path: root/data/help/soapbox
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/help/soapbox')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/soapbox b/data/help/soapbox
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21011d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/soapbox
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ It is my hope that the source code to quality chess server software
+will be available to the internet community for free. It could be the
+FICS, the ICS, or some other new software, it doesn't matter.
+ When Michael Moore started the chess server years ago, it was his
+intention to provide free access to it to everyone. He distributed the
+server code freely in the hope that server sites might spring up and
+flourish. Unfortunately, the situation exists today where one small
+group of people have hoarded the source code and refuse to allow
+any alternate servers start. I hope that my efforts in re-writing
+a public domain server has the effect to improve the server, both in
+substance and in administration.
+ If the FICS catches on and replaces the ICS (unlikely), then we win. If
+the ICS is released as source code to the public and the FICS dies, then
+we win. If the FICS and ICS go on coexisting perhaps someday sharing the
+same ratings server, we win.
+ The only way we lose is if the status-quo is maintained and the only
+source of internet chess is controlled by a few individuals.
+Richard Nash
+SoapboxII (The revenge of soapbox! :) )
+ Since then, ICS went free and we all lived (almost) happily, however
+ICS became ICC and wanted to charge $49 to play chess.
+ Now, I understand that the ICC code had lots of work put into it and its
+writer deserves something. However in the spirit of how ICS was set up, I
+and others feel asking for donations would be better and no pay or else
+ So, a band of programmers and ex-admins of ICC got together to rewrite
+the out of date FICS code and this is what you are using now.
+ FICS is free. Enjoy it.
+ Dan,DAV,foxbat,friar,grimm,hawk,loon,mann,Shane,Sparky et al.