path: root/FICS/makerank.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'FICS/makerank.c')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FICS/makerank.c b/FICS/makerank.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe04fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FICS/makerank.c
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#define COMPUTER_FILE DEFAULT_LISTS "/computer"
+#define MAX_LOGIN_NAME 21
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "config.h"
+char *rnames[] = {"std", "blitz", "wild", "lightning"};
+typedef struct _ratings {
+ int rating;
+ int num;
+} ratings;
+typedef struct _Entry {
+ char name[MAX_LOGIN_NAME];
+ ratings r[4];
+ int computer;
+ENTRY **list;
+ENTRY **sortme;
+int GetPlayerInfo(char *fileName, ENTRY *e)
+ FILE *fp;
+ char line[100];
+ char field[20];
+ char NameWithCase[30];
+ int i, done = 0;
+ e->computer = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ e->r[i].num = 0;
+ e->r[i].rating = 0;
+ }
+ fp = fopen(fileName, "r");
+ fgets(line, 99, fp);
+ if (feof(fp))
+ return(0);
+ if (!strcmp(line, "v 1\n")) {
+ fgets(line, 99, fp);
+ sscanf(line, "%s", e->name);
+ fgets(line, 99, fp);
+ fgets(line, 99, fp);
+ fgets(line, 99, fp);
+ if (fscanf(fp, "%u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %u %*u %*u %*u %*u", &(e->r[0].num), &(e->r[0].rating), &(e->r[1].num), &(e->r[1].rating), &(e->r[2].num), &(e->r[2].rating), &(e->r[3].num), &(e->r[3].rating)) != 8)
+ fprintf(stderr, "OOPS: couldn't parse player file %s.\n", fileName);
+ } else do {
+ sscanf(line, "%s", field);
+ if (!strcmp(field, "Name:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %s", NameWithCase);
+ if (strcasecmp(e->name, NameWithCase))
+ printf("TROUBLE: %s's handle is listed as %s.\n",
+ e->name, NameWithCase);
+ else
+ strcpy(e->name, NameWithCase);
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "S_NUM:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[0].num));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "B_NUM:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[1].num));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "W_NUM:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[2].num));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "L_NUM:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[3].num));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "S_RATING:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[0].rating));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "B_RATING:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[1].rating));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "W_RATING:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[2].rating));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "L_RATING:")) {
+ sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &(e->r[3].rating));
+ } else if (!strcmp(field, "Network:")) {
+ done = 1;
+ }
+ fgets(line, 99, fp);
+ } while (!done && !feof(fp));
+ fclose(fp);
+ return (1);
+int LoadEntries(void)
+ int listsize;
+ FILE *fpPlayerList;
+ char letter1;
+ char command[90];
+ char pathInput[80];
+ ENTRY e;
+ int len, n = 0;
+ listsize = 100;
+ list = malloc(sizeof(ENTRY *)*listsize);
+ for (letter1 = 'a'; letter1 <= 'z'; letter1++) {
+ printf("Loading %c's.\n", letter1);
+ sprintf(pathInput, "%s/%c", DEFAULT_PLAYERS, letter1);
+ sprintf(command, "ls -1 %s", pathInput);
+ fpPlayerList = popen(command, "r");
+ if (fpPlayerList == NULL)
+ continue;
+ while (1) {
+ fgets(e.name, MAX_LOGIN_NAME, fpPlayerList);
+ if (feof(fpPlayerList))
+ break;
+ len = strlen(e.name);
+ e.name[len - 1] = '\0';
+ if (e.name[0] != letter1)
+ printf("File %c/%s: wrong directory.\n", letter1, e.name);
+ else {
+ sprintf(pathInput, "%s/%c/%s", DEFAULT_PLAYERS, letter1, e.name);
+ if (GetPlayerInfo(pathInput, &e)) {
+ if ((list[n] = malloc(sizeof(ENTRY))) == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "malloc() failed!\n");
+ } else {
+ memcpy(list[n], &e, sizeof(ENTRY));
+ n++;
+ if (n == listsize) {
+ listsize += 100;
+ list = realloc(list, listsize*sizeof(ENTRY *));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(fpPlayerList);
+ }
+ return (n);
+int SetComputers(int n)
+ FILE *fpComp;
+ int i = 0;
+ char line[100], comp[30];
+ sprintf(line, "sort -f %s", COMPUTER_FILE);
+ fpComp = popen(line, "r");
+ if (fpComp == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ while (i < n) {
+ fgets(comp, 29, fpComp);
+ if (feof(fpComp))
+ break;
+ comp[strlen(comp) - 1] = '\0';
+ while (i < n && strcasecmp(list[i]->name, comp) < 0)
+ i++;
+ if (i < n && strcasecmp(list[i]->name, comp) == 0) {
+ list[i++]->computer = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(fpComp);
+ return(1);
+int rtype;
+int sortfunc(const void *i, const void *j)
+ int n = (*(ENTRY **)j)->r[rtype].rating - (*(ENTRY **)i)->r[rtype].rating;
+ return n ? n : strcasecmp((*(ENTRY **)i)->name, (*(ENTRY **)j)->name);
+void makerank(void)
+ int sortnum, sortmesize, i, n;
+ FILE *fp;
+ char fName[200];
+ printf("Loading players\n");
+ n = LoadEntries();
+ printf("Found %d players.\n", n);
+ printf("Setting computers.\n");
+ SetComputers(n);
+ for (rtype = 0; rtype < 4; rtype++) {
+ sortnum = 0; sortmesize = 100;
+ sortme = malloc(sizeof(ENTRY *)*sortmesize);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (list[i]->r[rtype].rating) {
+ sortme[sortnum++] = list[i];
+ if (sortnum == sortmesize) {
+ sortmesize += 100;
+ sortme = realloc(sortme, sortmesize*sizeof(ENTRY *));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Sorting %d %s.\n", sortnum, rnames[rtype]);
+ qsort(sortme, sortnum, sizeof(ENTRY *), sortfunc);
+ printf("Saving to file.\n");
+ sprintf(fName, "%s/rank.%s", DEFAULT_STATS, rnames[rtype]);
+ fp = fopen(fName, "w");
+ for (i = 0; i < sortnum; i++)
+ fprintf(fp, "%s %d %d %d\n", sortme[i]->name, sortme[i]->r[rtype].rating, sortme[i]->r[rtype].num, sortme[i]->computer);
+ fclose(fp);
+ free(sortme);
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ printf("usage: %s.\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ makerank();
+ }
+ return (0);