path: root/data/help/alias
diff options
authorMarkus Uhlin <markus@nifty-networks.net>2023-12-07 21:31:49 +0100
committerMarkus Uhlin <markus@nifty-networks.net>2023-12-07 21:31:49 +0100
commit79b59f9b30fb6a1fdf8c3efb446271f7cb00d434 (patch)
treef6ade4ccbc3af20d825edacfd12b5da8ded8d240 /data/help/alias
FICS 1.6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'data/help/alias')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/help/alias b/data/help/alias
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b10fc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/help/alias
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Usage: alias [word [string]]
+ Sets up a command alias so that "word" is equivalent to typing "string". If
+"string" is omitted then the current value of "word" is displayed. If both
+parameters are omitted, then all of your aliases are displayed.
+ "alias" -- lists all of your aliases
+ "alias word" -- gives your alias for "word"
+ "alias word string" -- creates/updates an alias for you so that typing
+ "word" is equivalent to typing "string"
+ Use the "unalias" command to remove an alias.
+ Here are some sample aliases that may be useful to you. They are listed
+here in order to give you some idea of what is possible. Get ideas from other
+users as well.
+ fun say Fun game!
+ gg say Good game!
+ gm say Good move!
+ idle set busy is busy. Please 'message' to contact him.
+ mb match @ 5 12
+ mood1 set formula f2 & f4
+ ms match @ 10 10
+ ps who as
+ pw who aw
+ ty say Thank you for the game.
+ w4 match @ 10 10 0 0 wild 4
+ wave it waves to @
+ There are many system aliases that everyone has by default; you do not need
+to set them up, they are already there. Here is the list:
+ a accept . tell .
+ bye quit , tell ,
+ cls help cls ! shout
+ exit quit : it
+ f finger ? help
+ go goboard * kibitz
+ goto goboard + addlist
+ hi history - sublist
+ logout quit # whisper
+ m match
+ more next
+ p who a
+ players who a
+ re refresh
+ saa simallabort
+ sab simabort
+ sadj simadjourn
+ saadj simalladjourn
+ sh shout
+ sn simnext
+ sp simprev
+ t tell
+ v variables
+ vars variables
+ w who
+ znotl znotify
+ Other system aliases are added from time to time. The help files for the
+different commands will have the most updated information.
+ Becareful to avoid using an alias that can also stand for another command on
+the server. For example, "fg" could be a chess move (for f-pawn X g-pawn), so
+don't have "fg" be an alias. For similar reasons, don't use "t" as an alias
+since it is already assigned as an alias for "tell". For example, avoid using
+"hi" to mean not "history" but something else, like "tell @ Hello there. How
+are you?" If you later "unalias" your "hi" alias, the "hi" system alias for
+"history" may not come back automatically.
+ (1) Aliases can use the "@" wildcard symbol and thus save you a lot of
+typing for routine statements or requests. For example, using the "mb" alias,
+you would type "mb Shane" and have the same request sent as if you had typed
+"match Shane 5 12".
+ (2) Aliases are not transitive. This sequence of commands ...
+ alias foo bar
+ alias bar baz
+... will NOT result in "foo" being equivalent to "baz".
+ (3) Because of #3, use the full spelling of a command, not an abbreviation,
+when creating an alias. This procedure also ensures that the alias will work
+ (4) You may not create an alias for the quit command.
+See Also: unalias [and the various commands themselves, of course]
+[Last modified: December 17, 1995 -- Friar]