path: root/data/help/match
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1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/match b/data/help/match
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+++ b/data/help/match
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+Usage: match user [rated|unrated] [Start] [Inc] [Black_Start Black_Inc]
+[White|Black] [board_category board]
+ This command allows you to challenge a given user to a game of chess. To
+challenge USER to a match, type "match USER". The type of match being offered
+depends on (a) your variable settings (preferences) and (b) information you
+give in the match request. USER will need to accept or decline the challenge.
+You can cancel a challenge you have made using the "withdraw" command.
+ You can specify the parameters for the match. If no parameters are
+specified, (a) the challenger's variable settings for "rated|unrated", "Start"
+and "Inc" will be used (see "variables"), (b) the clock times will be the same
+for both players, (c) the colors will be chosen by the server, and (d) the
+board_category will be standard. Here are details about each variable of the
+match command.
+RATED|UNRATED -- Sets whether the match will be rated or unrated. If
+undesignated, the challenger's variable setting for "Rated" will be used. If
+designated, it will override the challenger's "Rated" setting. Example:
+"match user rated".
+START and INC -- Determine the clock variables for the match, where Start is
+in minutes and Inc is in seconds. If only 'Start' is given then 'Inc' is
+assumed to be zero (example, "match user 5"). If values are given for Black
+then the challenger will play the White side (example, "match user 5 0 5 0");
+otherwise the side will be chosen "fairly".
+WHITE|BLACK -- If a color is given, White or Black (w/b), that will be the
+color of the challenger (example, "match user w").
+BOARD_CATEGORY BOARD -- These two parameters must be used together. They
+specify a particular starting position for the game. These parameters can
+only be included when all of the other parameters have also been given. If a
+particular starting position is not supplied, then "standard" and "standard"
+are used (that is, the "regular" starting position for pieces will be used
+with no particular opening). (See the "boards" help file for the categories.)
+match red
+ Challenges user "red" to a match using your default values for Rated, Start
+ and Inc.
+match red 5
+ Challenges user "red" to a match with Start = 5 and Inc = 0 using your
+ default value for Rated.
+match red 30 30 u
+ Challenges user "red" to an unrated match using a 30 minute Start time and
+ 30 second Increments per move ("match red 30 30 0 0" would give the same
+ result.)
+match red 30 0 15 0 w
+ Challenges user "red" to a non-standard, time-odds match with the challenger
+ playing White and "red" playing Black. White will Start with 30 minutes on
+ the clock, and Black will Start with 15 minutes (note that all four values
+ for the time controls must be given for a match with time odds).
+match red 2 12 0 0 openings ruy-lopez
+ Challenges user "red" to a match using the ruy-lopez opening position.
+ (Note that to start from a given board, you must give all four time control
+ values; in this example, you may NOT omit the two zeros.)
+match red 2 12 0 0 wild 3
+ Challenges user "red" to a match using the wild 3 starting position.
+ (Again, all four time control values must be given.)
+match red 5 12 bughouse
+ Challenges user "red" to a bughouse match, once the bughouse teams have been
+ arranged. The word "wild" does not need to be used.
+(a) COUNTER OFFERS: If you receive a match request from a user and you
+request a match with different time controls, then in essence you (a) decline
+the first request but (b) make a request of your own. If your counter request
+has the same time controls, a game will begin.
+(b) RESUMING ADJOURNED GAMES: Use the "match" command to resume an adjourned
+game. Resuming an adjourned game takes precedence over starting a new game.
+The match request, of course, can be declined by your opponent. Adjudications
+of adjourned games are possible.
+users can be filtered by using a formula. If a request fails to meet your
+formula, it is declined automatically for you. Also, you will not receive
+challenges from users on your "censor" list.
+(d) ALIASES: Using aliases can make it easier to challenge other players to
+(e) EXAMINE MODE: Matching yourself ("match your_handle") is a way to enter
+examine mode.
+(f) MATCH TYPE: It is not possible to request a type of match directly, such
+as "match user blitz". How a match is classified depends upon both the Start
+time and the Inc time. An equation is used to determine whether a match will
+be blitz or standard (see the "blitz" help file). You can, however, request a
+bughouse match directly.
+(g) NOPLAY LIST: If you do not want to receive match requests from a
+particular user, place that person on your "noplay" list.
+See Also: accept adjourn adjudicate alias blitz boards bughouse censor
+decline examine formula intro_playing noplay variables [rated, start,
+inc, etc.] withdraw
+[Last modified: December 25, 1995 -- Friar]