path: root/FICS/matchproc.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'FICS/matchproc.c')
1 files changed, 1081 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FICS/matchproc.c b/FICS/matchproc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a2aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FICS/matchproc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+/* matchproc.c
+ *
+ */
+ fics - An internet chess server.
+ Copyright (C) 1993 Richard V. Nash
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+/* Revision history:
+ name email yy/mm/dd Change
+ hersco dhersco@stmarys-ca.edu 95/7/24 Created
+#include "stdinclude.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "talkproc.h"
+#include "comproc.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "ficsmain.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "playerdb.h"
+#include "network.h"
+#include "rmalloc.h"
+#include "variable.h"
+#include "gamedb.h"
+#include "gameproc.h"
+#include "obsproc.h"
+#include "board.h"
+/* #include "hostinfo.h" */
+#include "multicol.h"
+#include "ratings.h"
+#include "formula.h"
+#include "lists.h"
+#include "eco.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+PUBLIC int create_new_match(int white_player, int black_player,
+ int wt, int winc, int bt, int binc,
+ int rated, char *category, char *board,
+ int white)
+ int g = game_new(), p;
+ char outStr[1024];
+ int reverse = 0;
+ if (g < 0)
+ return COM_FAILED;
+ if (white == 0) {
+ reverse = 1;
+ } else if (white == -1) {
+ if ((wt == bt) && (winc == binc)) {
+ if (parray[white_player].lastColor == parray[black_player].lastColor) {
+ if ((parray[white_player].num_white - parray[white_player].num_black) >
+ (parray[black_player].num_white - parray[black_player].num_black))
+ reverse = 1;
+ } else if (parray[white_player].lastColor == WHITE)
+ reverse = 1;
+ } else
+ reverse = 1; /* Challenger is always white in unbalanced
+ match */
+ }
+ if (reverse) {
+ int tmp = white_player;
+ white_player = black_player;
+ black_player = tmp;
+ }
+ player_remove_request(white_player, black_player, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_remove_request(black_player, white_player, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_remove_request(white_player, black_player, PEND_SIMUL);
+ player_remove_request(black_player, white_player, PEND_SIMUL);
+ player_decline_offers(white_player, -1, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_withdraw_offers(white_player, -1, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_decline_offers(black_player, -1, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_withdraw_offers(black_player, -1, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_withdraw_offers(white_player, -1, PEND_SIMUL);
+ player_withdraw_offers(black_player, -1, PEND_SIMUL);
+ wt = wt * 60; /* To Seconds */
+ bt = bt * 60;
+ garray[g].white = white_player;
+ garray[g].black = black_player;
+ strcpy(garray[g].white_name, parray[white_player].name);
+ strcpy(garray[g].black_name, parray[black_player].name);
+ garray[g].status = GAME_ACTIVE;
+ garray[g].type = game_isblitz(wt / 60, winc, bt / 60, binc, category, board);
+ if ((garray[g].type == TYPE_UNTIMED) || (garray[g].type == TYPE_NONSTANDARD))
+ garray[g].rated = 0;
+ else
+ garray[g].rated = rated;
+ garray[g].private = parray[white_player].private ||
+ parray[black_player].private;
+ garray[g].white = white_player;
+ if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BLITZ) {
+ garray[g].white_rating = parray[white_player].b_stats.rating;
+ garray[g].black_rating = parray[black_player].b_stats.rating;
+ } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_WILD) {
+ garray[g].white_rating = parray[white_player].w_stats.rating;
+ garray[g].black_rating = parray[black_player].w_stats.rating;
+ } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_LIGHT) {
+ garray[g].white_rating = parray[white_player].l_stats.rating;
+ garray[g].black_rating = parray[black_player].l_stats.rating;
+ } else if (garray[g].type == TYPE_BUGHOUSE) {
+ garray[g].white_rating = parray[white_player].bug_stats.rating;
+ garray[g].black_rating = parray[black_player].bug_stats.rating;
+ } else {
+ garray[g].white_rating = parray[white_player].s_stats.rating;
+ garray[g].black_rating = parray[black_player].s_stats.rating;
+ }
+ if (board_init(&garray[g].game_state, category, board)) {
+ pprintf(white_player, "PROBLEM LOADING BOARD. Game Aborted.\n");
+ pprintf(black_player, "PROBLEM LOADING BOARD. Game Aborted.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "FICS: PROBLEM LOADING BOARD %s %s. Game Aborted.\n",
+ category, board);
+ }
+ garray[g].game_state.gameNum = g;
+ garray[g].wTime = wt * 10;
+ garray[g].wInitTime = wt * 10;
+ garray[g].wIncrement = winc * 10;
+ garray[g].bTime = bt * 10;
+ if (garray[g].type != TYPE_UNTIMED) {
+ if (wt == 0)
+ garray[g].wTime = 100;
+ if (bt == 0)
+ garray[g].bTime = 100;
+ } /* 0 x games start with 10 seconds */
+#ifdef TIMESEAL
+ garray[g].wRealTime = garray[g].wTime * 100;
+ garray[g].bRealTime = garray[g].bTime * 100;
+ garray[g].wTimeWhenReceivedMove = 0;
+ garray[g].bTimeWhenReceivedMove = 0;
+ garray[g].bInitTime = bt * 10;
+ garray[g].bIncrement = binc * 10;
+ if (garray[g].game_state.onMove == BLACK) { /* Start with black */
+ garray[g].numHalfMoves = 1;
+ garray[g].moveListSize = 1;
+ garray[g].moveList = (move_t *) rmalloc(sizeof(move_t));
+ garray[g].moveList[0].fromFile = -1;
+ garray[g].moveList[0].fromRank = -1;
+ garray[g].moveList[0].toFile = -1;
+ garray[g].moveList[0].toRank = -1;
+ garray[g].moveList[0].color = WHITE;
+ strcpy(garray[g].moveList[0].moveString, "NONE");
+ strcpy(garray[g].moveList[0].algString, "NONE");
+ } else {
+ garray[g].numHalfMoves = 0;
+ garray[g].moveListSize = 0;
+ garray[g].moveList = NULL;
+ }
+ garray[g].timeOfStart = tenth_secs();
+ garray[g].startTime = tenth_secs();
+ garray[g].lastMoveTime = garray[g].startTime;
+ garray[g].lastDecTime = garray[g].startTime;
+ garray[g].clockStopped = 0;
+ sprintf(outStr, "\n{Game %d (%s vs. %s) Creating %s %s match.}\n",
+ g + 1, parray[white_player].name,
+ parray[black_player].name,
+ rstr[garray[g].rated],
+ bstr[garray[g].type]);
+ pprintf(white_player, "%s", outStr);
+ pprintf(black_player, "%s", outStr);
+ for (p = 0; p < p_num; p++) {
+ int gnw, gnb;
+ if ((p == white_player) || (p == black_player))
+ continue;
+ if (parray[p].status != PLAYER_PROMPT)
+ continue;
+ if (parray[p].i_game)
+ pprintf_prompt(p, "%s", outStr);
+ gnw = in_list(p, L_GNOTIFY, parray[white_player].login);
+ gnb = in_list(p, L_GNOTIFY, parray[black_player].login);
+ if (gnw || gnb) {
+ pprintf(p, "Game notification: ");
+ if (gnw)
+ pprintf_highlight(p, parray[white_player].name);
+ else
+ pprintf(p, parray[white_player].name);
+ pprintf(p, " (%s) vs. ",
+ ratstr(GetRating(&parray[white_player], garray[g].type)));
+ if (gnb)
+ pprintf_highlight(p, parray[black_player].name);
+ else
+ pprintf(p, parray[black_player].name);
+ pprintf_prompt(p, " (%s) %s %s %d %d\n",
+ ratstr(GetRating(&parray[black_player], garray[g].type)),
+ rstr[garray[g].rated], bstr[garray[g].type],
+ garray[g].wInitTime/600, garray[g].wIncrement/10);
+ }
+ }
+ parray[white_player].game = g;
+ parray[white_player].opponent = black_player;
+ parray[white_player].side = WHITE;
+ parray[white_player].promote = QUEEN;
+ parray[black_player].game = g;
+ parray[black_player].opponent = white_player;
+ parray[black_player].side = BLACK;
+ parray[black_player].promote = QUEEN;
+ send_boards(g);
+ MakeFENpos(g, garray[g].FENstartPos);
+ return COM_OK;
+PRIVATE int accept_match(int p, int p1)
+ int g, adjourned, foo, which;
+ int wt, winc, bt, binc, rated, white;
+ char category[50], board[50];
+ pending *pend;
+ char tmp[100];
+ int bh=0, pp, pp1;
+ unobserveAll(p); /* stop observing when match starts */
+ unobserveAll(p1);
+ which = player_find_pendfrom(p, p1, PEND_MATCH);
+ pend = &parray[p].p_from_list[which];
+ wt = pend->param1;
+ winc = pend->param2;
+ bt = pend->param3;
+ binc = pend->param4;
+ rated = pend->param5;
+ strcpy (category, pend->char1);
+ strcpy (board, pend->char2);
+ white = (pend->param6 == -1) ? -1 : 1 - pend->param6;
+ pprintf(p, "You accept the challenge of %s.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(p1, "\n%s accepts your challenge.\n", parray[p].name);
+ player_remove_request(p, p1, -1);
+ player_remove_request(p1, p, -1);
+ while ((which = player_find_pendto(p, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[p].p_to_list[which].whoto;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, who was challenging you, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[p].name, parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(p, "Challenge to %s withdrawn.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(p, foo, -1);
+ }
+ while ((which = player_find_pendto(p1, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[p1].p_to_list[which].whoto;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, who was challenging you, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[p1].name, parray[p].name);
+ pprintf(p1, "Challenge to %s withdrawn.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(p1, foo, -1);
+ }
+ while ((which = player_find_pendfrom(p, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[p].p_from_list[which].whofrom;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, whom you were challenging, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[p].name, parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(p, "Challenge from %s removed.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(foo, p, -1);
+ }
+ while ((which = player_find_pendfrom(p1, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[p1].p_from_list[which].whofrom;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, whom you were challenging, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[p1].name, parray[p].name);
+ pprintf(p1, "Challenge from %s removed.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(foo, p1, -1);
+ }
+ if (game_isblitz(wt, winc, bt, binc, category, board) == TYPE_WILD &&
+ strcmp(board, "bughouse") == 0) {
+ bh = 1;
+ if ((pp = parray[p].partner) >= 0 &&
+ (pp1 = parray[p1].partner) >= 0) {
+ unobserveAll(pp); /* stop observing when match starts */
+ unobserveAll(pp1);
+ pprintf(pp, "\nYour partner accepts the challenge of %s.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(pp1, "\nYour partner %s's challenge was accepted.\n", parray[p].name);
+ while ((which = player_find_pendto(pp, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[pp].p_to_list[which].whoto;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, who was challenging you, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[pp].name, parray[pp1].name);
+ pprintf(pp, "Challenge to %s withdrawn.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(pp, foo, -1);
+ }
+ while ((which = player_find_pendto(pp1, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[pp1].p_to_list[which].whoto;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, who was challenging you, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[pp1].name, parray[pp].name);
+ pprintf(pp1, "Challenge to %s withdrawn.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(pp1, foo, -1);
+ }
+ while ((which = player_find_pendfrom(pp, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[pp].p_from_list[which].whofrom;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, whom you were challenging, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[pp].name, parray[pp1].name);
+ pprintf(pp, "Challenge from %s removed.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(foo, pp, -1);
+ }
+ while ((which = player_find_pendfrom(pp1, -1, -1)) != -1) {
+ foo = parray[pp1].p_from_list[which].whofrom;
+ pprintf_prompt(foo, "\n%s, whom you were challenging, has joined a match with %s.\n", parray[pp1].name, parray[pp].name);
+ pprintf(pp1, "Challenge from %s removed.\n", parray[foo].name);
+ player_remove_request(foo, pp1, -1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ g = game_new();
+ adjourned = 0;
+ if (game_read(g, p, p1) >= 0)
+ adjourned = 1;
+ else if (game_read(g, p1, p) >= 0) {
+ int swap;
+ adjourned = 1;
+ swap = p;
+ p = p1;
+ p1 = swap;
+ }
+ if (!adjourned) { /* no adjourned game, so begin a new game */
+ game_remove(g);
+ if (create_new_match(p, p1, wt, winc, bt, binc, rated, category, board, white) != COM_OK) {
+ sprintf(tmp, "There was a problem creating the new match.\n");
+ pprintf(p, tmp);
+ pprintf_prompt(p1, tmp);
+ } else if (bh) {
+ white = (parray[p].side == WHITE ? 0 : 1);
+ if (create_new_match(pp, pp1, wt, winc, bt, binc, rated, category, board, white) != COM_OK) {
+/* sprintf(tmp, "There was a problem creating the new match.\n"); */
+ pprintf_prompt(pp, tmp);
+ pprintf_prompt(pp1, tmp);
+ sprintf(tmp, "There was a problem creating your partner's match.\n");
+ pprintf(p, tmp);
+ pprintf_prompt(p1, tmp);
+ /* abort first game p-p1 IanO: abort_game()? */
+ } else {
+ int g1 = parray[p].game;
+ int g2 = parray[pp].game;
+ garray[g1].link = g2;
+ garray[g2].link = g1;
+ sprintf(tmp, "\nYour partner is playing game %d (%s vs. %s).\n",
+ g2 + 1, garray[g2].white_name, garray[g2].black_name);
+ pprintf(p, tmp);
+ pprintf_prompt(p1, tmp);
+ sprintf(tmp, "\nYour partner is playing game %d (%s vs. %s).\n",
+ g1 + 1, garray[g1].white_name, garray[g1].black_name);
+ pprintf_prompt(pp, tmp);
+ pprintf_prompt(pp1, tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else { /* resume adjourned game */
+ game_delete(p, p1);
+ sprintf(tmp, "{Game %d (%s vs. %s) Continuing %s %s match.}\n",
+ g+1, parray[p].name, parray[p1].name,
+ rstr[garray[g].rated], bstr[garray[g].type]);
+ pprintf(p, tmp);
+ pprintf(p1, tmp);
+ garray[g].white = p;
+ garray[g].black = p1;
+ garray[g].status = GAME_ACTIVE;
+ garray[g].result = END_NOTENDED;
+ garray[g].startTime = tenth_secs();
+ garray[g].lastMoveTime = garray[g].startTime;
+ garray[g].lastDecTime = garray[g].startTime;
+ parray[p].game = g;
+ parray[p].opponent = p1;
+ parray[p].side = WHITE;
+ parray[p1].game = g;
+ parray[p1].opponent = p;
+ parray[p1].side = BLACK;
+#ifdef TIMESEAL
+ garray[g].wRealTime = garray[g].wTime * 100;
+ garray[g].bRealTime = garray[g].bTime * 100;
+ garray[g].wTimeWhenReceivedMove = 0;
+ garray[g].bTimeWhenReceivedMove = 0;
+ send_boards(g);
+ }
+ return COM_OK;
+PUBLIC int com_match(int p, param_list param)
+ int adjourned; /* adjourned game? */
+ int g; /* more adjourned game junk */
+ int p1;
+ int bh=0, pp, pp1;
+ int pendfrom, pendto;
+ int ppend, p1pend;
+ int wt = -1; /* white start time */
+ int winc = -1; /* white increment */
+ int bt = -1; /* black start time */
+ int binc = -1; /* black increment */
+ int rated = -1; /* 1 = rated, 0 = unrated */
+ int white = -1; /* 1 = want white, 0 = want black */
+ char category[100], board[100], parsebuf[100];
+ char *val;
+ textlist *clauses = NULL;
+ int type;
+ int confused = 0;
+ char *colorstr[] = {"", "[black] ", "[white] "};
+ char *adjustr[] = {"", " (adjourned)"};
+ if ((parray[p].game >= 0) && (garray[parray[p].game].status == GAME_EXAMINE)) {
+ pprintf(p, "You can't challenge while you are examining a game.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (parray[p].game >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "You can't challenge while you are playing a game.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ stolower(param[0].val.word);
+ p1 = player_find_part_login(param[0].val.word);
+ if (p1 < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "No user named \"%s\" is logged in.\n", param[0].val.word);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (p1 == p) { /* Allowing to match yourself to enter
+ analysis mode */
+ ExamineScratch (p, param);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (parray[p].open == 0) {
+ parray[p].open = 1;
+ pprintf(p, "Setting you open for matches.\n");
+ }
+ if (!parray[p1].open) {
+ pprintf(p, "Player \"%s\" is not open to match requests.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (parray[p1].game >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Player \"%s\" is involved in another game.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+/* look for an adjourned game between p and p1 */
+ g = game_new();
+ adjourned = (game_read(g, p, p1) >= 0) || (game_read(g, p1, p) >= 0);
+ if (adjourned) {
+ type = garray[g].type;
+ wt = garray[g].wInitTime / 600;
+ bt = garray[g].bInitTime / 600;
+ winc = garray[g].wIncrement / 10;
+ binc = garray[g].bIncrement / 10;
+ rated = garray[g].rated;
+ }
+ game_remove(g);
+ pendto = player_find_pendto(p, p1, PEND_MATCH);
+ pendfrom = player_find_pendfrom(p, p1, PEND_MATCH);
+ category[0] = '\0';
+ board[0] = '\0';
+ if (!adjourned) {
+ if (in_list(p1, L_NOPLAY, parray[p].login)) {
+ pprintf(p, "You are on %s's noplay list.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (player_censored(p1, p)) {
+ pprintf(p, "Player \"%s\" is censoring you.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (player_censored(p, p1)) {
+ pprintf(p, "You are censoring \"%s\".\n", parray[p1].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (param[1].type != TYPE_NULL) {
+ int numba; /* temp for atoi() */
+ val = param[1].val.string;
+ while (!confused && (sscanf(val, " %99s", parsebuf) == 1)) {
+ val = eatword(eatwhite(val));
+ if ((category[0] != '\0') && (board[0] == '\0'))
+ strcpy(board, parsebuf);
+ else if (isdigit(*parsebuf)) {
+ if ((numba = atoi(parsebuf)) < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "You can't specify negative time controls.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ } else if (numba > 1000) {
+ pprintf(p, "You can't specify time or inc above 1000.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ } else if (wt == -1) {
+ wt = numba;
+ } else if (winc == -1) {
+ winc = numba;
+ } else if (bt == -1) {
+ bt = numba;
+ } else if (binc == -1) {
+ binc = numba;
+ } else {
+ confused = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (strstr("rated", parsebuf) != NULL) {
+ if (rated == -1)
+ rated = 1;
+ else
+ confused = 1;
+ } else if (strstr("unrated", parsebuf) != NULL) {
+ if (rated == -1)
+ rated = 0;
+ else
+ confused = 1;
+ } else if (strstr("white", parsebuf) != NULL) {
+ if (white == -1)
+ white = 1;
+ else
+ confused = 1;
+ } else if (strstr("black", parsebuf) != NULL) {
+ if (white == -1)
+ white = 0;
+ else
+ confused = 1;
+ } else if (category[0] == '\0')
+ strcpy(category, parsebuf);
+ else
+ confused = 1;
+ }
+ if (confused) {
+ pprintf(p, "Can't interpret %s in match command.\n", parsebuf);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ rated = ((rated == -1) ? parray[p].rated : rated) && parray[p1].registered && parray[p].registered;
+ if (winc == -1)
+ winc = (wt == -1) ? parray[p].d_inc : 0; /* match 5 == match 5 0 */
+ if (wt == -1)
+ wt = parray[p].d_time;
+ if (bt == -1)
+ bt = wt;
+ if (binc == -1)
+ binc = winc;
+ if (!strcmp(category,"bughouse")) { /* save mentioning wild */
+ (strcpy(board,"bughouse"));
+ (strcpy(category,"wild"));
+ }
+ if (category[0] && !board[0]) {
+ pprintf(p, "You must specify a board and a category.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (category[0]) {
+ char fname[MAX_FILENAME_SIZE];
+ sprintf(fname, "%s/%s/%s", board_dir, category, board);
+ if (!file_exists(fname)) {
+ pprintf(p, "No such category/board: %s/%s\n", category, board);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((pendfrom < 0) && (parray[p1].ropen == 0) && (rated != parray[p1].rated)) {
+ pprintf(p, "%s only wants to play %s games.\n", parray[p1].name,
+ rstr[parray[p1].rated]);
+ pprintf_highlight(p1, "Ignoring");
+ pprintf(p1, " %srated match request from %s.\n",
+ (parray[p1].rated ? "un" : ""), parray[p].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ type = game_isblitz(wt, winc, bt, binc, category, board);
+#if 0
+ if (rated && (type == TYPE_STAND || type == TYPE_BLITZ || type == TYPE_WILD)) {
+ if (parray[p].network_player == parray[p1].network_player) {
+ rated = 1;
+ } else {
+ pprintf(p, "Network vs. local player forced to not rated\n");
+ rated = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rated && (type == TYPE_WILD) && (!strcmp(board,"bughouse"))) {
+ pprintf(p, "Game is bughouse - reverting to unrated\n");
+ rated = 0; /* will need to kill wild and make TYPE_BUGHOUSE */
+ }
+ if (rated && (type == TYPE_NONSTANDARD)) {
+ pprintf(p, "Game is non-standard - reverting to unrated\n");
+ rated = 0;
+ }
+ if (rated && (type == TYPE_UNTIMED)) {
+ pprintf(p, "Game is untimed - reverting to unrated\n");
+ rated = 0;
+ }
+ /* Now check formula. */
+ if ((pendfrom < 0 || param[1].type != TYPE_NULL)
+ && !GameMatchesFormula(p, p1, wt, winc, bt, binc,
+ rated, type, &clauses)) {
+ pprintf(p, "Match request does not fit formula for %s:\n",
+ parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(p, "%s's formula: %s\n", parray[p1].name, parray[p1].formula);
+ ShowClauses (p, p1, clauses);
+ ClearTextList(clauses);
+ pprintf_highlight(p1, "Ignoring");
+ pprintf_prompt(p1, " (formula): %s (%d) %s (%d) %s.\n",
+ parray[p].name,
+ GetRating(&parray[p], type),
+ parray[p1].name,
+ GetRating(&parray[p1], type),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board));
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (type == TYPE_WILD && strcmp(board, "bughouse") == 0) {
+ bh = 1;
+ pp = parray[p].partner;
+ pp1 = parray[p1].partner;
+ if (pp < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "You have no partner for bughouse.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (pp1 < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Your opponent has no partner for bughouse.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (pp == pp1) {
+ pprintf(p, "You and your opponent both chose the same partner!\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (pp == p1 || pp1 == p) {
+ pprintf(p, "You and your opponent can't choose each other as partners!\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (parray[pp].partner != p) {
+ pprintf(p, "Your partner hasn't chosen you as his partner!\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (parray[pp1].partner != p1) {
+ pprintf(p, "Your opponent's partner hasn't chosen your opponent as his partner!\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (!parray[pp].open || parray[pp].game >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Your partner isn't open to play right now.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (!parray[pp1].open || parray[pp1].game >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Your opponent's partner isn't open to play right now.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ /* Bypass NOPLAY lists, censored lists, ratedness, privacy, and formula for now */
+ /* Active challenger/ee will determine these. */
+ }
+ /* Ok match offer will be made */
+ } /* adjourned games shouldn't have to worry
+ about that junk? */
+ if (pendto >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Updating offer already made to \"%s\".\n", parray[p1].name);
+ }
+ if (pendfrom >= 0) {
+ if (pendto >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Internal error\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "FICS: This shouldn't happen. You can't have a match pending from and to the same person.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (adjourned || ((wt == parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].param1) &&
+ (winc == parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].param2) &&
+ (bt == parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].param3) &&
+ (binc == parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].param4) &&
+ (rated == parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].param5) &&
+ ((white == -1) || (white + parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].param6 == 1)) &&
+ (!strcmp(category, parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].char1)) &&
+ (!strcmp(board, parray[p].p_from_list[pendfrom].char2)))) {
+ /* Identical match, should accept! */
+ accept_match(p, p1);
+ return COM_OK;
+ } else {
+ player_remove_pendfrom(p, p1, PEND_MATCH);
+ player_remove_pendto(p1, p, PEND_MATCH);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pendto < 0) {
+ ppend = player_new_pendto(p);
+ if (ppend < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Sorry you can't have any more pending matches.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ p1pend = player_new_pendfrom(p1);
+ if (p1pend < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Sorry %s can't have any more pending matches.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ parray[p].num_to = parray[p].num_to - 1;
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ppend = pendto;
+ p1pend = player_find_pendfrom(p1, p, PEND_MATCH);
+ }
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].param1 = wt;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].param2 = winc;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].param3 = bt;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].param4 = binc;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].param5 = rated;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].param6 = white;
+ strcpy(parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].char1, category);
+ strcpy(parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].char2, board);
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].type = PEND_MATCH;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].whoto = p1;
+ parray[p].p_to_list[ppend].whofrom = p;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].param1 = wt;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].param2 = winc;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].param3 = bt;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].param4 = binc;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].param5 = rated;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].param6 = white;
+ strcpy(parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].char1, category);
+ strcpy(parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].char2, board);
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].type = PEND_MATCH;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].whoto = p1;
+ parray[p1].p_from_list[p1pend].whofrom = p;
+ if (pendfrom >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Declining offer from %s and offering new match parameters.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(p1, "\n%s declines your match offer a match with these parameters:", parray[p].name);
+ }
+ if (pendto >= 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Updating match request to: ");
+ pprintf(p1, "\n%s updates the match request.\n", parray[p].name);
+ } else {
+ pprintf(p, "Issuing: ");
+ pprintf(p1, "\n", parray[p].name);
+ }
+ pprintf(p, "%s (%s) %s", parray[p].name,
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p], type), parray[p].registered),
+ colorstr[white + 1]);
+ pprintf_highlight(p, "%s", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(p, " (%s) %s%s.\n",
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p1], type), parray[p1].registered),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board),
+ adjustr[adjourned]);
+ pprintf(p1, "Challenge: ");
+ pprintf_highlight(p1, "%s", parray[p].name);
+ pprintf(p1, " (%s) %s", ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p], type), parray[p].registered), colorstr[white + 1]);
+ pprintf(p1, "%s (%s) %s%s.\n", parray[p1].name,
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p1], type), parray[p1].registered),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board),
+ adjustr[adjourned]);
+ if (parray[p1].bell == 1)
+ pprintf_noformat(p1, "\007");
+ if (bh) {
+ pprintf(pp, "\nYour bughouse partner issuing %s (%s) %s",
+ parray[p].name, ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p], type),
+ parray[p].registered), colorstr[white + 1]);
+ pprintf_highlight(pp, "%s", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf(pp, " (%s) %s.\n",
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p1], type), parray[p1].registered),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board));
+ pprintf(pp, "Your game would be ");
+ pprintf_highlight(pp, "%s", parray[pp1].name);
+ pprintf_prompt(pp, " (%s) %s%s (%s) %s.\n",
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[pp1], type), parray[pp1].registered),
+ colorstr[white + 1], parray[pp].name,
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[pp], type), parray[pp].registered),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board));
+ if (parray[pp].bell == 1)
+ pprintf_noformat(pp, "\007");
+ pprintf(pp1, "\nYour bughouse partner was challenged ");
+ pprintf_highlight(pp1, "%s", parray[p].name);
+ pprintf(pp1, " (%s) %s", ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p], type), parray[p].registered), colorstr[white + 1]);
+ pprintf(pp1, "%s (%s) %s.\n", parray[p1].name,
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[p1], type), parray[p1].registered),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board));
+ pprintf(pp1, "Your game would be %s (%s) %s", parray[pp1].name,
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[pp1], type), parray[pp1].registered),
+ colorstr[white + 1]);
+ pprintf_highlight(pp1, "%s", parray[pp].name);
+ pprintf_prompt(pp1, " (%s) %s.\n",
+ ratstrii(GetRating(&parray[pp], type), parray[pp].registered),
+ game_str(rated, wt * 60, winc, bt * 60, binc, category, board));
+ if (parray[pp1].bell == 1)
+ pprintf_noformat(pp1, "\007");
+ }
+ if (in_list(p, L_COMPUTER, parray[p].name)) {
+ pprintf(p1, "--** %s is a ", parray[p].name);
+ pprintf_highlight(p1, "computer");
+ pprintf(p1, " **--\n");
+ }
+ if (in_list(p, L_COMPUTER, parray[p1].name)) {
+ pprintf(p, "--** %s is a ", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf_highlight(p, "computer");
+ pprintf(p, " **--\n");
+ }
+ if (in_list(p, L_ABUSER, parray[p].name)) {
+ pprintf(p1, "--** %s is in the ", parray[p].name);
+ pprintf_highlight(p1, "abuser");
+ pprintf(p1, " list **--\n");
+ }
+ if (in_list(p, L_ABUSER, parray[p1].name)) {
+ pprintf(p, "--** %s is in the ", parray[p1].name);
+ pprintf_highlight(p, "abuser");
+ pprintf(p, " list **--\n");
+ }
+ if (rated) {
+ int win, draw, loss;
+ double newsterr;
+ rating_sterr_delta(p1, p, type, time(0), RESULT_WIN, &win, &newsterr);
+ rating_sterr_delta(p1, p, type, time(0), RESULT_DRAW, &draw, &newsterr);
+ rating_sterr_delta(p1, p, type, time(0), RESULT_LOSS, &loss, &newsterr);
+ pprintf(p1, "Your %s rating will change: Win: %s%d, Draw: %s%d, Loss: %s%d\n",
+ bstr[type],
+ (win >= 0) ? "+" : "", win,
+ (draw >= 0) ? "+" : "", draw,
+ (loss >= 0) ? "+" : "", loss);
+ pprintf(p1, "Your new RD will be %5.1f\n", newsterr);
+ rating_sterr_delta(p, p1, type, time(0), RESULT_WIN, &win, &newsterr);
+ rating_sterr_delta(p, p1, type, time(0), RESULT_DRAW, &draw, &newsterr);
+ rating_sterr_delta(p, p1, type, time(0), RESULT_LOSS, &loss, &newsterr);
+ pprintf(p, "Your %s rating will change: Win: %s%d, Draw: %s%d, Loss: %s%d\n",
+ bstr[type],
+ (win >= 0) ? "+" : "", win,
+ (draw >= 0) ? "+" : "", draw,
+ (loss >= 0) ? "+" : "", loss);
+ pprintf(p, "Your new RD will be %5.1f\n", newsterr);
+ }
+ pprintf_prompt(p1, "You can \"accept\" or \"decline\", or propose different parameters.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+PUBLIC int com_accept(int p, param_list param)
+ int acceptNum = -1;
+ int from;
+ int type = -1;
+ int p1;
+ if (parray[p].num_from == 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "You have no offers to accept.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (param[0].type == TYPE_NULL) {
+ if (parray[p].num_from != 1) {
+ pprintf(p, "You have more than one offer to accept.\nUse \"pending\" to see them and \"accept n\" to choose which one.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ acceptNum = 0;
+ } else if (param[0].type == TYPE_INT) {
+ if ((param[0].val.integer < 1) || (param[0].val.integer > parray[p].num_from)) {
+ pprintf(p, "Out of range. Use \"pending\" to see the list of offers.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ acceptNum = param[0].val.integer - 1;
+ } else if (param[0].type == TYPE_WORD) {
+ if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "draw")) {
+ type = PEND_DRAW;
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "pause")) {
+ type = PEND_PAUSE;
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "adjourn")) {
+ type = PEND_ADJOURN;
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "abort")) {
+ type = PEND_ABORT;
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "takeback")) {
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "simmatch")) {
+ type = PEND_SIMUL;
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "switch")) {
+ type = PEND_SWITCH;
+ } else if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "partner")) {
+ type = PEND_PARTNER;
+ }
+#if 0 /* I don't think 'accept all' makes sense. -- hersco */
+ if (!strcmp(param[0].val.word, "all")) {
+ while (parray[p].num_from != 0) {
+ pcommand(p, "accept 1");
+ }
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (type >= 0) {
+ if ((acceptNum = player_find_pendfrom(p, -1, type)) < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "There are no pending %s offers.\n", param[0].val.word);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ } else { /* Word must be a name */
+ p1 = player_find_part_login(param[0].val.word);
+ if (p1 < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "No user named \"%s\" is logged in.\n", param[0].val.word);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if ((acceptNum = player_find_pendfrom(p, p1, -1)) < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "There are no pending offers from %s.\n", parray[p1].name);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ from = parray[p].p_from_list[acceptNum].whofrom;
+ switch (parray[p].p_from_list[acceptNum].type) {
+ case PEND_MATCH:
+ accept_match(p, from);
+ return (COM_OK);
+ break;
+ case PEND_DRAW:
+ pcommand(p, "draw");
+ break;
+ case PEND_PAUSE:
+ pcommand(p, "pause");
+ break;
+ case PEND_ABORT:
+ pcommand(p, "abort");
+ break;
+ pcommand(p, "takeback %d", parray[p].p_from_list[acceptNum].param1);
+ break;
+ case PEND_SIMUL:
+ pcommand(p, "simmatch %s", parray[from].name);
+ break;
+ pcommand(p, "switch");
+ break;
+ pcommand(p, "adjourn");
+ break;
+ pcommand(p, "partner %s", parray[from].name);
+ break;
+ }
+int WordToOffer (int p, char *Word, int *type, int *p1)
+ /* Convert draw adjourn match takeback abort pause
+ simmatch switch partner or <name> to offer type. */
+ if (!strcmp(Word, "match")) {
+ *type = PEND_MATCH;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "draw")) {
+ *type = PEND_DRAW;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "pause")) {
+ *type = PEND_PAUSE;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "abort")) {
+ *type = PEND_ABORT;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "takeback")) {
+ *type = PEND_TAKEBACK;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "adjourn")) {
+ *type = PEND_ADJOURN;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "switch")) {
+ *type = PEND_SWITCH;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "simul")) {
+ *type = PEND_SIMUL;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "partner")) {
+ *type = PEND_PARTNER;
+ } else if (!strcmp(Word, "all")) {
+ } else {
+ *p1 = player_find_part_login(Word);
+ if (*p1 < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "No user named \"%s\" is logged in.\n", Word);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+PUBLIC int com_decline(int p, param_list param)
+ int declineNum;
+ int p1 = -1, type = -1;
+ int count;
+ if (parray[p].num_from == 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "You have no pending offers from other players.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (param[0].type == TYPE_NULL) {
+ if (parray[p].num_from == 1) {
+ p1 = parray[p].p_from_list[0].whofrom;
+ type = parray[p].p_from_list[0].type;
+ } else {
+ pprintf(p, "You have more than one pending offer. Please specify which one\nyou wish to decline.\n'Pending' will give you the list.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (param[0].type == TYPE_WORD) {
+ if (!WordToOffer (p, param[0].val.word, &type, &p1))
+ return COM_OK;
+ } else { /* Must be an integer */
+ declineNum = param[0].val.integer - 1;
+ if (declineNum >= parray[p].num_from || declineNum < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Invalid offer number. Must be between 1 and %d.\n", parray[p].num_from);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ p1 = parray[p].p_from_list[declineNum].whofrom;
+ type = parray[p].p_from_list[declineNum].type;
+ }
+ }
+ count = player_decline_offers(p, p1, type);
+ if (count != 1)
+ pprintf(p, "%d offers declined\n", count);
+ return COM_OK;
+PUBLIC int com_withdraw(int p, param_list param)
+ int withdrawNum;
+ int p1 = -1, type = -1;
+ int count;
+ if (parray[p].num_to == 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "You have no pending offers to other players.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ if (param[0].type == TYPE_NULL) {
+ if (parray[p].num_to == 1) {
+ p1 = parray[p].p_to_list[0].whoto;
+ type = parray[p].p_to_list[0].type;
+ } else {
+ pprintf(p, "You have more than one pending offer. Please specify which one\nyou wish to withdraw.\n'Pending' will give you the list.\n");
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (param[0].type == TYPE_WORD) {
+ if (!WordToOffer (p, param[0].val.word, &type, &p1))
+ return COM_OK;
+ } else { /* Must be an integer */
+ withdrawNum = param[0].val.integer - 1;
+ if (withdrawNum >= parray[p].num_to || withdrawNum < 0) {
+ pprintf(p, "Invalid offer number. Must be between 1 and %d.\n", parray[p].num_to);
+ return COM_OK;
+ }
+ p1 = parray[p].p_to_list[withdrawNum].whoto;
+ type = parray[p].p_to_list[withdrawNum].type;
+ }
+ }
+ count = player_withdraw_offers(p, p1, type);
+ if (count != 1)
+ pprintf(p, "%d offers withdrawn\n", count);
+ return COM_OK;
+PUBLIC int com_pending(int p, param_list param)
+ int i;
+ if (!parray[p].num_to) {
+ pprintf(p, "There are no offers pending TO other players.\n");
+ } else {
+ pprintf(p, "Offers TO other players:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < parray[p].num_to; i++) {
+ pprintf(p, " ");
+ player_pend_print(p, &parray[p].p_to_list[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!parray[p].num_from) {
+ pprintf(p, "\nThere are no offers pending FROM other players.\n");
+ } else {
+ pprintf(p, "\nOffers FROM other players:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < parray[p].num_from; i++) {
+ pprintf(p, " %d: ", i + 1);
+ player_pend_print(p, &parray[p].p_from_list[i]);
+ }
+ pprintf(p, "\nIf you wish to accept any of these offers type 'accept n'\nor just 'accept' if there is only one offer.\n");
+ }
+ return COM_OK;