path: root/data/help/formula
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authorMarkus Uhlin <markus@nifty-networks.net>2023-12-07 21:31:49 +0100
committerMarkus Uhlin <markus@nifty-networks.net>2023-12-07 21:31:49 +0100
commit79b59f9b30fb6a1fdf8c3efb446271f7cb00d434 (patch)
treef6ade4ccbc3af20d825edacfd12b5da8ded8d240 /data/help/formula
FICS 1.6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'data/help/formula')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/formula b/data/help/formula
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..815cac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/formula
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+Usage: set formula <formula-expression>
+ The formula variable filters out match requests. If you have a formula set,
+then any match request not satisfying your formula is automatically declined;
+you will be notified that the offer was made and rejected by your formula. If
+you make an offer that fails a player's formula, you will be given this
+feedback. A user's formula and f-variable settings are displayed using the
+"variables" command. You disable (turn off) your formula by typing "set
+formula". This will, in essence, erase your current formula setting.
+ Here are some simple examples, with descriptions in [] brackets:
+ blitz [match must be blitz]
+ !wild [match must be non-wild]
+ inc >= 10 [match must have an increment of 10 or higher]
+ Create or modify a formula by using the "set" command. For example, "set
+formula blitz". Special variables (f1-f9) can also be established using the
+"set" command; these variables make it easier to modify your formula depending
+upon your mood.
+ (1) Decide whether you will be changing your formula often. If so, think
+about using f-variables to make these changes easier.
+ (2) Decide exactly what kinds of filters you want to have, such as type of
+game, time controls, and kinds of opponents.
+ (3) Review the available formula operators and pre-defined variables (listed
+below) to see which ones fit your needs.
+ (4) Write out your formula and f-variables on paper to make sure that their
+"logic" works.
+ (5) Enter the logical expressions for the f-variables and formula using the
+"set" command.
+ Changing your f-variables and formula follows the same procedures.
+ Several variables are allowed in formula settings. Some of these variables
+hold numerical information while others are Boolean (true/false, 1/0). Here
+is a list of allowed variables, where Boolean variables are denoted by "(B)":
+ The following variables are allowed in formulas:
+ Variable Description
+ ------------ ---------------------------------------------------
+ abuser 1 if opponent is on the abuser list; 0 otherwise (B)
+ assessdraw How many rating points you will gain/lose by drawing a
+ chess match
+ assessloss How many rating points you will lose by losing a chess
+ match
+ assesswin How many rating points you will gain by winning a chess
+ match
+ blitz 1 if match is blitz in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ computer 1 if opponent is a computer; 0 otherwise (B)
+ inc Increment time for each player
+ lightning 1 if match is lightning in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ maxtime(n) The maximum time n moves will take for BOTH players
+ (in seconds) [you must supply the 'n' value]
+ mymaxtime(n) The maximum time n moves will take YOU (in seconds)
+ [you must supply the 'n' value]
+ myrating Your rating
+ nonstandard 1 if the game will have different time controls for the
+ two players; 0 otherwise (B)
+ private 1 if game will be private; 0 otherwise (B)
+ rated 1 if game will be rated; 0 otherwise (B)
+ rating Opponent's rating
+ ratingdiff The difference between opponent's rating and your
+ rating [rating - myrating]
+ registered 1 if opponent is a registered user; 0 otherwise (B)
+ standard 1 if game will be standard in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ timeseal 1 if opponent has timeseal; 0 otherwise (B)
+ time Start time for each player
+ untimed 1 if game will not involve the clock; 0 otherwise (B)
+ wild 1 if game will be wild in type; 0 otherwise (B)
+ Also, the word "minutes" is allowed after a number that is not enclosed in
+parentheses (but right now, you must use "1 minutes"; the singular is not
+recognized). The word has the effect of multiplying the previous number by
+60, thus turning minute-values into seconds-values -- important for the
+maxtime and mymaxtime variables. For example, "2 minutes" would yield the
+value of "120".
+ The following formula operators are allowed; their order of precedence in
+the calculations and evaluations is listed. Sometimes more than one set of
+symbols leads to the same result. When functions in the formula have equal
+precedence, the precedence is from left to right.
+ Symbol Function Precedence
+ ------ ------------------------------- ----------
+ ! not; negation 1
+ - minus [as in -20 or -variable] 1
+ * multiplication 2
+ / division 2
+ + addition 3
+ - subtraction 3
+ < less than 4
+ <= less than or equal to [ =< also works] 4
+ > greater than 4
+ >= greater than or equal to [ => also works] 4
+ = equals [ == also works] 5
+ != not equals [ <> also works] 6
+ & and [ && also works as does 'and'] 7
+ | or [ || also works as does 'or'] 8
+ Parentheses () are allowed in formulas and function as they do in numerical
+equations: expressions within parentheses are evaluated first. You can use
+the pound sign '#' after your settings to provide comments and reminders to
+yourself. NOTE: The program divides by a fudge factor of .001 instead of
+dividing by 0.
+ F1 through f9 are user-defined formula variables changed by using the "set"
+command. These variables can return either numerical or Boolean results.
+They make it easy to change one part of your formula without retying the whole
+thing, or to adjust your formula depending on your mood. For example, if your
+various f-variables were ...
+ f1 rated & time=5 & inc=0 # rated 5 minute games
+ f2 ratingdiff
+ f3 maxtime(40) >= 2*8minutes # at least 8 mins each for 40 moves
+ f4 f2>400 # I want a REAL fight
+ f5 !abuser
+ f6 standard | (ratingdiff<200 & blitz)
+... then, depending on your mood, you could type one of the following:
+ set formula f1 & f5 # rated 5 min. games only
+ set formula f2 > -100 # long games, decent competition
+ set formula f1 & !f4
+-or- set formula f2 >= 0 | blitz
+ You define an f-variable using the "set" command. With respect to the above
+examples, you would type such lines as ...
+ set f2 ratingdiff
+ set f4 f2>400 # I want a REAL fight
+ set f5 !abuser
+*** Special Note ***
+Be careful how you write the f-variables. Make sure they have the proper
+sequence. For example, f5 can refer to f2 but f5 cannot refer to f8.
+ Using maxtime sets the expected total time for the game. If your formula
+(or f-variable) included the following expression ...
+ maxtime(30) <= 10 minutes
+... this would allow no more than 10 minutes total time for the first 30 moves
+of the game (5 minutes for each player, or any other combination).
+CREDITS: Formula program for FICS written by Dave Herscovici (hersco)
+See Also: assess blitz lightning match timeseal variables
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]