port xxxx and wait for a connection to the chess
+ server. Then you can start xboard / xics like this (remember to
+ exchange xxxx with a valid port number, like 5500, 5501, whatever you
+ like):
+ ./xboard -ics -icshost localhost -icsport xxxx
+ ./xics localhost xxxx
+ You MUST use the string "localhost". Do NOT write the chess server
+ host because then timeseal will not be on. "localhost" is a perfectly
+ valid address since it's aliased to (loopback) which always
+ means the machine you are using.
+B) There are two steps: INSTALL and USE:
+ INSTALL: Move the file tmseal.exe to the same directory as your client
+ program. Create a program manager icon for TMSEAL, using the normal
+ methods. (Select File|New from the program manager menu; click on New
+ Program Item, then in the dialog set the Directory field to the same
+ directory as above; set the command line to TMSEAL; you may check the Run
+ Minimized checkbox if you wish.)
+ USE: Double-click on the TMSEAL icon before beginning your FICS session.
+ Then, in your client program, connect to "localhost" instead of the usual
+ "chess.onenet.net". Soon the usual logon messages will appear. Errors
+ if any will show up in the TMSEAL window.
+C) For other users (no xboard, no winsock) such as ziics, jiics, E-ICS, etc:
+ Modify your interface configuration to replace the normal telnet command
+ with: "./timeseal 5000".
+Questions? Ask channel 1 or an admin.
+See Also: chan_1 ftp_hints interface lag
+[Written by Hawk, August 15, 1995; last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]